                    Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) 10.0
                        MIL 10 Processing Pack 1
                        Release Notes (Feb 2015)
        (c) Copyright Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2015.

Main table of contents

Section 1 : Differences between MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1 and MIL 10.0       
Section 2 : Differences between MIL 10.0 and MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 with 
            Update 56
Section 3 : Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 with Update 56 and 
            MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2
Section 4 : Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 with Update 45 and 
            MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2
Section 5 : Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2
            and MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1
Section 6 : Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1 and MIL 9.0 
Section 7 : Differences between MIL 9.0 and MIL 8.0 Processing Pack 4

Section 1: Differences between MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1 and MIL 10.0

The installation of MIL 10, MIL 10 Processing Pack 1 and 
Matrox Design Assistant 4 may lead to a problematic configuration. 
The installation of Matrox Design Assistant 4 Service Pack 1 will 
be required to rectify the configuration issue.

Table of Contents for Section 1

1. Overview
2. New functionalities and improvements
   2.01 MIL processing specific examples
   2.02 Bead module
   2.03 Blob module
   2.04 Calibration module
   2.05 Code module
   2.06 Color module
   2.07 Edge Finder module
   2.08 Measurement module
   2.09 Model Finder module
   2.10 Registration module
   2.11 String Reader module
   2.12 3dmap module
   2.13 Regions
   2.14 Primitives
   2.15 Matrox Profiler
   2.16 General
   2.17 Interactive utilities
3. Deprecated functionalities
   3.01 Measurement module
   3.02 Code module
   3.03 3dmap module
   3.04 Primitives
4. Fixed bugs
   4.01 Bead module
   4.02 Blob module
   4.03 Calibration module
   4.04 Code module
   4.05 Color module
   4.06 Measurement module
   4.07 Metrology module
   4.08 OCR module
   4.09 Registration module
   4.10 String Reader module
   4.11 3dmap module
   4.12 Pattern matching module
   4.13 Model Finder module
   4.14 Graphic functions
   4.15 Primitives
   4.16 Interactive utilities
5. Known limitations and bugs
   5.01 Code module
   5.02 Interactive utilities
   5.03 MIL add-on to Microsoft Visual Studio
   5.04 MIL Help

1. Overview

   - MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1 includes all the features of MIL 10.
     In addition, MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1 includes new processing 
     functionalities, performance optimizations, and general improvements
     such as:
       . new support for Aztec and Industrial 2 of 5 codes,
       . new color relative calibrations,
       . new support and calibration for multiple 3D camera-laser systems,
       . new 3D surface alignment operation,
       . new extended depth of field operation,
       . new dedicated circle shape matcher,
       . support for JIT C#, VB and CPython with MIL,
       . MIL optimized for AVX2 instructions set,
       . new versatile example launcher utility,
       . new extensive wavelet transform operations,
       . new local segmentation primitive,
       . new MIL add-on for Microsoft Visual Studio,
       . and many more to discover!
   - MIL 10.0 is the minimum requirement for all upcoming Processing Packs
     until the next major release.

2. New functionalities and improvements

   2.01 MIL processing specific examples
   - New: a new version of the example launcher with categories, previews, 
     keywords, rich information, and a search utility.
   - 30+ new MIL examples!
   - Note that the MIL 10 Update 24 is needed to get the images required 
     for several examples, in particular for 3D processing examples.
   2.02 Bead module
   - New: M_ADD_FROM_GRAPHIC_LIST to add a bead template defined using a 
     graphics list.
   2.03 Blob module
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS can be set to M_INFINITE to calculate ferets and 
     feret-based features with a high accuracy.
   - New: M_CONVEX_HULL_PERIMETER is now supported.
   - New: M_BLOB_CONTRAST to calculate the difference between the blob min/max 
     pixel grayscale values is now supported.
     angular range used to determine the blob's ferets is now supported.
     M_FERET_CONTACT_POINTS) is now supported.
   - New: M_FERET_CONTACT_POINTS_X1,... to retrieve the coordinates of the 
     corresponding contact points are now supported.
   - New: M_MIN_AREA_BOX is now supported.
   - New: M_DRAW_MIN_AREA_BOX to draw the M_MIN_AREA_BOX feature is 
     now supported.
   - New: M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX is now supported.
   - New: M_DRAW_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX to draw the M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX feature is 
     now supported.
   - New: the minimum area enclosing rectangle feature is now available.
   2.04 Calibration module
   - New: M_CALIBRATION_MODE can now be inquired on any object accepted 
     by McalInquire.
   - New: M_CALIBRATION_CATEGORY to inquire whether the calibration is an 
   - New: M_DEPTH_MAP to inquire whether the MIL object is a fully corrected 
     depth map or not.
   - New: M_CALIBRATION_INPUT_DATA to inquire about the type of the data used 
     to perform the calibration (ex. grid).
   - New: M_POINT_CLOUD_CONTAINER_3DMAP McalFixture location type to use the
     relative coordinate system of a 3D reconstruction result buffer as a
     fixture provider.
   - New: M_LASER_3DMAP McalFixture location type to use the laser line 
     coordinate system of a 3D reconstruction context buffer as a fixture 
   - New: McalSetCoordinateSystem can now be called on 3D reconstruction result
     buffers to modify the relative coordinate system, which is used to express
     points in world coordinates in M3dmapGet and which defines the projection 
     orientation in M3dmapExtract.
   - New: M_LASER_LINE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM is now supported. Its X-axis is 
     parallel to the laser line and its Y-axis is parallel to the scanning 
   - New: McalGetCoordinateSystem can now be called on a 3D reconstruction 
     result buffer to access the relative coordinate system.
   - New: McalGetCoordinateSystem can now be called on a 3D reconstruction 
     context to access the laser line coordinate system.
   - New: McalGrid GridOffsetZ can now be used to specify the thickness of the 
     grid when performing a 3D calibration.
   - Improvement: McalTransformCoordinate/3dList has been optimized for 
     multi-core (MP) architectures.
   2.05 Code module
   - New: reading and grading multiple Data Matrix codes is now supported.
   - New: M_INDUSTRIAL25 to read Industrial 2 of 5 codes.
   - New: M_AZTEC to read and to grade Aztec codes.
   - New: Add-On for EAN-8 code is supported.
   - New: M_STRING_FORMAT now supports M_GS1_RAW_DATA.
   - New: QR codes now support GS1 encoding.
   - New: It is now possible to verify a code from the result of the reading 
     operation using the new McodeGrade function.   
   - New: M_DRAW_QUIET_ZONE to draw the quiet zone around the decoded code.
   - New: M_QUIET_ZONE_INCLUDED result to determine whether the quiet zone is 
     fully included into the image borders or not.
   - New: M_QUIET_ZONE_TOP_... to retrieve the position of the quiet zone. 
   - New: verification of the extended quiet zone including Asterisk notation.
   - New: M_EXTENDED_AREA_REFLECTANCE_CHECK to enable the verification using 
     the extended area.
   - New: M_DRAW_EXTENDED_AREA to draw the extended area when 
   - New: M_EXTENDED_AREA_BOTTOM_... and M_EXTENDED_AREA_TOP_... to retrieve 
     the position of the extended area.   
   - New: M_EXTENDED_AREA_QUIET_ZONE_INCLUDED result to determine whether the 
     extended area and quiet zone are fully included into the image borders 
     (ISO/IEC 15415:2011).
   - New: M_EXTENDED_AREA_CODEWORD_MODULATION to retrieve the modulations for 
     each codeword in the symbol in the extended area.
   - New: M_EXTENDED_AREA_REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM to retrieve the lowest 
     reflectance (Rmin) of any extended area in a 2D symbol, except Maxicode.
   - New: M_EXTENDED_AREA_REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM to retrieves the highest 
     reflectance (Rmax) of any extended area in a 2D symbol, except Maxicode.
   - New: M_ASTERISK to retrieve if an Asterisk is appended to the overall 
     symbol grade. Valid for all 2D matrix symbol, except Maxicode.
     extended area verification results.
     to retrieve the detailed information about the fixed pattern damages per 
     segment, for ISO and AIM-DPM verification.
   - New: Additional support for the ISO/IEC 15415:2011 verification: 
     and M_CONTRAST_UNIFORMITY_GRADE are now supported.
     and M_REFLECTANCE_MARGIN_GRADE verification grade are now supported.
   - New: M_USE_PRESEARCH now supports M_FINDER_PATTERN_BASE mode for reading 
     Data Matrix.
   - New: M_FINDER_PATTERN_MINIMUM_LENGTH to set the shortest acceptable 
     length of either "arm" of the finder pattern of a Data Matrix code is 
     now supported.
   - New: M_FINDER_PATTERN_EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH is now supported for Data Matrix.
   - Improvement: improved reading robustness when the M_CELL_NUMBER_X/Y_MIN 
     or M_CELL_NUMBER_X/Y are specified.
   - Improvement: improved robustness when reading a large 2D barcode with 
     the presearch enabled.
   - Improvement: AIM-DPM verification accuracy.
   - Improvement: improved robustness when reading Maxi code and BC412 code.
   2.06 Color module
   - New: a color relative calibration tool which includes 
     three (3) calibration methods.
   - New: McolTransform can apply the color relative calibration 
     transformation to an image.
   2.07 Edge Finder module
   - Improvement: the module has been optimized for multi-core (MP) 
   2.08 Measurement module
     to specify the offset for the profile drawing operations.
     to specify the scale for the profile drawing operations.
   - Improvement: it is no longer required to specify an edge modifier 
     (+M_EDGE_FIRST/SECOND) when calling MmeasGetScore with 
     M_STRIPE_WIDTH_SCORE + M_RESULT) on a stripe marker.
   2.09 Model Finder module
   - A new specialized circle finder is now supported.
   - Improvement: robustness of the Geometric controlled context 
     has been improved.
   - Improvement: the module has been optimized for multi-core 
     (MP) architectures.
   2.10 Registration module
   - New: the module now supports the Extended Depth of Field (EDF) fusion 
     operation from stacked images.
   2.11 String Reader module
   - Improvement: the robustness of the fontless context has been improved.
   - Improvement: the MstrRead memory exception safety has been improved.
   - Improvement: MstrRead baseline deviation calculation has been improved 
     when reading a string at angle.
   2.12 3dmap module
   - New: 3D surface-based alignment between a model's point clouds and an 
     organized target's point cloud is now supported.
   - New: M3dmapImport to import (ASCII and binary) PLY 3D CAD files is 
     now supported.
   - New: M3dmapClear to clear the contents of a 3D reconstruction result 
     buffer is now supported.
   - New: M3dmapPut to store world points and their features inside an 
     unorganized point cloud.
   - New: M3dmapGet to retrieve world point coordinates and their features from 
     one or more point clouds is now supported.   
   - New: adding controls to filter out the 3D points according to the Z-axis 
     during laser scanning process.
   - New: M_EXTRACTION_RANGE_Z control, used by M3dmapAddScan, to specify the 
     range of valid values along the Z-axis.
   - New: M3dmapCalibrateMultiple to calibrate multiple 3D reconstruction 
     contexts simultaneously.
   - New: M3dmapCalibrate accuracy has been improved.
     the convergence of the M3dmapCalibrateMultiple operation fails.
     to specify the camera/laser label for a context.
   - New: M_CAMERA_LABEL_VALUE and M_LASER_LABEL_VALUE inquires are 
     now supported.
   - New: the extraction of the depth map (M3dmapExtract) now takes into account
     the relative coordinate system of the 3D reconstruction result buffer. This
     allows merging depth maps from two different result buffers, adjusting the 
     depth map according to a fitted plane, or creating slices of an object.
   - New: M_EXTRACTION_SCALE_MODE can now be set to 
     M_USE_DESTINATION_CALIBRATION to use the correction information and the 
     relative coordinate system associated of the destination image buffer.
   - New: M_EXTRACTION_OVERLAP to control the behaviour of the depth map 
     generation when two or more 3D points projects onto the same depth map 
   - New: M_EXTRACTION_SATURATION to set whether or not to saturate Z 
     coordinates that fall outside the region when generating the depth map.
     whether the point coordinates and the extracted depth maps are returned 
     according to the object's initial position (before scanning) or according 
     to any other position, including its current position.
   - New: M_TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT_Y returns the total conveyor displacement.
   - New: M_ASSUMED_PERPENDICULAR_TO_MOTION to inquire whether the "vertical" 
     laser plane assumption was assumed during calibration.
   - New: M3dmapArith() between two depth maps now allows having different 
     relative coordinate systems.
   - Improvement: improved numerical stability when accumulating scans in 
     continuous mode.
   - New: M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_CONTEXT_ID can now be inquired for a 3D 
     reconstruction context to retrieve its internal locate peak 1d context.
   - New: M_SCAN_LANE_DIRECTION can now be retrieved for a 3D reconstruction 
     result to obtain the scan lane direction using M3dmapGetResult.
   - New: M3dmapSetBox function to easily define the extraction box to use to
     generate the depth map using M3dmapExtract.
   2.13 Regions
   - New: the following primitives now support regions:
     . MimArithMultiple
     . MimArith
     . MimHistogramEqualize
     . MimLocateEvent
     . MimCountDifference
     . MimStat
     . MimProject
     . MimFindExtreme
     . MbufClear
     . MbufClearCond
     . MimLutMap
   2.14 Primitives
   - New: MbufBayer now supports an M_NULL destination to determine the white 
     balancing coefficients only.
   - New: MimBinarizeAdaptive to perform a local segmentation operation is 
     now supported.
   - New: MimArith now supports M_ATAN2.
   - New: MimHistogramEqualizeAdaptive (CLAHE) is now supported.
   - New: MimFindOrientation to determine the dominant orientations in an image 
     is now supported.
   - New: MimStat now supports M_ANGULAR.
   - New: MimStat now supports M_ORIENTATION_DATA_MEAN.
   - New: MimConvert now supports conversion from RGB to Normalized RGB.
   - New: MimHistogram now supports user-defined and automatic binning modes.
   - New: MbufClone to easily clone a MIL buffer is now supported.
     convolution kernels are now supported.
     convolution kernels are now supported.
   - New: MimResize now supports M_MAX and M_MIN interpolation modes.
   - New: MimWaveletDenoise is now supported.
   - New: MimWaveletTramsform to perform wavelet decomposition and 
     reconstruction is now supported.
   - New: MimSetWaveletFilter to specify a user-defined wavelet 
     is now supported.
   - New: the M_FLAT_FIELD_CONTEXT gain constant can be now set to M_AUTOMATIC.
   - New: M_EFFECTIVE_GAIN_CONST result to retrieve the value of the 
     M_FLAT_FIELD_CONTEXT gain constant when automatically determined by 
     the operation. 
   - New: MgenLutFunction now supports M_COLORMAP_JET, M_COLORMAP_HOT,
     M_COLORMAP_HUE and M_COLORMAP_SPECTRUM to generate pseudo-color palettes.
   - Improvement: MgraLine has been specifically optimized for the case of 
     straight vertical and horizontal lines.
   - Improvement: MimLocatePeak accuracy, robustness, and flexibility 
     have been improved.
   - Improvement: MimPolarTransform now supports an angle range 
     from -360 to 720 degrees.
   - Improvement: MimPolarTransform precision has been improved.   
   2.15 Matrox Profiler
   - New: traces into circular memory buffer are now supported.
   - New: extensive global statistics information is now supported.
   - New: the profiler sessions can now be saved and restored.   
   - New: the MIL constant are now translated into their equivalent names.
   - New: many new interactivity features and improvements.
   - More information can be found in the What's New Profiler read-me file!
   2.16 General
   - Improvement: loading .TIFF/.MIM large images files (>4GB) is now supported.
   - New: MbufChildColor2dClip to allocate a clipped child buffer from one or 
     more specified bands of a previously allocated parent buffer.
   - New: MbufChildMove M_CLIP control flag to automatically adjust the 
     parameters, if necessary, to make sure the child stays within its 
     parent's buffer limits.
   - New: M_OWNER_SYSTEM can now be inquired for the result buffers. 
   - New: most primitives and modules have been optimized for SSE4.1 
     and AVX2 instruction sets.
   - New: MfuncAllocScript to run MIL code in JIT CPython, C# and VB .NET 
   - New: MIL traces can now be performed into circular memory buffers.
   - New: MappControl M_TRACE_SAVE_TO_FILE to dump a trace stored in memory 
     into a file.
   - New: MappTrace(M_TRACE_SET_TAG_INFORMATION) to customize the name and the 
     color associated with a TraceTag is now supported.
   - New: MappInquire(M_TRACE_ACTIVE) to retrieve whether traces are enabled.
   - New: MthrAlloc M_TRACE_LOG_DISABLE control flag for M_THREAD object type to
     disable the log of traces for and at the creation of a thread.
   - New: New Distributed MIL protocol "dmilshm" which uses shared memory for 
     interprocess communication on a same machine (locahost) and which is intended 
     to replace the use of dmiltcp://localhost.
   - Improvement: M...GetResult and M...Inquire combination flag M_TYPE_SHORT 
     has been renamed M_TYPE_MIL_INT16.
   - New: MbufImport(M_MIL+M_WITH_CALIBRATION) can now be used to restore an 
     image associated to M_DEFAULT_UNIFORM_CALIBRATION if the image has a 
     constant pixel size and if the image was previously saved using 
     MbufExport(M_MIL+M_WITH_CALIBRATION). If not, the function will restore
     an uncalibrated image.
   2.17 Interactive utilities
   - MIL add-on to Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and up to:
     . context sensitive help for C++, C# and VB
     . statement completion for C++, C#, and VB
     . MIL menu and toolbar
   - Note that other Microsoft Visual Studio plugins which provide statement 
     completion may interfere with the MIL extension for Visual Studio.
3. Deprecated functionalities

   3.01 Measurement module
   - M_POSITION_IN_MARKER is deprecated and replaced by 
   - ResultType M_FOUND_BOX_ANGLE is deprecated and replaced by 
   - ResultType M_TOTAL_SCORE is deprecated and replaced by M_SCORE_TOTAL.
   - ResultType M_BOX_EDGE_VALUES_NUMBER is deprecated and replaced by 
   - ResultType M_BOX_EDGE_VALUES is deprecated and replaced by 
   - M_TOTAL_SCORE is deprecated and replaced by M_SCORE_TOTAL.
   - M_FOUND_BOX_ANGLE is deprecated and replaced by M_BOX_ANGLE_FOUND.
   - M_POSITION_INSIDE_STRIPE is deprecated and replaced by 
   3.02 Code module
   - CodeVerify has been deprecated and replaced by the more flexible 
     McodeGrade function.
   - M_USE_PRESEARCH M_ENABLE control value is deprecated and replaced 
     by M_STAT_BASE.
   - M_MINIMUM_LSIDE_LENGTH control flag is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_MAX_GAP control flag is deprecated and replaced 
   3.03 3dmap module
     deprecated and replaced by M_USE_DESTINATION_CALIBRATION.
   - The M_LASER_DATA result object is deprecated, use M_LASER_CALIBRATION_DATA,
     See M3dmapAllocResult documentation.
   - M3dmapAddScan with M_RESET, M_CLEAR_DATA, or M_REMOVE_LAST_SCAN is 
     deprecated and replaced by M3dmapClear() with M_DELETE, M_CLEAR, 
   - M3dmapGetResult with M_3D_POINTS_X, M_3D_POINTS_Y, M_3D_POINTS_Z, 
     M_3D_POINTS_I is deprecated and replaced by the M3dmapGet function.
     M_PARTIALLY_CORRECTED or M_FULLY_CORRECTED) is deprecated. 3D result 
     objects now have specialized types. Use MappInquireObject() with 
     M_OBJECT_TYPE to inquire the type of object.
   - M_PEAK_WIDTH is deprecated. Use M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_CONTEXT_ID to retrieve
     the internally allocated locate peak 1d context and configure it using 
   - M_MIN_INTENSITY is deprecated. Use M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_CONTEXT_ID to retrieve 
     the internally allocated locate peak 1d context and configure it using 
     MimControl with M_MINIMUM_CONTRAST.
   - M_ORIENTATION is deprecated. Use M_LOCATE_PEAK_1D_CONTEXT_ID to retrieve 
     the internally allocated locate peak 1d context and configure it using 
     MimControl with M_SCAN_LANE_DIRECTION.

   3.04 Primitives
   - MimLocatePeadk1d now supports a new improved peak detection method. Using 
     MimLocatePeadk1d without a context object is now deprecated.
   - The default overscan for the morphological operations using a custom 
     structural element, in binary mode, is now M_TRANSPARENT.
     MbufControlNeighborhood(StructElement, M_OVERSCAN, M_DISABLE) must be used 
     to obtain the previous default behaviour.
   - M_LAPLACIAN_EDGE predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated and
     replaced by M_LAPLACIAN_4.
   - M_LAPLACIAN_EDGE2 predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated and
     replaced by M_LAPLACIAN_8.
   - M_SHARPEN predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated and
     replaced by M_SHARPEN_8.
   - M_SHARPEN2 predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated and
     replaced by M_SHARPEN_4.
   - M_EDGE_DETECT predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated and
     replaced by M_EDGE_DETECT_SOBEL_FAST.
   - M_EDGE_DETECT2 predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated and
     replaced by M_EDGE_DETECT_PREWITT_FAST.
   - M_HORIZ_EDGE predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated.
   - M_VERT_EDGE predefined FIR convolution kernel is deprecated.

4. Fixed bugs
   4.01 Bead module
   - The training operation will no longer crash when providing invalid 
     world positions.
   4.02 Blob module
   - After a call to MblobMerge(M_MOVE), the MblobDraw(M_DRAW_BLOBS_CONTOUR)
     will no longer draw the contour of the blobs in the first top frame only.
   - The MblobMerge operation will no longer result in the blob's convex hulls 
     being wrongly offset.
   - M_CONVEX_HULL_AREA will no longer return an invalid result for a convex 
     hull made of 2 points.
   - Successive calls to MblobCalculate will no longer result in wrong feret 
     calculations when using multi-core acceleration together with M_WHOLE_IMAGE
     or M_LABELED_TOUCHING modes.
     wrongly computed under specific circumstances. This is no longer the case.
   - BlobInquire will no longer crash when inquiring another flag 
     than M_OWNER_SYSTEM.
   - MblobReconstruct will no longer crash when providing a NULL seed buffer. 
     It will now report an error.
   4.03 Calibration module
   - McalDraw(...+ M_DRAW_..._COORDINATE_SYSTEM) will no longer lead to an 
     infinite loop in the presence of degenerated calibrations.
   - McalFixture with M_RESULT_PAT will no longer lead to the wrong result when 
     the M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS of the pattern matching result object is manually
     set to M_WORLD.
   - McalRestore() will no longer restore a calibration object with a wrong 
     relative coordinate system when restoring from a file containing an image 
     with a constant pixel size and a relative coordinate system that is not 
     coplanar to the absolute coordinate system. It will report an error.
     Use MbufImport(M_MIL+M_WITH_CALIBRATION).
   - M_DISPLACE_CAMERA_COORD will no longer ignore the M_CALIBRATION_PLANE.
   4.04 Code module
   - McodeRead will no longer crash when reading in an image smaller than 3 
     pixels with M_USE_PRESEARCH set to M_ENABLE.
   - McodeDraw index for M_DRAW_REFLECTANCE_PROFILE will no longer be 
     wrongly validated.
   - When reading a 1D code, the M_STATUS will no longer be M_STATUS_READ_OK 
     but M_STATUS_NO_RESULT_AVAILABLE when no code has been found.
   - McodeRead will no longer crash when reading Postnet/Planet code at angle 
     in a very large buffer.
   - Reading a Data Matrix code will no longer fail when the top right corner of
     the code falls outside the image, for uneven grid and perspective 
     uneven grid modes.
   - Data Matrix, QrCode, and MicroQrCode decode algorithm has been fixed when 
     number of error correction was odd. Small 10x10 and 12x12 Data Matrix will 
     no longer be erroneously found within larger codes or textured areas.
   - McodeRead will no longer fail reading multiple identical overlapped 1D
   4.05 Color module
   - McolDistance will no longer miss propagating the calibration of the source 
     to the destination. 
   - McolProject will no longer miss propagating the calibration of the source 
     to the destination. 
   - Restoring a color context with McolStream(... M_RESTORE ...) in DMIL will 
     no longer lead to a new allocated MIL_ID with an invalid object type.
   4.06 Measurement module
   - MmeasGetResult/Single(M_EDGEVALUE_PEAK_WIDTH / M_EDGE_WIDTH) will now 
     return both edge widths of a stripe marker.
   - MeasGetResult/Single will no longer crash when trying to retrieve some 
     result types not supported by a measurement result.   
   - MmeasDraw(M_DRAW_LINE) on a measurement result will no longer crash if no 
     result was calculated.
   - MmeasSaveMarker was not returning immediately after parameter checking 
     detect an error. This is no longer the case.
   - MmeasSetMarker(M_BOX_ANGLE_REFERENCE) was not validating the value provided
     by the user. This is no longer the case.
   - MmeasSetMarker(M_BOX_ANGLE_MODE) was not validating the value provided by 
     the user. This is no longer the case.
   - MmeasSetMarker(M_BOX_ANGLE_TOLERANCE) was not validating the value provided
     by the user. This is no longer the case.
   - MmeasSetMarker(M_SEARCH_REGION_ANGLE_INTERPOLATION_MODE) was not validating
     the value provided by the user. This is no longer the case.
   - Under a specific set of conditions, M_EDGE_INSIDE_SCORE will no longer 
     prevent finding a marker.
   - When a score-offset is used for a given feature, the feature's score was 
     not dropping to zero when the feature was outside the range. It now does.
   - MmeasGetResult(M_BOX_EDGEVALUES) will no longer crash when the number of 
     submarkers change from "more than one" to "a single one" between successive
     calls to MmeasFindMarkers.
   - MmeasSetMarker(M_BOX_SIZE) will no longer accept a null value. The control 
     must be set to a value greater than 0.
   - The mean angle (for either edges or stripes) returned the M_MEAN 
     combination flag is used will no longer be erroneous.
   - MIL_TYPE_MIL_ID was not supported for inquiring about MIL_ID's information 
     such as the M_OWNER_SYSTEM. It is now supported.
   - Calculation of the edge limits has been improved for very small smoothed 
   - MmeasGetResult(M_STRIPE, M_SPACING) will no longer require edge modifiers 
     to get the spacing from its first/second edges while it did not when not 
     there is no calibration involved.
   - MmeasSetMarker will no longer update the first value when the first value
     is valid but not the second.
   4.07 Metrology module
   - Drawing an edgel feature will no longer draw all the edgels, but the 
     active ones.
   - Metrology will no longer wrongly support the orientation of 3D calibration 
   - The calibrated drawing of arc regions will no longer lead to erroneous 
     annotations when using low accuracy annotations.   
   - The parametric angle of a constructed local frame will no longer wrongly 
     follow the global frame, but its local reference frame.
   - The coverage measure of the fitted features will no longer be wrongly 
     calculated in the presence of image aspect ratio.
   4.08 OCR module
   - A very rare situation of MocrReadString crash has been fixed.
   - MocrCalibrateFont will no longer fail when changing the ROI or the 
     step value.
   4.09 Registration module
   - MregSetLocation called with parameter type M_COPY_REG_RESULT after a call 
     no longer result in a memory leak.
   4.10 String Reader module
   - String Reader will no longer change the global SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHING system 
     parameter when defining the system font.
   - M_STRING_ANGLE_DELTA_NEG will no longer control the positive delta value 
     and M_STRING_ANGLE_DELTA_POS will no longer control the negative 
     delta value.
   - The preprocess step will no longer crash in the presence of large 
     characters in the font images.
   - A potential out of memory error has been fixed when reading a string using 
     a fontless context.
   - MstrRead will no longer potentially dilate the user image buffer when using
     regions at 0 degrees and when the control M_THICKEN_CHAR is used.
   - MstrInquire will no longer crash when a NULL destination is provided.
   4.11 3dmap module
   - Filling gaps with M_MIN or M_MAX will no longer result in different 
     decisions in the depth map versus the intensity map.
   - M3dmapGetResult() with M_NUMBER_OF_3D_POINTS on an empty result buffer 
     will no longer return an invalid index error, but 0.

   4.12 Pattern matching module
   - MpatAllocModel call will no longer perform unnecessary computations when 
     M_AUTO_CONTENT_BASED is not used.
   - MpatAllocModel will no longer crash when one of the provided offset is 
   - In rare situations, MpatFindModel could lead to unstable results when using
     a search region and the fast find mode.
   4.13 Model Finder module
   - MmodDraw will now give priority to the destination buffer calibration
     when drawing the edges of a context.
   4.14 Graphic functions
   - MgraRectAngle will no longer ignore the rotation of the relative coordinate
     system when drawing the shape at 0 degrees in world units with the 
     conversion mode set to M_PRESERVE_SHAPE_AVERAGE.
   - When calling MbufSetRegion(M_RASTERIZE) with a graphics list that has its 
     interactivity enabled, the interactive handles will no longer wrongly 
     appear in the rasterized region.
   4.15 Primitives
   - MimMorphic(M_DILATE, M_ERODE, M_THICK and M_THIN), in binary mode and with 
     the overscan set to replace min or max, will no longer use the wrong 
     overscan value. This affected only board systems that may perform 
     the operation.
   - MimResize(M_BILINEAR) accuracy has been fixed for very large buffers.
   - MimDraw will no longer modify the unchanged pixels of the destination 
     when drawing a stat-multiple result.
   - MimDraw will no longer crash when drawing the model image or the mask image
     in a large destination buffer.
   - MimLocateEvent will no longer return an invalid MIL_INT result when 
     the result ID is M_NULL.
   - MimCountDifference will no longer return an invalid MIL_INT result when 
     the result ID is M_NULL.
   - MimEdgeDetect will no longer potentially crash when the source image is 
     a child band of a YUV buffer.   
   - MimPolarTransform(M_POLAR_TO_RECTANGULAR) accuracy of the returned 
     destination sizes have been fixed.
   - MimRank, in binary mode and with signed destination buffer, will no longer
     return incorrect results when the rank values of the structuring element 
     are greater than 128 for an 8-bits destination buffer, or greater than 
     32768 when the destination buffer is 16-bits.
   - MimResize will no longer access data outside the source buffer for rare 
     specific conditions and specific scale values.
   4.16 Interactive utilities
   - A GDI memory leak has been fixed for the Model Finder, Edge Finder, 
     and String Reader GUIs.
   - A stability issue has been fixed when using the column ordering in 
     the result table or the module's UIs.
   - The new Model Finder circle matcher has been added to the Model Finder UI.

5. Known limitations and bugs

   5.01 Code module
   - Grading on read result is not yet supported for newly added Aztec codes.
   - Grading is not supported for the special 11×11 Aztec code "rune".

   5.02 Interactive utilities
   - In Inspector, the spacing and spacing variation controls are deprecated 
     and should have been grayed-out.
   5.03 MIL add-on to Microsoft Visual Studio
   - If both MIL 32-bits and 64-bits are installed on the same system but only 
     one of the installation is updated using MIL 10 Processing Pack 1, the 
     MIL add-on will nevertheless show up in both cases suggesting the most 
     recent MIL flags.
   5.04 MIL Help
   - CHM based help files does not work properly under the following circumstances:
      . The operating System is Windows 7 embedded
      . The latest Windows updates, including IE11, are applied to the system
      . The user is logged in as a standard user (i.e part of the Users group)
    A work around is to log in with administrator privileges.

Section 2: Differences between MIL 10.0 and MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 with 
           Update 56

Table of Contents for Section 2

1. Overview
2. New functionalities and improvements
   2.01 MIL processing specific examples
   2.02 Bead module
   2.03 Blob module
   2.04 Calibration module
   2.05 Code module
   2.06 Color module
   2.07 Edge Finder module
   2.08 Measurement module
   2.09 Metrology module
   2.10 Model Finder module
   2.11 OCR module
   2.12 Pattern matching module
   2.13 Registration module
   2.14 String Reader module
   2.15 3dmap module
   2.16 Graphic functions
   2.17 Regions
   2.18 Primitives
   2.19 Matrox Profiler
3. Deprecated functionalities
   3.01 General
   3.02 Bead module
   3.03 Calibration module
   3.04 Color module
   3.05 Measurement module
   3.06 Metrology module
   3.07 Model Finder
   3.08 Edge Finder
   3.09 Interactive utilities
4. Fixed bugs
   4.01 General
   4.02 Bead module
   4.03 Blob module
   4.04 Calibration module
   4.05 Code module
   4.06 Color module
   4.07 Edge Finder module
   4.08 Measurement module
   4.09 Metrology module
   4.10 Model Finder module
   4.11 OCR module
   4.12 Pattern matching module
   4.13 Registration module
   4.14 String Reader module
   4.15 3dmap module
   4.16 Graphic functions
   4.17 Regions
   4.18 Primitives
   4.19 Interactive utilities
5. Known limitations
   5.01 Graphic functions
   5.02 Interactive utilities
   5.03 Regions
   5.04 Metrology
   5.05 Matrox Profiler
   5.06 Streaming functions

1. Overview

   - MIL 10.0 includes all the features of MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2.
     In addition, MIL 10.0 includes new processing functionalities, performance 
     optimizations and general improvements.
   - MIL 10.0 is the minimum requirement for all upcoming Processing Packs
     until the next major release.

2. New functionalities and improvements

   2.01 MIL processing specific examples
   - The /Processing/ directory includes new MIL processing specific examples
     (see MIL Control Center -> Directories -> MIL examples): a multiprocessing 
     framework, various product inspections, such as bottle cap and label 
     verification, color analysis for food inspection of product 
     identification, 3D object localization, etc., as well as additional 3D 
     camera interfacing examples.
   - The MIL Examples have been updated and use the graphics list object
     to display the result with zoomable subpixel annotations.
   - A new MIL example has been added which illustrates the benchmarking of 
     processing operations.

   2.02 Bead module
   - New: Support to train and to validate stripe-type bead templates with 
     non-uniform widths.
   - New: M_BEAD_EDGE bead template type, to train and to validate the presence 
     and position of an edge-type bead along a path.
   - New: M_NUMBER_FOUND result type to retrieve the number of bead sections 
     found for a given bead template.
   - New: M_TRAINING_PATH with M_CIRCLE and associated M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_... 
     control types to parametrically define a circular bead template.
   - New: M_TRAINING_PATH with M_SEGMENT and associated M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_...
     control types to parametrically define a line segment bead template.
   - New: M_INDIVIDUAL_WIDTH_NOMINAL to retrieve the user defined bead section 
     width for a given bead template.
     M_TRAINED_INDIVIDUAL_WIDTH_NOMINAL to retrieve the trained information 
     for a given bead template.
   - New: M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL_MODE control type to select whether to 
     train and to validate the color of a stripe-type bead.
   - New: M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL control type to define the expected nominal
     color of a given bead template.
     types to set color tolerance of a given bead template.
     to display the failed bead sections regarding the color range criterion.
   - New: M_ANGLE_ACCURACY_MAX_DEVIATION control to help improve the accuracy
     of the width measure when the bead section deviates from the expected 
   - New: MbeadTemplate M_SET_WIDTH_NOMINAL to set a specific width value for 
     each user point in order to define bead templates with non-uniform width.
   - New: MbeadControl M_WIDTH_NOMINAL_MODE can be set to M_AUTO_UNIFORM or 
     M_AUTO_CONTINUOUS to either train a bead template with a uniform or with a 
     non uniform width.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_CLOSURE to retrieve whether a template is closed.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_OFFSET_MAX to retrieve the offset value of the 
     maximum offsetted bead section of a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_OFFSET_MAX_INDEX to retrieve the index of the 
     maximum offsetted bead section of the template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_STATUS_FOUND to retrieve the status to determine if 
     at least one bead section has not been found for a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_STATUS_OFFSET to retrieve the status to determine if 
     at least one bead section offset is out of the tolerance for a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_STATUS_WIDTH_MIN to retrieve the status to determine 
     if at least one bead section width is out of the min tolerance for a 
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_STATUS_WIDTH_MAX to retrieve the status to determine 
     if at least one bead section width is out of the max tolerance for a 
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_STATUS_INTENSITY_COLOR_MIN to retrieve the status 
     to determine if at least one bead section color is out of the min 
     tolerance for a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_STATUS_INTENSITY_COLOR_MAX to retrieve the status 
     to determine if at least one bead section color is out of the max 
     tolerance for a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_INTENSITY_MIN to retrieve the minimum bead 
     section color value of a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_INTENSITY_MAX to retrieve the maximum bead 
     section color value of a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_INTENSITY_MIN_INDEX to retrieve the index of 
     the bead section with the lowest color value of a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_INTENSITY_MAX_INDEX to retrieve the index of 
     the bead section with the highest color value of a template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_INTENSITY to retrieve the bead section color 
     values for a bead template.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_ANGLE to retrieve the bead section angle values.
   - New: MbeadGetResult M_TRAINED_INDEX to retrieve the corresponding trained 
     point index in the trained set of points.
   - New: M_FAIL_WARNING_OFFSET control to increase the search box dimension 
     to find offsetted bead sections beyond the valid offset range.

   2.03 Blob module
   - New: M_CONVEX_HULL_COG_X and M_CONVEX_HULL_COG_Y blob features.
     blob features.
     blob features.
   - New: M_ALL_FERETS to retrieve all the calculated ferets.
   - New: M_RECTANGULARITY blob feature.
   - New: M_BLOB_TOUCHING_IMAGE_BORDERS blob feature.
   - New: M_BLOB_INCLUSION_STATE result to retrieve whether a specific blob is 
     included or excluded.
   - New: M_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_RUNS to retrieve the total number of runs in 
     an image.
   - Improvement: improved calculation responsiveness and accuracy when 
     limiting the processing time using the M_TIMEOUT control.
   - Improvement: better use of multiprocessing capabilities.

   2.04 Calibration module
   - New: McalFixture M_SAME_AS_SOURCE location type to move the relative 
     coordinate system to the position of the relative coordinate system 
     of the source.
   - New: McalWarp function to define the mapping of a calibration context
     based on another calibration context and an optional warping.
   - New: McalTransformCoordinate3dList, McalTransformCoordinate, and 
     McalTransformResultAtPosition M_NO_EXTRAPOLATED_POINTS mode to return 
     M_INVALID_POINT for pixels transformed outside a piecewise linear 
     calibrated area.
   - New: McalTransformCoordinate3dList now supports 2d calibration contexts
     and depth-map buffers through the M_DEPTH_MAP mode.
   - New: McalGrid and McalList now work using M_UNIFORM_TRANSFORMATION 
     calibration contexts.
   - Improvement: McalGrid is now more robust using M_CHESSBOARD_GRID grid 
   - Improvement: M_DISPLACE_RELATIVE_COORD now supports a minimum of 4 points
     for the computation to succeed.
   - New: McalFixture supports M_RESULT_MET as a location type to fixture from
     from the global or a local frame result.

   2.05 Code module
   - Improvement: reading PDF417, TruncatedPDF417 codes at low and very 
     low speed is more robust in the presence of local deformation or 
     damaged pattern corners.
   - Improvement: reading M_ANY foreground MicroPDF417 is more robust.
   - Improvement: reading 4-State codes in the presence of extra bars and/or 
     uneven spacing is more robust.
   - New: M_SEARCH_ANGLE_STEP control used for reading 1D barcodes.
   - Improvement: M_TYPE_MIL_ID combination flag is now supported by

   2.06 Color module
   - New: M_HISTOGRAM_VOTE matching technique based on the histogram of 
     the image.
   - New: McolDefine(+M_ADD_COLOR_TO_SAMPLE) to facilitate the definition of a 
     color sample from multiple color patches.
     operations for samples defined from multiple color patches.

   2.07 Edge Finder module
   - Improvement: building the edge chains is more efficient in speed and 
     memory usage.

   2.08 Measurement module
   - New: MmeasFindMarker now accepts buffers with regions (MbufSetRegion) to 
     define the search region.
   - New: M_EDGEVALUE_VAR_MIN control to set the minimum expected prominence
     of the edge peaks.
   - New: M_EDGE_CONTRAST result defined by the difference between the 
     intensities measured at the edge's maximum of curvature positions.
   - New: M_EDGE_CONTRAST_SCORE based on the M_EDGE_CONTRAST result value.
   - New: MmeasSetMarker M_CIRCLE_INSIDE_SEARCH_REGION control allows to find a
     circle lying partially outside the search region.
   - New: M_FIT_ERROR_MAX result is now available for circle markers.
   - New: MmeasSetMarker M_CIRCLE_ACCURACY control allows the use of a low 
     accuracy but typically faster find algorithm.
   - New: MmeasSetMarker M_SUBPIXEL_MODE control offers two modes 
     (M_LOCAL and M_GLOBAL) to determine the subpixel edge location.
   - New: MmeasSetMarker M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING_... controls to select the 
     behavior of the clipping of the search region.
   - New: M_EDGE_WIDTH result based on maximal curvature locations, contrary to
     M_EDGEVALUE_PEAK_WIDTH, which is based on the threshold.
     (see also new M_EDGE_START, M_EDGE_END results).
   - New: M_DRAW_EDGEVALUE_PEAK_WIDTH_IN_PROFILE to draw the width of the 
     measured marker along the edge profile annotation (edge and stripe 
   - New: M_DRAW_EDGEVALUE_MIN_IN_PROFILE to draw the threshold levels along 
     the edge profile annotation (edge and stripe markers).
   - New: MmeasDraw with M_RESULT_PER_SUBREGION() macro allows various drawing 
     operations for annotating the subregions (edge and stripe markers).
   - New: MmeasDraw with M_DRAW_POSITION_IN_PROFILE to draw the position of 
     the edge along the edge profile annotation (edge and stripe markers).
   - Improvement: MIL_TYPE_MIL_ID combination flag is now supported by
   - New: M_DRAW_INCLUSION_POINT to draw the location of M_INCLUSION_POINT.
   - Improvement: improved accuracy of the returned angle when measuring in a 
     calibrated source image.

   2.09 Metrology module
   - New: M_DERIVED_GEOMETRY_REGION object and its associated M_REGION_... 
     controls to define regions from other features (e.g. a ring defined 
     from three points).
   - New: MmetSetRegion(...M_FROM_DERIVED_GEOMETRY_REGION...) to define the 
     region of a feature from an M_DERIVED_GEOMETRY_REGION object.
   - New: MmetSetRegion M_FROM_GRAPHIC_LIST to define a region from a graphic 
     list object.
   - New: MmetDraw M_DRAW_FITTED_EDGELS to draw the edgels participating in the 
     final fit of a feature.
   - New: MmetControl M_EDGEL_TYPE to construct an M_EDGEL feature either the 
     active edgels of a feature, or from the fitted edgels of a feature.
   - New: MmetControl M_GAIN and M_OFFSET to correct for tolerance bias before 
     validating the result.
   - New: MmetInquire M_INDEX_FROM_LABEL to retrieve the index of a feature 
     or tolerance.
   - New: MmetGetResult M_LABEL_VALUE to retrieve the labels of features 
     and tolerances.
   - New: M_COVERAGE values of fitted features can be retrieved.
   - New: MmetControl M_REGION_ACCURACY_HIGH can be disabled to allow using 
     faster but lower accuracy region mapping.
   - Improvement: M_EDGEL_SELECTION_RANK now accepts M_DISABLE, which is the 
     default behavior.
   - Improvement: MmetCalculate has additional optimizations when calculating 
     measured features from rectangular, ring, ring sector, or 1D regions.
   - Improvement: has been optimized for multi-core (MP) architectures.

   2.10 Model Finder module
   - New: MmodControl M_ACTIVE_EDGELS to control the percentage of the most 
     relevant edgels from the target image that will be used during the find 
     process, for M_GEOMETRIC contexts.
   - New: MmodDraw M_DRAW_ACTIVE_EDGELS to visualize selected edgels from the 
     target image used during the find process.
   - New: M_SEARCH_POSITION_FROM_GRAPHIC_LIST control allows defining the 
     search region from a graphics list object.

   2.11 OCR module
   - New: MocrReadString, MocrVerifyString and MocrCalibrationFont functions 
     now accept buffers with an associated rotated rectangular region 
     (see MbufSetRegion and MocrControl(M_STRING_ANGLE, M_ACCORDING_TO_REGION))

   2.12 Pattern matching module
   - New: MpatFindModel and MpatFindModelMultiple now accept buffers with 
     an associated rotated rectangular region (see MbufSetRegion).

   2.13 Registration module
   - Improvement: MregTransformCoordinate error message has been clarified 
     when the result is not calculated.

   2.14 String Reader module
   - New: The '~' character is now correctly considered as a punctuation 
     character when added to a font definition.
   - New: MstrControl now supports M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve result 
     values in world units. Note that the default setting for the result 
     output unit is M_ACCORDING_TO_CALIBRATION. Existing calibrated 
     applications may need to explicitly change this setting.
   - Improvement: MstrRead is more robust with strings and fonts containing 
     punctuation characters.

   2.15 3dmap module
   - New: "3D Setup Helper.xls" Microsoft Excel sheet, located in the 
     "Matrox Imaging/Tools/" directory, to help determine the adequate hardware
     configuration for a camera-laser setup.
   - New: M_Y_THEN_X control to select an alternative gap filling direction.
   - New: M_FILL_THRESHOLD_X and M_FILL_THRESHOLD_Y controls to adjust the gap 
     filling decision of a depth map.
   - New: M3dmapDraw M_DRAW_CALIBRATION_PEAKS to draw all the extracted laser 
     lines during calibration operation.

   2.16 Graphic functions
   - New: modules can now draw (MmodDraw, MmetDraw...) into a graphics list
     object to display the result with zoomable subpixel annotations.
   - New: it is now possible to interactively edit a graphics list (see 
     MdispControl with M_GRAPHIC_LIST_INTERACTIVE and MgraInteractive).
   - New: MgraArcAngle M_CONTOUR and M_SECTOR control flag values to specify 
     an arc style.
   - New: MgraControlList M_ARC_STYLE to control the style of an arc in a
     graphics list.
   - New: MgraControlList M_GRAPHIC_SELECTED control flag to set whether 
     a given graphic is selected or not.
   - New: MgraControl and MgraControlList with M_GRAPHIC_SOURCE_CALIBRATION and 
     M_FIXTURE to allow drawing annotations under different fixtures.
   - New: MgraControl, MgraInquire, MgraControlList, and MgraInquireList, new 
     control flags for managing interactivity:
   - New: MgraControl new control flags to draw with a zoom and/or an offset: 
   - New: MgraCopy function to copy one or more graphics from a graphics 
     list to another.
   - New: MgraHookFunction to attach or detach a user function to a graphics 
     list event such as a modification to the graphics list.
   - New: MgraGetHookInfo function to retrieve the information about a 
     graphics list event.
   - New: MgraControlList M_GRAPHIC_CONVERSION_MODE control to determine
     how to perform the conversion between world and pixel units of a graphic.
   - New: MgraLines M_INFINITE_LINES control flag to draw infinite lines from
     an array of pairs of points.
   - New: MgraDraw M_NO_INTERACTIVE_ANNOTATION control flag to disable drawing
     interactive annotations.
   - New: MgraInquireList M_INTERACTIVE_GRAPHIC_STATE to retrieve the current
     state of the interactivity of a graphics list (e.g. IDLE, hover handle)
   - New: MgraControlList M_CONSTRAIN_ASPECT_RATIO control flag to set whether
     to force the width of objects equal to the height, or not.
   - New: MgraControlList M_MULTIPLE_SELECTION control flag to set whether to
     enable interactive selection of multiple graphics using the Ctrl key, 
     or not.

   2.17 Regions
   - New: MbufSetRegion M_FILL_REGION combination flag to interpret all 
     graphics list elements as filled graphics.

   2.18 Primitives
   - New: MbufClearCond function to clear the pixels satisfying a specified 
   - New: MimDilate and MimErode M_BINARY_ULTIMATE mode to perform ultimate 
     morphological dilate and erosion.
   - New: MimArith operations: M_EXP, M_CONST_EXP, M_LOG, M_LOG_CONST and 
   - New: MimArith allows many existing operations to be performed interpreting
     pixels as logical boolean values (see M_LOGICAL).
   - New: MimArith can now perform operations with constant operand in 
     floating-point accuracy using the M_FLOAT_PROC combination flag.
   - New: M_POWER function in MgenLutFunction (A. X ^ B + C).
   - New: the following context types can be streamed with MimSave, MimRestore,
   - New: buffers allocated with the M_LUT attribute now support calls to 
     MbufControlNeighborhood so that overscan parameters can be set.
   - New: MimClip now has the M_SATURATION condition to allow clipping to be 
     done according to the minimum and maximum of the destination 
     buffer properties.
   - New: MimLocateEvent can now receive M_ALL as a condition to consider 
     all pixels.
   - New: MimLocateEvent has new combination constants: M_LOCAL_MAX_NOT_STRICT,
   - New: MimConnectMap now supports white overscan. See 
     MbufControlNeighborhood M_OVERSCAN_REPLACE_VALUE control set to 
     M_REPLACE_MAX on the received LUT.
   - Improvement: the accuracy of the optimized version of MbufBayer with 
     M_AVERAGE_2X2 interpolation has been improved.
   - Improvement: MbufBayer with M_WHITE_BALANCE_CALCULATE now normalizes 
     coefficients with the maximal average value from the r, g, b bands.
   - Improvement: MbufBayer white balancing coefficient calculation is 
   - Improvement: the robustness of MimBinarize(...M_TRIANGLE_BISECTION_...) to
     small changes in the histogram of the image has been improved.
   - Improvement: MimCountDifference is now optimized for SSE2 CPU and for 
     multiprocessing as well.
   2.19 Matrox Profiler
   - New: Matrox Profiler tool allows to graphically and interactively analyze 
     the MIL traces including the MIL functions, the MIL events, the MIL 
     errors, etc...

3. Deprecated functionalities

   3.01 General
   - Several MIL constant values (e.g. M_TYPE_CHAR, M_TYPE_SHORT, 
     M_SUPPORTED) now require a MIL_INT64 variable to store it, if needed.
   - Queuing results by calling several M..GetResult(), M..GetResult1D(),... 
     with an M_NULL result pointer is now deprecated.
     M_DRAW_SCALE_Y controls are now deprecated. They are replaced by 
     MgraControl on the graphic context with M_DRAW_OFFSET_X, M_DRAW_OFFSET_Y, 
   - MbufControlRegion is deprecated and replaced by MbufControlArea to remove
     the ambiguity with the region (MbufSetRegion) functionalities.
   3.02 Bead module
   - M_POSITION_MODE control is deprecated and replaced by M_TRAINING_PATH.
   - M_USER_DEFINED position mode is deprecated and replaced by M_POLYLINE   
     training path.
   - M_AUTO position mode is deprecated and replaced by M_POLYLINE_SEED
     training path.

   3.03 Calibration module
   - McalTransformResult M_ALLOW_INVALID_POINT_OUTPUT combination flag is 
     deprecated. M_INVALID_POINT is returned when the value cannot be
   - McalTransformCoordinate, McalTransformCoordinateList, 
     McalTransformCoordinate3dList, and McalTransformResultAtPosition ;
     M_ALLOW_INVALID_POINT_OUTPUT combination flag is deprecated and replaced 
     by M_NO_POINTS_BEHIND_CAMERA. Note that even if not using 
     M_NO_POINTS_BEHIND_CAMERA, the function may return M_INVALID_POINT when
     transforming pixels on the horizon line.
   - McalTransformCoordinate3dList M_PLANE_INTERSECTION mode flag is
     deprecated ; use M_DEFAULT instead.

   3.04 Color module
   - M_CIEDE94_GRAPHIC_ARTS is deprecated and replaced by M_CIE94_GRAPHIC_ARTS.
   - M_CIEDE94_TEXTILE is deprecated and replaced by M_CIE94_TEXTILE.

   3.05 Measurement module
   - M_POSITION_MIN edge result type is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_POSITION_MAX edge result type is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_CONTRAST edge result type is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_CONTRAST_SCORE edge score property is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_WIDTH edge result type is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_WIDTH stripe result type is deprecated and replaced by M_STRIPE_WIDTH.
   - M_WIDTH_SCORE stripe score characteristic is deprecated and replaced 
   - The value M_ENABLE for M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING in MmeasSetMarker is 
     deprecated and replaced by M_MAXIMIZE_AREA.
   - M_EDGE_THRESHOLD control is deprecated and replaced by M_EDGEVALUE_MIN.
   - The M_ALL parameter index in MmeasDraw is deprecated and replaced 
   - The deprecated M_WEIGHT_FACTOR is now obsolete and will lead to a MIL 
     error. MmeasSetScore must be used instead.
   - M_DRAW_ARROW draw type is deprecated and replaced by 

   3.06 Metrology module
   - MmetInquire M_METHOD control flag is deprecated and replaced 
     by M_OPERATION control flag.
   - M_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_LABEL is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_INDEX is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_NUMBER_OF_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_LABEL is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_NUMBER_OF_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_INDEX is deprecated and replaced 
   - M_VISIBLE is deprecated and replaced by M_DRAWABLE.

   3.07 Model Finder

   3.08 Edge Finder

   3.09 Interactive utilities
   - All M_INTERACTIVE dialogs are deprecated, except for Save, Restore
     and Stream operations.

4. Fixed bugs

   4.01 General
   - MdigProcess did not propagate its associated calibration to the 
     grabbed images.
   - The M_PROC buffer attribute was not required by all processing 
     functions including: 
     MedgeMask, MedgeDraw, MblobDraw, MblobFill, MblobLabel, 
     MmeasDraw, MmeasFindMarker, MmetDraw, MocrDraw, MregDraw, MregControl, 
     MstrDraw, MstrExpert, McodeDraw, MpatDraw, MpatAllocModel, MpatCopy, 
     MpatSetDontCare, McolDefine, McolDistance, McolDraw, McolMask, McolMatch, 
     McolProject, M3dmapAddScan, M3dmapArith, M3dmapDraw, M3dmapExtract,
     M3dmapSetGeometry, M3dmapStat, MbeadDraw, MbeadTrain, MbeadVerify,
     MmodControl, MmodDefine, MmodDraw, MmodMask, and MmodFind.

   4.02 Bead module
   - MbeadTrain, MbeadVerify and MbeadTemplate functions now validates that 
     only unsigned 8-bit mono buffers are supported.
   - MbeadGetResult did not work properly on remote systems when using DMIL.
   - MbeadVerify will no longer lead, under some circumstances, to an exception
     with an image having no bead.
   - MbeadDraw will no longer draw the M_DRAW_SEARCH_BOX centered on the found
     position instead of the trained position.

   4.03 Blob module
   - MblobDraw(...M_DRAW_CONVEX_HULL...) will no longer crash when the 
     necessary features were not previously selected with MblobSelectFeature().
   - MblobGetRuns will no longer crash when using the M_LABELED identification 
     mode and calculating the convex hull.
   - MblobCalculate wrongly accepted binary buffers as the grayscale image, 
     leading to erroneous results.
   - M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS will no longer return invalid results for some
     features such as the general centered moments.
   - Inquiring the M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS will no longer return M_YES/M_NO
     but M_ENBALE/M_DISABL as expected.

   4.04 Calibration module
   - McalTransformCoordinate was not thread-safe.
   - McalGrid will no longer fail, in some special cases, when the grid had an 
     orientation near 45-degrees combined with very high 
     perspective deformation.
   - McalGrid will no longer find wrong positions with M_CHESSBOARD_GRID when 
     the image is highly distorted.
   - McalList did an incorrect parameter check for the minimum number of 
     3D points needed; it always required 6 points.
   - McalFixture was not taking into account the relative coordinate system 
     when using a calibration context as a reference (instead of an image).

   4.05 Code module
   - Mix of parity patterns were not properly validated for EAN-13.
   - McodeDraw will no longer alter the destination buffer associated 
     calibration, if any.
   - PDF417 and TruncatedPDF417 error correction will no longer fail in 
     rare situations.
   - PDF417 and TruncatedPDF417 accepted impossible combinations of the numbers
     of cells in X and Y with X*Y>928, which is greater than the maximum number
     of codewords allowed.
   - PDF417 and TruncatedPDF417 will no longer detect the wrong number of 
     columns or rows for some specific codes.
   - Size of the 2D part of a composite code will no longer be incorrectly 
   - Under rare circumstances the wrong string will no longer be read 
     with MicroPDF417: codewords 916 and 917 will no longer be incorrectly 
   - Stability of the AIM DPM verification has been fixed for Data Matrix.
   - Reading a code in a region outside the target image did not refresh the 
     M_STATUS of the results.
   - McodeRead will no longer fail decoding a degraded QRCode containing the 
     maximum error correction capacity.
   - McodeRead will no longer potentially crash when reading 2-State and 
     4-State codes.

   4.06 Color module
   - McolDistance normalization was not working properly for M_BGR32 buffers.
   - McolMatch with M_HISTOGRAM_MATCHING directly on a sample image will no 
     longer lead to an incorrect M_SCORE_RELEVANCE value over 100%.
   - McolInquireSafeType (M_MIL_USE_SAFE_TYPE) will no longer lead to false 
     errors in rare circumstances.
   - McolSetMethod wrongly generated an error when using M_HISTOGRAM_MATCHING 
     with the M_MANHATTAN distance and M_CIELAB color space.

   4.07 Edge Finder module
   - MedgeGetNeighbors with M_GET_EDGELS will no longer lead to an exception 
     under some specific circumstances.

   4.08 Measurement module
   - MmeasSetMarker(...M_RING_RADII..) will no longer lead to an inner radius 
     greater than the outer radius when the outer radius was set to M_DEFAULT.
   - MmeasDraw(...M_DRAW_SEARCH_REGION...) did not draw anything when the 
     M_BOX_ANGLE control was set to M_ANY. It now draws the box at 0 degree.
   - MmeasDraw(...M_DRAW_SEARCH_REGION...) did not draw anything when 
     M_BOX_SIZE was set to M_DEFAULT.
   - MmeasFindMarker stability with circle and stripe markers has been fixed.
   - The default search region, defining the whole image, will longer results 
     in potential unstable calculations. 
   - The default search region for circle markers was not perfectly at the 
     image subpixel center.
   - MmeasInquire used with the M_SUPPORTED combination flag will no longer 
     lead to a MIL error.
   - Calling MmeasGetResult before MmeasFindMarker will no longer cause 
     an exception.
   - M_CONTRAST result will no longer give negative values when using an M_SHEN 
     or M_PREWITT filter types.
   - MmeasFindMarker will no longer find circles whose centers are not inside 
     the search region.
   - MmeasFindMarker will no longer falsely report a "region out of image" 
     error message.
   - MmeasFindMarker returned inaccurate subedges results if using an 
     aspect ratio.
   - The subpixel location of an edge will no longer be biased in the presence 
     of very close consecutive edge transitions.
   - When using multiple sub boxes foe edge and stripe markers, the data of the 
     last sub box will no longer be partially projected.
   - M_SUB_EDGES_POSITION and M_SUB_EDGES_WEIGHT results will now be ordered
     similarly to M_SUB_EDGES_MARKER_INDEX results.
   - A specific sequence of MeasSetScore/MmeasFindMarker/MmeasSetScore/
     MmeasGetScore calls will no longer result in a crash.
   - MmeasDraw with M_DRAW_BOX no longer leads to an incorrect drawing when 
     some box settings are set to M_DEFAULT.
   - All edge and stripe marker annotations (crosses) are all consistently 
     drawn at the angle of the measurement box.
   - MmeasStream will no longer generate a small memory leak.
   - The M_INCLUSION_POINT will no longer ignore the input unit setting.

   4.09 Metrology module
   - When drawing in a calibrated destination, the Y-axis of the local frames 
     was not aligned with the world Y-axis, but orthogonal to the world 
     aligned X axis.
   - MmetCalculate will no longer skip calculations if only the calibration 
     information of an image changed and not its content.
   - MmetDraw with M_ACTIVE_EDGELS will no longer draw the fitted edgels 
     instead of the selected ones.
   - MmetDraw, horizontal and vertical constructed parametric lines could not 
     be drawn.
   - The arrow of an arc region was not drawn properly when the start angle was
     greater than the end angle.
   - MmetDraw of edgels did not properly consider the calibration of the image 
     used by MmetCalculate.
   - MmetDraw will no longer draw unsuccessful calculated features at (0, 0). 
     It now draws nothing.
   - MmetDraw will no longer ignore the calibration information of the 
     destination image when drawing tolerances.
   - The farthest point (M_MAX_DISTANCE_POINT) between a circle and an arc will
     no longer give the wrong point.
   - MmetGetResult will no longer return the wrong pixel unit coordinates for 
     measured points when calculating on a calibrated image.
   - M_RESULT_OUTPUT_FRAME set to M_GLOBAL_FRAME did not return the 
     correct results.
   - Perpendicularity and parallelism tolerances were not always returning the
     smallest angular values.
   - The construction of a perpendicular line, a parallel line, or a line at 
     angle was not properly validating the type of the reference feature. An
     error message will now pop when the construction is invalid.
   - MmetCalculate will no longer find edgels outside the measured region when
     using a calibration with a very distorted pixel to world mapping.

   4.10 Model Finder module
   - MmodFind will no longer generate a run-time exception in very rare 
     configuration with very short extracted edge chains.
   - Under some circumstances, MmodFind could not find a synthetic rectangular 
     model if M_ACCURACY was set to M_LOW.
   - MmodRestore(... M_WITH_CALIBRATION ...) will no longer lead to an error 
     in MmodPreprocess.
   - Robustness fixes with M_GEOMETRIC_CONTROLLED contexts when using 
     the M_LAST_LEVEL control.
   - MmodDraw M_DRAW_MODEL_IMAGE and M_DRAW_EDGES for synthetic and CAD models 
     did not take into account the graphic context color setting, but forced 
     the color to 255.

   4.11 OCR module
   - M_CHAR_SPACING result returned incorrect values when the read string was 
     at an angle.
   - MocrDraw ignored the color of the received graphic context.
   - MocrGetResult with M_CHAR_SPACING, M_CHAR_SIZE_X/Y, M_STRING_ANGLE was 
     not returning results in world units even if the read was performed with 
     a calibrated image.
   - MocrPreprocess will no longer lead to an exception if 
     M_TARGET_CHAR_SPACING is set lower than 2.
   - MocrReadString will no longer give unstable results when there are fewer 
     characters in the image than the number of characters to read.
   - MocrReadString was not working properly when reading characters at angle 
     with a different scale than the font.
   - MocrReadString will no longer lead to an exception when 
   - Predefined SEMI font contexts will no longer read with a bad checksum if 
     the number of strings is greater than one.

   4.12 Pattern matching module
   - MpatFindModel was not working perfectly with very large buffers 
     (one pixel size over 65535).
   - MpatFindModel with circular overscan model will no longer find multiple 
     occurrences at the same position with multiprocessing enabled.
   - MpatFindModel will no longer have a memory leak with multiprocessing 
   - MpatFindModel is now able to find a model if the occurrence position 
     is too close to the search region borders.
   - M_MIN_SPACING_X, M_MIN_SPACING_Y were not working properly when searching 
     for a model at an angle.
   - M_SAVE_SUMS set to M_ENABLE will no longer lead to incorrect results when 
     the center of the model is also changed.
   - MpatFindModel will no longer crash when setting an M_MODEL_STEP to 
     an unexpected value.
   - MpatFindModel is now able to find large models with don't care mask and 
     model step of 2.
   - In rare cases, MpatFindModel will no longer crash when using very large 

   4.13 Registration module
   - MregTransformImage erroneously accepted destination buffer formats other 
     than 8+M_UNSIGNED.

   4.14 String Reader module
   - For MstrRead and MstrExpert, a lack of memory will no longer lead to a 
     memory leak in very special circumstances.
   - MstrRead will no longer be unable to read in an image with an associated 
     region and with the M_THICKEN_CHAR control set to a non-null value.
   - MstrRead will no longer potentially crash or lead to incorrect results
     when disabling some characters from a fontless context.

   4.15 3dmap module
   - M3dmapExtract M_FILL_MISSING_DATA_ONLY was not allowed on empty results.
   - M3dmapExtract with M_USE_DESTINATION_SCALES now works on physically 
     corrected images with a pixel rotation (fixtured buffers).
   - M3dmapTriangulate now works with DMIL remote systems.
   - M3dmapArith did not work properly on two source images with different 
     calibration child offsets. It now reports an error.
   - M3dmapExtract with M_USE_DESTINATION_SCALES did not take into account 
     the calibration child offsets when extracting from a child of the 
     3d-corrected buffer.
   - M3dmapExtract with M_USE_DESTINATION_SCALES did not work properly with 
     a physically corrected image destination having a rotated relative 
     coordinate system (fixture).
   - M3dmapCalibrate in M_CALIBRATED_CAMERA_LINEAR_MOTION mode will no longer 
     ignore the M_Y_AXIS_UP setting of the camera calibration.
   - M3dmapExtract will no longer ignore to set the relative coordinate system.
     The relative coordinate system is now correctly set to the 3d
     reconstruction coordinate system.
   - M3dmapArith will no longer ignore to set the relative coordinate system.
     The relative coordinate system is now correctly set to the 3d
     reconstruction coordinate system.

   4.16 Graphic functions
   - MgraLines did not always render the exact same line when executed on 
     child buffers versus when executed on its ancestor buffer.
   - MgraArcFill will no longer crash for very large arcs.
   - MgraInquireList(...M_LAST_LABEL...) will no longer erroneously return a 
     zero label value.
   - MgraClear will no longer ignore the colors from the received graphic 
     context with on-board allocated buffers.
   - Mgra functions execution will no longer be abnormally slow on GPU systems.
   - MgraControlList on M_ALL or M_ALL_SELECTED objects will no longer report
     an error when the control does not apply to some graphic objects.
   - MgraControlList did not correctly handle the M_AVAILABLE, M_SUPPORTED, and
     M_DEFAULT combination flags.
   - MgraText will now correctly interpret the M_FONT_SIZE setting.
   - After deleting the last graphic of a graphic list, inquire to M_LAST_LABEL
     will no longer return an invalid label value but M_NO_LABEL instead.

   4.17 Regions
   - MbufSetRegion function will no longer lead to an exception if function 
     calls to the calibration module are not previously done.

   4.18 Primitives
   - Loading or streaming an image with no associated region into a buffer 
     was deleting its region, if any. The region now remains intact.
     MbufSetRegion(...M_DELETE...) must be used to remove a region.
   - MbufBayer applied the gamma correction after the demosaicing operation.
   - MbufBayer with M_AVERAGE_2X2 will no longer lead to an exception with 
     very small buffers.
   - MimMorphic with M_BINARY processing mode used uninitialized overscan data 
     when the destination was an 8-bits buffer.
   - MimMorphic with 0 iterations had inconsistent behaviors. It now copies the
     source to the destination.
   - MimMorphic performed all the iterations except the first one in the data 
     type of destination. All iterations are now done and saturated according 
     to the data type of the source buffer, then the result is put to the 
     destination buffer.
   - MimMorphic was truncating intermediate results when either the source, 
     the destination or the structuring element was a floating-point buffer.
   - MimThin and MimThick with 0 iterations had inconsistent behaviors 
     regarding MimMorphic. It now copies the source to the destination.
   - MbufCopyColor2d was allowed for subsampled bands (e.g. U and V bands for 
     subsampled YUV formats). It is now protected.
   - MimTransform with M_FFT will no longer give inexact results with some 
     images when doing a reverse transform using only the 'real' part of 
     the results.
   - MimDraw is now working properly on 3-band color buffers.
   - MimDraw now correctly considers the color set by the M_DEFAULT 
     graphic context.
   - MimDraw with M_DRAW_PEAKS will no longer give annotations off by half 
     a pixel.
   - MimDilate, MimErode, MimThin and MimThick functions always perform a 
     buffer copy if the number of iterations is set to 0.
   - MimPolarTransform will no longer lead to an exception when using a 
     small angle.
   - MimConvert will no longer give erroneous results with M_BGR32+M_PACKED 
     image buffers when using matrix multiplication with a 4x3 matrix.
   - MimLocateEvent will no longer lead to an exception when using 
     multiprocessing optimization.
   - MimMatch will no longer lead to an exception when using very large models.
   - MimPolarTransform will no longer have inconsistent results when doing 
     a transform and its reverse.
   - Copying a YUV source image to an RGB destination with a type equal to 
     or greater than 16 bits no longer leads to erroneous values.
   - MimPolarTransform will no longer leads to erroneous values when the
     buffer is a child band of a non-regular buffer.
   - MimThin with M_BINARY2 and a white overscan no longer occasionally leads 
     to a crash.
   - Under Windows XP, MappInquireMP(M_MEMORY_BANK_AFFINITY_MASK) and
     MbufAllocColor will no longer be inconsistent.
   - MbufExport(...M_WITH_CALIBRATION...) will no longer malfunction with
     compressed buffers.

   4.19 Interactive utilities
   - Code Reader interactive utility will no longer prevent you from properly 
     editing the number of cells in X with PDF417 and MicroPDF418 codes.
   - Code Reader interactive utility will no longer lead to an exception when 
     reading many code symbols.
   - OCR Reader interactive utility did not report read, verify of 
     preprocessing errors.
   - OCR Reader interactive utility did give the focus to an inaccurate 
     window when selecting a result.
   - Color Analysis interactive utility will no longer display some artifacts 
     when zooming the display of a color sample.
   - Model Finder interactive utility did not correctly update the preprocess 
     status when modifying the pixel scale of a synthetic model.
   - Metrology interactive utility will no longer lead to an exception when 
     opening the 'modify' dialog on a tolerance defined with a single feature.
   - Metrology was not correctly displaying a reference template images when 
     using 32+M_FLOAT format buffer.
   - The calibration dialog in the interactive utilities erroneously allowed 
     associating an image document to an empty calibration, leading 
     to MIL errors.
   - Using an interactive utility with a remote Iris system (DMIL) and 
     with no local license prevented the deinterlace and the calibration 
     dialogs from working properly.
   - Pasting an image in an interactive utility gave an inaccurate error 
     message when no license was present.
   - Stability fixes in the continuous grab functionality.
   - Stability fixes in the calibration dialog when using the 
     'Associate to digitizer' option.
   - Opening the MIL help will no longer lead to an incorrect section if 
     MIL help was already opened.

5. Known limitations

   5.01 Graphic functions
   - Interactive edition only tracks the region distortion, but not the
     drawing. The region drawing can track the region distortion when the 

   5.02 Interactive utilities
   - The MIL Interactive utilities (e.g. Matrox Inspector) ignore regions 
     of images.
   - M_DRAW_OFFSET_X/Y and M_DRAW_ZOOM_X/Y controls are currently not used 
     by the interactive edition nor by the processing modules when using
     M_VECTOR type regions.
   - Calibration dialog of the specific MIL Interactive utilities (e.g. 
     Model Finder GUI): if a child buffer is selected, the calibration 
     is performed using the child, but associated to the parent. This 
     leads to incoherent results. Selecting a child should be  avoided 
     when performing a calibration using a specific MIL Interactive 
   - Inspector Measurement dialog has been updated to prevent from using 
     the old deprecated scores.

   5.03 Regions
   - The raster version of a MIL 10.0 image's region is discarded when the
     image is loaded in an older version of MIL (i.e. MIL 9 PP2 and older).
     Forcing MbufSetRegion(...M_RASTERIZE...) after loading the image will 
     restore the raster version.

   5.04 Metrology
   - Contexts having features or tolerances with an associated name 
     (MmetSetname) and saved under Windows, cannot be restored on Linux; and 
     vice-versa. Removing the names solves the issue.

   5.05 Matrox Profiler
   - Combining application and thread level activation or deactivation of the 
     trace log can lead to incoherent results when visualized with the Matrox 

   5.06 Streaming functions
   - Loading a stream (file or memory) containing a different object type when
     using MxxxStream with an M_LOAD operation will not generate a MIL error
     as it should. The loaded object could be in an unstable state,
     particularly on a remote DMIL system.

Section 3: Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 with Update 56 and 
           MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2

Table of Contents for Section 3

1. Overview
2. Fixed bugs
   2.1 Pattern Matching

1. Overview

   - MIL 9 Update 56 includes important bug fixes to the MIL Pattern Matching
   - MIL 9 Update 56 is an update to MIL 9 with Processing Pack 2 only.

2. Fixed bugs

   2.1 Pattern Matching
   - MpatFindModel: a memory leak, when using circular overscan with MIL
     MP (multi-core processing) enabled, has been fixed.
   - MpatFindModel: could return multiple occurrences at the same location
     when using circular overscan with MIL MP (multi-core processing) enabled.
   - After setting the advanced M_MAX_INITIAL_PEAKS parameters, the number of
     occurrences returned by the module was always 1.
Section 4: Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 with Update 45 and 
           MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2

Table of Contents for Section 4

1. Overview
2. New functionalities and improvements
   2.1 Code reading
   2.2 Code verification
3. Fixed bugs
   3.1 Code reading
   3.2 Code writing
   3.3 Code verification
4. Known issues

1. Overview

   - MIL 9.0 Update 45 includes new functionalities, performance optimizations 
     and general improvements for the MIL Code Reader module. 
     The key features are:

     * MicroQR code support;
     * More distortion support for Data Matrix, QR and 4-State codes.
     * Verification of Data Matrix, QR and MicroQR codes using ISO 15415 and 
       AIM DPM-1-2006 standards;

   - MIL 9.0 Update 45 is an update to MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 only.

   - MIL 9.0 Update 45 updates the MIL Help files accordingly.

2. New functionalities and improvements

   2.1 Code reading
   - New support for reading Micro-QR codes
   - QR codes: M_DISTORTION control type supports M_UNEVEN_GRID_STEP to read 
     symbols with a moderate amount of distortion between alignment patterns.
   - QR codes: M_FOREGROUND_VALUE control type supports M_FOREGROUND_ANY.
   - QR codes: supports character sets as defined in ISO/IEC 18004:2006.
   - Data Matrix: M_DISTORTION control type supports the new flag 
     M_PERSPECTIVE_UNEVEN_GRID_STEP to read symbols distorted by a combination 
     of uneven grid steps and an affine transformation e.g. (perspective, 
     shearing, etc.)
   - MicroQR codes: supports character sets as defined in ISO/IEC 18004:2006.
   - Data Matrix: improved localization performance especially for rotated 
   - 4-State codes: improved robustness for severely wavy distorted codes.
   - PDF417: improved robustness when facing tight ROIs or small quiet zones.
   - Truncated PDF417: improved robustness when facing tight ROIs or small 
     quiet zones.
   - Pharmacodes: increased robustness for out-of-specification bar 
     size variations.
   - New M_SEARCH_ANGLE_STEP control type for 1D codes.
   - New M_CHECK_QUIET_ZONE control type to enable/disable assuming the 
     existence of a valid quiet zone around the codes.
   - New M_STRING_FORMAT control type, supported on Windows platforms except 
   - New M_STRING_FORMAT control type: M_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE for outputting 
     decoded strings in Simplified Chinese (Windows 936) code page, for 
     and M_DATAMATRIX.
   - New M_STRING_FORMAT control type: M_JAPANESE for outputting decoded 
     strings in Japanese (Windows 932) code page, for M_PDF417, M_MICROPDF417, 
   - New M_STRING_FORMAT control type: M_LATIN for outputting strings in Latin 
     (Windows 1252) code page, for M_PDF417, M_MICROPDF417, M_TRUNCATED_PDF417,
   - New M_STRING_FORMAT control type: M_KOREAN for outputting strings in 
     Korean (Windows 949) code page, for M_PDF417, M_MICROPDF417, 

   2.2 Code verification

   - New AIM DPM-1-2006 standard support for Data Matrix, QR and MicroQR codes.
   - Complete ISO 15415 standard support for Data Matrix, QR and MicroQR codes.
   - New M_VERIFICATION_STANDARD control type to select the desired 
     specification to use for Data Matrix codes, QR codes, and Micro-QR codes. 
     The possible values are: M_ISO_VERIFICATION, and M_AIMDPM_VERIFICATION.
   - Deprecation and potential change of behavior: the old ANSI verification 
     is deprecated and replaced, by default, by the ISO verification standard.
   - New M_NUMBER_OF_SCANS_PER_ROW control type to set the number of scans per
     row for the verification of linear codes and cross-row codes.
   - New M_INSPECTION_BAND_RATIO control type to set the inspection band ratio 
     for the verification of linear codes and cross-row codes.

3. Fixed bugs

   3.1 Code reading
   - PDF417 code: start/stop pattern detection could not work properly.
   - PDF417 code: could fail to correctly determine the number of columns 
     and rows.
   - Planet code: could fail to correctly determine the module size.
   - Postnet code: could fail to correctly determine the module size.
   - 4-State code: could fail to correctly determine the module size.
   - PDF417 code: the error correction could fail when the number of 
     codewords was large.
   - 2D code drawings: a regular grid was drawn instead of the fetched 

   3.2 Code writing

   - Australian 4-State code: fixed crash when encoding raw data.
   - EAN14 code: fixed potential heap corruption.
   - PDF417 code: code not generated correctly: the symbol length 
     descriptor was not computed correctly.

   3.3 Barcode verification

   - MicroPDF417 code: fixed potential Row Address Pattern (RAP) grade; it 
     cannot be larger than 52.

4. Known issues

   4.1 It is not recommended reinstalling MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 after 
     MIL 9.0 Update 45: this will replace some files required for the proper 
     functioning of this update.

   4.2 When upgrading processing specific example projects from Visual Studio
     2005 to Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010 with UAC enabled, 
     there will be a warning in the conversion log indicating that current 
     user privileges have been added to the project.  This will not cause 
     any problems.

Section 5: Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2
           and MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1

Table of Contents for Section 5

1. Overview
2. New processing functionality and improvements
   2.1.  Processing specific examples (New!)
   2.2.  Bead module (New!)
   2.3.  Calibration module (New fixturing!)
   2.4.  Color module
   2.5.  3dmap module
   2.6.  Metrology module
   2.7.  Code Reader module
   2.8.  Blob module
   2.9.  Measurement module
   2.10. Pattern Matching module
   2.11. Model Finder module
   2.12. Edge Finder module
   2.13. String Reader module
   2.14. OCR module
   2.15. Registration module
   2.16. Graphic functions
   2.17. Mim and general processing functions
   2.18. Interactive utilities
3. Fixed bugs
   3.1.  Code reader module
   3.2.  Blob module
   3.3.  Calibration module
   3.4.  String Reader module
   3.5.  Edge Finder module
   3.6.  Model Finder module
   3.7.  Color module
   3.8.  Metrology module
   3.9   3dmap module
   3.10  Pattern matching module
   3.11  Measurement module
   3.12  Registration module
   3.13  OCR module
   3.14  Graphic functions
   3.15. Mim and general functions
   3.16. Interactive utilities
4. Mim functions and performance optimizations
5. Board specifics
6. Miscellaneous

1. Overview

   - MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 includes new processing functionalities, 
     performance optimizations and general improvements, such as: a new bead 
     inspection module, a GUI for the color module, new fixturing capability, 
     world input unit support, enhanced 3dmap capabilities,... and much more!
   - MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 also installs ActiveMIL controls. For more 
     information, see the ActiveMIL readme file.
   - MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2 incorporates and updates the display 
     functionality beyond that introduced by MIL 9.0 Update 16.
   - MIL 9.0 is the minimum requirement for this Processing Pack 2.

2. New processing functionality and improvements

   1. Processing specific examples (New!)

     The new %MIL_PATH%\Examples\Processing-Specific directory includes 
     MIL processing specific examples (frameworks, utilities, applications...)!
      - Preprocessing: SuperResolution, Morphology
      - Pattern Matching: PCBModelMatching
      - Measurement: CircleMeasurement, AdvancedMeasurement
      - Color Inspection: FoodInspection_Cereal
      - Code: VariousCodeReading, FixturedCodeRead, DotSpacing, CodeGrading
      - CameraLaser3D: PhotonFocus, SickRangerC, MatroxGatorEye
      - 3dRobotic: CameraOnRobotArmCalibration
      - 3dReconstruction: CameraLaserCalibration, StereoCalibration
   2- Bead module (New!)

   - New: module for inspecting beads such as sealants or adhesives. It 
     calculates the bead's width and the bead's positions, and identifies 
     out-of-range bead's properties and gaps.

   3- Calibration module

   - New: Fixturing capability in MIL.
   - New: McalFixture API to move or to learn a relative position using either 
     user-defined values or result values, such as Model Finder results
     or Pattern Matching results; this allows you to further fixture subsequent
   - New: M_..._INPUT_UNITS controls to set in world/pixel input units most of
     the module setting values (blob, code, measurement, bead,...)
   - New: McalTransformImage supports M_OVERSCAN_FAST interpolation mode.
   - New: McalRelativeOrigin and McalSetCoordinateSystem can now be 
     set to a calibrated image; this allows you to further fixture subsequent 
   - New: McalTransformResultAtPosition allows you to accurately transform
     from/to world/pixel angles values at a given location.
   - New: M_CONSTANT_PIXEL_SIZE flag to inquire whether a calibrated image has 
     a constant pixel size.
   - Improvement: M_Y_AXIS_UP can now be inquired on a calibrated image.
   - New: McalUniform API to associate a default uniform calibration to an
     image image and to set its scale, rotation, and translation properties; 
     equivalent inquiries added to retrieve information about translation, 
     rotation, and scale values.
   - New: M_WITH_CALIBRATION flag allows an associated calibration to be  
     saved with its owner such as a buffer, a model finder context or a 
     metrology context.
   - New: McalDraw supports new operations to draw the coordinate systems, with
     optionnal axis, frames, tick marks, and legends.
   - New: M_TRANSFORM_IMAGE_FILL_MODE is now deprecated and replaced by the use
     of combination flags in McalTransformImage.
   - New: M_USE_DESTINATION_CALIBRATION McalTransformImage combination flag; 
     this allows you to further fixture subsequent operations using corrected
   - New: M_OUTPUT_UNITS has been deprecated in McalControl and replaced by 
     the M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS controls in modules.
   - Improvement: better M_MATHEMATICAL_EXCEPTION protection when unstable 
     configuration of calibration points are submitted.
   - Improvement: it is now possible to pass an index to McalDraw when using 
     M_DRAW_WORLD_POINTS or M_DRAW_IMAGE_POINTS on a calibrated image.
   - New: McalRelativeOrigin(M_COMPOSE_WITH_CURRENT) receives coordinates in 
     the relative coordinate system. 
   - New: McalDraw(M_DRAW_FIXTURING_OFFSET) to draw the fixture offset.
   - Improvement: McalInquire(... M_Y_AXIS_UP...) is now available on image 

   4- Color module

   - New: McolDistance and McolProject have been optimized using SIMD 
   - New: McolDistance and McolProject have been optimized for multi-core (MP)
   - New: McolMatch with the vote method has been optimized using SIMD 
     instructions and for multi-core (MP) architectures.
   - New: McolMatch histogram based method useful for matching 
     multi-colored areas.
   - New: advanced inquires about color sample information and statistics.
   - New: support for additional CIE distance types (M_CMC_PERCEPTIBILITY,
     and M_CIEDE2000).
   - New: McolDraw, M_INVERTED_COLORS combination flag for drawing LUT and 
     result images using inverted colors.

   5- 3dmap module

   - New: uniform calibration automatically associated for generating 
     calibrated depth-map.
   - New: automatic scaling for corrected depth map.
   - New: it is now possible to call multiple M3dmapExtract() on a same 
     destination buffer, and to use this destination buffer as 
     "3D point accumulator" by setting the M_EXTRACTION_CUMULATIVE control of 
     the result buffer.
   - New: M_CLEAR_DATA control to clear the result buffer data while leaving
     the current position unchanged.
   - New: M3dmapSetGeometry function to fit a surface on a depth map or 
     to define a geometry using analytic parameters in world units.
   - New: M3dmapStat function to compute a variety of statistics on the depth 
     map image, such as volume or deviations. Some statistics can also be 
     measured relative to a reference geometry (see M3dmapSetGeometry).
   - New: M3dmapArith function to perform point-to-point arithmetic between
     depth maps and/or reference geometries (see M3dmapSetGeometry).
   - New: M3dmapDraw to draw various 3dmap context or result information or 
     reference geometries.
   - New: M3dmapSave, M3dmapRestore, M3dmapStream to save, restore, and stream 
     3dmap contexts.
   - New: M_LASER_CONTEXT_TYPE flag to inquire about the context type
   - New: inquires and drawings to help the diagnostic of the result of the 
     calibration process, such as the number of columns with missing data, 
     the plane parameters, the calibration plane fit error,...
   - New: M_REMOVE_LAST_SCAN control to undo last call to M3dmapAddScan.

   6- Metrology module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: M_EDGEL_SELECTION_RANK control to specify which edgel position to 
     select relative to the orientation of rectangular search regions.
   - New: segment M_CONSTRUCTION from arc/circle centers and/or local frames.
   - New: local frame M_CONSTRUCTION from arc/circle centers and/or local frame
   - New: circle M_CONSTRUCTION from arc/circle centers and/or local frames.
   - New: arc M_CONSTRUCTION from arc/circle centers and/or local frames.
   - Improvement: of the inner circle fit calculation.
   - New: MmetName API to set/get names to features and tolerances.
   - New: M_DRAW_NAME combination flag to draw feature and tolerance names.
   - Improvement: the M_DRAW_REFERENCE_FEATURES flag is deprecated and is 
     replaced by the M_DRAW_TOLERANCE_FEATURES flag.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_LABEL to retrieve the number of 
     features used to define a constructed feature or a tolerance.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_INDEX to retrieve the number of 
     features indices used to define a constructed feature or a tolerance.
   - New: M_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_LABEL(i) to retrieve the label of the i-th 
     feature to define a constructed feature or a tolerance.
   - New: M_CONSTRUCTION_FEATURE_INDEX(i) to retrieve the label of the i-th 
     feature index to define a constructed feature or a tolerance.
   - New: M_METHOD to retrieve the method used for a constructed feature.
   - New: M_DEPENDENCIES to inquire if a feature has some other features
     or tolerances derived or based on it.
   - New: M_MODIFY MmetAdd... flag to modify the construction properties of an 
     already existed feature or tolerance.
   - New: MmetSave/Restore/Stream support M_WITH_CALIBRATION.

   7- Code Reader module

   - New: M_DISTORTION control to enable reading distorted codes.
     Currently supported is the M_UNEVEN_GRID_STEP distortion mode for 
     Data Matrix codes.
   - New: supports for 4-States (also known as IMB) barcodes with US, UK, 
     Australian C and N encodings.
   - New: the flag name M_RSSCODE is deprecated and replaced by the flag 
     name M_GS1_DATABAR.
   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: M_..._INPUT_UNITS control to set input settings such as the cell
     size, the dot spacing, the angle, the aperture size, ... in world or
     pixel units.
   - New: McodeRead supports input regions (see MbufSetRegion).
   - New: supports for EAN14 and GS1-128 encodings.
   - New: M_STRING_FORMAT control to set the output string format when 
     applicable. Currently supported is the M_UPCE_COMPRESSED mode for 
     UPC-E codes; M_GS1_HUMAN_READABLE for output in human readable (applied 
     only on M_CODE128, M_GS1_128, M_EAN14, M_GS1_DATABAR, M_COMPOSITECODE 
     and M_DATAMATRIX); and M_AUTO_FORMAT for default recommended output format.
   - New: M_DATA_CODEWORDS result flag to retrieve the data code for most of
     the composite and 2D code types.
   - Improvement: of the localization for 1D barcodes.
   - Improvement: of the position accuracy when reading multiple codes.
   - Improvement: MicroPDF417 start/stop grade symbol detection.
   - Improvement: the reading of multiple codes with speed = M_VERY_LOW.
   - New: McodeRead and McodeVerify take advantage of the new MbufSetRegion 
     function used to set a region that defines the pixels of interest 
     for an image. 
   - New: support for GS1 Data Matrix.
   8- Blob module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: M_BOX_AREA feature to determine the blob's bounding box area.
   - New: M_BOX_ASPECT_RATIO feature to determine the ratio between X and Y 
     dimensions of the blob's bounding box.
   - New: M_BOX_FILL_RATIO feature to determine the ratio between the blob's 
     area and its bounding box area.
   - New: M_CONVEX_HULL_FILL_RATIO feature to determine the ratio between the 
     blob's area and its convex hull area.
   - New: M_CONVEX_HULL_X and M_CONVEX_HULL_Y to determine the X and Y 
     coordinates of the convex hull perimeter.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_CONVEX_HULL_POINTS feature to determine the number of 
     point of the convex hull.
   - New: M_CONVEX_HULL_AREA feature to determine the blob's convex hull area.
   - New: MblobCalculate additional optimizations using SIMD instructions for
     calculating the blob's RLE.
   - New: M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS control flag to enable retrieving the 
     partially calculated blobs when a stop criterion condition is met 
     (i.e. when the M_MAX_BLOBS or M_TIMEOUT condition is met).
   - New: MblobCalculate takes advantage of the new MbufSetRegion function used
     to set a region that defines the pixels of interest for an image.
   - New: M_WORLD_BOX, M_WORLD_FERET_X and M_WORLD_FERET_Y features and 
     corresponding drawings to determine the features in the world system when
     using calibration.

   9- Measurement module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: circle markers (M_CIRCLE) are now supported.
   - New: MmeasSetScore API to define advanced edge selection rules.
   - New: M_..._INPUT_UNITS flags to set input settings in world or pixel units
   - New: M_SEARCH_REGION_CLIPPING control. When enabled, an optimal box will 
     be computed when the search box falls partially outside the image limits.
   - New: M_SEARCH_REGION_WAS_CLIPPED result to retrieve whether a measurement
     was performed using a clipped measurement box.
   - New: M_FOUND_BOX_ANGLE status result can now be retrieved.
   - New: M_POSITION_IN_MARKER result value to retrieve the distance relative 
     to the origin of the measurement box of an edge or a stripe occurrence.
   - New: M_FIT_ERROR_MAX result to retrieve the maximum distance bewteen
     the fitted geometry and the transition positions found in measurement 
     sub-regions for an edge, stripe, or circle marker.
   - New: M_MAX_ASSOCIATION_DISTANCE control to reject outliers when fitting
     the marker on sub-box positions.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_OUTLIERS result to retrieve the number of transition 
     positions found in measurement sub-regions discarded by the fit process
     for an edge, stripe, or circle marker.
   - Improvement: some additional optimization have been performed
     when using sub-boxes.
   - New: world unit line equation (A,B,C) parameters.
   - Deprecation: M_POSITION_INSIDE_STRIPE flag has been renamed to 
     M_INCLUSION_POINT_INSIDE_STRIPE and is used in conjunction with
     the M_INCLUSION_POINT flag.

   10- Pattern Matching module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: the limitation of the max number of models allowed (i.e. 15) 
     for MpatAllocAutoModel has been removed.
   - New: M_SEARCH_ANGLE_TOLERANCE control can now be set to M_AUTO. If set to
     M_AUTO, the tolerance is optimally determined regarding the angular model
     auto-correlation and the new M_ROTATED_MODEL_MINIMUM_SCORE control value.
   - New: M_FIRST_LEVEL control can now be set to either M_AUTO_SIZE_BASED or 
     to the new M_AUTO_CONTENT_BASED mode, useful for but not limited to large
     models composed of small features.
   - New: M_MAX_INITIAL_PEAKS control flag which can be set to M_ALL to force 
     an exhaustive analysis of the correlation peaks when a very large set of 
     potential occurrences (>100) is present in the target image.
   - New: maximum first and last level limitation (i.e. 7) has been removed, 
     and the new M_MODEL_MAX_LEVEL flag allows inquiring about the max possible
     level for a given model.
   - New: MpatFindModel now supports 1-D target images.
   - New: MpatFindModel has been optimized for multi-core (MP) architectures.
   - New: MpatFindModel has been optimized using SIMD instructions for large 

   11- Model Finder module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: low accuracy control enables using a less accurate but faster method 
     to compute the edgels' angle.
   - New: MmodFind can now be done with a mix of uncalibrated models/target 
     and uniform calibrated scale=1 models/target.
   - New: saving/restoring model finder context with M_WITH_CALIBRATION.

   12- Edge Finder module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: M_ANGLE_ACCURACY accuracy control. Setting M_LOW enables a less 
     accurate but faster method to compute the edgels' angle.

   13- String Reader module

   - New: MstrRead supports input regions (see MbufSetRegion)
   - New: MstrRead takes advantage of the new MbufSetRegion function used
     to set a region that defines the pixels of interest for an image. 

   14- OCR module

   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results in world or pixel units
     (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in McalControl).
   - New: M_EXTRA_CHARACTERS control, which is useful when the target image 
     string contains more characters than the expected characters to be read.

   15- Registration module

   - Improvement: the registration module is now robust to not-enough-memory 

   16- Graphic functions

   - New: MgraAllocList, MgraControlList, MgraInquireList, and MgraDraw, which
     enables vectorial capabilities in MIL.
   - New: MgraLines capability to draw Polygon and Polyline geometries.
   - New: M_TEXT_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL control to set the text alignment.
   - New: M_INPUT_UNITS control flag to support annotation capabilities in 
     world / pixel units.
   - New: M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID MdispControl flag to associate a graphic
     list to a MIL display object.
   - New: M_UPDATE_GRAPHIC_LIST (M_ENABLE/M_DISABLE, MdispControl) to set 
     whether or not modifications applied to the graphic-list associated to 
     the display must be updated to the display.
     and M_REGION_OUTSIDE_SHOW display controls to set the buffer region
     display properties.
     types to hook on mouse events.
     and M_MOUSE_POSITION_BUFFER_Y flag to retrieve the information about
     the mouse position.
   - New: display overlay now automatically follows the calibration of
     the selected buffer, when calibrated.
   - New: Exclusive(M_EXCLUSIVE) displays can be set to the current desktop 
     resolution using M_CURRENT_RESOLUTION DisplayFormat in MdispAlloc.

   17- Mim and general processing functions 

   - New: MbufSetRegion function to set a region that defines the pixels of 
     interest for an image. The region can be stored either in a vector format
     with the help of a graphics list, or in a raster format. Some processing
     operations such as McodeRead, McodeVerify, MstrRead, McalFixture, 
     MblobCalculate... can use and take advantage of a region when set.
   - New: MimFlatField function and context to perform an image flat field 
     correction operation.
   - New: MimRearrange function and context to copy an entire list of ROIs from
     a source buffer to a destination buffer at arbitrary locations.
   - New: MimDeadPixelCorrection function and context to perform a dead pixel 
     correction operation.
   - New: MimMatch function and context to compute the matching score between a
     model image and a destination image using either the correlation or a 
     faster sum-of-differences based calculation.
   - New: MimThin, M_BINARY3 processing mode which usually performs faster 
     than other thinning modes.
   - New: MimPut() and MimGet() APIs to set / get values to Mim contexts.
   - New: M_CUMULATIVE_VALUE histogram result (i.e. M_HIST_LIST result type) to
     retrieve the cumulative histogram of an image.
   - New: M_PERCENTAGE histogram combination flag result (i.e. M_HIST_LIST 
     result type) to be combined with M_VALUE or M_CUMULATIVE_VALUE to retrieve
     the histogram information as percent values.
   - New: M_PERCENTILE_VALUE histogram result (i.e. M_HIST_LIST result type) to
     retrieve the percentile histogram values of an image.
     and M_TRIANGLE_BISECTION_BRIGHT modes. Note that invoking the automatic 
     thresholding by setting the ConditionLow to M_DEFAULT is deprecated and 
     replaced by the M_BIMODAL flag.
   - New: MimArith operations Square, Cube, Square root, Ln, Log10, Log2
     and Exp_const are supported.
   - New: MimMorphic M_LEVEL operation to perform a morphological window 
     leveling correction.
   - New: MimMorphic M_OPEN and M_CLOSE morphological operations.
   - New: MimMorphic M_TOP_HAT and M_BOTTOM_HAT morphological operations.
   - New: MimStatMultiple to calculate pixel statistics on a sequence of 
   - New: MimDraw to draw  Mim context and results informations.
   - New: MimGetResult2d to retrieve 2D results from a Mim result object.
   - New: support overscan color for MimThin and MimThick in binary mode using
   - New: M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS to retrieve results such as M_POSITION_X and
     M_POSITION_Y in world or pixel units (replaces M_OUTPUT_UNITS in 

   18- Interactive utilities 

   - New: GUI for the color module (matching context only).
   - New: McolSave / Restore / and Stream interactive tools.
   - New: Processing GUIs support RGB-to-HSL and HSL-to-RGB conversions 
     in the image menu.
   - New: button in the Code Reader GUI to save a txt report containing most 
     of the results from a verify operation. 
   - Improvement: the metrology GUI pops a warning message when deleting a 
     feature with dependencies.

3. Fixed bugs

   1- Code Reader module

   - Fix: MicroPDF417 could fail to read with scan reverse enabled and the 
     target code rotated at 180 degrees.
   - Fix: in the code verification related to a wrong interpretation of the 
     validation of the results in section J.1. Phase 1 of the ISO 24728 spec. 
   - Fix: in rare situations, a pair (CW + RAP) can "lose" against the score of
     a pair (RAP + CW) in a MicroPDF417 code resulting in a bad reading result.
   - Fix: string size min/max controls had no effect for Pharmacodes. 
   - Fix: large Maxicode symbols were often not read when using the adaptive 
     threshold (M_ADAPTIVE).
   - Fix: M_SCAN_EDGE_DETERMINATION_GRADE was wrong for cross-row codes.
   - Fix: in some rare cases, an GS1 Databar could have an erroneous decode 
     grade of F.
   - Fix: McodeWrite did not scale codes optimally in the destination.
   - Fix: M_SCAN_MODULATION result could be erroneous for several types of code
   - Fix: the checksum calculation for code93 encoding 15 characters and more.
   - Fix: McodeWrite/Read could crash when writing and reading "big" QR Code.
   - Fix: McodeWrite for QR code was not using accurately the M_CELL_SIZE_MIN.
   - Fix: ECMin verification fixed for 1D codes: now takes into account the 
     quiet zone as specified in ISO/IEC 15416.
   - Fix: MicroPDF417 position in composite codes for the top left and bottom 
     rigth position values.
   - Fix: possible floating point exception fixed only when changing the FPU
     exception mode using MappAlloc.

   2- Blob module

   - Fix: MblobDraw was not multi-thread safe or exception safe with 
     M_DRAW_BLOBS_CONTOUR and M_DRAW_HOLES_CONTOUR options when chains 
     (M_CHAINS) were not previously calculated.
   - Fix: when M_MAX_BLOBS condition was reached and when using the multi-core 
     capability, MblobCalculate could fail to properly merge the results.
   - Fix: API protection: chain codes cannot be computed when SAVE_RUNS is set
     to M_DISABLE.
   - Fix: potential floaing point exception when explicitely casting a large 
     GetResult value using +M_TYPE_CHAR,...
   - Fix: some timeout scenarios could cause a race condition leading to a GPF.

   3- Calibration

   - Fix: in particular cases, McalDraw could generate wrong output with 
     calibrated destination buffer.
   - Fix: the Tsai calibration process could lead to a floating-point exception
     in extreme cases.
   - Fix: McalInquire(M_RELATIVE_ORIGIN_X/Y/Z/ANGLE) on an image could return 
     incorrect values when the calibration was previously modified.
   - Fix: McalTransformImage could produce wrong results for a specific 
     McalAssociate/McalRelativeOrigin\McalTransformImage sequence of calls.
   - Fix: McalTransformImage on a child followed by McalTransformCoordinate
     call could produce incorrect result values.
   - Fix: the Tsai calibration could fail when using very large buffers.
   - Fix:  McalTransformImage with M_CORRECT_LENS_DISTORTION_ONLY could perform
     a full correction, regarding the order of operations.

   4- String Reader module

   - Fix: a call to MstrRead or MstrDraw changed the color of the default 
     graphic context.
   - Fix: a memory leak when restoring a fontless context.
   - Fix: a potential floating point exception in x64 when reading with 
     a fontless context.

   5- Edge Finder module 

   - Fix: MedgeDraw, M_DRAW_VALUE didn't work properly on calibrated images.
   - Fix: MedgeSream on a result could temporarily change the M_OUTPUT_UNITS
     of the calibration, when having calibrated results.
   - Fix: MedgeGetResult(M_ELLIPSE_FIT_ANGLE) in pixels was not correct if 
     calculated on a calibrated image.
   - Fix: streaming of M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE and M_NEIGHBOR_ANGLE_TOLERANCE edge 
     results was not done properly.

   6- Model Finder module 

   - Fix: MmodDefine was not working properly with a calibrated corrected image
   - Fix: a potential overflow could lead to unstable results in rare cases.
   - Fix: for synthetic models, the edges absent from the target image could
     wrongly contribute to the model score.
   - Fix: a memory leak in the preprocessing of a geometric controlled context 
     when the angle search was enabled.
   - Fix: fractional M_EXTRACTION_SCALE was not properly handled for models 
     defined from an Edge result buffer.
   - Fix: MmodGetResult(M_CHAIN_xxx + M_MODEL) crashed on remote systems.
   - Fix: MmodPreprocess fix a case where the First level could be negative.
   - Fix: possible wrong first/last level values when using calibrated 
     synthetic or CAD models.
   - Fix: potential exception fixed in geometric controlled context with the 
     search angle range enabled and when the reference point happens to be 
     exactly on top of an edgel.
   - Fix: MmodDraw M_DRAW_POSITION did not draw the reference point with 
     proper angle (model or result) when using calibrated model/target.
   - Fix: MmodFind with M_GEOMETRIC_CONTROLLED on synthetic model was not 
     working properly when M_PIXEL_SCALE != 1.
   - Fix: MmodFind "from seed" on calibrated image was not working properly 
   - Fix: CAD or edge result model could have an innacurate calculated score. 

   7- Color module

   - Fix: the sequence McolPreprocess, McolSetMethod, McolInquire could lead to
     an abnormal behavior of the module for a few inquired controls.
   - Fix: M_LABEL_AREA_IMAGE_SIZE_BIT, when no image generation is enabled, 
     must not be available in GetResult.
   - Fix: McolAlloc with M_DEFAULT as object type was generating an exception.
   - Fix: the average of the H band was not handling properly the angle wrap 
     around leading to wrong H values arounf 0 / 360 degrees.

   8- Metrology module

   - Fix: the angle of the output frame was not taken into account for the 
     angular measure of measured arcs and segments.
   - Fix: retrieving result of a null edge data feature should not pop an error
   - Fix: MmetDraw(M_DRAW_TEMPLATE_REFERENCE) was not propagating the 
     calibration, if any, to destination image.
   - Fix: MmetDraw(M_DRAW_TEMPLATE_REFERENCE) with LabelOrIndex M_GENERAL 
     reports an error.
   - Fix: some MmetDraw did not consider the destination calibration of the 
     target image if any.
   - Fix: in rare situations, a constructed intersection could lead to a crash 
     when no edgels were found.

   9- 3dmap module

   - Fix: M3dmapCalibrate could have an unpredictable behavior when the X axis 
     of the camera is perpendicular to the laser plane.
   - Fix: M3dmapTriangulate documentation of parameters XPixelArrayPtr and
     YPixelArrayPtr was incorrect.

   10- Pattern Matching module

   - Fix: MpatInquire with M_PROC_FIRST_LEVEL always returned 0 for a circular
     overscan model instead of first level used.
   - Fix: a model could not be found when the occurrence is at 180deg +-epsilon
     and delta angle was set to 180deg.
   - Fix: MinSpacing with normalized rotated models did not take into account
     the effect of the rotation.
   - Fix: occurrences at rotation partially occluded by the image border could
     lead to unstable match results.
   - Fix: occurrences reference point could fall outside a specified search 
     region when searching with rotation.

   11- Measurement module

   - Fix: MmeasStream + M_LOAD with two types of markers did not work.
   - Fix: MmeasSetMarker + M_POSITION was not handled properly under.
     specific conditions and sequence of Meas calls.
   - Fix: M_POSITION_Y result values were wrong when using a calibrated 
     source buffer.
   - Fix: MmeasGetResult(...M_BOX_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT, M_BOX_CORNER_...) results
     were not converted into world coordinates.
   - Fix: measuring with boxes with no rotation in a filpped host buffer 
     generated a crash.
   - Fix: Angle result could have a +-180 degrees unstability.
   - Fix: the contrast of a marker could be negative when using 
     M_SHEN/M_PREWITT filters.
   - Fix: under some conditions, the angle of the box is returned instead of 
     the real angle of the edge/stripe when angle mode is enabled.

   12- Registration module
   - Fix: MregCalculate could fail due to the accumulation of 
     small numerical errors.
   13- OCR module
   - Fix: a potential exception in OCR General when reading in small regions.
   14- Graphic functions

   - Fix: a potential exception in MgraArc when one of the radii was set to 0.
   - Fix: MgraControl(M_COLOR) and MgraControl(M_BACKCOLOR) were not 
     working properly.

   15- Mim and general processing functions

   - Fix: MimBinarize 32F->U8 was not a thread-safe operation.
   - Fix: the default combination flag M_DRAW_PEAKS of the MimDraw operation 
     was not handled correctly.
   - Fix: MthrControl(M_MP_XXX) with a specific MIL thread ID did not work.
   - Fix: MimStat(...M_MIN, M_MAX...) did not return the correct results 
     in 64 bits.
   - Fix: MimBinarize did not work as expected with a float source containing 
     values between 0 and 1 and a binary destination buffer.
   - Fix: MbufCopyCond did not work correctly under x64 when the condition 
     buffer was an offsetted child of a binary buffer.
   - Fix: MimPolarTransform could access memory outside the source image in 
     very rare situations.
   - Fix: GPU buffers are not unlocked after some calls to Mim functions.
   - Fix: MimBinarizeautomatic threshold on floating-point buffers did 
     not work as expected.
   - Fix: potential fetch outside the source buffer for MimMorphic binary 

   16- Interactive utilities

   - Fix: when opening a jpg image with the wrong extension in a GUI, and 
     without the appropriate license lead to a GPF.
   - Fix: when changing the current frame in a sequence, annotations were not 
     redrawn, even if the current selection would indicate otherwise.
   - Fix: switching documents (images) in the GUIs with Ctrl+Tab or 
     Ctrl+Shift+Tab cleared the annotations.
   - Fix: Model Finder GUI crashed when preforming a search in a small image 
     (less than 16x16) using a geometric controlled context.
   - Fix: feature IDs in the Metrology GUI were inconsistent between the main 
     feature's tree and features in sub dialogs.
   - Fix: modifying the model finder model reference point angle should require
     to re-preprocess.

4. Mim functions and performance optimizations

   - New: McolDistance and McolProject have been optimized using SIMD 
   - New: McolDistance and McolProject have been optimized for multi-core (MP)
   - New: McolMatch with the vote method has been optimized using SIMD 
     instructions and for multi-core (MP) architectures.
   - New: MpatFindModel has been optimized for multi-core (MP) architectures.
   - New: MpatFindModel has been optimized using SIMD instructions for large 
   - New: MblobCalculate has been optimized for multi-core (MP) architectures.
   - New: MblobCalculate additional optimizations using SIMD instructions for
     calculating the blob's RLE.
   - New: MimMorphic, in binary mode, has been optimized using 
     SIMD instructions.
   - New: MimResize M_AVERAGE with integer scale factors has been optimized 
     using SIMD instructions.
   - New: MimResize M_AVERAGE has been optimized for multi-core (MP) 
   - New: MimConvolve special moving average optimization for uniform 
     user-defined kernels.
   - New: MimMorphic M_DILATE/M_ERODE special optimization for structural 
     elements filled with 0s.
   - New: MimMorphic M_DILATE/M_ERODE special optimization for 1D structural 
     elements filled with 0.
   - New: optimized MP predefined IIR filters (MimConvolve).

5. Board specifics

   - Fix [ODC]: McodeStream(M_SAVE_REPORT) was not working properly on Odyssey
   - Fix [ODC]: a memory leak in MmodPreprocess on Odyssey when the kernel size
     of the filter was large (using kernel mode and high filter smoothness).

6. Miscellaneous

   - Predefined MIL contexts (%MIL_PATH%\..\Contexts\):

     No new context.
   - Calibration grid samples (%MIL_PATH%\..\images):

     No new sample.
   - Enhanced DispD3D DLL to display 3D depth maps.

   - A Matrox M-Series graphics cards can now be used as a fingerprint for, 
     and storage of, a MIL license. Note that the Matrox display driver must be
     started before the first call to MappAlloc.

Section 6: Differences between MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1 and MIL 9.0 

Table of Contents for Section 6

1. Overview
2. New processing functionality and improvements
   2.1.  Color module (New!)
   2.2.  3dmap module (New!)
   2.3.  Metrology module
   2.4.  Code Reader module
   2.5.  Edge Finder module
   2.6.  Calibration module
   2.7.  Blob module
   2.8.  String Reader module
   2.9.  Pattern Matching module
   2.10. Model Finder module
   2.11. Registration module
   2.12. Mim and general processing functions
   2.13. Interactive utilities
3. Fixed bugs
   3.1.  Metrology module
   3.2.  Code reader module
   3.3.  Blob module
   3.4.  String Reader module
   3.5.  Edge Finder module
   3.6.  Model Finder module
   3.7.  Ocr module  
   3.8.  Pattern Matching module
   3.9.  Registration module
   3.10. Mim and general functions
   3.11. Interactive utilities
4. Mim functions and performance optimizations
5. Board specifics
6. Miscellaneous

1. Overview

   - MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1 includes new processing functionality, 
     performance optimizations and general improvements.
   - MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1 also includes new ActiveMIL processing controls.
     For more information, see the ActiveMIL readme file.
   - MIL 9.0 is the minimum requirement for all upcoming Processing Packs until
     the next major release.

2. New processing functionality and improvements

   1- Color module (New!)
   - New: a color module to perform color vision processing, including:
      - supervised color matcher tools,
      - color separation operators,
      - and color distance operators. 
     The color tools can be parametrized using various controls. 
     Refer to the MIL Help file for more details.
   2- 3dmap module (New!)
   - New: a 3dmap module to generate 3D data, including:
      - camera-laser scanning devices calibration tools
      - camera-laser scanning devices depth map generation tools
      - camera-laser scanning devices fill holes function
      - multi-camera point triangulation tool.
   3- Metrology module 

   - New: constructed feature construction methods (bisector between two lines,
     intersection point between extended features, 
   - New: A local frame constructed feature can now be constructed from a 
     single point. The orientation of the local frame can be set using 
     MmetControl and is relative to the parent frame.
   - Improvement: of the drawing of an infinite radial region.
   4- Code Reader module 
   - New: code verifications for 1D codes (specifications: ISO 15416, 15417, 
     15420, 16388, 16390)
   - New: code verifications for 2D codes (specifications: ISO 24724 (RSS),
     15438 (PDF417 & Trunc. PDF417), 24723 (Composite), 24728 (MicroPDF417))
   - New: M_APERTURE_MODE control flag to set the type of aperture to apply 
     when performing a code verification operation. When enabled, the aperture 
     mode can be set to an absolute size value or to a relative size to the 
     code module size.
   - New: M_RELATIVE_APERTURE_FACTOR control flag to set the relative aperture 
     factor to the module size for optimal code verification operation. 
   - New: M_ABSOLUTE_APERTURE_SIZE control flag to set the absolute diameter
     size for optimal code verification operation.
   - New: M_MAXIMUM_CALIBRATED_REFLECTANCE to set the reference "maximum 
     calibrated value" used in the scan reflectance profiles analysis.
   - New: M_MINIMUM_CALIBRATED_REFLECTANCE to set the reference "minimum 
     calibrated value" used in the scan reflectance profile analysis.
   - New: M_LINEAR_COMPONENT combination flag to retieve results of the linear
     component of a composite code. For example: McodeGetResult(.., 
   - New: M_2D_COMPONENT combination flag to retieve results of the 2D
     component of a composite code.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_CODEWORDS to retrieve the number of codewords in the 
     symbol after a read or a verify operation for all 2D codes except for
     non-ECC200 Data Matrix symbols.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_ERROR_CORRECTION_CODEWORDS to retrieve the number of 
     error correction codewords in the symbol after a read or a verify 
     operation for all 2D codes except non-ECC200 Data Matrix symbols.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_ERRORS to retrieve the number of errors found in the 
     symbol after a read or a verify operation for all 2D codes except for
     non-ECC200 Data Matrix symbols.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_ERASURES to retrieve the number of erasures found in the 
     symbol after a read or a verify operation for all 2D codes except for
     non-ECC200 Data Matrix symbols.
   - Updated: M_OVERALL_SYMBOL_GRADE now returns a numeric value instead of
     a letter, in order to respect ISO 15415 and ISO 15416 specifications.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_ROWS to retrieve the number of rows verified in the 
     symbol for 1D codes and RSS codes.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_SCANS_PER_ROW to retrieve the number of scan reflectance 
     profiles for a given row for 1D codes and RSS codes.
   - New: M_NUMBER_OF_SCANS to retrieve the total number of scan reflectance 
     profiles analyzed  for 1D codes and RSS codes.
   - New: M_ROW_OVERALL_GRADE to retrieve the overall grade per  for 1D codes 
     and RSS codes.
   - New: M_SCAN_DECODE_GRADE to retrieve per profile if the data was decoded 
   - New: M_SCAN_SYMBOL_CONTRAST to retrieve per profile the symbol 
   - New: M_SCAN_SYMBOL_CONTRAST_GRADE to retrieve per profile the grade based 
     on the symbol contrast (SC) parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM to retrieve per profile the minimum 
     reflectance (Rmin) parameter
   - New: M_SCAN_REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_GRADE to retrieve per profile the grade
     based on the minimum & maximum reflectance (Rmin & Rmax) parameters.
   - New: M_SCAN_REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM to retrieve per profile the maximum 
     reflectance (Rmax) parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_EDGE_CONTRAST_MINIMUM to retrieve per profile the minimum edge 
     contrast (ECmin) parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_EDGE_CONTRAST_MINIMUM_GRADE to retrieve per profile the grade 
     based on the minimum edge contrast (ECmin) parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_MODULATION to retrieve per profile the modulation (MOD) 
   - New: M_SCAN_MODULATION_GRADE to retrieve per profile the grade based on 
     the modulation (MOD) parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_ERN_MAXIMUM to retrieve per profile the element reflectance 
     non-uniformity maximum (ERNmax) parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_DEFECTS to retrieve per profile the defects parameter (based 
     on ERNmax and SC).
   - New: M_SCAN_DEFECTS_GRADE to retrieve per profile the grade based on the 
     defects parameter.
   - New: M_SCAN_DECODABILITY to retrieve per profile the decodability 
     parameter (V).
   - New: M_SCAN_DECODABILITY_GRADE to retrieve per profile the grade based on 
     the decodability parameter (V).
   - New: M_SCAN_REFLECTANCE_PROFILE_GRADE to retrieve per profile the scan 
     reflectance profile grade, which is equal to the lowest grade of any scan 
     profile grade.
   - New: M_SCAN_PRINT_CONTRAST_SIGNAL to retrieve per profile the print 
     contrast signal (PCS) of the scan profile. 
   - New: M_SCAN_PROFILE_START_X to retrieve the x coordinate of the start of a
     scan profile.
   - New: M_SCAN_PROFILE_START_Y to retrieve the y coordinate of the start of a
     scan profile.
   - New: M_SCAN_PROFILE_END_X to retrieve the x coordinate of the end of a 
     scan profile.
   - New: M_SCAN_PROFILE_END_Y to retrieve the y coordinate of the end of a 
     scan profile.
   - New: M_SCAN_QUIET_ZONE to retrieve the worst quiet zone for Code 128, 
     EAN/UPC, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar and Code 93.
   - New: M_SCAN_QUIET_ZONE_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the quiet zone
     size for Code 128, EAN / UPC, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar and
     Code 93.
   - New: M_SCAN_GUARD_PATTERN to retrieve the maximum interior guard pattern 
     element size for Rss codes, and composite codes containing a Rss code. 
   - New: M_SCAN_GUARD_PATTERN_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the 
     interior guard pattern elements size for Rss codes, and composite codes 
     containing an Rss code.
   - New: M_SCAN_WIDE_TO_NARROW_RATIO to retrieve the wide to narrow ratio for 
     Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and Codabar.
   - New: M_SCAN_WIDE_TO_NARROW_RATIO_GRADE to retrieved the grade based on the
     wide to narrow ratio for Code 39, and Interleaved 2 of 5 and Codabar.
   - New: M_SCAN_INTERCHARACTER_GAP to retrieve the maximum intercharacter gap 
     in the scan profile for Code 39 and Codabar.
   - New: M_SCAN_INTERCHARACTER_GAP_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the 
     maximum intercharacter gap for Code 39 and Codabar.   
   - New: M_CODEWORD_YIELD to retrieve the codeword yield result for the symbol
     for MicroPDF417, PDF417 and Truncated PDF417.
   - New: M_CODEWORD_YIELD_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the codeword 
     yield for MicroPDF417, PDF417 and Truncated PDF417 codes.
   - New: M_UNUSED_ERROR_CORRECTION_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the 
     unused error correction is now supported for MicroPDF417, PDF417 and 
     Truncated PDF417 codes.
   - Updated: M_START_STOP_PATTERN_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the 
     analysis of the start/stop pattern (or RAPs) in the symbol for 
     MicroPDF417, PDF417 and Truncated PDF417 codes. Additionally, this result 
     is now a numeric value. See ISO 15415 for more details.
   - Updated: M_DECODABILITY_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the codeword 
     print quality assessment based on the decodability grade for MicroPDF417,
     PDF417 and Truncated PDF417 codes only. For linear symbologies, see 
   - Updated: M_DEFECTS_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the codeword print
     quality assessment based on the defects grade for MicroPDF417, PDF417 and 
     Truncated PDF417 codes only. For linear symbologies, see 
     M_SCAN_DEFECTS_GRADE instead.
   - Updated: M_MODULATION_GRADE to retrieve the grade based on the codeword 
     print quality assessment based on the modulation grade for MicroPDF417,
     PDF417 and Truncated PDF417 codes only. For linear symbologies, see
   - New: M_CODEWORD_DECODABILITY_GRADE to retrieve the decodability grade of 
     each codeword in the symbol.
   - New: M_CODEWORD_DEFECTS_GRADE to retrieve the defects grade of each 
     codeword in the symbol.
   - New: M_CODEWORD_MODULATION_GRADE to retrieve the modulation grade of each 
     codeword in the symbol.
   - New:M_DRAW_SCAN_PROFILES drawing option to draw the scan profiles examined
     after a verify operation.
   - New: M_DRAW_REFLECTANCE_PROFILE drawing option to draw the scan 
     reflectance profiles analyzed by the verify operation.
   - New: M_STRING_SIZE_MIN control flag to specify the minimum string length
     requirement of a code read.
   - New: M_STRING_SIZE_MAX control flag to specify the maximum string length
     requirement of a code read.
   - New: M_BEARER_BAR control flag to specify the presence of bearer bars
     around the code in order to read at unknown search angles.
   - New: Generation of a verification report can be done through McodeStream
     with the operation M_SAVE_REPORT.
   - New: BC412 now supports the M_ECC_CHECK_DIGIT error correction.
   5- Edge Finder module

     angle range limits used to compute the Feret min and max diameters and 

   6- Calibration module 

   - New: M_3D_ROBOTICS calibration context to fully calibrate the system 
     camera mounted on a robotic arm. 
   - New: M_ROBOT_BASE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM coordinate system to decribe the 
     robot base coordinate system (M_3D_ROBOTICS context only)
     M_GLOBAL_MAXIMUM_WORLD_ERROR inquiries (M_3D_ROBOTICS context only).
   - New: McalList and McalGrid M_ACCUMULATE mode to accumulate robot poses
     (M_3D_ROBOTICS context only).
   - New: McalInquireSingle to retrieve information about invidual poses
     (M_3D_ROBOTICS context only).
   - New: McalGrid supports a new type of calibration grid (M_CHESSBOARD_GRID).
   - New: M_TRANSFORM_FILL_MODE McalControl flag to set the McalTransformImage
     operation to the new modes M_FIT, M_CLIP, M_CORRECT_LENS_DISTORTION_ONLY, 
     control flag to control the offset and scaling behavior of 
     McalTransformImage when setting the M_TRANSFORM_FILL_MODE to 
   - New: McalTransformImage M_EXTRACT_LUT_(X,Y) mode to retrieve the 
     transformation warping LUT.
   - New: McalDraw function to draw various calibration results (extracted 
     grid points, calibration grid area, calibration grid filled area,...)
   - New McalTransformCoordinate3DList to transform list of points between the 
     various 2D and 3D coordinate systems (M_TSAI_BASED and M_3D_ROBOTICS 
     contexts only).
   - New: M_DISPLACE_RELATIVE_COORD McalList and McalGrid option. This mode can
     be used to find the 3D posture of a known object (M_3D_ROBOTICS contexts
   - New: the calibration module now supports Chessboard calibration grids.   
   7- Blob module 
   - New: the calculation operation stops when the max number of blob, set 
     using the M_MAX_BLOBS control value, is reached.
   - New: M_MAX_BLOBS_END result value to retrieve if the M_MAX_BLOBS limit has
     been reached.
   - New: MblobGetRuns supports M_ALL to retrieve the runs for all blobs. 
   - New: M_INPUT_SELECT_UNITS flag in order to provide world units entries to
     MblobSelect function.
   - Improvement: improved robustness to lack of memory exceptions.
   8- String Reader module 

   - New: fontless application specific contexts (ex. ANPR context) which do 
     not require the explicit definition of fonts. Refer to the MIL Help file 
     for more details.
   - Improvement: improved robustness to lack of memory exceptions.
   - Improvement: robustness has been improved when reading punctuations.
   9- Pattern Matching module 
   - New: MpatStream function to stream pattern matching contexts.
   - Improvement: Mpat model size limit has been removed.
   10- Model Finder module
   - New: GEOMETRIC_CONTROLLED contexts can now search within an angle range 
     setting the M_SEARCH_ANGLE_RANGE control value to M_ENABLE.
   11- Registration module
   - New: M_SUPER_RESOLUTION control to perform super-resolution image 
   - New: M_SR_PSF_TYPE, M_SR_PSF_RADIUS, and M_SR_SMOOTHNESS control flags to 
     setup the super-resolution operation.
   12- Mim and general processing functions 
   - New: MimThin M_BINARY2 binary thinning method.

   13- Interactive utilities 

   - New: support the subpixel drawing of the line approximation result in the 
     Edge Finder GUI.
3. Fixed bugs
   1- Metrology module 

   - Fix: MmetGetResult could crash when retrieving result of non calculated 
   - Fix: potential memory leak when releasing a context or or crash when 
     re-setting the reference template when the reference template is defined
     from an edge result buffer.
   - Fix: the status of a measured feature was failing is the coverage was 
     equal to the min coverage limit.
   - Fix: when a feature is calculated using a non infinite region, then 
     changing to infinite region and re-calculating leads to invalid results.
   - Fix: an angularity tolerance with a range 0-360 was always returning a 
     fail status intead of a pass status.
   - Deprecation: MmetControl M_INDEX selection flag is renamed M_OCCURRENCE.
   - Fix: the point construct using the max distance method between a circle or
     an arc and another feature was sometimes returning two points instead of 
   - Fix: when using calibration, accuracy of edgel orientation has been 
   - Fix: MmetCalculate could crash when a NULL context ID was provided.
   - Fix: MmetCalculate could crash when a NULL system ID was provided.
   - Fix: inner/outer fit segment was not always returning the expected result.

   2- Code Reader module 

   - Fix: RSS codes decoding was expecting quiet zones, but only the guard 
     patterns are required.
   - Fix: the timeout end result did not return the appropriate
   - Fix in some rare situation for 1D codes, the reading operation could fail 
     when setting the angle range to 180 degrees.
   - Fix: some RSS Expanded codes could be decoded as RSS Expanded Stacked 
   - Fix: CC-A MicroPDF417 symbol could fail decoding some codewords.
   - Fix: for 1D codes, the position result could be false when the code angle 
     was near a multiple of 90 degrees.
   - Fix: UCC-EAN128 /PDF417 Composite codes generated by McodeWrite was not 
     always having the mandatory quiet zones size.
   - Fix: in rare situations, PDF417 error correction mechanism could lead to 
     false read.
   - Fix: writing a composite code with a very long string could lead to a GPF.
   - Fix: Pharmacode position could be offsetted when scan reverse was enabled 
     or when reading multiple models.
   - Fix: MicroPDF417 decoding has been improved when the microPDF417 is part 
     of a composite code. 
   - Fix: the cell number X was incorrect for Truncated PDF417 symbols.
   - Fix: reading a code at very low speed or with multiple code models could 
     enable the scan reverse, wrongly overriding the user value.
   - Fix: the maximum cell size limitation for 2D matrix code (DM, QR and 
     Maxicode) has been removed.
   - Fix: general bug fixes have improved the reading of composite code 
     containing a RSS code, Maxicode, PDF417, Truncated PDF417, composite codes
     with CC-C, Data Matrix ECC200.
   - Fix: general bug fixes have improved the verification of MicroPDF417, and 
     composite codes with CC-C.

   3- Blob module 
   - Fix: potential MblobSelect crash when merging blobs with a selection 
     criterion using the blob area feature.
   - Fix: MblobControl(M_TIMEOUT, M_DEFAULT) was not deactivating the a 
     previously set timeout. 

   4- String Reader module 
   - Fix: the homogeneity score was not always retruning 100% for a string 
     composed of a single character.
   - Fix: the drawing of the underscore character was not respecting the 
     baseline value.
   - Fix: some string experts error reports were ambiguous and have been 
   5- Edge Finder module 

   - Fix: MedgeGetNeighbors was not working properly when the 
     M_SEARCH_RADIUS_MAX control was not previously set.
   - Fix: MedgeGetNeighbors has been improved for large search radius values.
   - Fix: the follwing combination [crest context, filter type Shen, filter 
     mode kernel], the calculation of the edges could generate a crash.
   - Fix: the drawing of the chain approximation segments was erroneous under 
          Windows Vista 64 bits.

   6- Model Finder module 
   - Fix: a potential crash when matching in an edge result buffer calculated
     using an M_CREST edge context type.
   - Fix: potential crash durng a match when the M_DETAIL_LEVEL control is set 
     to M_LOW.
   - Fix: the search region was erroneous when setting a pixel scale !=1 for a
     DXF based CAD model.
   - Fix: small radius arcs from DXF based models were not properly extracted.
   7- OCR module 
   - Fix: potential crash of a read operation when using an M_GENERAL OCR 
     context type with the M_TARGET_CHAR_SPACING set to M_SAME or to a user 
     defined amount of spaces.
   - Fix: in very rare situations, two successive readings could lead to 
     different results.

   8- Pattern Matching module 

   - Fix: parameter checking fixes for MpatControl and MpatInquire functions.

   9- Registration module 

   - Fix: potential memory leak in MregSave/MregRestore/MregStream of a result 

   10- Mim and general processing functions

   - Fix: in rare situation, a potential crash in MimWarp when using M_WARP_LUT
     mode has been fixed.
   - Fix: MimEdgeDetect accuracy has been improved when using float buffers.
   - Fix: small verticals Mpat models (size X < 4) are now supported.
   - Improvement: performance of multi-thread MIL applications is improved when
     the processing involves calls to modules (blob, ocr,...)

   11- Interactive utilities
   - Fix: when multiple context were opened, adding a feature in one context 
     was adding the feature in all context.
   - Fix: context calibration information was lost when cancelling the feature 
     properties dialog.

4. Mim functions and performance optimizations

   - Improvement: MimLocatePeak1D, MimLocateEvent, and MimStat reoptimization 
     and general optimizations of the image processing functions.
   - New: MIL now supports multiprocessing optimizations for multi-core and 
     multi-processor machines. 
   - New: M_MP_USE flag to enable / disable the use of MP capability either  
     globally using MappControl() or the at thread level using MthrControl().
   - New: M_MP_MAX_CORES_PER_THREAD flag to set globally a maximum number of 
     cores to use in any processing thread using MappControl()
   - New: M_MP_MAX_CORES flag to set at the thread level a maximum number of 
     cores to use using MthrControl()
   - New: M_MP_CORES_NUM flag to retrieve the number of cores available to the 
     application using MappInquire()
   - New: M_MP_MAX_CORES_EFFECTIVE to retrieve the effective number of cores 
     used for MP processing by the given thread using MthrInquire()
   - New: the following image processing functions have been optimized for 
     multiprocessing usage (MP): 
     - MbufBayer
     - MbufClear
     - MbufCopy
     - MbufCopyClip
     - MbufCopyColor2d
     - MbufCopyColor
     - MbufCopyCond
     - MbufCopyMask
     - MimArith
     - MimArithMultiple
     - MimBinarize
     - MimClip
     - MimConnectMap
     - MimConvert
     - MimConvolve (except IIR predefined filters)
     - MimDilate/MimErode
     - MimEdgeDetect
     - MimFindExtreme
     - MimHistogram
     - MimLutMap
     - MimMorphic (except AreaOpen and AreaClose operations)
     - MimOpen/MimClose
     - MimProject
     - MimRank
     - MimResize
     - MimRotate
     - MimShift
     - MimThick
     - MimThin
     - MimTransform
     - MimWarp     
     - MimFlip
     - MimLocateEvent
     - MimLocatePeak1d
     - MimStat
     - MimTranslate
     - MimDeinterlace
     - MimPolarTransform
     - JPEG and JPEG2000 Compression
5. Board specifics

   - Fix [ODC]: The system hangs when a wrong template id is passed to a 
     Metrology context allocated on an odyssey system.

6. Miscellaneous

   - Predefined contexts

   The new %MIL_PATH%\..\Contexts\ directory includes the following predefined 
   MIL contexts:
   + Ocr context:  SEMI_M12-92.mfo
   + Ocr context:  SEMI_M13-88.mfo
   + Ocr context:  SEMI.mfo
   + Ocr context:  MICR_CMC_7.mfo
   + Ocr context:  MICR_E_13B.mfo
   + Ocr context:  OCR_A_BT.mfo
   + Ocr context:  OCR_B_BT.mfo
   + Code context: SEMI_T1-95r0303.mco
   + Code context: SEMI_T2-0298E.mco
   + Code context: SEMI_T7-0303.mco
   + String Reader context: FONTLESS_ANPR.msr
   + String Reader context: FONTLESS_EUROPEAN_ANPR.msr
   + String Reader context: FONTLESS_MACHINE_PRINT.msr
   - Calibration grid samples
   Calibration grid samples are included in the %MIL_PATH%\..\images directory:
   + CircleCalibrationGrid_15x16_Letter.pdf
   + CircleCalibrationGrid_18x22_Letter.pdf
   + ChessboardCalibrationGrid_15x16_Letter.pdf
   + ChessboardCalibrationGrid_18x22_Letter.pdf
Section 7: Differences between MIL 9.0 and MIL 8.0 Processing Pack 4

Table of Contents for Section 7

1. Overview
2. New processing functionality and improvements
   2.1.  Metrology module
   2.2.  Code Reader module
   2.3.  Calibration module
   2.4.  Blob module
   2.5.  String Reader module
   2.6.  Measurement module
   2.7.  Registration module
   2.8.  Pattern Matching module
   2.9.  Mim and general processing functions
   2.10. Interactive utilities
3. Fixed bugs
   3.1.  Metrology module
   3.2.  Code Reader module
   3.3.  Calibration module
   3.4.  Blob module
   3.5.  String Reader module
   3.6.  Measurement module
   3.7.  Edge Finder module
   3.8.  Registration module
   3.9.  Model Finder module
   3.10. OCR module
   3.11. Pattern Matching module
   3.12. Mim and general functions
   3.13. Interactive utilities
4. Mim functions and performance optimizations
5. Board specifics

1. Overview

   - MIL 9.0 includes new processing functionality, performance optimizations 
     and general improvements.
   - MIL 9.0 also includes new ActiveMIL processing controls. For more 
     information, see the ActiveMIL readme file.
   - MIL 9 is the minimum requirement for all upcoming Processing Packs until 
     the next major release.

2. New processing functionality and improvements

   1- Metrology module 

      - New: the diameter of a circle feature can be retrieved.
      - New: the circle radius and arc radius tolerances can be defined.
      - Improvement: the MmetAddFeature BuildOperation parameter can now 
        be inquired.
      - Improvement: the MmetAddFeature FeatureLabelArray parameter can now 
        be inquired.

   2- Code Reader module 

      - New: the numerical values of the parameters estimated during a call to 
        McodeVerify can be retrieved.
      - New: support for M_FOREGROUND_ANY for linear 1D codes and microPDF417.
      - Improvement: high accuracy support for position results when using 
        adaptive threshold.
      - Improvement: the accuracy of geometric results (position, length, 
        height, width, cell size) has been improved.
      - Improvement: general performance improvements in decoding and more 
        specifically, for QR codes.      
      - Improvement: the estimation of the position of RSS codes has been 
      - Improvement: reading composite codes at an angle is more robust        
      - Improvement: reading RSS Expanded Stacked has been improved when at 
        low speed.
      - Improvement: the position of the corners of the read code can 
        be retrieved.

   3- Calibration module 

      - New: M_GRID_CORNER_HINT_X/Y flag which allows for a user defined 
        position to help solve the grid orientation ambiguity when the grid 
        is reverted or heavily rotated (ex. 45 degrees).
      - New: M_CALIBRATION_STATUS to retrieve information regarding the failure
        of a calibration.
      - New: M_Y_AXIS_UP to inquire about the orientation of the Y-axis.
      - New: M_TSAI_BASED calibration method for full 3D camera positioning 
        with the estimation of the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of the 
      - New: M_CALIBRATION_PLANE control to set the associated calibration grid
        coordinate system (M_TSAI_BASED method only).
      - New: M_DISTORTION_RADIAL_1 to retrieve the estimated lens radial 
        distortion (M_TSAI_BASED method only).
      - New: M_FOCAL_LENGTH to retrieve the estimated effective pinhole focal 
        length in horizontal pixel units (M_TSAI_BASED method only).
      - New: M_CCD_ASPECT_RATIO to set the aspect ratio of the CCD 
        (M_TSAI_BASED method only).
      - New: M_PRINCIPAL_POINT_X/Y to set the position of the optical center 
        (M_TSAI_BASED method only).
      - New: M_LINK_TOOL_AND_CAMERA to set a rigid link between the tool 
        coordinate system and the camera coordinate system (M_TSAI_BASED method
      - New: M_LOCATE_CAMERA_ONLY McalList/McalGrid flag to re-calibrate the 
        camera position relative to a new grid system (M_TSAI_BASED method 
      - New: M_TOOL_POSITION_X/Y/Z to translate the tool coordinate system 
        relative to the absolute coordinate system.
        (note: in MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1, the name has changed to
      - New: McalSetCoordinateSystem() to move the position of a coordinate 
        system relative to another coordinate system using various 
        transformation methods (M_TSAI_BASED method only).
      - New: McalGetCoordinateSystem() to inquire the position of a coordinate 
        system relative to another coordinate system (M_TSAI_BASED method 
      - New: M_CALIBRATION_CHILD_OFFSET_X/Y to specify the child offsets when 
        associating a calibration to a buffer or to a child buffer.

   4- Blob module 

      - New: M_LABELED_TOUCHING flag which allows the detection of blobs from 
        labels, where touching blobs with different labels are considered to be
        distinct blobs.

   5- String Reader module 

      - New: the bounding box of the string can be retrieved.
      - New: the bounding box of the individual characters can be retrieved.
      - Improvement: a label can be associated to a string model.
      - Improvement: a label can be associated to a font model.

   6- Measurement module 

      - New: the measurement regions can be sub-divided into sub regions for a 
        better fit of the position and the angle of the edge.

   7- Registration module 

      - New: a score of overlapped regions of two registered images can be 
        enabled and retrieved.
      - New: support for alpha-blending of the overlapped regions.

   8- Pattern Matching module 

      - New: M_SAVE_SUMS control for the MpatSetSearchParameter() function to 
        enable the saving of results of the individual sums involved in the 
        correlation formula.
      - New: additional flags for MpatGetResult to retrieve the results of the 
        individual sums involved in the correlation formula (M_SUM_I, M_SUM_II,
        M_SUM_IM, M_SUM_M, M_SUM_MM).
      - New: additional flags for MpatGetResult to retrieve the number of 
        pixels used to compute the correlation (M_NUMBER_OF_PIXELS).

   9- Mim and general processing functions 

      - New: MimRestore, MimSave and MimStream functions to save and restore 
        Mim contexts.
      - New: MimConvert matrix multiplication for user defined color 
      - New: added support for Magnitude and Phase in MimTransform reverse FFT 
      - New: MimTransform new M_POLAR method to transform cartesian system 
        values from/to polar system values.
      - New: new 2x2 average Bayer demosaicing method.
      - New: ability to stop a focus operation for MdigFocus.
      - Improvement: MbufBayer(M_ADAPTIVE, M_COLOR_CORRECTION) now supports 
        16 bits buffers.
      - Improvement: MimTransform(M_FFT, M_REVERSE) with floating-point sources
        and integer destinations accepts the M_SATURATION flag.

   10- Interactive utilities 

      - New: TSAI based calibration mode has been added to the calibration 
      - New: the Metrology module now supports interactive dialogs.

3. Fixed bugs

   1- Metrology module 

      - Fix: the drawing of labels for line feature, edgel feature and 
        parallelism tolerance was erroneous when calibration was used.
      - Fix: a geometric ambiguity could have lead to an erroneous distance 
        tolerance status.
      - Fix: the results of edgel features were not flushed when no new edgel 
        features were found in the following image.
      - Fix: the result of the coverage of a circle was not updated to the 
        measured value.
      - Fix: the result of the general status was not updated when the context 
        did not contain any tolerance definitions.
      - Fix: a geometric construction could lead to an ambiguity, resulting in 
        erroneous min/max distance tolerance calculations.
      - Fix: inner fit and outer fit of segment features have been improved 
        when using metrology with calibration.
      - Fix: the feature status was M_FAIL when the measured coverage value was
        equal to the min coverage value of the tolerance range.
      - Fix: the maximum distance between a circle/arc and another feature 
        could have lead to a non-unique solution.
      - Fix: MmetStream(M_SAVE/M_LOAD/M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE) lead to a failure 
        when using an M_NULL system ID.
      - Fix: MmetGetResult applied to a feature that was not found lead to 
        a fatal failure.
      - Fix: MmetCalculate applied to an M_NULL context ID lead to a fatal 
      - Fix: an MmetGetResult call with invalid parameters gave invalid error 

   2- Code Reader module 

      - Fix: when a timeout was reached, the status of a Data Matrix read 
        operation was erroneous.  
      - Fix: the position estimation of MicroPDF417 codes was erroneous.
      - Fix: the position estimation of Maxicode codes with the adaptive 
        threshold method was erroneous.
      - Fix: the threshold value was not updated when reading a maxicode with 
        a user defined threshold value.
      - Fix: reading a code at 90 degrees with adaptive threshold was not 
        working properly.
      - Fix: the high accuracy position of an RSS code was not valid when the 
        angle was outside the range of [0,90].
      - Fix: the returned position for M_PDF417 and M_TRUNCATED_PDF417 code 
        types was always 0.
      - Fix: there was an offset in the position after a successful read of 
        2D code types when the presearch was enabled.
      - Fix: the result of the cell size has been improved when reading 
        discrete linear codes.
      - Fix: the comparison of the user supplied string in McodeVerify has 
        been fixed.
      - Fix: the M_ECC_CORRECTED_NUMBER result was erroneous.
      - Fix: McodeInquire of the default value of the M_POSITION_ACCURACY 
        control returned M_DEFAULT instead of M_LOW.
      - Fix: when reading a code with angle detection and high position
        accuracy mode, the position result was not calculated properly in rare 
      - Fix: McodeVerify of matrix codes (Data Matrix & QRCode) had a bad Unused
        ECC grades value in rare situations.
      - Fix: McodeRead and McodeInquire on a same code context could not be 
        used safely in different threads.

   3- Calibration module 

      - Fix: a floating-point overflow could have occurred when an 
        M_INVALID_POINT was present. 
      - Deprecation: M_OUTPUT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM has been renamed to 
      - Deprecation: M_CAMERA_POSITION_X/Y/Z controls are deprecated.
      - Documentation: The former camera coordinate system has been replaced by
        tool coordinate system. The new camera coordinate system now refers to
        the coordinate system attached to the pinhole of the camera.

   4- Blob module 

      - Fix: multiple calls to MblobCalculate with M_BLOB_IDENTIFICATION set to
        M_LABELED could have lead to erroneous blob results.
      - Fix: the accuracy of blob features has been improved for large buffers.
      - Fix: the results of contact points retrieved using MblobGetResult were 
        inconsistent with the results retrieved from MblobGetResultSingle. 

   5- String Reader module 

      - Fix: internal fixes were applied to improve the reading of accentuated 
      - Fix: in rare situations the module could have generated an invalid 
        floating point operation.

   6- Measurement module 

      - Fix: the edge strength result was erroneous.
      - Fix: certain edges with very low contrast were ignored when they should
        not have been.
      - Fix: edge extremity results will now be returned in an order consistent
        with the measurement box orientation.

   7- Edge Finder module 

      - Fix: in rare situations, computation of the equivalent IIR filter could
        have lead to an invalid memory access.
      - Fix: a potential division by 0 in the ellipse fit has been fixed.
      - Fix: MedgeGetNeighbors with M_SEARCH_RADIUS_MAX control set to 
        M_INFINITE was not properly interpreted.
      - Fix: in rare situations, MedgeCalculate could be slowed down by 
        inefficient memory access.

   8- Registration module 

      - Fix: in some situations an overflow could have happened which affected
        the robustness of MregCalculate.
      - Fix: a potential memory leak in MregCalculate has been fixed.
      - Fix: failure to register one image prevented the registration of other 
        images during a call to MregCalculate.

   9- Model Finder module 

      - Fix: M_SEARCH_OFFSET_X/Y control was not properly updated when set to 
      - Fix: in extremely rare situations, MmodFind could have lead to an 
        infinite loop.
      - Fix: the weighted mask was not correctly supported when using 

   10- OCR module 

      - Fix: MocrInquire did not properly support the M_TYPE_MIL_ID flag.
      - Fix: a parameter verification issue when running in unicode has been 
        fixed in the MocrVerifyString function.

   11- Pattern Matching module 

      - Fix: MpatAllocResult with a large number of entries lead to a fatal 
      - Fix: in rare situations the score result was lower than expected.
      - Fix: MpatAllocAutoModel of small models lead to a fatal failure.

   12- Mim and general processing functions

      - Fix: the B component of BGR32 was lost in the MimArith(ADD) operation 
        when the source and destination were in different types of memory (Host
        and Video).
      - Fix: the accuracy of MimProject(M_90_DEGREE) has been improved for 
        large 8-bits buffers.
      - Fix: an internal rounding of the user-supplied MinIntensity threshold 
        value in MimLocatePeak1d has been corrected.
      - Fix: MimFree lead to a crash when called with an invalid id.
      - Fix: MimAllocResult() with the M_DEFAULT flag as the second parameter 
        caused a "Not enough host memory to allocate buffer" error.
      - Fix: MbufExportSequence was not working properly when dealing with 
        images of different sizes.
      - Fix: MimConvolve with a separable kernel and transparent overscan has 
        been improved.
      - Fix: MbufBayer(M_ADAPTIVE) saturation has been fixed.
      - Fix: MimArith(M_NOT) has been fixed for small buffers whose size x 
        equals 8.

   13- Interactive utilities

      - Fix [All]: under some conditions, the selection of results was not 
        working properly.      
      - Fix [Edge]: the update of drawing annotations was sometimes done in 
        the wrong display.
      - Fix [Metrology]: drawing annotations were not updated properly when a 
        sub-item was selected.
      - Fix [Metrology]: controls for missing features have been added.
      - Fix [Metrology]: an incorrect behavior which occurred when drawing and
        zooming the active edgels in the template display buffer has been fixed
      - Fix [Metrology]: the addition of a new feature or tolerance was applied
        to all open contexts.
      - Fix [Metrology]: the behavior of the scrollbars for the template 
        display buffer has been improved.
      - Fix [StringReader]: the “Operations” group was not updated properly

4. Mim functions and performance optimizations

   - General optimizations of the image processing functions.

5. Board specifics

   - New [GPU]: GPU accelerations of image processing operations 
     (For more information, see the GPU readme file).
   - New [Helios]: MbufBayer with M_AVERAGE_2X2 has been optimized for 
     the Matrox Helios.
   - New [Helios]: MimLocatePeak1d has been optimized for the Matrox Helios.
   - Fix [Helios]: a potential memory leak has been fixed when using the blob 
     module for the Matrox Helios system.
   - New [Helios]: MimArithMultiple(M_OFFSET_GAIN) is accelerated by the 
     Matrox Helios for 8 and 16 bits buffers.
   - New [Odyssey]: MbufBayer with M_AVERAGE_2X2 has been optimized for 
     the Matrox Odyssey.
   - New [Odyssey]: MimLocatePeak1d has been optimized for the Matrox Odyssey.
   - New [Odyssey]: MimConvert with matrix conversion has been optimized 
     for the Matrox Odyssey.
   - New [Odyssey]: MimArithMultiple(M_OFFSET_GAIN) is accelerated by the 
     Matrox Odyssey for 8 and 16 bits buffers.
   - Fix [Odyssey]: MimResize has been improved for the Matrox Odyssey.
   - Fix [Odyssey]: calibration propagation mechanism has been fixed for 
     the Matrox Odyssey.