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Number of strings to read

See also
Not available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

You can set the maximum number of strings to read in the target image for both the String Reader context and for each individual string model in the String Reader context.

For each individual string model, use MstrControl() with M_STRING_NUMBER, specifying the index of the particular string model. The default value is 1. To read all strings that adhere to a string model, set M_STRING_NUMBER to M_ALL.

The number set for the String Reader context specifies the maximum total of all strings that can be read, for all string models in the context together. To set the number for a String Reader context, use MstrControl() with M_STRING_NUMBER, specifying M_CONTEXT as the index. The default value is M_ALL, which reads the maximum number of strings specified for each string model.

Note that if the context's M_STRING_NUMBER value is reached, the read operation stops, regardless of any individual string model's outstanding M_STRING_NUMBER setting. Similarly, once every individual string model's M_STRING_NUMBER value is reached, the read operation stops, regardless of the context's outstanding M_STRING_NUMBER setting.

For example, if you are writing an application that reads three name tags, you need three string models, one for each name. If you set M_STRING_NUMBER for the context to 1, and you set M_STRING_NUMBER for each string model to 1, then as soon as one of the name tags is read, both string number settings will be satisfied. However, if you set M_STRING_NUMBER for the context to 3 and you set M_STRING_NUMBER for each string model to 1, then the string number settings will only be satisfied when one of each name tag is read.