                  Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) 10 Update 66
                        Release Notes (Third-Party Host licensor)
                               January 2018
            (c) Copyright Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2017.

This document outlines the functionalities of the Third-Party Host licensor (fingerprint).

1.0 Third-Party Host licensor setup
    1.1 Abstract
    1.2 How to create a fingerprint

2.0 Notes
    2.1 What is used for the fingerprint
    2.2 System changes
3.0 Restrictions
    3.1 Virtual machines
    3.2 Windows upgrade
    3.3 MIL reinstall
    3.4 System rescue
    3.5 Network card   
    3.6 Early access builds and updates
    3.7 Matrox hardware and dongle
1.0 Third-Party Host setup

   1.1 Abstract

   The Third-Party Host fingerprint, which is made available by installing this
   update, is used to  license the various Matrox Imaging Library (MIL)
   features without the need of Matrox hardware or a USB dongle. It gathers
   information about the system to generate a unique fingerprint which can be
   used to generate a licensing lock code.
   1.2 How to create a fingerprint

   When the system setup is finalized, use MILConfig's Licensing->Third-party Host
   page to create the fingerprint.
   Third-Party Host will then be available in the Licensing->Generate

2.0 Notes

    2.1 What is used for the fingerprint

    All the hardware that is present when creating a fingerprint will be taken 
    into account for its generation. This includes, but is not limited to, the
    CPU, RAM, network interface and video card. Any devices
    connected through USB or any external connection will not be taken
    into account.
    2.2 System changes

    The fingerprint does not need to be regenerated when adding new hardware.
    However, if some hardware is removed or swapped after a failure, the 
    fingerprint must be regenerated. Please contact the technical support to
    initiate a fingerprint replacement.
3.0 Restrictions

    3.1 Virtual machines
    The Third-Party Host fingerprint cannot be used in a virtual machine.
    3.2 Windows upgrade
    Upgrading Windows from a major version to another is not supported. A new
    fingerprint will need to be regenerated.
    3.3 Reinstalling MIL
    MIL can be reinstalled without the need to create a new fingerprint. Under 
    normal circumstances, the fingerprint creation is persistent after a 
    MIL reinstall.
    3.4 System rescue
    If the operating system is reinstalled, the fingerprint will need to be 
    recreated but will give the same fingerprint if the system has not changed
    hardware-wise. The license key previously obtained can be used.
    3.5 Network card
    The Third-Party Host fingerprint requires at least one Ethernet controller in the PC.
    3.7 Matrox hardware and dongle
    The Third-Party Host fingerprint is automatically disabled when Matrox hardware or a MIL dongle is 