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Using Matrox GPU driver with MIL

See also

To use the GPU of your display board for MIL processing, you must allocate a MIL GPU system (M_SYSTEM_GPU), using MsysAlloc(). The GPU system opens communications with the display board and allows MIL to use its resources. Multiple processes (executables) can use this driver. A process can allocate a system on the GPU of your display board multiple times.

To successfully allocate a MIL GPU system without a Matrox imaging board being present in your computer, you must already have purchased the Matrox GPU driver license. To determine whether you have a Matrox GPU driver license, use MappInquire() with M_LICENSE_MODULES.

Note that digitizer functions (that is, the Mdig...() functions) are not supported on a MIL GPU system.

Refer to the Matrox GPU driver release notes for any additions/modifications to this chapter.