| MIL 10 User Guide
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See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

MIL can display images. It will use the most appropriate graphics controller for display purposes. MIL will typically display the image on the computer running the main MIL application (master computer); however, MIL can also display an image on a remote computer on your network. If your imaging board has a display section, and it is available and appropriate, MIL will typically use it for display purposes.

To display an image buffer, you must allocate the buffer with a displayable attribute (M_DISP). In addition, you must allocate a display, using MdispAlloc() or MappAllocDefault(), on the same system as the buffer. Once both are allocated, use MdispSelect() to select the image buffer to display.

A buffer can be displayed, on the local computer or a remote computer, in a window on the desktop or without a window on a dedicated (exclusive or auxiliary) screen. For some systems (for example, Matrox Iris GT), MIL also supports publishing the display on the network so that the selected image buffer can be viewed from any remote computer on your network in, for example, a web browser.

Besides other display effects, you can pan and zoom the displayed image, as well as overlay annotations on the displayed image non-destructively using the overlay mechanism or a graphics list. If using MIL's overlay mechanism, you can overlay any image on the displayed image and select the transparency color; when you pan and zoom the displayed image, the overlay data is also panned and zoomed.

An image buffer, or any of its child buffers, can be selected on more than one display.

MIL documentation uses the term display memory to refer to physical display (graphics controller) memory.