                       Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) 10.0
                           MIL 10 with Processing Pack 1
                           Release Notes (MilLinux)
                                 November, 2015
            (c) Copyright Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2015.

This document outlines limitations and notes when using
MIL under Linux.

1. What's new in MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1
2. Conventions in this readme file
3. Installation
4. Supported distributions
5. Packages required 
6. Recompiling examples
7. Licensing
8. Intellicam utility and the MIL Processing GUIs
9. Display
10. Boards and drivers
   10.1 Matrox Solios
   10.2 Matrox Radients
      10.2.1 Serial port
10.3 Matrox GigE Vision
   10.3.1 Bandwidth optimisation
   10.3.2 Firewall
   10.3.3 Multiple Interfaces Ubuntu RHEL
   10.3.4 Configuration Notes
11. Security and permissions.
12. Configuration
13. Firewall

1 - What's new in MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1

  * Updated list of supported Linux distributions (see section 4)
  * Added support for Radient eV-CL.
  * Radient serial ports now appear as /dev/RadientS* instead of /dev/ttyS*
  * Radient eV-CL serial ports now appear as /dev/RadienteVCLS* instead of /dev/ttyS*
2. Conventions in this readme file
  * Command lines starting with # must be executed with root permissions, 
    either as the root user or using the sudo command. Command lines starting 
    with $ can be executed without root permissions.

3. Installation

  * Before installing MIL, make sure the required packages are installed; 
    see "Section 4. Packages required" in this readme file.

  * If you use sudo and wish to use the graphical installer, you may
    need to execute the following command prior to starting the installation:

    $ xhost si:localuser:root

    This will be necessary on a default installation of RHEL but not on a
    default installation of Ubuntu.

  * To install the full version of MIL, execute the following command:

    # sh ./mil-10.10_XXXX-installer.run
    Whereas, to install MIL-Lite, execute the following command:
    # sh ./mil-lite-10.10_XXXX-installer.run
    Replace XXXX with the MIL build number.
  * During installation, a new group named mil is added to the /etc/group file, 
    and you will be prompted to add at least one valid user to this group. Any 
    user in this group can change the MIL configuration using the MILConfig 
    utility (modify examples, recompile MIL drivers, and manage the Distributed 
    MIL services).

    Note that you don't need to add the root user to the mil group. 

  * During installation, MIL drivers will be compiled to match the version of 
    the running kernel. After installation, any user in the mil group can 
    recompile the drivers by accessing the "Driver Status" page of the 
    MILConfig utility, and then clicking on the "Compile Drivers" button.
  * To uninstall MIL completely, execute the following command:

    # mil-uninstall

4. Supported distributions
    Red Hat Enterprise   7.0 and 7.1  64-bit
    CentOS               7.0 and 7.1  64-bit
    Ubuntu LTS           14.04        32/64-bit (Note: this is the last release with 32-bit support)
    SUSE Enterprise      12.0         64-bit

5. Packages required 

    Typically, MIL requires the following packages to run under each 
    supported Linux distribution. You will not be able to install MIL 
    if these packages are not installed:

    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
      Runtime: lsb-core setserial
      Development: libx11-dev
      Installation command to use to install the packages:
      CLI: apt-get
           For example: apt-get install lsb-core setserial
      GUI: synaptic  
          (Menu System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager)

    RHEL 7.x
      Development: Choose "Software Development" during the installation
      Installation command to use to install the package:
      CLI : rpm
            For example: rpm -Uvh package_name.rpm

    SLE 12.0
      Development: Choose "C/C++ Compiler and Tools " during the installation
      Installation command to use to install the package:
      GUI : yast
           (Applications->System Tools->YaST->Software Management)

    If you want to recompile the Gtk and Qt examples, the following packages 
    must be installed:
       * gtk2-devel
       * qt4-devel or qt5-devel

    You might need to install additional packages, depending on the following:
       * The installed edition of Linux (Desktop Edition/Alternate Edition/
         Server Edition). 
       * The installed distribution of Linux is an unsupported distribution.

6. Recompiling examples

  * If you want to recompile the examples in the installation directory, open a 
    console window and type:

    $ cd $MILDIR/examples
    $ make clean; make

  * The first example that you should try running is:
    $ cd MappStart
    $ ./mappstart

7. Licensing

  * The Matrox Concord cannot be used as a fingerprint for licensing.

8. Intellicam utility and the MIL Processing GUIs

  * The Intellicam utility and the MIL Processing GUIs are not supported under 

9 Display

  * Buffers with the attributes M_DIB, M_DIRECTX, and/or M_VIDEO_MEMORY 
    are not supported.

  * M_NO_TEARING is not supported in windowed mode. 

  * When using an exclusive display, if you obtain the message "vcf exceeds 
    monitor capabilities" and you are using an old version of the Xorg server, 
    make sure the "Virtual" option in the Display subsection of your xorg.conf 
    file is set appropriately. This option sets the maximum size of the virtual 
    desktop, and should be set to a size that is at least as large as the 
    exclusive display size, established by the selected VCF. In the following 
    example, the virtual desktop size 
    is 2048x2048:
	SubSection "Display"
        Depth		24
        Modes		"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        Virtual      2048 2048 

    Note that the maximum size of the virtual desktop depends on the amount of 
    display memory.

10. Boards and drivers

  * The XEN kernels are not supported.
  * The PAE kernels are not tested.
  10.1 Matrox Solios
     * The Matrox Solios Processing FPGA is not supported.

  10.2  Matrox Radients

    10.2.1  Serial ports

        * Matrox Radient has 1, 2, or 4 serial interfaces (each controlled by a 
          UART); the number of serial interfaces depends on the version of the 
        * By default, the standard Linux serial port driver does not properly 
          identify the Matrox Radient serial interfaces.  They will therefore
          not be available as /dev/ttyS* as ordinary serial port.  The Radient
          or Radient eV-CL driver will create /dev/RadientS* or /dev/RadienteVCLS*
          device which can be used like any ttyS*
  10.3 Matrox GigE Vision

    10.3.1  Bandwidth optimisation

      If you are using a high bandwith camera, you should raise the MTU (Ethernet 
      packet size) value above the 1500 default. The optimal value is dependant 
      on your machines and network configuration. You can change this in 
      NetworkManager on RedHat or Ubuntu. You can also use either of these two 

      # ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000

      # ip link set eth0 mtu 9000

      Of course, you should change eth0 for whichever interface your camera is 
      connected to and 9000 for the value you want for the MTU.

      When running in a debugger, the camera heart beat will be disabled 
      (if supported) or increased to 5 minutes.

    10.3.2  Firewall

      If your firewall is enabled, you will need to allow UDP packets coming from 
      port 3956 (gvcp) to pass or MIL will not be able to detect cameras on your 
      network.  To do so, you can issue this command:

      # iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --sport gvcp -j ACCEPT

      This command will need to be done at every reboot. You will need to consult 
      your distro's documentation to make it permanent.

    10.3.3  Multiple Interfaces 

      If you have more than one interfaces on the same subnet, as is the case when 
      using multiple cameras with auto-ip(a 169.254.X.X address), you will need to
      configure a bridge between those interfaces.  Ubuntu
        Under Ubuntu, to make the change permanent you need to change
        /etc/network/interfaces with these lines:

        iface eth3 inet manual
        iface eth4 inet manual

        auto br0
        iface br0 inet static
            bridge_ports eth3 eth4
            bridge_fd 0

        Of course, you can have more than two interfaces in a bridge and you should 
        change eth3 and eth4 for whichever interfaces your cameras are connected 
        to.  Your bridge doesn't have to be named br0.  To make those change active
        you will need to restart your networking or reboot. RHEL
        Under RHEL, You will need to add the file 
        /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 with the following content:


        In addition, for every interfaces (ex: eth3, eth4 ...) you want part of this
        bridge, you will need to modify its configuration file (ex: 
        /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-Auto-eth3 or 
        /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3 ).  You will need to modify or
        add the following lines to set these variables to those values.


        To make those changes active you will need to restart your networking
        or reboot.

    10.3.4 Configuration Notes
      We noted that under SUSE the link-local (Zeroconf) configuration option doesn't
      seems to always optain an IP address.  You might want to use a static IP
      configuration instead.
11. Security and permissions

  * To prevent permission access errors, two users should not be running MIL 
    at the same time on the same computer.
  * Note that the MIL installer changes the sudo configuration file 
    (/etc/sudoers) so that MIL can shutdown a user’s computer after 
    updating the firmware of their installed Matrox Imaging boards. 
    Changing the configuration file is required because when you run a 
    MIL example/application, MIL automatically detects whether the 
    firmware of each installed Matrox Imaging board is up-to-date. 
    If it is not, MIL will update the firmware of the board and then 
    request to shutdown the computer. If the current user does not have 
    sufficient privileges, they will not be able to proceed with the required 
    shutdown and the current example/application will wait indefinitely.
    After uninstalling MIL, the sudo configuration file is restored.

  * If you get SELinux errors, execute the following command:

    # mil-selinux

    This will fix the SELinux context of the MIL *.lib files.

12. Configuration

  * To establish the Linux ttyS port corresponding to a Matrox Solios or Morphis
    board's serial interface (UART), do the following:
    1. Identify the address of the required board's serial interface. To do so, 
       type 'lspci -v -d 102b:*' on a command line.  This command lists all the 
       Matrox PCI devices installed in your computer (Matrox vendor number is 
       05:04.0 Signal processing controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Device 47c1 
         (rev 03)
     	 Subsystem: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Device 4d80
     	 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 16
     	 Memory at d4000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=1M]
     	 Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
     	 Kernel driver in use: Solios
       05:04.1 Serial controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Device 47c2 (rev 02) (prog-if 02)
     	 Subsystem: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Device 47c8
     	 Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 17
     	 I/O ports at ccf0 [size=8]
     	 Kernel driver in use: serial
       05:04.2 Serial controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Device 47c2 (rev 02) 
          (prog-if 02)
     	 Subsystem: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Device 47c9
     	 Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 17
     	 I/O ports at ccf8 [size=8]
     	 Kernel driver in use: serial
       Except for Matrox Radient, the serial interfaces of Matrox boards are 
       seen as separate PCI devices from the acquisition section of the board. 
       Although only the acquisition section ("Signal processing controller") 
       of the board is listed with the board name, you can establish the board 
       of a serial interface ("Serial controller") by matching the first four 
       digits of its "Serial controller" listing with those of a "Signal 
       processing controller" listing. In the above example, both serial 
       interfaces are on a Matrox Solios board.
       From the listing of the required serial interface, establish the 
       interface's address. The address of the serial interface is listed on 
       the line that starts with "I/O ports". In the listing above, the address 
       of the second serial interface is ccf8.        
    2. Execute the following command:

       # cat /proc/tty/driver/serial

       This will list the usable ttyS ports on your computer. For example:
       0: uart:16550A port:000003F8 irq:4 tx:1772 rx:0 RTS|DTR|DSR
       1: uart:16550A port:0000CCF0 irq:17 tx:24 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD
       2: uart:16550A port:0000CCF8 irq:17 tx:24 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD
       3: uart:unknown port:000002E8 irq:3
       The first number indicates the ttyS port that the line describes (for 
       example, the first line describes ttyS0). The number after "port:" 
       indicates the address of the serial interface mapped to the ttyS port. 
       In the listing above, ttyS1 and ttyS2 correspond to the first (0xCCF0) 
       and second (0xCCF8) serial interfaces on the Matrox Solios board, 
       If there are enough ttyS ports, the address of the required board's 
       serial interface should be listed. Take note of the ttyS port to which 
       this address is  mapped and use this port to access the serial 
    3. If all ttyS ports are mapped to devices other than the required board's 
       serial interface, you can either:

       - Increase the limit on the number of serial interfaces that your Linux 
         kernel can access, and recompile the kernel.

       - Free a ttyS port and then remap it to your Matrox board's
         serial interface.

       To increase the limit on the number of serial interfaces that your Linux 
       kernel can access and then use the required board's serial interface:
       a) Confirm that your Linux kernel was compiled with too few usable 
          ttyS ports (usually 4). Look for CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS
          in the config file of your running kernel, usually found under
          /boot/config-`uname -r` or /boot/.config.
       b) If this limit is lower than the number of required serial ports,
          you must recompile your kernel with a higher limit. Refer to 
          your Linux documentation for instructions on how to do so. 
       c) List the usable ttyS ports on your computer as you did above. The 
          address of the required board's serial interface should now be 
          listed, if there are enough ttyS ports. Take note of the ttyS port to 
          which this address is mapped and use this port to access the serial 
       To free a ttyS port and then use it to access the required board's 
       serial interface: 
       a) Disable the serial interface currently mapped to the required ttyS 
          port. To do so, add 'reserve=0xXXXX,YY' to the vmlinux line of the 
          grub bootloader configuration file. Replace 0xXXXX with the address 
          of the serial interface to disable (for example, 0xCCF8) and replace 
          YY with the size (in bytes) of the I/O address space of the UART 
          controlling the serial interface (for example, for a normal 16550 
          UART, it is 8). For example:
          kernel (hd1,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb8 vga=0x317 selinux=0 splash=silent resume=/dev/hdb5 desktop elevator=as showopts reserve=0xCCF8,8
       b) Reboot your computer. The serial interface at the specified address 
          will be disabled and the ttyS port will be remapped to the next 
          serial interface, which hopefully is the Matrox serial interface 
          that you want to use.

       c) List the usable ttyS ports on your computer as you did above. The 
          address of the required board's serial interface should now be 
          listed, if it was mapped to ttyS port that was freed. Use this ttyS 
          port to access the serial interface.      

13. Firewall
    * Some MIL network services require changes to the firewall settings to 
      function correctly. Unlike Windows, the Linux MIL installer doesn't 
      change the firewall rules, therefore the user must to do it manually 
      using the iptables utility or a system configuration tool.

    Here is a list of MIL services and  default TCP/IP ports (to be opened):

    Distributed MIL Master/Slave                  57010
    Distributed MIL Slave (Multiple clusters)     57000 to 57009
    MIL Monitoring                                57020
    MIL Cluster Manager                           57030