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Matrox Concord PoE overview

The Matrox Concord PoE family consists of two models: the Matrox Concord PoE base model and Matrox Concord PoE with ToE.

Matrox Concord PoE base model is a Gigabit Ethernet network interface board that provides optimum support for interfacing with GigE Vision cameras and supplies Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) to GigE Vision cameras that support PoE. There are two versions of the Matrox Concord PoE base model: the Dual-port version and the Quad-port version.

Matrox Concord PoE with ToE includes all the features of the Matrox Concord PoE base model, with the addition of an Advanced I/O Engine. The Advanced I/O Engine provides use of 8 auxiliary signals, and includes I/O command lists, timers, quadrature decoders, user outputs, and a Trigger-over-Ethernet (ToE) module. The Trigger-over-Ethernet module can transmit a Trigger-over-Ethernet packet, either as an action command or a GigE Vision software trigger, upon reception of an internal or external event. There are two versions of Matrox Concord PoE with ToE: the Dual-port version and the Quad-port version.

In addition to being prelicensed for use with the MIL drivers for GigE Vision cameras, the Matrox Concord PoE board can act as a fingerprint for licensing supplemental MIL functionality. The board can also store a supplemental MIL license, which facilitates the process of moving to a new computer.

Summary of Matrox Concord PoE features

The following table outlines the features currently available for Matrox Concord PoE family.

Matrox Concord PoE base model

Matrox Concord PoE with ToE

Can access GenICam camera features using MdigControlFeature() / MdigInquireFeature() 1



On-board memory



Number of acquisition ports

2 (Dual) or 4 (Quad)

2 (Dual) or 4 (Quad)

Number of auxiliary signals


8 (6 in, 2 out)

Trigger-over-Ethernet (ToE) module



Number of timers



Number of quadrature decoders for input from linear or rotary encoders



Number of I/O command lists



Number of reference latches per I/O command list



Power over Ethernet (PoE) support



1 When using a GigE Vision system (M_SYSTEM_GIGE_VISION, using MsysAlloc()).

Note on nomenclature

This manual refers to all models of Matrox Concord PoE as the Matrox Concord PoE. When necessary, this manual distinguishes between the boards using their full names (Matrox Concord PoE base model and Matrox Concord PoE with ToE).