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See also
Available in MIL-Lite
Available in MIL

Available on Windows
Available on Linux

Not supported on:
Not supported on Host system
Not supported on Matrox CronosPlus
Not supported on Matrox GPU processing driver
Not supported on Matrox GigE Vision driver
Not supported on Matrox IEEE 1394 IIDC driver
Not supported on Matrox Iris GT
Not supported on Matrox Morphis
Not supported on Matrox Morphis QxT
Not supported on Matrox Orion HD
Not supported on Matrox USB3 Vision driver (requires Update 19)
Not supported on Matrox Vio
Fully supported on:
Fully supported on Matrox Radient eCL
Fully supported on Matrox Radient eV-CXP
Fully supported on Matrox Solios eA/XA
Fully supported on Matrox Solios ecl/xcl/ev-cl

For any information regarding a MIL system added during a MIL Update, see the MIL system’s release note

Available on Non-Matrox computer
Available on Matrox 4Sight-X
Available on Matrox 4Sight GP
Available on Matrox Supersight
function map Function map
Inquire global information about a specified Processing FPGA.
MIL_INT MfpgaInquire(
MIL_ID MilSystemId, //in
MIL_INT FpgaDeviceNumber, //in
MIL_INT64 InquireType, //in
void *UserVarPtr //out

This function inquires global information about a Processing FPGA, including all loaded PUs. See MfpgaCommandInquire() to retrieve information about a specific command context.

Note that this function reference has not been updated for a MIL system added during a MIL update. Refer to the MIL system's release note to see which MIL system’s documentation you should use in its place and any possible differences.
This function is not supported on the selected boards.
This function reference has not been updated for the selected MIL system. To show the content of this page, choose a second MIL system; refer to the MIL system's release note to see which MIL system’s documentation to choose and any possible differences.

Specifies the identifier of the system that has the required Processing FPGA.


Specifies the Processing FPGA to inquire. This parameter must be set to the following value:

function map For specifying the rank of the Processing FPGA
CollapseValue Description
MIL system-specific
tooltip (†)
Collapse M_DEVn

Specifies the rank of the Processing FPGA about which to inquire, where n can be a value between 0 and the total number of Processing FPGAs-1.

j k l m p q r

Specifies the information about which to inquire.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.

Accepts the address of one of the following (see the Parameter associations section for specifics on which is expected):
  • array of type MIL_INT
  • array of type MIL_TEXT_CHAR

Specifies the address at which to write the requested information.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be returned.

The table below lists possible values for the InquireType parameter and possible values returned to the UserVarPtr parameter.

Unless otherwise specified, the following values require that you pass the UserVarPtr parameter the address of a MIL_INT.

function map For FPGAs
CollapseInquireType Description
MIL system-specific
tooltip (†)
- Possible values returned

Inquires the string containing identifying information about the file name of the Processing FPGA configuration. The information consists of the location of the file (its path), followed by the name of the file (for example, "C:\mydirectory\myfile").

For a file on the remote computer (under Distributed MIL), the path and file name will be preceded by "remote:///" (for example, "remote:///C:\mydirectory\myfile").

j k l m p q r
Collapse UserVarPtr data type info

Data type: array of type MIL_TEXT_CHAR
Array size: Determine the required size using MfpgaInquire() with M_FPGA_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME_LENGTH.

j k l m p q r
Collapse MIL_TEXT("String") 1

Specifies the string containing information about the file name.

j k l m p q r

Inquires the length of the string returned by M_FPGA_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME.

j k l m p q r
Collapse Value

Specifies the length of the string, including the terminating null character ("\0").

j k l m p q r

Inquires the string containing identifying information about the Processing FPGA on your board. The information consists of the specific package name, followed by an underscore, followed by the speed grade.

j k l m p q r
Collapse UserVarPtr data type info

Data type: array of type MIL_TEXT_CHAR
Array size: Determine the required size using MfpgaInquire() with M_FPGA_PACKAGE_NAME_LENGTH.

j k l m p q r
Collapse MIL_TEXT("String") 1

Specifies the string containing information about the Processing FPGA.

j k l m p q r

Inquires the length of the string returned by M_FPGA_PACKAGE_NAME.

j k l m p q r
Collapse Value

Specifies the length of the string, including the terminating null character ("\0").

j k l m p q r

Inquires the number of PUs currently loaded in the Processing FPGA.

j k l m p q r
Collapse Value

Specifies the number of PUs.

j k l m p q r
Collapse M_PU_LIST

Inquires the list of function identifiers of all PUs currently loaded in the Processing FPGA.

j k l m p q r
Collapse UserVarPtr data type info

Data type: array of type MIL_INT
Array size: Determine the required size using MfpgaInquire() with M_NUMBER_OF_PU.

j k l m p q r
Collapse Value

Specifies the function identifier.

j k l m p q r

1 If the value was passed in a variable, it won't be returned enclosed in MIL_TEXT().

Return value
The returned value is M_VALID if successful. If the operation fails, M_NULL is returned.
Compilation information
Header Include mil.h; milfpga.h.
Library Use mil.lib; milfpga.lib.
DLL Requires mil.dll; milfpga.dll.