                       Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) 10.0
                           Release Notes (MIL.net_Dev)
                                 December, 2013
            (c) Copyright Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2013.

The following describes what is new with the latest version of the .NET
interface to MIL. It supplements the relevant information included in the MIL
User Guide and Command Reference sections on MIL Help. 

Main table of contents

Section 1 : Differences between MIL 10.0 and MIL 9.0 with Update 53 
Section 2 : Differences between MIL 9.0 with Update 53 and 
                MIL 9.0 with Update 1
Section 3 : MIL 9.0 Update 1

Section 1: Differences between MIL 10.0 and MIL 9.0 with Update 53 

Table of Contents for section 1

1. Overview
2. New functionalities and improvements
3. Fixed bugs
4. Known issues

1. Overview

   - The MIL .NET wrapper is synchronized with MIL 10.  This includes new
     constants, new function overloads and bug fixes.

2. New functionalities and improvements

   - The MIL.NET wrapper is now compiled against the .NET Framework 4.0
     This implies that the assembly Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll is
     compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and up.
   - A new assembly, Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.v3.5.dll, compiled against
     the .NET Framework 3.5 is provided for use with Visual Studio 2008.
   - Added overloads for backward compatibility with MIL 9.
   - Added a new function, MdispSelectWPF, to facilitate the integration of MIL 
     displays in a WPF application.
   - Added an example, MdispWPF, to show how to use the new MdispSelectWPF 
   - Deprecated constants now report a warning at compile time.
   - Deprecated constants will not be visible to Intellisense.

3. Fixed bugs

   - Fixed the entry point of MgraArgAngle's overload that uses MIL_INT.
   - Fixed exception throwing that was not enabled properly after the following
     call sequence.
     MappControl(..., M_ERROR, M_THROW_EXCEPTION)
     MappControl(..., M_ERROR, M_THROW_EXCEPTION) 
   - Fixed Equals(object) implementation for MIL_INT, MIL_UINT and MIL_ID 
   - Fixed the IConvertible interface implementation of the MIL_ID, MIL_INT and 
     MIL_UINT types to ensure that they can be converted to their own type.

4. Known issues

   - When selecting a new buffer of a different size with MdispSelectWPF, 
     the content of the WindowFormsHost is resized to the size of the buffer.
     This behavior is incorrect and will be changed in an upcoming release.

Section 2: Differences between MIL 9.0 with Update 53 and 
                MIL 9.0 with Update 1

Table of Contents for section 2

1. Overview
2. New functionalities and improvements
3. Fixed bugs
4. Additional information
5. Adding to the MIL .NET wrapper

1. Overview

   - MIL 9 update 53 synchronizes the MIL .NET wrapper with MIL 9 Processing
     Pack 2, MIL 9 Update 45 and other previous updates. This includes new
     constants, new function overloads and bug fixes.

2. New functionalities and improvements

   - Updated Intellisense documentation for public classes.
   - Added a new MIL_UINT type.
   - Added a MaxValue and MinValue fields for the MIL_INT and a MIL_UINT types.
   - Implement IFormattable, IEquatable<T> and IComparable<T> interfaces for
     MIL_INT, MIL_UINT and MIL_ID types.
   - Added an overload to MdigAlloc to support passing a string for the DigNum
   - Added the implementation of the M_GC_CAMERA_ID macro.
   - Added overloads for MgraRectAngle and MgraArcAngle.

3. Fixed bugs

   - Fixed an MdigInquireFeature overload to take a StringBuilder instead of a
     string for the last parameter.
   - Fix a bug in the MILExceptionHandler.Manage() function.  The delegate
     would get garbage collected if the method was called twice.
   - Fix conversion operators for the MIL_INT and MIL_UINT types.
   - Fix the IConvertible.ToBoolean implementation.  Now returns true if
     value != 0 (instead of value > 0)
   - Fixed the entry point of a few functions in the Mfunc module.
   - Fix MappInquire so it can so it can return M_THROW_EXCEPTION when M_ERROR
     is inquired.
   - Add an overload for McodeGetResult to get the M_STRING results as an array
     of 'char' to be used when multiple codes are read. Due to a limitation of
     the StringBuilder object, the current overload with StringBuilder only
     returns the first string.
   - Fix overload for MgraArc in 64-bits: two parameters were of the wrong type
   - Fix the entry point Specify the correct entry point for MgraRectAngle and
     MgraArcAngle in x64.

4. Additional information

   MIL 9 Update 36 updates the documentation which includes a new User Guide
   chapter on using MIL with .NET.  This update contains additional information
   about how to use MIL in a .NET environment.

5. Adding to the MIL .NET wrapper

   If  functionality required for your application is missing from the MIL
   .NET wrapper, it is possible to add that functionality to your application
   until an new version of the MIL .NET wrapper is release.  To do so, please
   refer to the "Adding to the MIL .NET wrapper" application note included with
   this update.


Section 3: MIL 9 Update 1

Table of Contents for section 3

1. Overview
2. Files installed on the target computer.
3. Requirements
4. Using MIL in a .NET application.
5. Upgrading an existing project.
6. Differences between MIL and MIL for .NET.
7. Language specific notes
8. .NET equivalents of MIL custom data types.
9. Known bugs and limitations

1. Overview

   This update provides a convenient method for using MIL in a .NET 
   application.  Using Microsoft's Platform Invoke technology, this update 
   exposes the Matrox Imaging Library's functionally to .NET languages such as 
   C# and Visual Basic .NET.  The goal of this update is to provide .NET 
   programmers with a MIL programming experience as close as possible to MIL 
   programming with C/C++.

2. Files installed on the target computer.

   This update installs the following new files in Matrox Imaging\MIL\MIL.NET 
       - Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll   // The Interop assembly for using 
                                           // MIL in .NET
       - Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.xml   // xml file for Intellisense support
                                           // in Visual Studio.

   If necessary, the following files in your Matrox Imaging\Tools directory 
   will be updated.
       - milconfig.exe            // An updated version of the milconfig tool
       - ExampleLauncher.exe      // An updated version of the Example Launcher

   New examples for C# and Visual Basic .NET languages.
       - C# examples in the "Examples\Examples C#" directory.
       - Visual Basic .NET examples in the "Examples\Examples VB" directory.

3. Requirements

   This update has been built against the .NET framework 2.0 Runtime. 
   Therefore, the Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll assembly supports Visual 
   Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008. Visual Studio .NET 2003 is not supported
   by this update.


   Windows XP users must have at least Visual Studio 2005 with Service Pack 1.
   Windows Vista users must have at least Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1
   and Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista.

4. Using MIL in a .NET application.

   This section gives the basic steps to use MIL in a .NET application.

   1. Add a reference to the Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll assembly to your
      a. In Visual Studio, from the Project menu, select Add Reference...
      b. In the Add Reference dialog, select the Browse tab.
      c. Go to the Matrox Imaging\MIL\MIL.NET directory, select 
         Matrox.MatroxImaginglibrary.dll and click OK to add the reference.

   2. Add the following using directive to your code to import the types in the
      Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary namespace.
      a. Visual C#
         using Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary;

      b. Visual Basic .NET
         Imports Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary

   3. Add MIL code in your application.

5. Upgrading an existing application

   To upgrade an existing application with a new version of the 
   Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary assembly, you must open your project, rebuild 
   the application and re-deploy it.  This is necessary because 
   Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll file is copied to your application's 
   directory when the application is built.  Therefore, installing a new 
   version of Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll won't upgrade existing 
   applications without rebuilding them.

                             IMPORTANT NOTE
   The following note applies to users who have already installed a version of 
   the MIL 9 Update for .NET development that precedes build 1527.

   The location of the assembly Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary.dll has changed 
   as of Build 1527 of the Early Access version of this update.  The assembly 
   is no longer in the Matrox Imaging\Tools folder, it is now located in the 
   Matrox Imaging\MIL\MIL.NET folder.
   To update your project, follow these steps to change the reference to 
      1. Open your project.
      2. From the Solution Explorer, expand the References folder.
      3. Select Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary and remove the reference by 
         pressing the delete key or by right-clicking and select Remove.
      4. Follow the steps in section 4 of this readme file to add a new 
         reference to Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary
      5. Rebuild your application.

   NOTE : By default, Visual Basic users may not see the References folder in 
          the solution explorer as explained in step 2.  To make it visible, go
          to the Project menu and select Show All Files or click on the 
          'Show All Files' icon in the Solution Explorer.

6. Differences between MIL and MIL for .NET.

   This section outlines the main differences the when using MIL in a .NET 
   All the MIL functions and constants are static members of the MIL class.
   Therefore, you must specify the name of the class and the name of the 
   function/constant like in the following example.

      MIL.MdigControl(DigitizerID, MIL.M_GRAB_MODE, MIL.M_ASYNCHRONOUS);

   - MIL Errors can be thrown as .NET exceptions.  To enable this feature, add
     the following call after your call to MappAlloc.
   - The MIL_ID type is a structure that implements implicit conversion 
     operators for the int, long and IntPtr types.
   - A MIL_INT type is a structure provided to enable writing portable code for
     32-bits and 64-bits applications.
   - The MIL_INT type implements explicit conversion operators for the basic 
     .NET types.
   - Functions that expect a void * in C++ have been overloaded to accept a 
     reference to each supported data type.
   - Functions that return an array have been overloaded to accept an array of 
     each supported data types.  Use the proper data type, as specified in your
     MIL documentation.
   - Hook functions are implemented using delegates and User data for hooked 
     functions must be pinned before passing it to the hook function.  Please 
     take a look at the MDigProcess example to learn more.
   - The memory passed to the MbufCreate...() like functions must be pinned to 
     unsure that the memory will not be moved by the garbage collector.
   - Function that return strings in C++ expect to get a StringBuilder object 
     in .NET
   - The Mfunc api will not be able to execute a custom MIL function in a 
     specified dll with a specified function name if the dll is a managed 
     assembly.  To use a MIL custom function in such a way, the function must 
     be implemented in C/C++ in an unmanaged dll.
   - MIL macros are implemented as functions.

7. Language specific notes.

   1. Visual Basic .NET

      The MIL.M_NULL value must be casted to a IntPtr when passed to a 
      function that is overloaded to accept a MIL_ID passed by reference or a
      IntPtr.  This is required to force the Visual Basic compiler to use the
      IntPtr overload of the function.  Otherwise, the Visual Basic compiler 
      will create a new instance of a MIL_ID object and pass the new object's
      reference to MIL.  This will result in a MIL_ID leak and a MIL error 
      reporting that a system still has objects associated with it.  It could 
      also result in functions reporting errors stating that a particular 
      parameter must be set to M_NULL.

                              CType(MIL.M_NULL, IntPtr))

8. .NET equivalents of MIL custom data types.

   MIL Custom type    .NET type (32-bits)     .NET type (64-bits)
   MIL_ID             MIL_ID                  MIL_ID
   MIL_INT            MIL_INT                 MIL_INT
   MIL_UINT           System.UInt32           System.UInt64
   MIL_DOUBLE         System.Double           System.Double
   MIL_INT8           System.SByte            System.SByte
   MIL_UINT8          System.Byte             System.Byte
   MIL_INT16          System.Int16            System.Int16
   MIL_UINT16         System.UInt16           System.UInt16
   MIL_INT32          System.Int32            System.Int32
   MIL_UINT32         System.UInt32           System.UInt32
   MIL_INT64          System.Int64            System.Int64
   MIL_UINT64         System.UInt64           System.UInt64
   MIL_TEXT_PTR       System.String           System.String

   The MIL_TEXT macro has no .NET equivalent and must not be used.
   The M_PTR_TO_DOUBLE macro has no .NET equivalent and must not me used.

9. Known bugs and limitations.

   1. Limitations

      - This update includes functionality available as of MIL 9 Processing 
        Pack 1.  It does not include functionality contained in other 
        processing packs or other updates to MIL 9, even if you have such 
        updates or processing packs installed on your computer.

      - Using Processing Pack 1 functionality requires that you have MIL 9
        Processing Pack 1 installed on your computer.  Always refer to your MIL
        documentation to know if a feature is supported or not.

      - The solution with all the examples (C# and VB), includes the M3dmap and
        MCol examples.  Theses examples require Processing Pack 1 to run 
        properly.  If you compile them and try to run them without Processing 
        Pack 1 you will receive the following error at runtime :

  Unable to load DLL 'mil<module name>.dll': The specified module could not be 
  found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

      - The examples provided with this update are for Visual Studio 2005.
        Visual Studio 2008 users will be asked to upgrade the solution and 
        project files to the new format when they open the examples with 
        Visual Studio 2008.