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Function Map
Perform a color projection.
void McolProject(
MIL_ID Src1ImageId, //in
MIL_ID Src2ImageOrArrayId, //in
MIL_ID DestImageOrArrayId, //in
MIL_ID DestMaskImageId, //in
MIL_INT64 Operation, //in
MIL_INT64 ControlFlag, //in
MIL_INT *StatusPtr //out

This function performs a color projection (transformation) of the source image, or returns a color projection matrix, which you can then apply to transform other images, using MimConvert(). McolProject() allows you to separate a selected color from a rejected one, or to convert color images to grayscale with minimal loss of information. You can also use this function to perform analytical tasks, such as calculating an image's covariance matrix or the principal components of an image's color information.

The calculated projection results are written in the specified destination buffer (DestImageOrArrayId). If the calculated projection results create an image, you can restrict the area to which results are written in the destination buffer using a mask image (DestMaskImageId).

Color projection is an operation that requires data defined in a Cartesian coordinate system (for example, RGB or CIELAB). A projection with HSL data would provide incoherent results.

This function is optimized for images with a width (X-size) greater than seven pixels.

Note that this function reference has not been updated for a MIL system added during a MIL update. Refer to the MIL system's release note to see which MIL system’s documentation you should use in its place and any possible differences.
This function is not supported on the selected boards.
This function reference has not been updated for the selected MIL system. To show the content of this page, choose a second MIL system; refer to the MIL system's release note to see which MIL system’s documentation to choose and any possible differences.

Specifies the identifier of the source image buffer on which to perform the projection transformation. This must be a 3-band 8- or 16-bit unsigned image. Source images are interpreted per band, independently of the MIL buffer format.

This image buffer must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

When separating colors (M_COLOR_SEPARATION) and using a MIL array buffer to specify the separation colors (Src2ImageOrArrayId), set this parameter to M_NULL. In this case, the destination buffer will contain the resulting projection matrix, rather than the transformed image.


Specifies the identifier of an image buffer or MIL array buffer that controls how the source pixels are interpreted.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the identifier of the destination buffer in which to write the color projection (transformation) results. The destination buffer can be either an image or a MIL array buffer.

Note that when the result is a matrix, you must set this parameter to a MIL array buffer, allocated using MbufAlloc...() with M_ARRAY.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the identifier of the destination mask image. The mask image must be monochrome. You can only specify a mask if the destination buffer is an image. If you do not require a mask, set this parameter to M_NULL.

This image buffer must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

The destination mask determines where to write the result of the projection operation. Only masked pixels (non-zero) will be written to, in the destination image. The destination mask does not affect calculations.


Specifies the color projection operation.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the dynamic range on which the resulting projection is mapped. This is only applicable for M_PRINCIPAL_COMPONENT_PROJECTION.

Set this parameter to M_DEFAULT if not used.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.


Specifies the address of the variable in which to write the status of the color projection operation. If you do not require this information, set this parameter to M_NULL.

See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be returned.

The table below lists possible values for the Src2ImageOrArrayId, DestImageOrArrayId, Operation, and ControlFlag parameters and possible values returned to the StatusPtr parameter.

Note that you should set any unused parameters to M_DEFAULT.

function map For implementing the color projection
Click to summarizeOperation Description
- Possible values returned
Click to summarize M_COLOR_SEPARATION

Removes a color from the source image. In this case, you must identify the background, selected, and rejected colors. The rejected color indicates the color to remove.

Click to summarize Src2ImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the buffer identifying the background, selected, and rejected pixel colors with which to perform the color separation.

If Src1ImageId is set to M_NULL, you must set Src2ImageOrArrayId to a MIL array buffer. In this case, the destination buffer will contain the resulting projection matrix for the specified background, selected, and rejected pixels colors, rather than the transformed source image.

Click to summarize Array buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a 3x3 MIL array buffer, where each row defines, in the following order, the background, the selected, and the rejected colors, to use to compute the projection matrix.

Click to summarize Image buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a data identification image buffer. This image determines which areas of the source image (Src1ImageId) have the background, selected, and rejected colors; these colors are then used to calculate the projection matrix. To identify the source image colors, you must set the corresponding pixels in the data identification image to one of the label values below.

Label value



Identifies a background-color pixel.


Identifies a rejected-color pixel.


Identifies a selected-color pixel.

The calculation uses the average color value of all the pixels in the source image identified as background, selected, and rejected. You must assign at least one pixel in the data identification image to each of these values. Pixels in the source image that do not correspond to one of these values are ignored in the calculation. If the data identification image is smaller than the source image, the outlying source image pixels are ignored.

The data identification buffer must be a 1-band 8-bit unsigned image buffer and must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

Click to summarize DestImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the destination buffer in which to write the color separation results.

If Src1ImageId is set to M_NULL, you must set DestImageOrArrayId to a MIL array buffer.

Click to summarize Array buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a 4x3 MIL array buffer, of type float, to store the resulting projection matrix.

You can use this matrix with MimConvert() to separate colors in any 3-band color image. Be certain that the color distribution of all source images that use this matrix is similar, otherwise unpredictable results can occur.

Click to summarize Image buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a 3-band color image buffer, to store the transformed (color separated) source image.

This image buffer must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

Click to summarize StatusPtr

Returns the resulting status of the M_COLOR_SEPARATION operation.

Click to summarize M_3_COLORS_COLLINEAR

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the selected, rejected, and background colors are collinear.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.

Click to summarize M_NO_BACKGROUND_DEFINED

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that no background color was defined with the Src2ImageOrArrayId parameter.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.

Click to summarize M_NO_REJECTED_DEFINED

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that no rejected color was defined with the Src2ImageOrArrayId parameter.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.

Click to summarize M_NO_SELECTED_DEFINED

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that no selected color was defined with the Src2ImageOrArrayId parameter.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.


Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the rejected color equals the background color.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.


Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the rejected color equals the selected color.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.


Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the selected color equals the background color. In this case, although the operation was performed, MIL internally used, as the selected color, a color that is perpendicular to the rejected color.

Click to summarize M_SUCCESS

Specifies a successful operation.

Click to summarize M_COVARIANCE

Calculates the covariance matrix of the source image's color information. This is a measure of the color variation.

Click to summarize Src2ImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the buffer that controls how the source pixels are interpreted when performing the covariance calculation.

Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies to use the entire source image to compute the covariance matrix.

Click to summarize Image buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a data identification image buffer. This image determines which areas of the source image (Src1ImageId) to use to compute the covariance matrix. To specify an area, you must set the corresponding pixels in the data identification image to M_SOURCE_LABEL.

You must assign at least one pixel in the data identification image to M_SOURCE_LABEL. Pixels in the source image that do not correspond to M_SOURCE_LABEL are ignored in the calculation. If the data identification image is smaller than the source image, the outlying source image pixels are ignored.

The data identification buffer must be a 1-band 8-bit unsigned image buffer and must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

Click to summarize DestImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of a 3x3 or 4x3 MIL array buffer, of type float, to store the resulting covariance matrix. The data returned depends on the array's dimensions:

  • 3x3.

    The covariance matrix elements are returned columnwise.

  • 4x3.

    In addition to the 3x3 array results, the mean color of the source image areas (M_SOURCE_LABEL) is returned in the fourth column.

Click to summarize StatusPtr

Returns the resulting status of the M_COVARIANCE operation.

Click to summarize M_NO_SOURCE_DEFINED

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that there was no pixel in the data identification image that was set to M_SOURCE_LABEL.

The resulting matrix (DestImageOrArrayId) is filled with zeros.

Click to summarize M_SUCCESS

Specifies a successful operation.


Performs a principal component projection of the source image. This converts each color pixel to a grayscale value with a point-to-point projection of the source image, onto its first principal component, using a grayscale LUT. The projection is a mathematically optimal color-to-grayscale transformation, which uses the distribution of the source image's color data to calculate the best grayscale conversion possible, minimizing the loss of information.

MIL performs a principal component analysis (PCA) to calculate the color image's principal components. The strongest is the first principal component. If no principal component is the strongest, one is arbitrarily considered the first principal component.

Click to summarize Src2ImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the buffer that controls how the source pixels are interpreted to calculate the first principal component, which is used to perform the principal component projection.

Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies to use the entire source image to perform the principal component projection.

Click to summarize Image buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a data identification image buffer. This image determines which areas of the source image (Src1ImageId) to use to calculate the first principal component, which is used to perform the principal component projection. To specify an area, you must set the corresponding pixels in the data identification image to M_SOURCE_LABEL.

If there is ambiguity between which colors should be designated as light and dark, set some pixels in the data identification image to M_BRIGHT_LABEL and M_DARK_LABEL. M_BRIGHT_LABEL identifies source pixels that represent the color to project on the brightest side of the grayscale palette, while M_DARK_LABEL identifies source pixels that represent the color to project on the darkest side. These labels are optional and pixels designated as bright or dark are not used in the principal component projection for anything other than determining which colors are light and dark. Therefore, use as few pixels as necessary for this purpose. MIL uses the mean color of the bright or dark pixels if you set multiple pixels to bright or dark.

You must assign at least one pixel in the data identification image to M_SOURCE_LABEL. Pixels in the source image that do not correspond to M_SOURCE_LABEL are ignored in the calculation. If the data identification image is smaller than the source image, the outlying source image pixels are ignored.

The data identification image must be a 1-band 8-bit unsigned image buffer and must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

Click to summarize DestImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the destination buffer in which to write the principal component results.

Click to summarize Array buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a 4x1 MIL array buffer, of type float, to store the resulting projection matrix.

You can use this matrix with MimConvert() to perform a color-to-grayscale transformation of any 3-band color image. Be certain that the color distribution of all source images that use this matrix is similar, otherwise unpredictable results can occur.

Click to summarize Image buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a 1-band image buffer, to store the transformed source image.

This image buffer must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

Click to summarize ControlFlag

Specifies whether MIL should perform the projection according to the dynamic range (minimum and maximum pixel values) established from all the pixels in the source image, or according to the dynamic range established from only the specified source image pixels (M_SOURCE_LABEL) identified with the data identification image.

Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Performs the projection according to the dynamic range of all the pixels in the source image.


Performs the projection according to the dynamic range of the pixels identified with the data identification image. The result is similar to increasing the contrast. When using M_MASK_CONTRAST_ENHANCEMENT, MIL saturates the projected unidentified source image colors that are outside the dynamic range of the identified source image pixels' color; that is, MIL maps those colors to either the minimum or maximum allowable grayscale value. In this case, the projection result can contain sections that have lost a certain degree of contrast information.

Click to summarize StatusPtr

Returns the resulting status of the M_PRINCIPAL_COMPONENT_PROJECTION operation.

Click to summarize M_NO_SOURCE_DEFINED

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that there was no pixel in the data identification image that was set to M_SOURCE_LABEL.

If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an image buffer, it is a copy of the source image. If DestImageOrArrayId specifies an array buffer, it is filled with the identity matrix such that, using this array with MimConvert() copies the source image into the destination image.

Click to summarize M_SUCCESS

Specifies a successful operation.

Click to summarize M_UNSTABLE_POLARITY

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the polarity of the projection is unstable. In this case, although the operation was performed, it was not possible to confidently determine, in a consistent and repeatable way, which pixels should be projected to the brightest/darkest side of the grayscale palette.


Calculates the principal components of the source image's color information. The principal components correspond to the three eigenvectors of the image's covariance matrix. With M_PRINCIPAL_COMPONENTS, you can also retrieve each eigenvector's eigenvalue and the source image's average color.

To calculate the principal components, MIL performs a principal component analysis (PCA).

Click to summarize Src2ImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the buffer that controls how the source pixels are interpreted to perform the principal component calculation.

Click to summarize M_NULL

Specifies to use the entire source image to calculate the principal components.

Click to summarize Image buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a data identification image buffer. This image determines which areas of the source image (Src1ImageId) to use to calculate the principal components. To specify an area, you must set the appropriate pixels in the data identification image to M_SOURCE_LABEL.

You must assign at least one pixel in the data identification image to M_SOURCE_LABEL. Pixels in the source image that do not correspond to M_SOURCE_LABEL are ignored in the calculation. If the data identification image is smaller than the source image, the outlying source image pixels are ignored.

The data identification image must be a 1-band 8-bit unsigned image buffer and must not have a region of interest (ROI) associated with it. Using an image buffer with an ROI will cause an error.

Click to summarize DestImageOrArrayId

Specifies the identifier of the destination buffer in which to write the resulting data for each of the three principal components.

Click to summarize Array buffer identifier

Specifies the identifier of a 3x3, 4x3, or 5x3 MIL array buffer, of type float, to store the resulting data. The data returned depends on the array's dimensions:

  • 3x3.

    The three eigenvectors are returned columnwise in decreasing order of strength.

  • 4x3.

    In addition to the 3x3 array results, each eigenvectors's eigenvalue is returned in the fourth column. The eigenvalue corresponds to the eigenvector's strength.

  • 5x3.

    In addition to the 4x3 array results, the mean color of the source image areas (M_SOURCE_LABEL) is returned in the fifth column, band-by-band: SourceMeanValueBand0, SourceMeanValueBand1, and SourceMeanValueBand2.

Click to summarize StatusPtr

Returns the resulting status of the M_PRINCIPAL_COMPONENTS operation.

Click to summarize M_NO_SOURCE_DEFINED

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that there was no pixel in the data identification image that was set to M_SOURCE_LABEL.

The resulting matrix (DestImageOrArrayId) is filled with zeros.

Click to summarize M_SUCCESS

Specifies a successful operation.

Click to summarize M_UNSTABLE_POLARITY

Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the direction of the first principal component is unstable. In this case, although the operation was performed, it was not possible to align the first principal component, in a consistent and repeatable way, with the gray axis (from black to white).


Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the direction of the third principal component (least important) is unstable. Although the operation was performed, this status result typically means that there were small variances along the color component's direction.


Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the direction of the second and third principal components are unstable. Although the operation was performed, this status result typically means that there were small variances along the color component's direction.


Specifies an unsatisfactory status, indicating that the direction of all principal components are unstable.

The resulting matrix (DestImageOrArrayId) is filled with zeros.

Compilation information
Header Include mil.h.
Library Use mil.lib; milcolor.lib.
DLL Requires mil.dll; milcolor.dll.