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Basic concepts for the MIL Sequences module

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The basic concepts and vocabulary conventions for the MIL Sequences module are:

  • Destination. The location in which the output of the specified operation is saved.

  • Elementary video stream. A video composed of a sequence of frames containing no audio component.

  • Container format. A format that can contain an elementary video stream, as well as other elements such as audio and subtitles. AVI and MP4 are container formats.

  • Frame. One of the successive images forming a video.

  • H.264 compression. An advanced compression standard that uses predictive frames to maximize compression efficiency.

  • I-frame. A frame containing all the data necessary to decode it independently of other frames. I-frames are the least compressible H.264 frames.

  • Operation. An action performed on a certain number of inputs and having a certain number of outputs. The H.264 compression and decompression operations each have one input and one output.

  • Predictive frame (P-frame) and bi-predictive frame (B-frame). A frame contained within an elementary video stream that cannot be indepently decoded into a full image. It must refer to other frames in the stream during playback to be properly decoded. P- and B-frames are more compressible than I-frames.

  • Source. The location from which the input of the operation is taken.