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Pattern matching examples

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Available in MIL

MPat.cpp contains 3 examples that use the NGC Pattern Matching module. The first and second examples of MPat.cpp use the following image as source image:

This first example defines a model and searches for it in a shifted version of the image (without rotation). It also demonstrates the subpixel accuracy of MpatFindModel(). Refer to the SearchModelExample function for this first example.

The second example of MPat.cpp uses the following image as target image:

This example defines a model and searches for it in a rotated version of the image. Refer to the SearchRotatedModelExample function for this second example.

The third example of MPat.cpp uses the following images:

This example automatically allocates a model in a wafer image and finds its horizontal and vertical displacement. Refer to the AutoAllocationModelExample function for this third example.