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Memory management while using MIL with .NET

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Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

One of the key features of writing code in a managed environment is the garbage collector. To move from writting unmanaged C/C++ to managed C#, it is important to understand how memory is managed in C#.

The .NET garbage collector is responsible for the allocation and release of objects in managed memory. Whenever an object is initialized using the New operator, the garbage collector allocates memory for that object and tracks its usage within your application. To free memory, the garbage collector sweeps through managed memory and frees the memory allocated to all objects that are no longer in use by your application. The timing of a garbage collection is unpredictable; it is possible, however, to force a garbage collection using the .NET System.GC.Collect function.

M...Free versus finalizers

Objects that rely on a garbage collection scheme in the .NET environment have nondeterministic finalizers. These finalizers are called when the garbage collector decides to delete the object and not when the object is out of scope. Therefore, you cannot rely on having your resources freed by the object's finalizer since you do not know when the finalizers will be called.

You should trap errors that might cause your call to an M...Free function to be skipped. Any code between the allocation of a MIL object and the M...Free function calls should be placed in a Try block, while an M...Free function should be placed in a Finally block.

Invoking the garbage collector

To manually invoke the garbage collector, use the .NET System.GC.Collect function. The garbage collector disposes of all objects that are out of scope and that are no longer referenced by any active pointer. For more information on the system.GC class, refer to the .NET documentation available through the MSDN library.

Note that it is good practice to let the garbage collector choose the most appropriate time to run.

Pinning memory to be used by MbufCreate...()

MbufCreate2d() and MbufCreateColor() create a MIL buffer that contains a pointer to a previously allocated block of memory. In a .NET application, memory is managed by the common language runtime's garbage collector, so steps must be taken to protect the block of memory from being moved or deleted, otherwise the buffer might point to random (garbage) data. To protect the block of memory, use the GCHandle structure to create a pinned object that contains the block of memory; a pinned object is not moved or deleted by the garbage collector, and so protects the block of memory it contains. The following code demonstrates how to create a pinned object to encapsulate a previously allocated block of memory, and how to create a buffer, using MbufCreate...(), that has a pointer to this protected block of memory.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Matrox.MatroxImagingLibrary;

namespace MemoryManagement
    class MappedBuffer2d
        private MIL_ID _bufferId = MIL.M_NULL;
        private GCHandle _handle;

        public MappedBuffer2d(MIL_ID systemId, int sizeX, int sizeY, byte[,] imageData)
            _handle = GCHandle.Alloc(imageData, GCHandleType.Pinned);

            // cast the returned address to a ulong because MbufCreate2d expects a ulong
            ulong addressOfImageData = (ulong)_handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                             8 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED,
                             MIL.M_IMAGE + MIL.M_DISP,
                             ref _bufferId);

        public void Free()
            if (_bufferId != MIL.M_NULL)