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Basic concepts for 3D containers

The basic concepts and vocabulary conventions when dealing with 3D containers are:

  • Container. A MIL object that contains one or more buffers, called its components.

  • 3D Container. A container that stores 3D data in a format supported by MIL.

  • Component. A buffer that has been allocated in a container.

  • Child container. A container that references a subset of the components of a parent container. The contents of a child container are determined dynamically when the parent container changes by applying a filter to its components based on a list of criteria, specified when the child container is allocated.

  • 3D settings. The component settings that affect how 3D data in a range or disparity component is interpreted during conversion to a 3D-processable or 3D-displayable container. These settings are listed in For inquiring about settings that apply only to components.

  • Component type. The component setting which indicates what type of information the component stores.

  • Point cloud container. A container that stores a point cloud in a format supported by MIL (either for 3D-processing, 3D-display, or conversion).

  • 3D-processable container. A 3D container that can be passed as a source to MIL 3D processing functions. You can inquire if a container is 3D-processable using MbufInquireContainer() with M_3D_PROCESSABLE.

  • 3D-displayable container. A 3D container that can be selected to a MIL 3D display. You can inquire if a container is 3D-displayable using MbufInquireContainer() with M_3D_DISPLAYABLE.

  • Range Component. A component with the component type M_COMPONENT_RANGE. A range component stores the coordinates of the points of a point cloud, or the depths of the pixels of a depth map.

  • Disparity Component. A component with the component type M_COMPONENT_DISPARITY. A disparity component stores the apparent distance (typically measured in pixel units) between where an object appears in the left and right images captured by a stereoscopic camera.

  • Intensity Component. A component with the component type M_COMPONENT_INTENSITY. An intensity component stores a standard image.

  • Reflectance Component. A component with the component type M_COMPONENT_REFLECTANCE. A reflectance component stores the intensity of reflected light for each point or pixel of the range or disparity component.