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Allocating independent MIL digitizers on Matrox Solios eV-CL

See also

Depending on the frame grabber and its mode, you can allocate one or two independent MIL digitizers. Independent digitizers have different device numbers and use different acquisition paths. To allocate an independent digitizer, use MdigAlloc().

Matrox Solios eV-CLB and eV-CLBL

The number of independent digitizers that you can allocate on Matrox Solios eV-CL is dependent on the configuration in use. There are two configurations of Matrox Solios eV-CLB and eV-CLBL available:

  • single-Medium. The single-Medium version has only one acquisition path (M_DEV0) with only one data channel.

  • dual-Base. The dual-Base version has two acquisition paths (M_DEV0 and M_DEV1) and each only has one data channel.

Matrox Solios eV-CLF and eV-CLFL

You can allocate one digitizer on Matrox Solios eV-CLF and eV-CLFL. The digitizer has only one acquisition path (M_DEV0) with only one data channel.