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Data format

See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

MdigAlloc() needs the digitizer configuration format (DCF) that corresponds to your camera to perform the digitizer allocation. The DCF defines such settings as the input frequency and resolution, and will determine limits when grabbing an image. Once a digitizer has been allocated, many of the settings are established based on the selected DCF. You can change these settings to values other than the default using MdigControl() and other Mdig...() functions. You can use MdigInquire() to inquire about a digitizer's settings.

MIL provides a number of predefined DCFs for the basic cameras supported by your frame grabber. MIL provides a few alternate DCF files that you can load if the predefined DCFs do not suit your needs. These alternate DCF files were installed when you installed MIL.

If you find a DCF file that is appropriate for your camera, but you need to adjust some of the more common settings, you can do so directly, without adjusting the file, using the Mdig...() functions. For more specialized adjustments, you can adjust the DCF file itself, using Matrox Intellicam.

If you cannot find an appropriate DCF file because, perhaps, you have a non-standard camera or other video source, you can create your own DCF file, using Matrox Intellicam. For more information on Matrox Intellicam, refer to the Matrox Intellicam User Guide manual.

If you cannot develop the required DCF using Matrox Intellicam, you should provide the camera specifications to your Matrox Technical Support Engineer. A suitable customized DCF file can then be developed, if your frame grabber supports the camera.

With GigE Vision-compliant cameras (such as Matrox GatorEye), Camera-Link standard (such as Matrox Solios eV-CL) and CoaXPress (CXP) communication standard-compliant frame grabbers (such as Matrox Radient eV-CXP), the Matrox Feature Browser accesses the XML file used for your camera's configuration, and allows you to view and change its information. The Matrox Feature Browser can be launched through Matrox Intellicam.