MIL_ID DatasetContextClassId, | //in |
MIL_INT64 EntryIndex, | //in |
MIL_UUID EntryKey, | //in |
MIL_INT64 RegionIndex, | //in |
MIL_INT64 InquireType, | //in |
void *UserVarPtr | //out |
This function allows you to inquire about an entry in a dataset context using its index or key. You can typically control these settings, using MclassControlEntry().
Specifies the identifier of the dataset about which to inquire settings. These contexts are allocated using MclassAlloc() with M_DATASET_IMAGES or M_DATASET_FEATURES.
Specifies the index of the entry about which to inquire.
When you specify an index with EntryIndex, you must set the EntryKey parameter to M_DEFAULT_KEY.
Note that both EntryIndex and EntryKey cannot be set to M_DEFAULT simultaneously.
For specifying the index of an entry
Value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies that the index of an entry is not required. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the index of an entry. |
Specifies the key (MIL_UUID) of the entry about which to inquire.
When you specify an entry key with EntryKey, you must set the EntryIndex parameter to M_DEFAULT.
Note that both EntryIndex and EntryKey cannot be set to M_DEFAULT simultaneously.
For specifying the unique key of an
Value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies that the unique key of an entry is not required. |
Value |
Specifies the unique key of an entry. |
Specifies which region in an entry to inquire. For an images dataset, there is always at least one region in the dataset, at index 0. For a features dataset, use M_DEFAULT.
For specifying which region to inquire
Value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies that the function call refers to the entry, and not to a specific region within the entry. |
Specifies the region to inquire, using its index. Refers to a specific region within the entry. Note that there is always at least one region in an entry. This value only applies to an images dataset context. (summarize)Specifies the region to inquire, using its index. (more details...) |
Parameters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set this parameter to the following: |
Specifies the type of inquire.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the address in which to write the requested information.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be returned.
The tables below list possible values for the InquireType parameter and possible values returned to the UserVarPtr parameter.
To inquire about an entry in a dataset, the InquireType parameter can be set to the following values. In this case, set the DatasetContextClassId parameter to the identifier of either an images dataset context or a features dataset context, unless otherwise specified, and set the RegionIndex parameter to M_DEFAULT.
For an entry in a dataset context (images or
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether an entry is an augmented entry, according to the index. SET (summarize)Inquires whether an entry is an augmented entry, according to the index. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_DOUBLE
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_DOUBLE
Specifies that the entry is not an augmented entry. |
Specifies that the entry is augmented, however, the original data is not known. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies that the entry is augmented, and that it originates from (was performed with) the specified entry index. INFO |
Inquires whether an entry is an augmented entry, according to the defined key (UUID). SET (summarize)Inquires whether an entry is an augmented entry, according to the defined key (UUID). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_UUID
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_UUID
Specifies that the entry is not an augmented entry. |
Specifies that the entry is augmented, and that the entry key (UUID) from which it was augmented is not known. |
MIL_UUID Value |
Specifies that the entry is augmented, and that it originates from (was performed with) the specified key. INFO |
Inquires the unique identifier for an entry. (summarize)Inquires the unique identifier for an entry. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_UUID
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_UUID
Inquires the user string that holds meta information. SET (summarize)Inquires the user string that holds meta information. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
MIL_TEXT("String") 1 |
Specifies a string containing meta information. INFO |
Inquires the weight that indicates the importance of the feature entry. This value only applies to a features dataset context. SET (summarize)Inquires the weight that indicates the importance of the feature entry. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.0. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the weight, as a double. |
Inquires the file path, such that M_ROOT_PATH + M_FILE_PATH gives a valid path. If M_ROOT_PATH is empty, M_FILE_PATH should be an absolute path, otherwise it should be a relative path to M_ROOT_PATH. This value only applies to an images dataset context. SET (summarize)Inquires the file path, such that M_ROOT_PATH + M_FILE_PATH gives a valid path. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
MIL_TEXT("///DATASET///") 1 |
Specifies the path where the dataset is saved after calling MclassSave(). INFO |
MIL_TEXT("FilePath") 1 |
Specifies the file path. |
Inquires the absolute path of the image (for an entry), which is the concatenation of M_ROOT_PATH + M_FILE_PATH (only for M_DATASET_IMAGES). This value only applies to an images dataset context. (summarize)Inquires the absolute path of the image (for an entry), which is the concatenation of M_ROOT_PATH + M_FILE_PATH (only for M_DATASET_IMAGES). (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Specifies the default file path. |
MIL_TEXT("FilePath") 1 |
Specifies the file path. |
Inquires the number of regions in this entry. This value only applies to an images dataset context. (summarize)Inquires the number of regions in this entry. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_DOUBLE
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_DOUBLE
Value > 0 |
Specifies the number of regions, as an integer. |
Inquires an array of feature values (set of features). This value only applies to a features dataset context. SET (summarize)Inquires an array of feature values (set of features). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Specifies no values. |
Inquires how confident you are in the entry's ground truth (M_CLASS_INDEX_GROUND_TRUTH). This value only applies to an images dataset context. SET (summarize)Inquires how confident you are in the entry's ground truth (M_CLASS_INDEX_GROUND_TRUTH). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the user confidence. |
1 If the value was passed in a variable, it won't be returned enclosed in MIL_TEXT().
To inquire about a region in an entry or to inquire about an entry, the InquireType parameter can be set to the following values. In this case, set the DatasetContextClassId parameter to the identifier of any dataset context, unless otherwise specified. For an images dataset context, set the RegionIndex parameter to M_REGION_INDEX() with an index of 0, and for a features dataset context, set the RegionIndex parameter to M_DEFAULT.
For an entry or a region of an entry in a dataset
context (images or features)
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the author's name. SET (summarize)Inquires the author's name. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
MIL_TEXT("Name") 1 |
Specifies the author's name. |
Inquires the index of the class definition that represents the entry's ground truth. If there is no ground truth index, M_CLASS_INDEX_GROUND_TRUTH returns nothing to UserVarPtr. To inquire if there is any ground truth index set, use M_CLASS_INDEX_GROUND_TRUTH + M_NB_ELEMENTS. SET (summarize)Inquires the index of the class definition that represents the entry's ground truth. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the class definition index (ground truth), as an integer. INFO |
Inquires the prediction class definition indices. If there are no indices, M_CLASS_INDEX_PREDICTED returns nothing to UserVarPtr. To inquire if there are any indices to retrieve, use M_CLASS_INDEX_PREDICTED + M_NB_ELEMENTS. (summarize)Inquires the prediction class definition indices. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Specifies the default. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the prediction class definition index, as an integer. |
Inquires the prediction's class scores. There is a score for each class. (summarize)Inquires the prediction's class scores. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Specifies no score. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the score. |
Inquires the type of the region. This value only applies to an images dataset context. (summarize)Inquires the type of the region. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_WHOLE_IMAGE. |
Specifies that the region type of the entry is set to the whole image. |
1 If the value was passed in a variable, it won't be returned enclosed in MIL_TEXT().
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine the required array size (number of elements) to store the returned values.
For inquiring the required array size (number of
elements) to store the returned values
InquireType combination value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Retrieves the required array size (number of elements) to store the returned values. (summarize)Retrieves the required array size (number of elements) to store the returned values. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine the default value of an inquire type, regardless of the current value of the inquire type.
For inquiring the default value of an inquire
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the default value of the specified inquire type. (summarize)Inquires the default value of the specified inquire type. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to get the size of a string.
For inquiring the size of a string
InquireType combination value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the number of characters in the string. This number accounts for every character, including the terminating null character. (summarize)Inquires the number of characters in the string. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine whether an inquire type is supported.
For inquiring whether an inquire type is
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether the specified inquire type is supported for the dataset entry. (summarize)Inquires whether the specified inquire type is supported for the dataset entry. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the inquire type is not supported. |
Value != 0 |
Specifies that the inquire type is supported. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to cast the requested results to the required data type.
Note: In C++, when using a standard vector (std::vector) instead of an array, the values listed in this combination table must not be used. If you need to use a specific data type, instantiate the vector with the necessary data type.
For casting the requested information to the required
data type
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Casts the requested results to a MIL_DOUBLE. (summarize)Casts the requested results to a MIL_DOUBLE. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
] | address of a
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
] | address of a
Casts the requested results to a MIL_ID. (summarize)Casts the requested results to a MIL_ID. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_ID [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_ID>
] | address of a
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_ID [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_ID>
] | address of a
Casts the requested results to a MIL_INT. (summarize)Casts the requested results to a MIL_INT. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_INT [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT>
] | address of a
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_INT [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT>
] | address of a
Casts the requested results to a MIL_INT32. (summarize)Casts the requested results to a MIL_INT32. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_INT32 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT32>
] | address of a
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_INT32 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT32>
] | address of a
Casts the requested results to a MIL_INT64. (summarize)Casts the requested results to a MIL_INT64. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_INT64 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT64>
] | address of a
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_INT64 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT64>
] | address of a
Header | Include mil.h. |
Library | Use mil.lib; milclass.lib. |
DLL | Requires mil.dll; milclass.dll. |