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Grabbing to the display

See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

To grab to the display, you should grab into a displayable grab buffer (MbufAlloc...() with M_DISP + M_GRAB) that is selected for display (MdispSelect()). The display of the selected buffer is typically maintained with separate internal buffers in display memory or Host non-paged memory. The selected buffer and the display are maintained and synchronized internally.

The synchronization frequency is dependent upon whether performing a monoshot or continuous grab. A monoshot grab updates the selected buffer first and then its display. A continuous grab updates the specified buffer's display immediately after each frame is grabbed; only the last frame is stored in the selected buffer for processing. If you need to save/process each grabbed frame, you should perform the grab using MdigGrab() (that is, perform a monoshot grab); alternatively, you can use MdigProcess() for its multiple buffering capabilities.