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Not available in MIL-Lite
Available in MIL

Available on Windows
Available on Linux with restrictions

Available on Non-Matrox computer
Available on Matrox 4Sight-X
Available on Matrox 4Sight GP
Available on Matrox Supersight
function map Function map
Load, restore, or save an Edge Finder context from/to a file or memory stream, or save calculated edges from an Edge Finder result buffer to a file or memory stream in CAD DXF format.
void MedgeStream(
MIL_TEXT_PTR MemPtrOrFileName, //in-out
MIL_ID SystemId, //in
MIL_INT64 Operation, //in
MIL_INT64 StreamType, //in
MIL_DOUBLE Version, //in
MIL_INT64 ControlFlag, //in
MIL_ID *ContextOrResultIdPtr, //in-out
MIL_INT *SizeByteVarPtr //out

This function can load, restore, or save an Edge Finder context from/to a file or memory stream. Moreover, this function can save previously calculated edges (edge chains and/or edge approximations), stored in an Edge Finder result buffer, to a file or memory stream in a standard CAD DXF format. Edge chains and edge approximations are saved in the DXF file or memory stream in separate layers.

Note that you cannot load or restore any CAD DXF file or memory stream using this function.

To inquire the number of bytes necessary to save an Edge Finder context or calculated edges to memory stream, you should call this function (MedgeStream()) first with M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE.

Note that the content saved to memory stream is equivalent to the content saved to file. In addition, any file saved with MedgeSave() is equivalent to a file saved using this function.

You can use this and other MIL stream functions, for example, to save all required MIL objects, as well as any other custom data, for your application to a memory stream. Once in a memory stream, you can write the stream to a single file or transfer it over a network. You are responsible for concatenating the streams and for saving the stream to file.

Using MedgeStream(), you can choose to save a backwards-compatible version of the Edge Finder context, which will work using a version of MIL that is up to one major release older than the current version (depending on which version is specified). For example, if you allocate a Edge Finder context using MIL 9.0 and save it to version 8.0, you can restore this context on a computer where MIL 8.0 is installed. However, all settings and features unique to the higher version will be ignored when restored using the lower version. Besides saving backwards-compatible versions, you can also load or restore Edge Finder contexts saved using MIL version 7.5 or above. Settings that do not exist in the lower version will be filled with default values when the Edge Finder context is loaded or restored.

Note that this function reference has not been updated for a MIL system added during a MIL update. Refer to the MIL system's release note to see if there is complementary information.
This function is not supported on the selected boards.

Specifies the file or memory stream.

function map For the file or memory stream
CollapseValue Description
Collapse M_NULL

Specifies to ignore this parameter. The parameter must be set to M_NULL when performing an M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE operation.

[This is only applicable to Windows]

Opens a dialog box from which you can interactively specify the drive, directory, and name of the file, when the StreamType parameter is set to M_FILE.

Collapse MIL_TEXT("FileName") 1

Specifies the drive, directory, and name of the file (for example, "C:\mydirectory\myfile"), when the StreamType parameter is set to M_FILE. For easier use with other Matrox Imaging software products, when saving an Edge Finder context to a file, use the MEF file extension, and when saving calculated edges from an Edge Finder result buffer to a CAD file, use the DXF file extension. The function internally handles the opening and closing of the file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten when M_SAVE is performed.

To specify the file on the remote computer (under Distributed MIL), prefix the specified file name string with "remote:///" (for example, "remote:///C:\mydirectory\myfile").

Collapse MemPtr

Specifies the address of the block of memory, when the StreamType parameter is set to M_MEMORY. The designated block must be large enough to stream the entire object. To ascertain the required size, call this function (MedgeStream()) first with M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE.

When you allocate the block of memory, the memory pointer is of type MIL_UINT8. In this case, you must cast the MIL_UINT8 pointer to a MIL_TEXT_PTR.


1 If you are passing the value in a variable, don't enclose it in MIL_TEXT().


Specifies the system on which to restore the Edge Finder context. For an M_RESTORE operation, this parameter should be set to one of the following values:

function map For a restore operation
CollapseValue Description

Specifies the default Host system of the current MIL application.

Collapse MIL system identifier

Specifies a valid system identifier, previously allocated using MsysAlloc().

For M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE, M_LOAD, and M_SAVE, this parameter must be set to the following value:

function map For a load or save operation, or when inquiring the required number of bytes for a save operation
CollapseValue Description
Collapse M_NULL

Specifies that this parameter is not applicable.


Specifies the operation to perform. This parameter must be set to one of the following values:

function map For specifying the operation to perform
CollapseValue Description

Inquires the number of bytes required to save an Edge Finder context or calculated edges to a memory stream. This operation is not supported when the StreamType parameter is set to M_FILE.

Collapse M_LOAD

Loads the content of a specified file or memory stream into a previously allocated Edge Finder context.

Collapse M_RESTORE

Restores an Edge Finder context from a file or memory stream and assigns it an identifier.

Collapse M_SAVE

Saves an Edge Finder context to a specified file or memory stream, or saves calculated edges from an Edge Finder result buffer to a file or memory stream in the standard CAD DXF format.


Specifies the type of stream in which to store/from which to restore the Edge Finder context or calculated edges. This parameter must be set to one of the following values:

function map For the type of stream
CollapseValue Description
Collapse M_FILE

Specifies a file stream.

Collapse M_MEMORY

Specifies a memory stream. You are responsible for allocating a block of memory for the stream.


Specifies the MIL version of the Edge Finder context. This parameter must be set to one of the following values.

function map For specifying the MIL version
CollapseValue Description
Collapse M_DEFAULT

Specifies the default version.

For an M_SAVE or M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE operation, it sets the version to current version of MIL.

For an M_LOAD or M_RESTORE operation, it reads the file or stream for the version information. This is the only possible setting for these operations.

Collapse M_PROC_VERSION_90

Sets the version to MIL 9.0.

This option is available only for M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE and M_SAVE operations.

Collapse M_PROC_VERSION_90_PP1

Sets the version to MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 1.

This option is available only for M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE and M_SAVE operations.

Collapse M_PROC_VERSION_90_PP2

Sets the version to MIL 9.0 Processing Pack 2.

This option is available only for M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE and M_SAVE operations.

Collapse M_PROC_VERSION_100

Sets the version to MIL 10.0.

This option is available only for M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE and M_SAVE operations.

Collapse M_PROC_VERSION_100_PP1

Sets the version to MIL 10.0 Processing Pack 1.

This option is available only for M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE and M_SAVE operations.


Specifies the function's control flag. For any operation on Edge Finder contexts, this parameter must be set to M_DEFAULT.

For calculated edges from an Edge Finder result buffer, this parameter stipulates whether to save edge chains and/or edge approximations to the CAD DXF file or memory stream. In this case, this parameter must be set to one or a combination (M_CHAIN + M_CHAIN_APPROXIMATION) of the following values:

function map For calculated edges from an Edge Finder result buffer
CollapseValue Description
Collapse M_DEFAULT

Same as M_CHAIN.

Collapse M_CHAIN

Specifies that edge chains will be saved.


Specifies that edge approximations will be saved.


Specifies the address of the variable in which to write or from which to read the identifier of the Edge Finder context or the Edge Finder result buffer.

For M_INQUIRE_SIZE_BYTE and M_SAVE operations, ContextOrResultIdPtr specifies the address of the variable from which to read the Edge Finder context identifier or Edge Finder result buffer identifier.

For an M_LOAD operation, ContextOrResultIdPtr specifies the address of the variable from which to read the identifier of the Edge Finder context where the file or memory stream content will be loaded.

For an M_RESTORE operation, ContextOrResultIdPtr specifies the address of the variable in which to return the identifier of the restored Edge Finder context. If the operation is not successful, M_NULL is returned.


Specifies the address of the variable in which to write the size of the Edge Finder context or calculated edges, in bytes. If the size is not required, you can set this parameter to M_NULL.

Note that the size of Edge Finder context will vary depending on the MIL version specified.

Compilation information
Header Include mil.h.
Library Use mil.lib; miledge.lib.
DLL Requires mil.dll; miledge.dll.