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Using timers and rotary decoders with Matrox 4Sight GPm

See also

Matrox 4Sight GPm has 16 timers and 2 rotary decoders that can be used to synchronize with external devices. Timers are used with I/O signals to coordinate events with external devices. Rotary decoders are used to decode quadrature input (2-bit Gray code derived from two signals) from a rotary encoder.


The 16 timers on Matrox 4Sight GPm can be configured using MsysControl(). The timers are configured in a similar way to what is described in the Timers and coordinating events section of Chapter 24: I/O signals and communicating with external devices. There are some differences, however, such as:

Rotary decoders

The two rotary decoders on Matrox 4Sight GPm can be configured using MsysControl(). The rotary decoders are configured in a similar way to what is described in the Using quadrature input from a rotary encoder section of Chapter 24: I/O signals and communicating with external devices. However, the following settings are unavailable when using Matrox 4Sight GPm: setting the direction of movement (M_ROTARY_ENCODER_DIRECTION), setting a signal source that changes the rotary decoder counter value (M_ROTARY_ENCODER_FORCE_VALUE_SOURCE), setting wheher to enable the rotary decoder to store the counter value at the end of the last grab or frame interrupt (M_ROTARY_ENCODER_FRAME_END_READ), and setting a multiplying factor to each increment/decrement of the rotary decoder counter (M_ROTARY_ENCODER_MULTIPLIER).