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Supported hardware acceleration modes

See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

Under Windows, MIL uses one of two hardware-acceleration display modes to render images on the screen.

  • Standard hardware acceleration mode. This mode uses the Windows graphics device interface (GDI) functions of the Windows API to render images on the screen. This mode does not directly use graphics acceleration hardware; therefore, it works the same under all Windows implementations.

  • Direct3D hardware acceleration mode. This mode allows MIL to use Direct3D (Microsoft DirectX version 9.0 or higher) to manipulate internal display buffers, when possible.

Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages. By default, MIL selects the best hardware-acceleration display mode based on the current operating system and hardware available. You can change the default mode using the MILConfig utility or you can force a specific mode using MappAlloc() with M_DX_VERSION().