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/**********************************************************************************************/ /* * File name: DMILMultiSystem.cpp * Location: See Matrox Example Launcher in the MIL Control Center * * * Synopsys: Multiple systems processing demo with equal processing load using Distributed MIL. * * Each buffer grabbed is processed with all the allocated systems. * This means that when each system is fast enough, the frame * rate should be the camera frame rate times the number of systems. * To process each grabbed buffer only once and dispatch the processing to all the * target systems in round robin set PROCESS_EACH_IMAGE_ON_ALL_SYSTEMS to N0. * * The grab system is the one specified by MilConfig default values. * The type of the processing systems is specified below (See PROCESSING_SYSTEM_TYPE). * * Warning: Display is very often the limiting factor for speed. * Disable display with DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED = M_NO if required. * * The default processing systems of this example are Host systems * located on the same PC (see: Local DMIL systems = localhost). * * Copyright (C) Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2016. * All Rights Reserved */ /* Headers. */ #include <mil.h> /* Processing systems specification. */ #define PROCESSING_SYSTEM_TYPE M_SYSTEM_HOST /* Target system type for the processing. */ #define PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER 2 /* Number of processing system (Maximum 16, see SYSTEM_ADDRESSES). */ #define USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR M_YES /* Use the grabbing system as one of the processing system. */ #define PROCESS_EACH_IMAGE_ON_ALL_SYSTEMS M_YES /* Force each grabbed image to be processed by all the systems. */ #define DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED M_YES /* Force each processed image to be displayed (might affect frame rate). */ /* Protocol used by Distributed MIL for inter-systems communication. */ #define DISTRIBUTED_MIL_PROTOCOL MIL_TEXT("dmiltcp") /* IP addresses of the slave processing systems (Local DMIL systems = localhost) */ const MIL_TEXT_CHAR* SYSTEM_ADDRESSES[] = { MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost"), MIL_TEXT("localhost") }; #define SYSTEM_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE 512 /* Processing buffers specification. */ #define BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR 2 #define BUFFER_NUMBER (PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER * BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR) #define BUFFER_SCALE 1.0 #define BUFFER_MAX_STRING_LENGTH 80 #define BUFFER_DRAW_RECT_NUMBER 20 #define BUFFER_DRAW_INWARD_STEP_NUMBER 10 #define BUFFER_DRAW_RECT_STEP 10 /* Number of grab buffers for MdigProcess(). */ #define GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER (2 * PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER) /* User's Processing call back function and data structure. */ MIL_INT MFTYPE ProcessingFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID EventId, void* CallBackDataPtr); typedef struct { MIL_ID MilDigitizer; MIL_ID DispBuffer; MIL_ID *SrcProcBufferListPtr; MIL_ID *DstProcBufferListPtr; MIL_INT SizeX, SizeY, SizeBand; int NbSystem; int NbProc; double Time; int ProcessEachImageOnAllSystems; } ProcessingDataStruct; /* ************************************************************************ */ /* This example performs multiple buffers processing using MdigProcess() on multiple distributed processing systems. */ /* Main function. */ /* -------------- */ int MosMain(void) { MIL_ID MilApplication; MIL_ID MilSystem ; MIL_ID MilDigitizer ; MIL_ID MilDisplay ; MIL_ID MilImageDisp ; MIL_ID GrabBufferList[GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER]; MIL_ID ProcSystemList[PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER]; MIL_ID SrcProcBufferList[BUFFER_NUMBER]; MIL_ID DstProcBufferList[BUFFER_NUMBER]; MIL_INT SizeX, SizeY, SizeBand; MIL_TEXT_CHAR SystemDescriptor[SYSTEM_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE]; int NbSystem = 0, NbSystemToAllocate = PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER; MIL_INT GrabFrameCount, n; double SingleSystemProcessingRate, MultipleSystemProcessingRate; ProcessingDataStruct ProcessingData; /* Allocations and setup. */ /* ---------------------- */ /* MIL application allocation. */ MappAlloc(M_NULL, M_DEFAULT, &MilApplication); /* Allocations on the default grab system. */ MsysAlloc(M_DEFAULT, M_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, &MilSystem); // Now we check if the system is local if(MsysInquire(MilSystem, M_LOCATION, M_NULL) != M_LOCAL) { MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("This example requires the default system to be a local system.\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Please select a local system as the default.\n")); MsysFree(MilSystem); MappFree(MilApplication); MosGetch(); return -1; } MdispAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEFAULT, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDisplay); MdigAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEFAULT, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDigitizer); /* Inquire the digitizer's size. */ SizeX = ProcessingData.SizeX = (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_X, M_NULL)*BUFFER_SCALE); SizeY = ProcessingData.SizeY = (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_Y, M_NULL)*BUFFER_SCALE); SizeBand = ProcessingData.SizeBand = (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_BAND, M_NULL)); /* Allocate a display buffer and clear it. */ MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB+M_DISP, &MilImageDisp); MbufClear(MilImageDisp, 0x0); /* Display the processing result if activated (might be the limiting factor for speed). */ if (DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED) MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilImageDisp); /* Allocate the grab buffers. */ for (n=0; n< GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER; n++) MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB, &GrabBufferList[n]); /* Allocate and order the required processing systems. */ if (USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR) NbSystemToAllocate--; for (n=0; n<NbSystemToAllocate; n++) { /* Create a system descriptor: (Protocol://Address/System (Ex: dmiltcp://localhost/M_SYSTEM_HOST)) */ MosSprintf(SystemDescriptor, SYSTEM_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE, MIL_TEXT("%s://%s/%s"), DISTRIBUTED_MIL_PROTOCOL, SYSTEM_ADDRESSES[n], PROCESSING_SYSTEM_TYPE); /* Allocate the system. */ MsysAlloc(M_DEFAULT, SystemDescriptor, M_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, &ProcSystemList[n]); /* Count the sucessfully allocated processing systems. */ if (ProcSystemList[n]) NbSystem++; } /* If the grab system is used to process, we add it at the end of the processing system list . This permits to dispatch the job to the other remote systems before to use the grab system itself to process synchronously. */ if (USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR) { ProcSystemList[NbSystem] = MilSystem; NbSystem++; } /* Allocate and order the source and destination processing buffers alternating the target system. */ for (n=0; n<(NbSystem*BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR); n++) { MbufAllocColor(ProcSystemList[n%NbSystem], SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_PROC, &SrcProcBufferList[n]); MbufAllocColor(ProcSystemList[n%NbSystem], SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_PROC, &DstProcBufferList[n]); } /* Set the specified grab scale. */ MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_SCALE, BUFFER_SCALE); /* Single system processing. */ /* ------------------------- */ /* Print a message. */ /* Print a message. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("\nDISTRIBUTED MIL PROCESSING:\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("---------------------------\n\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("1 System processing:\n")); /* Initialize processing variables. */ ProcessingData.NbSystem = 1; ProcessingData.ProcessEachImageOnAllSystems = M_NO; ProcessingData.NbProc = 0; ProcessingData.MilDigitizer = MilDigitizer; ProcessingData.DispBuffer = MilImageDisp; ProcessingData.SrcProcBufferListPtr = SrcProcBufferList; ProcessingData.DstProcBufferListPtr = DstProcBufferList; /* Start processing the buffers. */ MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_START, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Wait for a key and stop the processing. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to stop.\n\n")); MosGetch(); MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_STOP+M_WAIT, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Print statistics. */ if (ProcessingData.NbProc != 0) { SingleSystemProcessingRate = ProcessingData.NbProc/ProcessingData.Time; MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_PROCESS_FRAME_COUNT, &GrabFrameCount); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("%lld Frames grabbed, %d Frames processed at %.1f frames/sec (%.1f ms/frame).\n"), (long long)GrabFrameCount, ProcessingData.NbProc, SingleSystemProcessingRate, 1000.0/SingleSystemProcessingRate); } else MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("No frame has been grabbed.\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to continue.\n\n")); MosGetch(); /* Multiple systems processing. */ /* ---------------------------- */ /* Print a message. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("%d Systems processing:\n"), NbSystem); /* Halt continuous grab. */ MdigHalt(MilDigitizer); /* Initialize processing variables. */ ProcessingData.NbSystem = NbSystem; ProcessingData.ProcessEachImageOnAllSystems = PROCESS_EACH_IMAGE_ON_ALL_SYSTEMS; ProcessingData.NbProc = 0; ProcessingData.DispBuffer = MilImageDisp; ProcessingData.SrcProcBufferListPtr = SrcProcBufferList; ProcessingData.DstProcBufferListPtr = DstProcBufferList; /* Start processing the buffers. */ MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_START, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Wait for a key and stop the processing. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to stop.\n\n")); MosGetch(); MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_STOP+M_WAIT, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Print statistics. */ if (ProcessingData.NbProc != 0) { MultipleSystemProcessingRate = ProcessingData.NbProc/ProcessingData.Time; MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_PROCESS_FRAME_COUNT, &GrabFrameCount); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("%lld Frames grabbed, %d Frames processed at %.1f frames/sec (%.1f ms/frame).\n\n"), (long long)GrabFrameCount, ProcessingData.NbProc, MultipleSystemProcessingRate, 1000.0/MultipleSystemProcessingRate); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Speedup factor: %.1f.\n\n"),MultipleSystemProcessingRate/SingleSystemProcessingRate); if (DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED && ((long)((MultipleSystemProcessingRate/SingleSystemProcessingRate)+0.1) < NbSystem)) MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Warning: Display might limit the processing speed. Disable it and retry.\n\n")); } else MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("No frame has been grabbed.\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to end.\n\n")); MosGetch(); /* Free allocations. */ /* ----------------- */ for (n=0; n<GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER; n++) MbufFree(GrabBufferList[n]); for (n=0; n<BUFFER_NUMBER; n++) { MbufFree(SrcProcBufferList[n]); MbufFree(DstProcBufferList[n]); } if (USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR) NbSystem--; for (n=0; n<NbSystem; n++) MsysFree(ProcSystemList[n]); MbufFree(MilImageDisp); MdispFree(MilDisplay); MdigFree(MilDigitizer); MsysFree(MilSystem); MappFree(MilApplication); return 0; } /* Processing function called by MdigProcess(). */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ MIL_INT MFTYPE ProcessingFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID EventId, void* CallBackDataPtr) { /* Get the grabbed buffer. */ ProcessingDataStruct *ProcessingDataPtr = (ProcessingDataStruct *)CallBackDataPtr; MIL_ID CurrentProcSrcBufId, CurrentProcDstBufId; MIL_ID GrabbedBufferId; MIL_INT GrabbedBufferIndex; MIL_TEXT_CHAR Text[BUFFER_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; MIL_DOUBLE RectHalfSizeStep = 0.0; long RectStep = 0; long NbSystem = ProcessingDataPtr->NbSystem; long NbProcInitial = ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc; long NbBufferToProcess, n; /* Retrieve the buffer to process and it's index */ MdigGetHookInfo(EventId, M_MODIFIED_BUFFER+M_BUFFER_ID, &GrabbedBufferId); MdigGetHookInfo(EventId, M_MODIFIED_BUFFER+M_BUFFER_INDEX, &GrabbedBufferIndex); /* Reset the timer. */ if (ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc == 0) MappTimer(M_DEFAULT, M_TIMER_RESET+M_SYNCHRONOUS,&ProcessingDataPtr->Time); /* If PROCESS_EACH_IMAGE_ON_ALL_SYSTEMS is set, each grabbed image is processed on all the systems. To have each frame processed only once by one system in round robin fashion, set the define to M_NO. */ if (ProcessingDataPtr->ProcessEachImageOnAllSystems) NbBufferToProcess = NbSystem; else NbBufferToProcess = 1; /* Dispatch the job to the target processing system(s) */ for(n=0; n<NbBufferToProcess; n++) { /* Calculate target processing buffer. */ CurrentProcSrcBufId = ProcessingDataPtr->SrcProcBufferListPtr[(ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc)%(NbSystem*BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR)]; CurrentProcDstBufId = ProcessingDataPtr->DstProcBufferListPtr[(ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc)%(NbSystem*BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR)]; /* Copy the grabbed buffer to a processing platform. */ MbufCopy(GrabbedBufferId, CurrentProcSrcBufId); /* Draw the buffer index in the source. */ MosSprintf(Text, BUFFER_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, MIL_TEXT("#%d."), ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc); MgraText(M_DEFAULT, CurrentProcSrcBufId, 50, 50, Text); /* Process the buffer. */ #if (!M_MIL_LITE) { MimArith(CurrentProcSrcBufId, 0x10, CurrentProcDstBufId, M_SUB_CONST+M_SATURATION); MimArith(CurrentProcDstBufId, M_NULL, CurrentProcSrcBufId, M_NOT); MimRotate(CurrentProcSrcBufId, CurrentProcDstBufId, (ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc*10)%360, (MIL_DOUBLE) ProcessingDataPtr->SizeX/2, (MIL_DOUBLE) ProcessingDataPtr->SizeY/2, (MIL_DOUBLE) ProcessingDataPtr->SizeX/2, (MIL_DOUBLE) ProcessingDataPtr->SizeY/2, M_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR); } #else { RectStep = (ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc % BUFFER_DRAW_RECT_NUMBER); if(RectStep < BUFFER_DRAW_INWARD_STEP_NUMBER) RectHalfSizeStep = RectStep * BUFFER_DRAW_RECT_STEP; else RectHalfSizeStep = (BUFFER_DRAW_RECT_NUMBER - RectStep) * BUFFER_DRAW_RECT_STEP; MgraColor(M_DEFAULT, 0xff); MgraRectFill(M_DEFAULT, CurrentProcDstBufId, ProcessingDataPtr->SizeX/2 - RectHalfSizeStep, ProcessingDataPtr->SizeY/2 - RectHalfSizeStep, ProcessingDataPtr->SizeX/2 + RectHalfSizeStep, ProcessingDataPtr->SizeY/2 + RectHalfSizeStep); } #endif /* Count processed buffers. */ ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc++; MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Processing #%d.\r"), ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc); } /* If required, copy back the result buffers from the processing system(s) for display. */ #if (DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED) { for(n=0; n<NbBufferToProcess; n++) { /* Calculate target buffer for display. */ CurrentProcDstBufId = ProcessingDataPtr->DstProcBufferListPtr[(NbProcInitial+n)%(NbSystem*BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR)]; /* Copy result to display. */ MbufCopy(CurrentProcDstBufId, ProcessingDataPtr->DispBuffer); } } #endif /* Read the timer. */ MappTimer(M_DEFAULT, M_TIMER_READ+M_SYNCHRONOUS, &ProcessingDataPtr->Time); #if M_MIL_USE_CE /* Give execution time to user interface when the digitizer processing queue is full. If necessary, the Sleep value can be increased to give more execution time to user interface. */ if(MdigInquire(ProcessingDataPtr->MilDigitizer, M_PROCESS_PENDING_GRAB_NUM, M_NULL) <= 1) { if ((ProcessingDataPtr->NbProc%10) == 0) Sleep(2); } #endif return(0); }