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Protecting your own MIL software application using a Matrox hardware fingerprint

See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

You might want to protect your own MIL software application using a third-party licensing package that requires a hardware fingerprint. In this case, you can use the hardware fingerprint of the Matrox Imaging board that your application uses. The MIL hardware fingerprint is a numerical value, unique to the Matrox hardware component.

You can inquire about the fingerprint of your Matrox Imaging board using MappInquire() with M_..._FINGERPRINT. For example, to inquire the hardware fingerprint of your Matrox Radient eCL board, use M_RADIENT_FINGERPRINT.

If the inquired Matrox hardware component is present and properly installed, the requested hardware fingerprint is returned. If it is not present or properly installed, 0 is returned.

If using a MIL 10 runtime dongle, it is possible to store multiple licenses on the dongle using WIBU-Systems' CodeMeter API. You can therefore store your own MIL software application license and a MIL runtime license on a single dongle that you can provide to your client.