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Matrox Morphis QxT overivew

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Matrox Morphis QxT is a cost-effective, PCIe-compatible imaging board that can simultaneously capture images from multiple video sources.

Acquisition features

Matrox Morphis QxT supports input from up to 16 composite or monochrome video sources simultaneously. The Matrox Morphis QxT base board can accept composite video (CVBS) in NTSC/PAL format, and monochrome video in RS-170/CCIR format. Composite video is digitized into YUV16 format.

Matrox Morphis QxT uses a Digital I/O module to access its auxiliary input and auxiliary output TTL signals. Matrox Morphis QxT has 32 auxiliary signals (16 in, 16 out).

Formatting features

As Matrox Morphis QxT grabs images, it can vertically or horizontally flip them. In addition, Matrox Morphis QxT can overlay information onto grabbed images. The overlay operation can be done before images are sent to the Host.

Matrox Morphis QxT supports other formatting features that can only be applied when grabbed images are sent to the Host. These include cropping (ROI capture), arbitrary downscaling to 1/16th of a field or frame, and vertical/horizontal flipping. Grabbed images can be converted into the following formats with square pixels: RGB planar, BGR32 packed, YCbCr, YUV16 packed (stored in YUYV format), and 8-bit monochrome.

Summary of Matrox Morphis QxT features

The following table outlines the features currently available for Matrox Morphis QxT.

Matrox Morphis QxT

Acquisition memory

128 Mbytes

Number of independent acquisition paths


Number of supported triggers


Watchdog supported


Number of supported UARTS


Number of auxiliary signals

16 auxiliary input signals and 16 auxiliary output signals

Custom software-based motion detection supported

Yes 1

1 Refer to the Matrox Morphis QxT Installation and Hardware Reference for details.