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//****************************************************************************** // // File name: Mreg.cs // Location: See Matrox Example Launcher in the MIL Control Center // // // Synopsis: This program uses the registration module to form a mosaic of // three images taken from a camera at unknown translation. // // Copyright (C) Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2016. // All Rights Reserved //****************************************************************************** using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary; namespace MReg { class Program { // Number of images to register. private const int NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER = 3; // MIL image file specifications. private const string IMAGE_FILES_SOURCE = MIL.M_IMAGE_PATH + "CircuitBoardPart{0}.mim"; static void Main(string[] args) { MIL_ID MilApplication = MIL.M_NULL; // Application identifier. MIL_ID MilSystem = MIL.M_NULL; // System identifier. MIL_ID MilDisplay = MIL.M_NULL; // Display identifier. MIL_ID MilGraphicList = MIL.M_NULL; // graphic list identifier. MIL_ID[] MilSourceImages = new MIL_ID[NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER]; // Source images buffer identifiers. MIL_ID MilMosaicImage = MIL.M_NULL; // Mosaic image buffer identifier. MIL_ID MilRegContext = MIL.M_NULL; // Registration context identifier. MIL_ID MilRegResult = MIL.M_NULL; // Registration result identifier. MIL_INT Result = 0; // Result of the registration. MIL_INT MosaicSizeX = 0; // Size of the mosaic. MIL_INT MosaicSizeY = 0; MIL_INT MosaicSizeBand = 0; // Characteristics of mosaic image. MIL_INT MosaicType = 0; string[] ImageFilesSource = new string[NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER]; // Allocate defaults MIL.MappAllocDefault(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilApplication, ref MilSystem, ref MilDisplay, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL); // Load source image names. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER; i++) { ImageFilesSource[i] = String.Format(IMAGE_FILES_SOURCE, i); } // Print module name. Console.Write("\nREGISTRATION MODULE:\n"); Console.Write("---------------------\n\n"); // Print comment. Console.Write("This program will make a mosaic from many source images.\n"); Console.Write("Press <Enter> to continue.\n\n"); Console.ReadKey(); // Restore the source images. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER; i++) { MIL.MbufRestore(ImageFilesSource[i], MilSystem, ref MilSourceImages[i]); } // Display the source images. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER; i++) { MIL.MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilSourceImages[i]); // Pause to show each image. Console.Write("image {0}.\n", i); Console.Write("Press <Enter> to continue.\n\n"); Console.ReadKey(); } // Allocate a graphic list to hold the subpixel annotations to draw. MIL.MgraAllocList(MilSystem, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilGraphicList); MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID, MilGraphicList); // Allocate a new empty registration context. MIL.MregAlloc(MilSystem, MIL.M_STITCHING, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilRegContext); // Allocate a new empty registration result buffer. MIL.MregAllocResult(MilSystem, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilRegResult); // Set the transformation type to translation. MIL.MregControl(MilRegContext, MIL.M_CONTEXT, MIL.M_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE, MIL.M_TRANSLATION); // By default, each image will be registered with the previous in the list // No need to set other location parameters. // Set range to 100% in order to search all possible translations. MIL.MregControl(MilRegContext, MIL.M_CONTEXT, MIL.M_LOCATION_DELTA, 100); // Calculate the registration on the images. MIL.MregCalculate(MilRegContext, MilSourceImages, MilRegResult, NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER, MIL.M_DEFAULT); // Verify if registration is successful. MIL.MregGetResult(MilRegResult, MIL.M_GENERAL, MIL.M_RESULT + MIL.M_TYPE_MIL_INT, ref Result); if (Result == MIL.M_SUCCESS) { // Get the size of the required mosaic buffer. MIL.MregGetResult(MilRegResult, MIL.M_GENERAL, MIL.M_MOSAIC_SIZE_X + MIL.M_TYPE_MIL_INT, ref MosaicSizeX); MIL.MregGetResult(MilRegResult, MIL.M_GENERAL, MIL.M_MOSAIC_SIZE_Y + MIL.M_TYPE_MIL_INT, ref MosaicSizeY); // The mosaic type will be the same as the source images. MIL.MbufInquire(MilSourceImages[0], MIL.M_SIZE_BAND, ref MosaicSizeBand); MIL.MbufInquire(MilSourceImages[0], MIL.M_TYPE, ref MosaicType); // Allocate mosaic image. MIL.MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, MosaicSizeBand, MosaicSizeX, MosaicSizeY, MosaicType, MIL.M_IMAGE + MIL.M_PROC + MIL.M_DISP, ref MilMosaicImage); // Compose the mosaic from the source images. MIL.MregTransformImage(MilRegResult, MilSourceImages, MilMosaicImage, NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER, MIL.M_BILINEAR + MIL.M_OVERSCAN_CLEAR, MIL.M_DEFAULT); // Display the mosaic image and prepare for overlay annotations. MIL.MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilMosaicImage); MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_RGB888(0, 0xFF, 0)); // Pause to show the mosaic. Console.Write("mosaic image.\n"); Console.Write("Press <Enter> to continue.\n\n"); Console.ReadKey(); // Draw the box of all source images in the mosaic. MIL.MregDraw(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilRegResult, MilGraphicList, MIL.M_DRAW_BOX, MIL.M_ALL, MIL.M_DEFAULT); // Draw a cross at the center of each image in the mosaic. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER; i++) { // Coordinates of the center of the source image. double SourcePosX = 0.5 * (double)MIL.MbufInquire(MilSourceImages[i], MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL); double SourcePosY = 0.5 * (double)MIL.MbufInquire(MilSourceImages[i], MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL); // Transform the coordinates to the mosaic. double MosaicPosX = 0; double MosaicPosY = 0; MIL.MregTransformCoordinate(MilRegResult, i, MIL.M_MOSAIC, SourcePosX, SourcePosY, ref MosaicPosX, ref MosaicPosY, MIL.M_DEFAULT); int MosaicPosXMilInt = (int)(MosaicPosX + 0.5); int MosaicPosYMilInt = (int)(MosaicPosY + 0.5); // Draw the cross in the mosaic. MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilGraphicList, MosaicPosXMilInt - 4, MosaicPosYMilInt, MosaicPosXMilInt + 4, MosaicPosYMilInt); MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilGraphicList, MosaicPosXMilInt, MosaicPosYMilInt - 4, MosaicPosXMilInt, MosaicPosYMilInt + 4); } Console.Write("The bounding boxes and the center of all source images\n"); Console.Write("have been drawn in the mosaic.\n"); } else { Console.Write("Error: Registration was not successful.\n"); } // Pause to show results. Console.Write("\nPress <Enter> to end.\n\n"); Console.ReadKey(); // Free all allocations. MIL.MgraFree(MilGraphicList); if (MilMosaicImage != MIL.M_NULL) { MIL.MbufFree(MilMosaicImage); } MIL.MregFree(MilRegContext); MIL.MregFree(MilRegResult); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES_TO_REGISTER; i++) { MIL.MbufFree(MilSourceImages[i]); } // Free defaults. MIL.MappFreeDefault(MilApplication, MilSystem, MilDisplay, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL); } } }