MIL updates are periodically available for download through the Updates item found in the MILConfig utility. MIL updates include new features and bug fixes, as a Service Pack, a new version of previously released MIL system software (driver), or a driver for a new MIL system.
When you download and install a new Service Pack, all help files are updated to reflect the latest changes for the release. In addition, the whatsnew_processing and lastminute release note files (among other release note files) are updated. If you need access to deprecated information, from previous versions of the MIL help, refer to the appropriate help file on the Matrox Imaging website.
Typically, the documentation for non-Service Pack MIL updates will include, at a minimum, a release note, available in the MIL Release Notes part of this help file. These updates can also include examples or hardware-specific chapters.
Some non-Service Pack MIL updates are officially documented in the MIL Reference. In these cases, if the update is specific to a MIL system, it will be represented by one of the system-specific columns. For more information on MIL systems and how MIL system-specific information is documented, see the MIL system-specific information section of Chapter 0: About MIL help.
Note, a non-Service Pack MIL update that is officially documented in the MIL Reference might not update all help files or reference pages.
A non-Service Pack MIL update might modify common MIL components that add support for settings on a MIL system that is not the target of the update. System-specific columns for officially documented MIL systems that are not the target of the update will indicate support for the setting, but won't indicate the update number that added the support (for example, the column might report MIL 10; however, an update adding support for the setting is required in addition to MIL 10). If currently not available on your computer, you can install the next re-release of MIL (a release that incorporates all updates since the previous release) for the functionality.