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Color spaces and converting between them

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Available in MIL-Lite with restrictions

Available in MIL

A color space is a mathematical model that typically has three components (bands) with which to describe color data, such as RGB (red, green, blue). Regardless of whether you are using the MIL Color Analysis module to perform color transformation using relative color calibration (McolTransform()), matching (McolMatch()), projection (McolProject()), or distance (McolDistance()), color data is always interpreted according to a specific color space.

Color spaces

The major color spaces used today are RGB, HSL, and CIELAB, each of which has unique qualities with which to represent color.

The color space that you use throughout an application must be consistent otherwise results can be skewed. For example, when calculating the distance between two color images or when performing a color match, all your color data should be in the same color space. For McolTransform() and McolMatch(), you must also consider the context's source color space. For more information, see the Source color space subsection of this section.


RGB is based on red, green, and blue color component (band) values. Typically, these components are directly used for acquiring and displaying color. For example, when displaying a color image buffer, the first band is routed to the monitor's first output channel (usually red), the second band to the second channel (usually green), and the third band to the third channel (usually blue).

The RGB color space can be seen as a cube with a red, green, and blue axis. Colors located at the origin, [0, 0, 0], are considered to be black, while colors located at [255, 255, 255] (for an 8-bit buffer) are considered to be white. All other colors can be represented as a combination of red, green, and blue values within this range.

Acquisition and display devices can render RGB data differently. Since RGB maps to such devices, it is a device-dependent color space.

Theoretically, there are as many RGB color spaces as there are color devices. Although there will always be some variance, color devices typically adhere to certain internationally accepted standards. To interpret color space data, MIL uses standard RGB specifications (sRGB), as defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Project Team 61966-2-1.


HSL is established from an RGB color model, but is based on hue, saturation, and luminance color component (band) values. Since such components are generally more intuitive, HSL can be seen as a color space designed to mimic the human way of describing colors. Like RGB, HSL is device-dependent.

In RGB, every color is a mixture of red, green, and blue, which can make it difficult to ascertain the exact component values of a particular color. However, in HSL, the color's hue is stored as a separate component (H), which is represented as an angular position on a circular color disk. The other components control only the color's purity (S) and brightness (L), which can be used to alter the color's quality, but not the color's basic hue. This type of band independence can make color manipulation much simpler with HSL. Most applications that allow for an interactive manipulation of colors represent the color with HSL.

You can, for example, perform color matching with the hue (color) band only, using McolControl() with M_BAND_MODE set to M_COLOR_BAND_0. This can solve certain problems, such as matching dark orange and bright orange, which can be difficult in RGB. Also, matching the hue independently of the luminance can be useful if your image has non-uniform lighting, shadows, or highlights.


CIELAB (or LAB) is based on the color's luminance (L), its position between red and green (A), and its position between yellow and blue (B). Unlike RGB and HSL, LAB is intended to be device-independent, and was developed as a distinct color model intended to represent a completely human interpretation of color using statistical data taken from visual experiments. Color differences in LAB vary proportionally with human perception. For example, if two colors are at a distance of 5, they will appear roughly 5 times as different as two colors at a distance of 1. LAB was designed to be perceptually uniform, making it a good space to measure color difference.

Since LAB is based on color perception, its mathematical model better represents how humans distinguish color, and color differences are more meaningful. This can be seen in the following example, where you have to choose which color, A or B, is closer to color X.

Mathematically, color A is the closest color, in an RGB color space. However, color B is intuitively closer, which is also what the distance in the LAB color space mathematically represents.

It can be preferable to use CIELAB over RGB since, like HSL, you can use CIELAB to discard the luminance (band L), and perform color matching with only band A and band B. Also, CIELAB can be more robust with colors that are visually alike, especially for minor color differences. For example, when matching a red target among color-samples with similar shades of red, CIELAB can outperform RGB and HSL.

With CIELAB, distances have been standardized by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE). A color distance of 1 with CIELAB corresponds to the smallest possible color difference a human can perceive.

Source color space

When allocating a color matching or a relative color calibration context using McolAlloc(), you must set the context's source color space to one of the following color spaces: M_RGB, M_HSL, or M_CIELAB. Relative color calibration contexts must be M_RGB.

Note that you should not confuse "color space", which is the mathematical model used to describe color, and "source color space," which is the specific color space in which the color matching context is defined. Advanced users should also be aware of the "reference color space," which refers to how MIL interprets the color data of the source color space when performing an internal conversion before the color operation. For more information, see the Converting between color spaces subsection of this section.

MIL considers all color data required for color matching or relative color calibration to be in the source color space specified for the context. For example, if you set an M_HSL source color space, MIL assumes that the target image (McolMatch()), as well as the color-sample elements (whether they be defined by an image or by triplet values using McolDefine()), are also HSL. If they are not, MIL still interprets and matches the color data as if it was HSL and does not produce an error. Therefore, unless all the color data is consistent with the source color space, you can receive misleading results.

Since color data is interpreted according to the context's source color space, be careful when restoring color images into an automatically allocated data buffer using MbufRestore(), when the color's type is not explicitly known. For example, if you are working in an M_RGB color space, and you use an image restored from a file that contained YUV data, the Y, U, and V bands will be incorrectly read as R, G, and B bands, respectively. Instead, you should use MbufAllocColor() to allocate a color data buffer with an explicit data type (for example, M_RGB24), and then use MbufLoad() to load the data from the color image into the specified color data buffer. In this case, MbufLoad() will convert the image's color data to the proper type, as defined by the buffer (for example, M_RGB24).

When matching, you must set the encoding of the source color space according to the actual dynamic range of your color data, using McolControl() with M_ENCODING. By default, an 8-bit source color space encoding is assumed, regardless of the depth of your buffers. Since MIL processes color data as is (even if it is inconsistent), you must remember to modify the encoding control according to your data, otherwise you can get incorrect results. For example, you will not get an error if you match a 16-bit target area with an 8-bit color-sample. Therefore if your color data was acquired with a 16-bit camera, you should set M_ENCODING to M_16BIT. For more information, see the Color space encoding subsection of the Advanced color matching settings and concepts section later in this chapter.

Converting between color spaces

You can convert color data between HSL and RGB color spaces using MimConvert() with M_HSL_TO_RGB or M_RGB_TO_HSL. For efficiency when converting from a 3-band (RGB) buffer, you can calculate just the hue component of the HSL color space and save it in a 1-band buffer (M_RGB_TO_H). For more information on the algorithm used to convert between HSL and RGB color spaces, see the Extracting the luminance subsection of the Converting to grayscale section later in this chapter.

When using an RGB source color space (McolAlloc()), you can use McolSetMethod() with the ConversionModeOrComputeOption parameter to convert your RGB data to CIELAB or HSL before performing McolMatch(). This type of conversion can be useful if, for example, you have allocated a color matching context in an RGB color space, but you want to calculate with CIELAB or HSL colors. Note that when performing multiple match operations on RGB data in CIELAB or HSL, you might want to consider providing images that have already been converted to CIELAB or HSL, which might be faster.

When converting with McolSetMethod(), the converted color is essentially the same as the source color, except that it is represented in a different color space, and therefore has different (converted) color band values. For example, pure red has an RGB value of (255, 0, 0), while in HSL the same red has a value of (0, 255, 128). As shown in the following illustration, if you are using an RGB source color space, all color data (such as the color-sample elements) is assumed to be in RGB. However, if you use McolSetMethod() to convert from RGB to HSL, the match operation is performed with the HSL version of the color. Note that in the following example, the target image is already in HSL.

Note that MimConvert() is available with MIL-Lite, while McolSetMethod() requires the full version of MIL.

Normalizing the RGB color space

Normalizing a color space can help remove unwanted variations in shades from an image. For example, using blob analysis on images with shadows or sharp variations of the same color might find false borders, and return inaccurate results. You can fix the unwanted variations in color shades by normalizing the colorspace.

Using MimConvert() with M_RGB_NORMALIZE on an RGB image will normalize the color of each pixel to smooth variations in shade. The components of each individual pixel are divided by the sum of that pixel's component values. This division results in a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) for every component, and has the effect of reducing variations over similar colors. If the destination buffer is an integer buffer, the normalized components are then multiplied by the depth of the buffer; this scales the values, but retains the relative difference between the other colors.

After converting the RGB color data to normalized RGB data, you can convert it to any other color space with MimConvert(), and keep the normalized separations between colors in your image.

Reference color space

To interpret the RGB source color space data when using McolSetMethod() with the CIELAB conversion mode, the color matching context uses standard RGB specifications (sRGB) as its reference color space, which you can specify using McolAlloc() with the ColorSpaceProfileId parameter. sRGB specifications are defined in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61966-2-1. Note that when converting RGB using the HSL conversion mode, the reference color space is not required since HSL is based on the RGB color model.

Gamma correction

Depending on the display device, the colors of grabbed images can appear over-saturated or too dark. This is typically caused by a non-linear relationship between a pixel's value and its displayed intensity. To compensate for this discrepancy, the acquisition process (for example, the camera doing the grab) can apply a gamma correction, thereby leaving your color data in a corrected (non-linear) state.

When converting RGB source colors before the match using McolSetMethod() with the CIELAB conversion mode, MIL requires uncorrected (linear) color data. Therefore, if gamma correction has been applied on the RGB source color data, you must remove it using McolControl() with M_CONVERSION_GAMMA set to M_ENABLE.

By default, MIL assumes the RGB source color data is in a corrected (non-linear) state, and removes the correction. MIL also assumes that the data has been corrected according to the standards of the context's reference color space, as specified using McolAlloc() with the ColorSpaceProfileId parameter. MIL uses these standards (for example, sRGB) to remove the gamma correction. If your RGB source color data is in an uncorrected (linear) state, you must set M_CONVERSION_GAMMA to M_DISABLE.

Regardless of whether your RGB source color data is in a corrected or uncorrected state, MIL removes or keeps the correction according to M_CONVERSION_GAMMA and, in the case of removing the correction, applies the standards of the reference color space (sRGB). Therefore, you will not receive an error if, for example, your color data is not corrected (linear) and you set M_CONVERSION_GAMMA to M_ENABLE (to remove the correction). Such a scenario would, in all likelihood, render inaccurate results.

Unless you are using the CIELAB conversion mode in an RGB source color space, M_CONVERSION_GAMMA is ignored.