The basic concepts and vocabulary conventions for the MIL Bead module are:
Bead. A strip of malleable material, such as glue or lead, typically used to bond objects together.
Bead template. A reusable model of a bead.
Edge. A curve that delineates a boundary, which can be established from intensity transitions in an image.
Gap. Consecutive measured points that were expected but not found.
Measured bead. A bead in a target image that MIL verifies.
Measured point. A trained point's corresponding point found (or expected) on a measured bead.
Path. The continuous sequence of positions that the bead follows.
Point. A positional element along a bead.
Search box. The region in the image in which to extract a point along the bead. The portion of the bead, corresponding to the search box of a point, can be referred to as a slice.
Stripe. A bead consisting of two edges; the distance between the edges is the bead's width.
Target image. The image in which to measure and validate beads during the verification phase.
Trained bead. A template that has been trained (contains the trained points), which allows you to use it for the verification of a bead.
Trained points. Points contained in a template, generated by the training phase, and used for the verification of a bead. Each trained point is associated with the width and height of the bead slice from which it was extracted (search box).
Training (phase). The operation that uses all training specifications to generate the trained bead template(s).
Training image. An ideal image of beads, which you can use during the training phase to train the templates and establish their trained points.
Verification (phase). The operation that analyzes beads in the target image and validates whether they conform to the specified bead template.
Vertices. Positional points added to a bead template to define its path.