Table: | For inquiring about a 3D image processing context |
+ combination: | For inquiring about the default value |
+ combination: | For inquiring whether an inquire type is supported |
+ combination: | For specifying the data type |
MIL_ID Context3dimId, | //in |
MIL_INT64 InquireType, | //in |
void *UserVarPtr | //out |
This function inquires about a specified setting of a 3D image processing context.
Specifies the identifier of the 3D image processing context about which to inquire information.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the setting to inquire.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the address in which to write the requested information. Since the M3dimInquire() function also returns the requested information, you can set this parameter to M_NULL when the return type is MIL_INT.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be returned.
The table below lists possible values for the Context3dimId and InquireType parameters and possible values returned to the UserVarPtr parameter.
To inquire about a 3D image processing context, set the Context3dimId and InquireType parameters to one of the following.
For inquiring about a 3D image processing
Context3dimId | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
InquireType | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Calculate map size context ID |
Specifies a calculate map size 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_CALCULATE_MAP_SIZE_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimCalculateMapSize() operations. (summarize)Specifies a calculate map size 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_CALCULATE_MAP_SIZE_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimCalculateMapSize() operations. (more details...) |
Inquires the pixel aspect ratio of the depth map. SET (summarize)Inquires the pixel aspect ratio of the depth map. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that other data determines the pixel aspect ratio, such as the values set with M_PIXEL_SIZE_X and M_PIXEL_SIZE_Y. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies an aspect ratio for the depth map's pixels. INFO |
Inquires the length in X of one pixel in the depth map. SET (summarize)Inquires the length in X of one pixel in the depth map. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that M3dimCalculateMapSize() will compute the pixel size in X. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the length in X of one pixel in the depth map, in world units. |
Inquires the length in Y of one pixel in the depth map. SET (summarize)Inquires the length in Y of one pixel in the depth map. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that M3dimCalculateMapSize() will compute the pixel size in Y. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the length in Y of one pixel in the depth map, in world units. |
M_SIZE_X + |
Inquires the image size of the depth map along the X dimension. SET (summarize)Inquires the image size of the depth map along the X dimension. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that M3dimCalculateMapSize() will compute the image size of the depth map in X. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the image size of the depth map in X, in pixel units. |
M_SIZE_Y + |
Inquires the image size of the depth map along the Y dimension. SET (summarize)Inquires the image size of the depth map along the Y dimension. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that M3dimCalculateMapSize() will compute the image size of the depth map in Y. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the image size of the depth map in Y, in pixel units. |
Fill gaps context ID |
Specifies a fill gaps 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_FILL_GAPS_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimFillGaps() operations. (summarize)Specifies a fill gaps 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_FILL_GAPS_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimFillGaps() operations. (more details...) |
Inquires whether to propagate the boundary value across each gap that touches the image border. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to propagate the boundary value across each gap that touches the image border. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies not to fill gaps that touch the image border. |
Specifies to propagate the unique gap boundary value across each gap that touches the image border, replacing gap pixels up to the image border. |
Inquires the mode in which to fill gaps in depth maps. SET (summarize)Inquires the mode in which to fill gaps in depth maps. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies that each depth map row is analyzed so that gap pixels in each row are filled, and then each column is analyzed to fill the remaining gaps. INFO |
Specifies that each depth map column is analyzed so that gap pixels in each column are filled, and then each row is analyzed to fill the remaining gaps. INFO |
Inquires which boundary to use to fill sharp elevation gaps in depth maps. SET (summarize)Inquires which boundary to use to fill sharp elevation gaps in depth maps. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies not to fill sharp elevation gaps. |
Specifies to set the destination pixel(s) to the maximum value of the two pixels on either side of the gap. |
Specifies to set the destination pixel(s) to the minimum value of the two pixels on either side of the gap. |
Inquires the threshold used to differentiate between gradual elevation gaps and sharp elevation gaps in the depth map. SET (summarize)Inquires the threshold used to differentiate between gradual elevation gaps and sharp elevation gaps in the depth map. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that the threshold is infinite. INFO |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the threshold, in pixel or world units, depending on the units specified with M_INPUT_UNITS. INFO |
Inquires the maximum X-size of gaps that will be filled. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum X-size of gaps that will be filled. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies no maximum in the X-direction. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the maximum X-size, in pixel or world units, depending on the units specified with M_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the maximum Y-size of gaps that will be filled. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum Y-size of gaps that will be filled. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies no maximum in the Y-direction. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the maximum Y-size, in pixel or world units, depending on the units specified with M_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the units with which to interpret M_FILL_SHARP_ELEVATION_DEPTH, M_FILL_THRESHOLD_X, and M_FILL_THRESHOLD_Y. SET (summarize)Inquires the units with which to interpret M_FILL_SHARP_ELEVATION_DEPTH, M_FILL_THRESHOLD_X, and M_FILL_THRESHOLD_Y. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to interpret the values in pixel units. |
Specifies to interpret the values in world units. |
Mesh context ID |
Specifies a mesh 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_MESH_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimMesh() operations. (summarize)Specifies a mesh 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_MESH_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimMesh() operations. (more details...) |
Inquires the maximum distance at which to connect 2 neighboring points. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum distance at which to connect 2 neighboring points. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies no distance constraint. |
Value |
Specifies the maximum distance. INFO |
Inquires the surface reconstruction mode to use for mesh generation. SET (summarize)Inquires the surface reconstruction mode to use for mesh generation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to generate the mesh from an organized point cloud. |
Specifies to generate the mesh using a Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm. INFO |
Inquires the step interval between points, along the X dimension. SET (summarize)Inquires the step interval between points, along the X dimension. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value |
Specifies the step interval in the X direction. |
Inquires the step interval between points, along the Y dimension. SET (summarize)Inquires the step interval between points, along the Y dimension. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value |
Specifies the step interval in the Y direction. |
Inquires the number of points within a single octree cell at which the cell will not be split further. SET (summarize)Inquires the number of points within a single octree cell at which the cell will not be split further. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value |
Specifies the number of points, within a single octree cell, at which the cell will not be split further. |
Inquires the maximum allowed depth of the octree. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum allowed depth of the octree. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
5 <= Value <= 12 |
Specifies the maximum octree depth. |
Normals context ID |
Specifies a normals 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_NORMALS_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimNormals() operations. (summarize)Specifies a normals 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_NORMALS_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimNormals() operations. (more details...) |
Inquires the orientation of the normal vectors. SET (summarize)Inquires the orientation of the normal vectors. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to choose, for each point, the normal vector that points away from the reference point specified with coordinates M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_X, M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_Y, and M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_Z. |
Specifies to choose, for each point, the normal vector that most closely aligns with the reference vector specified with vector components M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_X, M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_Y, and M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_Z. |
Specifies to choose, for each point, the normal vector that points towards the reference point specified with coordinates M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_X, M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_Y, and M_DIRECTION_REFERENCE_Z. |
Inquires the X-coordinate or vector component along X for the reference point or vector (respectively) that determines normal vector orientation. SET (summarize)Inquires the X-coordinate or vector component along X for the reference point or vector (respectively) that determines normal vector orientation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinate or vector component along X. |
Inquires the Y-coordinate or vector component along Y for the reference point or vector (respectively) that determines normal vector orientation. SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-coordinate or vector component along Y for the reference point or vector (respectively) that determines normal vector orientation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinate or vector component along Y. |
Inquires the Z-coordinate or vector component along Z for the reference point or vector (respectively) that determines normal vector orientation. SET (summarize)Inquires the Z-coordinate or vector component along Z for the reference point or vector (respectively) that determines normal vector orientation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the Z-coordinate or vector component along Z. |
Inquires the maximum number of neighbors to consider when computing a point's normal vector. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum number of neighbors to consider when computing a point's normal vector. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the maximum number of neighbor points. |
Inquires the search mode for finding the neighbors of a point, when calculating a point's surface normal vector. SET (summarize)Inquires the search mode for finding the neighbors of a point, when calculating a point's surface normal vector. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to use the point cloud's mesh component to determine the neighbors of a point. INFO |
Specifies to use the point cloud's organizational structure to determine the neighbors of a point. INFO |
Specifies to use a KD tree search mode to determine a point's neighbors. INFO |
Inquires the distance that defines the neighborhood of a point; only points within this distance are considered for normal vector calculations. SET (summarize)Inquires the distance that defines the neighborhood of a point; only points within this distance are considered for normal vector calculations. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies no distance constraint. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the neighborhood distance limit, in world units. |
Inquires the neighborhood size when finding the neighbors of a point in an organized point cloud. SET (summarize)Inquires the neighborhood size when finding the neighbors of a point in an organized point cloud. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value >= 3 |
Specifies the organized neighborhood size, in number of pixels. |
Inquires whether to smooth the normals, which prevents large, discontinuous jumps between normal vectors. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to smooth the normals, which prevents large, discontinuous jumps between normal vectors. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies no smoothing of normal vectors. |
Specifies to smooth the normal vectors. |
Statistics context ID |
Specifies a statistics 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_STATISTICS_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimStat() operations. (summarize)Specifies a statistics 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_STATISTICS_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimStat() operations. (more details...) |
Inquires whether to enable bounding box statistics calculations. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to enable bounding box statistics calculations. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to disable bounding box calculations. |
Specifies to enable bounding box calculations. |
Inquires the algorithm to use when bounding box statistics calculations have been enabled (M_BOUNDING_BOX). SET (summarize)Inquires the algorithm to use when bounding box statistics calculations have been enabled (M_BOUNDING_BOX). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to compute the axis-aligned bounding box that contains all the points. |
Specifies to compute an axis-aligned box that contains most of the points, but rejects outliers. |
Inquires the upper limit in X for the number of outlier points. SET (summarize)Inquires the upper limit in X for the number of outlier points. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
0.0 <= Value < 1.0 |
Specifies the fraction. |
Inquires the upper limit in Y for the number of outlier points. SET (summarize)Inquires the upper limit in Y for the number of outlier points. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
0.0 <= Value < 1.0 |
Specifies the fraction. INFO |
Inquires the upper limit in Z for the number of outlier points. SET (summarize)Inquires the upper limit in Z for the number of outlier points. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
0.0 <= Value < 1.0 |
Specifies the fraction. |
Inquires whether to enable centroid statistics calculations. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to enable centroid statistics calculations. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to disable centroid calculations. |
Specifies to enable centroid calculations. |
Inquires whether to enable distance-to-nearest-neighbor statistics calculations. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to enable distance-to-nearest-neighbor statistics calculations. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to disable distance-to-nearest-neighbor calculations. |
Specifies to enable distance-to-nearest-neighbor calculations. |
Inquires whether to enable number-of-points statistics calculations. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to enable number-of-points statistics calculations. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to disable number-of-points calculations. |
Specifies to enable number-of-points calculations. |
Subsample context ID |
Specifies a subsample 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_SUBSAMPLE_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimSample() subsampling operations. (summarize)Specifies a subsample 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_SUBSAMPLE_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimSample() subsampling operations. (more details...) |
Inquires the minimum angle difference between the normal vector of a point and that of its neighbors, for the point to be kept in the subsample. SET (summarize)Inquires the minimum angle difference between the normal vector of a point and that of its neighbors, for the point to be kept in the subsample. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
0.0 <= Value <= 180.0 |
Specifies the minimum angle difference, in degrees. |
Inquires the fraction of all valid points to select randomly from the source point cloud. SET (summarize)Inquires the fraction of all valid points to select randomly from the source point cloud. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
0.0 < Value < 1.0 |
Specifies the fraction of all valid points to select randomly from the source point cloud. |
Inquires the cell size in the X-direction. SET (summarize)Inquires the cell size in the X-direction. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies an infinite cell size along X. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the cell size along X, in world units. |
Inquires the cell size in the Y-direction. SET (summarize)Inquires the cell size in the Y-direction. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies an infinite cell size along Y. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the cell size along Y, in world units. |
Inquires the cell size in the Z-direction. SET (summarize)Inquires the cell size in the Z-direction. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies an infinite cell size along Z. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the cell size along Z, in world units. |
Inquires the distance that defines the neighborhood of a point; for a point to be kept in the subsample, it must be distinct in this neighborhood. SET (summarize)Inquires the distance that defines the neighborhood of a point; for a point to be kept in the subsample, it must be distinct in this neighborhood. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the neighborhood distance, in world units. |
Inquires the resulting subsampled point cloud's organizational type. SET (summarize)Inquires the resulting subsampled point cloud's organizational type. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies an organized resulting subsampled point cloud. INFO |
Specifies an unorganized resulting subsampled point cloud. |
Inquires which point to choose when multiple points occupy the same cell. (summarize)Inquires which point to choose when multiple points occupy the same cell. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to select the point closest to the center of each 2D cell, as if the point cloud is collapsed onto the plane formed by the 2 non-infinite dimensions. |
Specifies to select the highest point along the M_INFINITE axis, for each cell. This is the default setting for an M_ORGANIZED destination point cloud. (summarize)Specifies to select the highest point along the M_INFINITE axis, for each cell. (more details...) |
Specifies to select the lowest point along the M_INFINITE axis, for each cell. |
Inquires the seed for the random selection of points, for an M_SUBSAMPLE_RANDOM operation. SET (summarize)Inquires the seed for the random selection of points, for an M_SUBSAMPLE_RANDOM operation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value > 0 |
Specifies the seed for the random selection of points. |
Inquires the step interval between points, along the X dimension. SET (summarize)Inquires the step interval between points, along the X dimension. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value >= 1 |
Specifies the step interval value. |
Inquires the step interval between points, along the Y dimension. SET (summarize)Inquires the step interval between points, along the Y dimension. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value >= 1 |
Specifies the step interval value. |
Inquires the type of subsampling operation to perform. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of subsampling operation to perform. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies to subsample using a decimation operation, which selects points at regular intervals. INFO |
Specifies to subsample using a grid operation, which divides the 3D space into cells and, for each subgroup of points, selects a single point per cell. INFO |
Specifies to subsample based on normal vector angles and a neighborhood distance. INFO |
Specifies to subsample using an operation that randomly selects a specified fraction of points from the source point cloud. INFO |
Inquires the algorithm to use for subsampling based on normals. SET (summarize)Inquires the algorithm to use for subsampling based on normals. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies faster but approximate subsampling based on normals. INFO |
Specifies exact subsampling based on normals. INFO |
Surface sample context ID |
Specifies a surface sample 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_SURFACE_SAMPLE_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimSample() surface sampling operations. (summarize)Specifies a surface sample 3D image processing context, allocated using M3dimAlloc() with M_SURFACE_SAMPLE_CONTEXT, and used in M3dimSample() surface sampling operations. (more details...) |
Inquires the distance between newly added points on the meshed surface. SET (summarize)Inquires the distance between newly added points on the meshed surface. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Value > 0.0 |
Sets the distance between newly added points on the meshed surface, in world units. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to get information about the default value of an inquire type, regardless of the current value of the inquire type.
For inquiring about the default value
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the default value of the specified inquire type. (summarize)Inquires the default value of the specified inquire type. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: defined elsewhere
Data type info: Data
type: defined elsewhere
Inquires whether the specified inquire type is set to its default value. (summarize)Inquires whether the specified inquire type is set to its default value. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies that the inquire type is not set to its default value. |
Specifies that the inquire type is set to its default value. |
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine whether an inquire type is supported.
For inquiring whether an inquire type is
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether the specified inquire type is supported. (summarize)Inquires whether the specified inquire type is supported. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Specifies that the inquire type is not supported. |
Specifies that the inquire type is supported. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to cast the requested information to the required data type.
For specifying the data type
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Casts the requested information to a MIL_DOUBLE. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_DOUBLE. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_FLOAT. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_FLOAT. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_INT
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT32. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT32. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT64. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT64. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Header | Include mil.h. |
Library | Use mil.lib; mil3dim.lib. |
DLL | Requires mil.dll; mil3dim.dll. |