// File name: MetrologyInspectionTask.cpp
// Location: See Matrox Example Launcher in the MIL Control Center
// Synopsis:This file contains the implementation of the CMetInspectionTask class
//           which is the base inspection task that uses metrology.
// Copyright (C) Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2020.
// All Rights Reserved

#include <mil.h>
#include "MetrologyInspectionTask.h"

// Constants.

// Constructor.
CMetInspectionTask::CMetInspectionTask(MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR MetContextPath, MIL_INT ColorConversion /* = M_NONE */, CInspectionTask* FixtureProvider /* = M_NULL */, CInspectionTask* ImageProvider /* = M_NULL */)
 : CHighLevelInspectionTask(MetContextPath, MmetFree, ColorConversion, FixtureProvider, ImageProvider)

// Destructor.

// Inspect.
bool CMetInspectionTask::Calculate(MIL_ID MilImage)
   // Calculate the metrology template.
   MmetCalculate(MilContext(), MilImage, MilResult(), M_DEFAULT);

   return true;

// Draw the graphical result
void CMetInspectionTask::DrawGraphicalResult(MIL_ID MilGraContext, MIL_ID MilDest)
   // Draw the features.
   MgraColor(MilGraContext, M_COLOR_MAGENTA);
   MmetDraw(MilGraContext, MilResult(), MilDest, M_DRAW_FEATURE, M_ALL_FEATURES, M_DEFAULT);

   // Draw the passed tolerances in green.
   MgraColor(MilGraContext, M_COLOR_GREEN);
   MmetDraw(MilGraContext, MilResult(), MilDest, M_DRAW_TOLERANCE, M_ALL_PASS_TOLERANCES, M_DEFAULT);

   // Draw the failed tolerances in red.
   MgraColor(MilGraContext, M_COLOR_RED);
   MmetDraw(MilGraContext, MilResult(), MilDest, M_DRAW_TOLERANCE, M_ALL_FAIL_TOLERANCES, M_DEFAULT);

// Draw function by name of the feature.
void CMetInspectionTask::DrawFeatureByName(MIL_ID MilGraContext, MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR FeatureName, MIL_ID MilDest, MIL_DOUBLE Color)
   MIL_INT Label;

   // Get the label.
   MmetName(MilContext(), M_GET_FEATURE_LABEL, M_DEFAULT, const_cast<MIL_TEXT_PTR>(FeatureName), &Label, M_DEFAULT);

   // If the label exists.
      // Draw the feature.
      MgraColor(MilGraContext, Color);
      MmetDraw(MilGraContext, MilResult(), MilDest, M_DRAW_FEATURE, M_FEATURE_LABEL(Label), M_DEFAULT);

// Draw function by name of the tolerance.
void CMetInspectionTask::DrawToleranceByName(MIL_ID MilGraContext, MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR ToleranceName, MIL_ID MilDest, MIL_DOUBLE PassColor, MIL_DOUBLE FailColor, MIL_DOUBLE WarningColor)
   MIL_INT Label, Status;
   // Get the label.
   MmetName(MilContext(), M_GET_TOLERANCE_LABEL, M_DEFAULT, const_cast<MIL_TEXT_PTR>(ToleranceName), &Label, M_DEFAULT);

   // If the label exists.
      // Get the status of the feature.
      MmetGetResult(MilResult(), M_TOLERANCE_LABEL(Label), M_STATUS + M_TYPE_MIL_INT, &Status);

      // Get the color to use
      MIL_DOUBLE Color;
         case M_PASS : Color = PassColor;
         case M_WARNING: Color = WarningColor;
         case M_FAIL : Color = FailColor;

      // Draw the feature.
      MgraColor(MilGraContext, Color);
      MmetDraw(MilGraContext, MilResult(), MilDest, M_DRAW_TOLERANCE, M_TOLERANCE_LABEL(Label), M_DEFAULT);

// Function to get the overall status.
MIL_INT CMetInspectionTask::GetOverallStatus() const
   MIL_INT FeaturesStatus = M_PASS;
   MIL_INT ToleranceStatus = M_PASS;
   MIL_INT NbFeatureOrTolerance;
   // Check the features.
   MmetGetResult(MilResult(), M_GENERAL, M_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES + M_TYPE_MIL_INT, &NbFeatureOrTolerance);
      MmetGetResult(MilResult(), M_ALL_FEATURES, M_STATUS + M_TYPE_MIL_INT, &FeaturesStatus);

   // Check the tolerances.
   MmetGetResult(MilResult(), M_GENERAL, M_NUMBER_OF_TOLERANCES + M_TYPE_MIL_INT, &NbFeatureOrTolerance);
      MmetGetResult(MilResult(), M_ALL_TOLERANCES, M_STATUS + M_TYPE_MIL_INT, &ToleranceStatus);

   return (FeaturesStatus == M_FAIL     || ToleranceStatus == M_FAIL)   ? M_FAIL :
          ((FeaturesStatus == M_WARNING || ToleranceStatus == M_WARNING ? M_WARNING : M_PASS));