 * File name: MWebClient.cpp
 * Location: See Matrox Example Launcher in the MIL Control Center
 * Synopsis:  This program shows how to use web publishing.
 * Copyright Â(C) Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1992-2020.
 * All Rights Reserved
#include "webclient.h"

/* Update hook handler*/
/* Get object data, call user function */
MIL_INT MFTYPE UpdateHookHandler(MIL_INT /*HookType*/, MIL_ID EventId,void* UserData)
   MIL_ID ObjId = M_NULL;
   MilWeb::MobjGetHookInfo(EventId, M_OBJECT_ID, &ObjId);
      MIL_INT64 ObjectType;
      if(ObjectType == M_MESSAGE_MAILBOX)
         MIL_INT MsgLength = M_NULL;
         MilWeb::MobjInquire(ObjId, M_MESSAGE_LENGTH, &MsgLength);
         if(MsgLength > 0 )
            MIL_UINT8* MsgData = new MIL_UINT8[(size_t)MsgLength];
            MIL_INT64  MsgTag;
            MIL_INT64  MsgStatus;
            memset(MsgData, 0, (size_t)MsgLength);
            // Got message image data
            MilWeb::MobjMessageRead(ObjId, MsgData, MsgLength,NULL,&MsgTag, &MsgStatus,M_DEFAULT);
            DisplayMessage(MsgData, (MIL_INT)MsgLength, MsgTag, UserData);
            delete [] MsgData;
      else if (ObjectType == M_DISPLAY)
         MIL_INT SizeByte = M_NULL;
         MilWeb::MdispInquire(ObjId, M_SIZE_BYTE, &SizeByte);
         MIL_UINT8 *Data = M_NULL;
         MIL_INT SizeX = 0, SizeY = 0, PitchByte = 0;
         MilWeb::MdispInquire(ObjId, M_SIZE_X, &SizeX);
         MilWeb::MdispInquire(ObjId, M_SIZE_Y, &SizeY);
         MilWeb::MdispInquire(ObjId, M_PITCH_BYTE, &PitchByte);
         MilWeb::MdispInquire(ObjId,  M_IMAGE_HOST_ADDRESS, &Data);
         if(SizeX > 0 && SizeY > 0 && PitchByte > 0 && Data)
            // Got display image data
            DisplayImage(Data, SizeByte, SizeX, SizeY, PitchByte, UserData);
   return M_NULL;

/* Open new connection */
/* and connect to published objects */
MIL_ID StartConnection(void *UserData, MIL_CONST_TEXT_PTR Url)
   MIL_ID AppId  = M_NULL;
   MIL_ID DispId = M_NULL;
   MIL_ID MsgId  = M_NULL;
   MilWeb::MappOpenConnection(Url, M_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, &AppId);  
      //MilWeb::MappControl(AppId, M_ERROR, M_PRINT_DISABLE);
      MilWeb::MappInquireConnection(AppId, M_WEB_PUBLISHED_NAME, M_PTR_TO_MIL_INT(MIL_TEXT("Message")), M_DEFAULT, &MsgId);
      MilWeb::MappInquireConnection(AppId, M_WEB_PUBLISHED_NAME, M_PTR_TO_MIL_INT(MIL_TEXT("Display")), M_DEFAULT, &DispId);

      MilWeb::MdispControl(DispId, M_WEB_PUBLISHED_FORMAT, M_BGR32);
      MilWeb::MobjHookFunction(MsgId, M_UPDATE_WEB,  UpdateHookHandler, UserData);
      MilWeb::MobjHookFunction(DispId, M_UPDATE_WEB, UpdateHookHandler, UserData);
   return AppId;

/* Close connection */
void EndConnection(MIL_ID AppId)