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Timers and coordinating events

See also
Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

Some frame grabbers have on-board timers that can be used with I/O signals to coordinate events with external devices. For example, when grabbing an image (with camera reset), you can use an auxiliary input signal as a trigger source for a timer, and use an auxiliary output signal to route the timer's output to initiate and set the duration of the camera exposure. For information on which signals can be used to trigger a timer and which can be used to route a timer's output, refer to the Connectors and signal names section of the MIL Hardware-specific Notes chapter for your Matrox product.

Delay and duration

A timer can output a signal, typically with one pulse (one low and one high segment) per cycle. You can set-up a timer to output a signal with one pulse per cycle either using MIL or in the DCF. For the few timers that can output a signal with one or two pulses per cycle, you can only set them up to output two pulses per cycle using the DCF. If you want to send the output of a timer to an auxiliary output signal, you should set up the timer before you call MdigControl() with M_IO_SOURCE set to M_TIMERn.

In MIL, to specify the length of the segments (one low and one high) of the timer output signal, use MdigControl() with M_TIMER_DELAY and M_TIMER_DURATION. The timer delay (M_TIMER_DELAY) is the length of time before the active portion of the signal (M_TIMER_DURATION); the length of the active portion is often referred to as the timer duration.

Typically, the specified delay segment is low and the specified duration is high (active-high signal). However, you can invert the signal, such that the specified delay segment is high and the specified duration is low (active-low signal), using MdigControl() with M_TIMER_OUTPUT_INVERTER. The following illustration demonstrates two timers with the same settings, except that timer 1 has M_TIMER_OUTPUT_INVERTER set to M_DISABLE and timer 2 has M_TIMER_OUTPUT_INVERTER set to M_ENABLE.

Timer modes: triggered or continuous

A timer can operate in one of two modes: triggered or continuous.

In triggered mode, an enabled timer waits to receive a trigger signal, before it begins to output a signal with the specified delay and duration. To specify the trigger signal, use MdigControl() with M_TIMER_TRIGGER_SOURCE. To specify when, upon receiving the trigger signal, to activate the timer to output a signal, use MdigControl() with M_TIMER_TRIGGER_ACTIVATION; you can typically activate the timer upon a state transition (low-to-high or high-to-low) of the specified trigger signal.

If supported by your digitizer, you can also trigger a timer with a software trigger. To do so, set the trigger source to software using MdigControl() with M_TIMER_TRIGGER_SOURCE set to M_SOFTWARE. Then, to issue the software trigger for the timer, call MdigControl() with M_TIMER_TRIGGER_SOFTWARE + M_TIMERn.

In continuous mode, the timer starts to output a signal when it is enabled, and repeats the same cycle until the timer is disabled. You can use this type of signal, for example, to perform a task at fixed time intervals or to act as a clock. To set up your timer to output a signal continuously, use MdigControl() with M_TIMER_TRIGGER_SOURCE set to M_CONTINUOUS.

To enable or disable a timer, use MdigControl() with M_TIMER_STATE.

Steps to set up timers

The illustration below is a visual summary of the group of MIL constants used to set up timers.

Callout #

MdigControl() control type

Callout #

MdigControl() control type















Perform the following steps to set up timer n (for example, timer 1):

In the following code snippet, an auxiliary input signal ( M_AUX_IO1) is used as a trigger for timer 1; the timer output signal is sent to a connected camera.

/* Specify to use an input signal as the trigger source for a timer. */   
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_TRIGGER_SOURCE + M_TIMER1, M_AUX_IO1);

/* Set the delay between the trigger and the active portion of the timer to 1000 nsec. */
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_DELAY + M_TIMER1, 1000);

/* Set the duration of the active portion for the timer to 1 msec (1 million nsec). */
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_DURATION + M_TIMER1, 1000000);

/* Specify to trigger the timer when the trigger signal changes from low to high.*/

/* Route the output of the timer onto a camera control output signal. */
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_IO_SOURCE + M_CC_IO1, M_TIMER1);

/* Enable the timer to wait for a trigger.*/
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_STATE + M_TIMER1, M_ENABLE);

Timer clock source

Although you set a timer in nanoseconds, a timer actually counts clock ticks; the numbers you enter are internally converted to clock ticks. The duration of each clock tick depends on the clock source. For some Matrox products that have timers, the clock that drives the specified timer is selectable using MdigControl() with M_TIMER_CLOCK_SOURCE. Typically, the default clock source is the pixel clock from the camera (M_PIXCLK). The timer output delay and active portion (M_TIMER_DELAY and M_TIMER_DURATION, respectively) must each be at least equivalent to one clock tick and be set within the hardware limitations of the timer, otherwise an error will be generated. The maximum time lapse (in seconds) of a timer before it resets is the maximum number of ticks that the timer can count up to divided by the frequency (f) of the clock source. For example, if a timer resets after a maximum of 16,777,215 clock ticks, and the clock frequency is 85 MHz, the summed value of M_TIMER_DELAY and M_TIMER_DURATION cannot be greater than 197 msec (16,777,215 clock ticks/85 MHz). Note that in some cases, you can adjust the clock source frequency in the DCF, within a limited range, to permit the required number of clock ticks per timer output cycle.

To inquire the frequency of the clock that drives a specific timer, use MdigInquire() with M_TIMER_CLOCK_FREQUENCY + M_TIMERn.

If your hardware supports at least two timers and if the available timer clock sources are not appropriate for your application, you can create your own clock using a timer. For example, if the clock frequency of your timer is very high, the maximum number of clock ticks that your timer supports might not be enough to generate a signal with the required period (delay + duration). In the following illustration, the first signal has a frequency of 4 Hz and represents the default clock source of timer 1. The second signal is timer 1's output (in continuous mode) with a cycle (timer delay + active portion), equivalent to 4 cycles of the default clock source (1 Hz). If timer 1's output is used as the clock source for another timer (for example, timer 2), then timer 2's output can be up to 4 times longer than when using the default clock source, but will lose 4 times the granularity. Note that a timer output cannot be a clock source for itself.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use one timer as a clock source for another; timer 2 uses timer 1 as a clock source to generate a signal with a long period (32 seconds), which would not be possible if timer 2 were using its default clock source.

/* In this example, timer 1 is using the default clock source
   to generate a continuous output signal with a frequency of 0.5 MHz. 
  Timer 2 will use timer 1 as a clock source to obtain a 
  timer output with a signal period of 32 seconds per cycle. */
/* TIMER 1 SET-UP.*/

/* Specify to output a continuous signal for timer 1. */   

/* Timer 1 output delay and active portion (duration) set to 1000 nsec. */
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_DELAY + M_TIMER1, 1000);
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_DURATION + M_TIMER1, 1000);

/* TIMER 2 SET-UP.*/

/* Set the clock source of timer 2 to timer 1. */   
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_CLOCK_SOURCE + M_TIMER2, M_TIMER1);

/* Specify to output a continuous signal for timer 2. */   

/* Timer 2 output delay set to 12 seconds (12 billion nsec). */
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_DELAY + M_TIMER2, 12000000000);

/* Timer 2 active portion (duration) set to 20 seconds (20 billion nsec). */
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_DURATION + M_TIMER2, 20000000000);

/* Enable (start) both timers.*/
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_STATE + M_TIMER1, M_ENABLE);
MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_TIMER_STATE + M_TIMER2, M_ENABLE);