* File name: CharacterCreator.cpp
* Location: See Matrox Example Launcher in the MIL Control Center
* Synopsis:  This file implements the class CCharCreator to
*            manage the creation of a dot matrix character
* Copyright (C) Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2020.
* All Rights Reserved

#include <mil.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "FontUtil.h"
#include "CharacterCreator.h"

// Define the case pixel size.
static const MIL_INT CASE_SIZE = 60;

// Define the ratio of the circle's radius within the case.

// Char display offset definition.
static const MIL_INT NAME_OFFSET_Y = 10;
static const MIL_INT HEX_OFFSET_Y = NAME_OFFSET_Y + 30;
static const MIL_INT CHAR_OFFSET_X = 30;
static const MIL_INT CHAR_OFFSET_Y = HEX_OFFSET_Y + 30;
/* Constructor.                                                              */
CCharCreator::CCharCreator(MIL_ID MilSystem, MIL_INT FontSizeX, MIL_INT FontSizeY)
   // Allocate and setup the display.
   MdispAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEFAULT, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_WINDOWED, &m_MilDisplay);
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_CENTER_DISPLAY,   M_ENABLE);
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_KEYBOARD_USE,     M_DISABLE);
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_USE,        M_DISABLE);
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_WINDOW_RESIZE,    M_FULL_SIZE);
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_WINDOW_SYSBUTTON, M_DISABLE);
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_TITLE, MIL_TEXT("Dot Matrix Character"));

   // Set the case pixel size: add +1 if CASE_SIZE is even.
   m_CaseSize = CASE_SIZE % 2 == 0 ? CASE_SIZE+ 1 : CASE_SIZE;

   // Calculate the display size.
   MIL_INT CharSizeX = FontSizeX * m_CaseSize + 1;
   MIL_INT CharSizeY = FontSizeY * m_CaseSize + 1;
   MIL_INT DisplaySizeX = CharSizeX + 2 * CHAR_OFFSET_X;
   MIL_INT DisplaySizeY = CharSizeY + 2 * CHAR_OFFSET_Y;
   MIL_INT Type = (8 + M_UNSIGNED);

   // Allocate all the display buffers.
   MbufAlloc2d(MilSystem, DisplaySizeX, DisplaySizeY, Type,
               M_IMAGE + M_PROC + M_DISP, &m_MilDefaultDisplayBuffer);
   MbufChild2d(m_MilDefaultDisplayBuffer, CHAR_OFFSET_X, CHAR_OFFSET_Y,
               CharSizeX, CharSizeY, &m_MilDefaultCharacterBuffer);
   MbufAlloc2d(MilSystem, DisplaySizeX, DisplaySizeY, Type,
               M_IMAGE + M_PROC + M_DISP, &m_MilDisplayBuffer);
   MbufChild2d(m_MilDisplayBuffer, CHAR_OFFSET_X, CHAR_OFFSET_Y,
               CharSizeX, CharSizeY, &m_MilCharacterBuffer);

   // Clear all the allocated buffers.
   MbufClear(m_MilDefaultDisplayBuffer, M_COLOR_WHITE);
   MbufClear(m_MilDisplayBuffer, M_COLOR_WHITE);

   // Allocate the arrays that hold the positions of the dots.
   MIL_INT NumberOfDots = FontSizeX * FontSizeY;

   // Draw the grid.

/* Destructor.                                                               */
   // Free the display buffers.

   // Free the display.

/* DrawGrid. Draws the grid in the background of the character image         */
/*           representation                                                  */
void CCharCreator::DrawGrid()
   // Sets the foreground color the default graphic context.

   // Calculate the total number of lines and allocate lines coordinates.
   MIL_INT NumberOfLines = m_FontSizeX + 1 + m_FontSizeY+ 1;
   vector<MIL_INT> LinesXStart(NumberOfLines);
   vector<MIL_INT> LinesYStart(NumberOfLines);
   vector<MIL_INT> LinesXEnd(NumberOfLines);
   vector<MIL_INT> LinesYEnd(NumberOfLines);

   // Calculate coordinates values of horizontal lines.
   MIL_INT Line = 0;
   for (MIL_INT j = 0; j <= m_FontSizeY; j++)
      LinesYStart[Line] = j * m_CaseSize;
      LinesXStart[Line] = 0;
      LinesYEnd[Line]   = LinesYStart[Line];
      LinesXEnd[Line]   = m_FontSizeX * m_CaseSize;

   // Calculate coordinates values of vertical lines.
   for (MIL_INT i = 0; i <= m_FontSizeX; i++)
      LinesXStart[Line] = i * m_CaseSize;
      LinesYStart[Line] = 0;
      LinesXEnd[Line]   = LinesXStart[Line];
      LinesYEnd[Line]   = m_FontSizeY * m_CaseSize;

   // Calculate the coordinates of dots.
   MIL_INT Dot = 0;
   for (MIL_INT j = 0; j < m_FontSizeY; j++)
      for (MIL_INT i = 0; i < m_FontSizeX; i++)
         m_DotsPosX[Dot] = (MIL_INT)(1 + m_CaseSize * (i + 0.5));
         m_DotsPosY[Dot] = (MIL_INT)(1 + m_CaseSize * (j + 0.5));

   // Draw lines on the default display buffer.
   MgraLines(M_DEFAULT, m_MilDefaultCharacterBuffer, NumberOfLines,
             &LinesXStart[0], &LinesYStart[0], &LinesXEnd[0], &LinesYEnd[0], M_LINE_LIST);

   // Draw dots on the default display buffer.
   MgraDots(M_DEFAULT, m_MilDefaultCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX.size(),
            &m_DotsPosX[0], &m_DotsPosY[0], M_DEFAULT);

/* CreateCharacterInteractive. Interactively creates the character using a   */
/*                             MIL display and mouse hooks.                  */
bool CCharCreator::CreateCharacterInteractive(MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR CharName,
                                              MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR CharHexName, bool Clear)
   // Initialize font matrix data.
   m_IsPressed = false;
   m_IsSelected = false;
   m_IsCleared = true;
   m_ClearCaseIndex = 0;

   // Copy data of the default display buffer to display buffer if the
   // font display has to be cleared.
   if (Clear)
      MbufCopy(m_MilDefaultDisplayBuffer, m_MilDisplayBuffer);
      m_DotCharMatrix = vector<MIL_UINT8>(m_FontSizeX * m_FontSizeY, 0);
   MdispSelect(m_MilDisplay, m_MilDisplayBuffer);

   // Make the text background transparent.

   // Sets the foreground color the default graphic context.

   // Control the text size.
   MgraControl(M_DEFAULT, M_FONT_SIZE, 16);

   // Draw the char string.
   mstring CharNameString = MIL_TEXT("CharValue: ");
   CharNameString += CharName;
   DrawCharacterName(m_MilDisplayBuffer, CHAR_OFFSET_X, NAME_OFFSET_Y, CharNameString.c_str());

   // Draw the char hex string.
   mstring CharHexNameString = MIL_TEXT("HexCharValue: ");
   CharHexNameString += CharHexName;
   MgraText(M_DEFAULT, m_MilDisplayBuffer, CHAR_OFFSET_X, HEX_OFFSET_Y, CharHexNameString.c_str());

   // Enable display update.
   MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE, M_ENABLE);

   // Hook functions to display events.
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_MOVE, HoverCaseHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN, MonitorPressButtonHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_LEFT_DOUBLE_CLICK, MonitorPressButtonHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_MOVE, HoverModifyCaseHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP, MonitorReleaseButtonHook, this);

   // Wait for the user to press any key.
   MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("The Dot Matrix Character grid is displayed.\n")
             MIL_TEXT("Use your mouse to interactively click on the cells\n")
             MIL_TEXT("to define the dots that represent the character.\n"));
   MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press any key to complete the edition of the character.\n\n"));

   // Unhook the functions.
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_MOVE + M_UNHOOK, HoverCaseHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN + M_UNHOOK, MonitorPressButtonHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_LEFT_DOUBLE_CLICK + M_UNHOOK, MonitorPressButtonHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_MOVE + M_UNHOOK, HoverModifyCaseHook, this);
   MdispHookFunction(m_MilDisplay, M_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP + M_UNHOOK, MonitorReleaseButtonHook, this);

   // Hide the display.
   MdispSelect(m_MilDisplay, M_NULL);

   // Check the character for at least one dot.
   bool HasOneDot = false;
   for (MIL_UINT i = 0; i < m_DotCharMatrix.size() && !HasOneDot; i++)
      HasOneDot = m_DotCharMatrix[i] == 0xFF;

   return HasOneDot;

/* LoadCharacter. Load a a character matrix into the character creator.      */
/*                Once the matrix is loaded the character is drawn.          */
void CCharCreator::LoadCharacter(const vector<MIL_UINT8>& rDotCharMatrix)
   m_DotCharMatrix = rDotCharMatrix;

/* DrawCharacterImage. Draws an images representing the current dot matrix.  */
void CCharCreator::DrawCharacterImage()
   MbufCopy(m_MilDefaultDisplayBuffer, m_MilDisplayBuffer);

   for (MIL_UINT i = 0; i < m_DotCharMatrix.size(); i++)
      if (!m_DotCharMatrix[i])

      // Calculate the center of the case coordinate.
      MIL_INT CenterCasePos = m_CaseSize / 2;

      // Calculate the circle radius.

      // Set the foreground color of the default graphic context.
      MgraColor(M_DEFAULT, M_COLOR_BLACK);

      // Draw fill circle.
      MgraArcFill(M_DEFAULT, m_MilCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX[i], m_DotsPosY[i],
                  CircleRad, CircleRad, 0.0, 360.0);

/* DrawCharacterName. Draws the character name in the specified destination  */
/*                    disabling the errors.
bool CCharCreator::DrawCharacterName(MIL_ID MilDest, MIL_INT OffsetX, MIL_INT OffsetY,
                                     MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR CharName)
   MgraText(M_DEFAULT, MilDest, OffsetX, OffsetY, CharName);
   MIL_INT DrawError = MappGetError(M_DEFAULT, M_CURRENT, M_NULL);
   MappControl(M_ERROR, M_PRINT_ENABLE);
   return DrawError == M_NULL_ERROR;

/* HoverCaseHook. Hook function that draws a circle when the mouse hover     */
/*                over a case.                                               */
MIL_INT MFTYPE CCharCreator::HoverCaseHook(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID MilEvent, void *pUserData)
   CCharCreator* pCharCreator = (CCharCreator*) pUserData;
   return pCharCreator->HoverCase(MilEvent);
MIL_INT CCharCreator::HoverCase(MIL_ID MilEvent)
   if (m_IsPressed)
      return 0;

   // Get the cursor position.
   MIL_DOUBLE MousePosX;
   MIL_DOUBLE MousePosY;
   MdispGetHookInfo(MilEvent, M_MOUSE_POSITION_BUFFER_X, &MousePosX);
   MdispGetHookInfo(MilEvent, M_MOUSE_POSITION_BUFFER_Y, &MousePosY);

   // Get the position of the case.
   MIL_INT CaseIndex, PosInCaseX, PosInCaseY;
   bool IsValid = CalculatePositions(MousePosX, MousePosY, &CaseIndex,
                                     &PosInCaseX, &PosInCaseY);

   if (!IsValid || m_DotCharMatrix[CaseIndex])
      return 0;

   // Calculate the center of the case coordinate.
   MIL_INT CenterCasePos = m_CaseSize / 2;

   // Calculate the absolute difference of the position in case with the center.
   MIL_DOUBLE DiffX = fabs((MIL_DOUBLE)(CenterCasePos - PosInCaseX));
   MIL_DOUBLE DiffY = fabs((MIL_DOUBLE)(CenterCasePos - PosInCaseY));

   // Calculate the distance.
   MIL_DOUBLE Distance = sqrt(DiffX * DiffX + DiffY * DiffY);

   // Calculate the circle radius.

   if (Distance > CircleRad)
      return 0;

   if (m_ClearCaseIndex != CaseIndex)

   if (!m_IsCleared)
      return 0;

   m_ClearCaseIndex = CaseIndex;
   m_IsCleared = false;

   // Set the foreground color of the default graphic context.

   // Draw a circle.
   MgraArc(M_DEFAULT, m_MilCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX[CaseIndex], m_DotsPosY[CaseIndex],
           CircleRad, CircleRad, 0.0, 360.0);

   return 0;

/* HoverModifyCaseHook. Hook function that modifies a case when the mouse is */
/*                      clicked until it is released.                        */
MIL_INT MFTYPE CCharCreator::HoverModifyCaseHook(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID MilEvent,
                                                 void *pUserData)
   CCharCreator* pCharCreator = (CCharCreator*) pUserData;
   return pCharCreator->HoverModifyCase(MilEvent);
MIL_INT CCharCreator::HoverModifyCase(MIL_ID MilEvent)
   if (!m_IsPressed)
      return 0;
   return 0;

/* MonitorPressButtonHook. Hook function that checks if left-click mouse     */
/*                         button is pressed.                                */
MIL_INT MFTYPE CCharCreator::MonitorPressButtonHook(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID MilEvent,
                                                    void *pUserData)
   CCharCreator* pCharCreator = (CCharCreator*) pUserData;
   return pCharCreator->MonitorPressButton(MilEvent);
MIL_INT CCharCreator::MonitorPressButton(MIL_ID MilEvent)
   m_IsPressed = true;
   m_IsCleared = true;
   return 0;

/* MonitorReleaseButtonHook. Hook function that checks if left-click mouse   */
/*                           button is released.                             */
MIL_INT MFTYPE CCharCreator::MonitorReleaseButtonHook(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID MilEvent,
                                                      void *pUserData)
   CCharCreator* pCharCreator = (CCharCreator*) pUserData;
   return pCharCreator->MonitorReleaseButton(MilEvent);
MIL_INT CCharCreator::MonitorReleaseButton(MIL_ID MilEvent)
   m_IsPressed = false;
   m_IsSelected = false;
   return 0;

/* CalculatePositions. Calculates the position of the case into which the    */
/*                     mouse is clicking or hovering. Returns whether the    */
/*                     mouse is inside the matrix.                           */
bool CCharCreator::CalculatePositions(MIL_DOUBLE PosX, MIL_DOUBLE PosY, MIL_INT* pCaseIndex, MIL_INT* pPosInCaseX, MIL_INT* pPosInCaseY)
   MIL_INT CaseX = (MIL_INT)(floor((PosX - (MIL_DOUBLE)CHAR_OFFSET_X - 1.0) /
                                           (MIL_DOUBLE)(m_CaseSize + 1)));
   MIL_INT CaseY = (MIL_INT)(floor((PosY - (MIL_DOUBLE)CHAR_OFFSET_Y - 1.0) /
                                           (MIL_DOUBLE)(m_CaseSize + 1)));

   if ((CaseX >= 0 && CaseX < m_FontSizeX) && (CaseY >= 0 && CaseY < m_FontSizeY))
      *pPosInCaseX = ((MIL_INT)PosX - CHAR_OFFSET_X) - CaseX * m_CaseSize;
      *pPosInCaseY = ((MIL_INT)PosY - CHAR_OFFSET_Y) - CaseY * m_CaseSize;
      return false;

   *pCaseIndex = CaseX + CaseY * m_FontSizeX;
   return true;

/* ModifyCase. Modifies the case.                                            */
void CCharCreator::ModifyCase(MIL_ID MilEvent)
   // Get the cursor position.
   MIL_DOUBLE MousePosX;
   MIL_DOUBLE MousePosY;
   MdispGetHookInfo(MilEvent, M_MOUSE_POSITION_BUFFER_X, &MousePosX);
   MdispGetHookInfo(MilEvent, M_MOUSE_POSITION_BUFFER_Y, &MousePosY);

   // Get the position of the case.
   MIL_INT CaseIndex, PosInCaseX, PosInCaseY;
   bool IsValid = CalculatePositions(MousePosX, MousePosY, &CaseIndex, &PosInCaseX, &PosInCaseY);

   if (!IsValid)

   // Calculate the center of the case coordinate.
   MIL_INT CenterCasePos = m_CaseSize / 2;

   // Calculate the absolute difference of the position in case with the center.
   MIL_DOUBLE DiffX = fabs((MIL_DOUBLE)(CenterCasePos - PosInCaseX));
   MIL_DOUBLE DiffY = fabs((MIL_DOUBLE)(CenterCasePos - PosInCaseY));

   // Calculate the distance.
   MIL_DOUBLE Distance = sqrt(DiffX * DiffX + DiffY * DiffY);

   // Calculate the circle radius.

   if (Distance > CircleRad)
      m_IsSelected = false;

   if (m_IsSelected)

   if (m_DotCharMatrix[CaseIndex])
      // Set the foreground color of the default graphic context.
      MgraColor(M_DEFAULT, M_COLOR_WHITE);

      // Disable display update.
      MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE, M_DISABLE);

      // Draw a filled white circle to cover the previous circle.
      MgraArcFill(M_DEFAULT, m_MilCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX[CaseIndex], m_DotsPosY[CaseIndex],
                  CircleRad, CircleRad, 0.0, 360.0);

      // Set the foreground color of the default graphic context.

      // Draw a dot.
      MgraDot(M_DEFAULT, m_MilCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX[CaseIndex], m_DotsPosY[CaseIndex]);

      // Enable display update.
      MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, M_UPDATE, M_ENABLE);

      m_DotCharMatrix[CaseIndex] = 0;
      // Set the foreground color of the default graphic context.
      MgraColor(M_DEFAULT, M_COLOR_BLACK);

      // Draw a filled white circle to cover the previous circle.
      MgraArcFill(M_DEFAULT, m_MilCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX[CaseIndex], m_DotsPosY[CaseIndex],
                  CircleRad, CircleRad, 0.0, 360.0);

      m_DotCharMatrix[CaseIndex] = 0xFF;

   m_IsSelected = true;

/* ClearCase. Clears the last non selected case.                             */
void CCharCreator::ClearCase()
   if (m_IsCleared || m_DotCharMatrix[m_ClearCaseIndex])

   // Calculate the center of the case coordinate.
   MIL_INT CenterCasePos = m_CaseSize / 2;

   // Calculate the circle radius.

   // Set the foreground color of the default graphic context.

   // Draw a circle.
   MgraArc(M_DEFAULT, m_MilCharacterBuffer, m_DotsPosX[m_ClearCaseIndex], m_DotsPosY[m_ClearCaseIndex],
           CircleRad, CircleRad, 0.0, 360.0);

   m_IsCleared = true;