| MIL 10 User Guide
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Gray menu bar

See also
No related topics
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

The buttons on the gray menu bar will give you more information on the specific topic and provides links to related topics.

The following buttons appear throughout MIL help:

  • See Also. The See Also button allows you to jump to topics that are related to the current topic.

  • Previous/Next (or / ). The browse buttons, however labeled, will move you to the next or previous topic.

The following button appears only in the MIL Reference and the MIL User Guide:

  • Availability. The Availability button shows whether the current topic is available to MIL, MIL-Lite, and to MIL supported hardware and operating systems. When the chosen topic is not applicable to one of your global settings, the Availability button flashes red, and then stays red. If you click on the Availability button, it displays a list of what is not applicable; after this, the button remains red, but stops flashing.

The following buttons appear only in the MIL Reference:

  • Function map. The Function map button displays a list of links to all the parameters and values tables in that function description. This list is also available when you hover your mouse over the blue Function map icon (see below) at the start of each title in every values table.

  • Examples. The Examples button displays a list of links to examples that are related to the current topic. Note that if the list is very long and extends beyond the visible length of the page, you can view the rest of the list by clicking on the gray background of the list and then using your mouse wheel to scroll down.