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Cameras that can be connected to Matrox Morphis

The following types of camera can be connected to Matrox Morphis.

Type of camera

Morphis eDual/Dual Standard

Morphis Dual HDC

Morphis Quad

Composite color/monochrome

4/12 1


4/16 1


2/6 1


2/8 1

1 Available with either 3 Matrox Morphis Video Input modules or a single Matrox Morphis Video and I/O module.

You can allocate up to 2 independent digitizers on Matrox Morphis eDual/Dual Standard and Dual HDC, or up to 4 independent digitizers on Matrox Morphis Quad, with MdigAlloc().

The number of data channels available on each board depends on its configuration. For more information, refer to the Matrox Morphis Installation and Hardware Reference manual. You can switch the grab between cameras of the same type using MdigControl() with M_CHANNEL.