The MIL help is divided into different parts that discuss various topics. The help is divided as follows:
MIL User Guide. See for general usage of MIL.
Part 2: MIL in a nutshell. Provides necessary information to get started.
This is essential reading for working with MIL.
Part 3: 2D processing and analysis. Provides information about supported 2D processing and analysis operations.
Part 4: 2D related information. Provides information about working with 2D data buffers.
Part 5: 3D processing and analysis. Provides information about supported 3D processing and analysis operations.
Part 6: 3D related information. Provides information about working with 3D data containers.
Part 7: Communication. Provides information about communicating with robots, working with industrial communication protocols, and auxiliary I/O signals.
Part 8: Other programming languages, APIs, and operating systems. Provides information about using MIL with programming languages other than C, and operating systems other than Windows.
Part 9: Miscellaneous. Remaining chapters. Provide more detailed information about set up and management.
MIL Reference. See for the reference description of a specific MIL function.
MIL Hardware-specific Notes. See for general information about using MIL with different Matrox Imaging hardware (or third-party hardware that is compatible with MIL). Note that hardware-specific information regarding a specific MIL function is integrated into the function's reference description. Note that the information is divided by the MIL system that you allocate for the hardware.
MIL Release Notes. See for the most-up-to-date information regarding this release. Note that there are different release notes for different topics. For example, after installing a processing update, see the Whatsnew Processing release note.