| MIL 10 User Guide
| Customize Help

Before you start

See also
User Guide:
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

You are probably anxious to start using MIL. However, before you start, we recommend that you follow these steps:

  • Register MIL on the support page of the Matrox Imaging website. This ensures that you are on our mailing list and will receive any information on product updates and promotions.

  • Install MIL on your hard disk using the installation details (described later in this chapter). See the MIL Release Notes help for additional documentation.

  • Review the Default Values item in the MILConfig utility to make sure that the default setup configuration matches your system configuration.

    For more information on defaults, see the Using the defaults section of Chapter 2: Building an application.

  • Run our sample program MappStart, from the Example Launcher utility, to test the installation.