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Basic concepts for the MIL OCR module

The basic concepts and vocabulary conventions for the MIL OCR module are:

  • Acceptance level. The user-defined level against which the match score is compared to determine if the match is valid.

  • Character representations. The grayscale bitmap (image) or ASCII representation (drawing) of a character used by MIL OCR.

  • Entire text. One or many strings contained within the target image.

  • Fixed size font. A series of character representations that have same character Y size and character X size. Characters of a fixed size font tend to be all upper-case.

  • Match score. The result of a read/verify operation that shows the level of correlation between the character representations in the OCR font and the characters found within the image, taking into account character constraints.

  • OCR font. The MIL OCR font contains the character representations.

  • OCR font context. A MIL object that stores the OCR font information, target image character size and spacing, constraints, and processing controls.

  • Target string(s). The text to be found within the target image. This can be as little as a single character or multiple lines of characters.