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Working with Linux

See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

Besides the computer requirements discussed in the Requirements to run MIL section of Chapter 1: Introduction, there are a few limitations when running MIL under Linux.

Note the following limitations due to the Linux operating system:

  • Buffers cannot be allocated in display (video) memory.

  • Linux offers limited control over window attributes, such as window resizing and overlapping.

  • Microsoft DirectX is not supported.

  • The device-independent bitmap (DIB) storage format is not supported.

  • No tearing is not supported in windowed mode.

  • Intellicam is not supported.

  • The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for the processing and analysis modules are not supported.

  • The functionality of the MIL Sequences module is not supported.

  • Installing MIL 32-bit and MIL 64-bit on the same computer is not supported.