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Transparent multi-core use

When dealing with a system allocated on a computer with multiple CPU cores (processors), MIL can transparently split the processing work of a MIL function between the CPU cores available to the process running your MIL application. Typically, this division of labor can greatly increase the overall execution speed of MIL functions.

When multi-core processing is enabled for a thread (and supported in hardware), the work of most MIL functions on the thread is split into several parts and transparently sent to multiple CPU cores. When the work is done on all parts, the function returns and the result is made available.

The goal of multi-core processing is to increase the function's processing speed. The following is a list of characteristics that can affect the speed gained using multi-core processing:

  • Original speed. The splitting and merging of the work adds a certain amount of overhead to any function performed using multi-core processing. Therefore, if the original function is normally very fast, performing the function using multi-core processing might not provide a speed increase. This is often observed when processing small buffers. MIL tries to dynamically determine the best multi-core processing fit for the current function call to minimize the overhead; but it cannot be eliminated.

  • I/O access. If the function has a high ratio of I/O accesses (such as, memory accesses) compared to the amount of actual processing, the function is I/O dependent. In such a case, performing the function using multi-core processing can cause all the CPU cores involved to fight for access to the same resource (such as, memory). The result is a smaller gain than expected and sometimes even less performance than the original single-core execution.

  • Computer architecture. There are a lot more variables affecting the performance of a multiple CPU core host computer than a traditional single processor host computer. Each of these variables (for example, CPU, cache, bus, and memory) becomes more important in the final performance for each additional processor. Therefore, a small change in the architecture of the host computer can easily result in very different performance numbers.

  • Scalability. Usually, multi-core processing will get faster as the number of CPU cores increases, but will gain less and less as more CPU cores are added. Often, the processing performance will even decrease beyond a certain number of CPU cores. This behavior is as much dependent on the hardware architecture as on the software, and nothing can be done to have linear scalability throughout the whole range of hardware and software requirements. MIL tries to reduce the performance decreases by applying predictive throughput algorithms, but cannot eliminate all possible performance losses as the number of CPU cores gets large.

You can enable and change the multi-core processing default settings using the MILConfig utility and programmatically using MappControlMp() and MthrControlMp() functions.

Setting the maximum number of CPU cores per thread

You can manage the CPU core utilization of the multi-core processing part of MIL functions on each thread in a MIL application. By default, when enabled, multi-core processing spreads processing among all the CPU cores available to the process running the MIL application. In most cases, this provides good performance gains without further configuration. In some cases, for instance when using multiple threads, spreading multi-core processing among all the available CPU cores might lead to multiple threads requesting the same CPU cores at the same time. This might reduce the overall efficiency of your MIL application.

To help reduce this problem, you can use MappControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX or MthrControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX. The former control type sets the default maximum number of CPU cores to which each thread can spread its multi-core processing, while the latter applies the same setting only to the specified thread. You should only adjust the M_CORE_MAX control types if using multiple threads and fine-tuning the performance of your MIL application. The total number of CPU cores available to run the multi-core processing part of MIL functions on a thread is always limited by your operating system and the number of CPU cores installed in your computer.

Note that, the first call to MappAlloc() or MappAllocDefault() determines the number of CPU cores available from the operating system. This information is stored in MIL and not updated dynamically. Changing the number of processors available at the operating-system level, after your application is allocated in MIL, can result in erratic and unpredictable behavior.

If, for example, the process has access to eight CPU cores and it has two processing threads, with multi-core processing enabled, each thread will try to spread its multi-core processing among all eight CPU cores. However, it might be more efficient to split the CPU cores between the two threads. If the threads have similar processing loads, you could restrict each thread to use four CPU cores, using MappControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX set to four. This configuration is typically more efficient than allowing both threads access to all eight CPU cores.

If one thread is processing-intensive while the other is not, you could give the processing-intensive thread access to the majority of the available CPU cores using MthrControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX. For example, if the process running your application has access to 8 CPU cores, you could give your processing-intensive thread access to seven CPU cores, and the other thread access to a single CPU core. Note that MIL might not be the only application running that requires some form of processing; in this case, you should limit the number of CPU cores your MIL application uses, using MappControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX. This has the effect of limiting the number of cores each thread in your application can use.

Controlling where and how the processing occurs

In special circumstances, and for extreme optimization on very stable computing platforms, other options are available to control multi-core processing. Note that in many cases, the operating system might interfere with these controls. Therefore, it is often safer, and sometimes even faster, to leave them at their default settings. Furthermore, these controls are very dependent on the underlying hardware architecture, and their successful use can only be accomplished with a high degree of knowledge of the architecture details.

Core affinity

You can control exactly which CPU cores are used for multi-core processing within the entire application or for a specific thread using core affinities. A core affinity indicates on which CPU core(s) (processor(s)) should the scheduler of the operating system allow processing. In MIL, core affinity is represented by a bit-mask, where each bit represents the index of a CPU core. When a bit is set (1) at a specific position, multi-core processing is allowed to occur on that CPU core. When a bit is not set (0), multi-core processing is not allowed to occur on that CPU core. CPU cores always have the same indices, as long as the hardware in your computer and the operating system does not change.

In MIL, core affinity bit-masks are passed in an array of MIL_UINT64 integers, where the least-significant bit of the first element represents CPU core 0, and the most-significant bit, CPU core 63. The least-significant bit of the second element (if needed), represents CPU core 64, and the most-significant bit, CPU core 127. This follows similarly for all of the following elements in the array. A normal core affinity bit-mask should have at least one bit enabled so that at least one CPU core is enabled for processing. A core affinity bit-mask whose bits are all set to zero is therefore a special case and represents the default setting of all CPU cores being enabled for processing.

You can set the core affinity bit-mask using MappControlMp() with M_CORE_AFFINITY_MASK or MthrControlMp() with M_CORE_AFFINITY_MASK, where the latter only applies to the multi-core processing part of MIL functions on the specified thread.

In addition, if an Intel processor is used with hyper-threading enabled, you can execute as if hyper-threading was disabled and restrict multi-core processing to one logical core per physical CPU core (hyper-threading), minimizing logical core interactions. To do so, use MappControlMp() with M_CORE_SHARING or MthrControlMp() with M_CORE_SHARING, where the latter only applies to the multi-core processing part of MIL functions on the specified thread. Note that the process or thread might not have exclusive access to the CPU cores; other processes or threads might still use the other logical cores of a physical CPU core and might impede multi-core processing restricted this way.

In instances where you have multiple independent processing threads (for instance, when you have a multi-camera setup), it is advised to limit the interaction of the threads in each core. This can be done by setting the core affinity mask for each thread (MthrControlMp() with M_CORE_AFFINITY_MASK) and explicitly limiting the CPU cores used by each processing thread, taking care to avoid core-use overlap.

Note that M_CORE_MAX, M_CORE_AFFINITY_MASK, and M_CORE_SHARING reduce the number of effective CPU cores to only those that meet the requirements of all three specifications.


You can set the processing priority of the multi-core processing part of MIL functions. To do so, use MappControlMp() with M_MP_PRIORITY or MthrControlMp() with M_MP_PRIORITY. In the latter case, only the multi-core processing part of MIL functions on the specified thread will be affected. Any priority set this way only affects multi-core processing. To set the priority of a thread, use MthrControl() with M_THREAD_PRIORITY.

NUMA Support

Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) is a computer architecture introduced by AMD, but has now been adopted by Intel as well. It is the use of multiple memory banks in a computer system, where each memory bank is local to a subset of the available processing CPU cores. Memory accesses are more efficient when using memory banks that are local to their respective CPU cores.

NUMA is supported in MIL; you can allocate buffers in specific memory banks. Note that the explicit use of memory banks is an advanced optimization and scalability technique, and you must have a full understanding of the underlying computer architecture to successfully use it.

The typical way to use NUMA is to first inquire information to help decide which memory bank to use.

You can inquire about the memory banks that are local to the CPU cores available to the process running your application, using MappInquireMp() with M_MEMORY_BANK_NUM and MappInquireMp() with M_MEMORY_BANK_AFFINITY_MASK. The former returns the number of memory banks local to the process's CPU cores, while the latter returns a memory bank affinity mask representing the memory banks local to the process's CPU cores.

You can inquire about the memory bank local to a specified CPU core using MappInquireMp() with M_CORE_MEMORY_BANK. This returns the index of the memory bank local to the specified core. As well, you can inquire about the CPU cores local to a specified memory bank, using MappInquireMp() with M_MEMORY_BANK_CORE_AFFINITY_MASK. This inquire type returns a core affinity mask representing the CPU cores local to the specified memory bank.

When enough memory bank information is known, you can allocate buffers in more efficient memory banks using MbufAlloc...() with M_MEMORY_BANK_n, where n is the index of the memory bank.

Basic steps to using multi-core processing

The following steps provide a basic methodology for using multi-core processing controls and inquires:

  1. Enable multi-core processing using either the MILConfig utility or MappControlMp() with M_MP_USE set to M_ENABLE.

  2. Optionally, set the maximum number of CPU cores to use per thread, using either the MILConfig utility or MappControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX.

    Note that the effective number of CPU cores is always limited by the number of CPU cores available to the process running your MIL application, as per your operating system. To determine the number of CPU cores available to the process, use MappInquireMp() with M_CORE_NUM_PROCESS.

  3. Optionally, disable multi-core processing for one or more threads using MthrControlMp() with M_MP_USE set to M_DISABLE.

  4. Optionally, set the maximum number of CPU cores to use for a specific thread using MthrControlMp() with M_CORE_MAX.

    To determine the effective number of CPU cores that a specific thread can use, use MthrInquireMp() with M_CORE_NUM_EFFECTIVE.

Note that, alternatively you can disable multi-core processing at the application level (using MappControlMp() with M_MP_USE set to M_DISABLE) and enable it for a specific thread (using MthrControlMp() with M_MP_USE set to M_ENABLE).