| MIL 10 User Guide
| Customize Help


See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

Welcome to MIL help.

Due to the wide variety of Matrox imaging boards available, and due to the functionality differences between MIL and MIL-Lite, you should use the following table to customize the help to view only information that is relevant to you:

Development Environment
MIL systems: (?)
Product: (?)
Computer : (?)
Operating system: (?)
Bitness: (?)
Customize View
Parameter settings view: (?)
MIL system-specific view: (?)

For information on how to use this help, on topics such as accessing the function map of each function description, using wildcards in searches and collapsing information, see the Help tips section later in this chapter.

The help is divided as follows:

  • For general usage of MIL functions, see the MIL User Guide.

  • For the reference description of a specific MIL function, see the MIL Reference.

  • For general information regarding a specific piece of Matrox Imaging hardware, see the MIL Hardware-specific Notes. Note that MIL system-specific information regarding a specific MIL function is integrated into the function's reference topic.

  • For the most-up-to-date information regarding this release, see the MIL Release Notes , a compilation of the most important release notes included on disk.

To help familiarize yourself with how MIL is actually used, use the MIL Example Launcher installed with MIL. This program allows you to run small MIL applications we provide and it allows you to view their source code.

The following sources should be checked for additional information when it is needed:

To view the trademark acknowledgements, see the Copyrights, acknowledgments, and patent notices section later in this chapter.