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Using Matrox Solios with MIL

See also

To use any Matrox Solios, you must allocate it as a MIL Solios system (using MsysAlloc(), with M_SYSTEM_SOLIOS). This allocation opens communication with your Matrox Solios and allows MIL to use its resources. Each process (executables) can allocate multiple MIL Solios systems for the same board (although, allocating the same board multiple times is not very useful). If multiple systems (in the same process or different processes) allocate the same digitizer, grabs from different systems will be queued in the order that they arrive (first in, first out).

For more information regarding controlling your digitizer and its I/Os, see Chapter 23: Grabbing with your digitizer and Chapter 24: I/O signals and communicating with external devices, respectively.

For information regarding the use of your Matrox Solios' Processing FPGA, see Chapter 34: Using MIL with a Processing FPGA.

For information regarding GenICam, and configuring your Camera Link camera to use GenICam, see the Using MIL with GenICam section of Chapter 23: Grabbing with your digitizer.

Refer to the Matrox Solios release notes for any additions/modifications to the MIL Hardware-specific Notes in this chapter or in the MIL Reference.

Changing the mode of your Matrox Solios eCL/XCL

The mode of Matrox Solios eCL/XCL dual-Base/single-Medium can be changed using the MILConfig utility (Solios tab) from its factory-default setting of single-Medium to dual-Base. Follow all on-screen procedures. Once changed, your computer must be shut-down and then turned back on (perform a cold-boot) for changes to take effect. Note that simply restarting your computer (using the Microsoft Windows security Restart option) will not allow the changes to take affect.

If you change the mode of Matrox Solios eCL/XCL dual-Base/single-Medium, make certain that you also choose the appropriate DCF. Using the wrong DCF when performing a digitizer allocation (using MdigAlloc()) will result in an error.