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Using Matrox Radient eV-CXP with MIL

See also

To use your Matrox Radient eV-CXP board, you must allocate it as a MIL Radient eV-CXP system using MsysAlloc() with M_SYSTEM_RADIENTCXP. This allocation opens communication with the Matrox Radient eV-CXP board and allows MIL to use its resources. Each process (executable) can allocate multiple MIL Radient eV-CXP systems for the same board (although, allocating the same board multiple times is not very useful). If multiple systems (in the same process or different processes) allocate the same digitizer, grabs from the different systems will be queued in the order that they arrive (first in, first out).

Matrox Radient eV-CXP features 4 rotary decoders that can decode input from a rotary encoder with quadrature output. For more information on this feature, refer to the Using quadrature input from a rotary encoder section of Chapter 24: I/O signals and communicating with external devices. This chapter also provides information on how to configure and use the I/O signals.

CoaXPress video sources can use a GenICam interface. For information regarding using MIL to access the GenICam SFNC-compatible features of your camera, see the Using MIL with GenICam section of Chapter 23: Grabbing with your digitizer.

Refer to the Matrox Radient eV-CXP release notes for any additions/modifications to the MIL Hardware-specific Notes in this chapter or in the MIL Reference.

Using the CoaXPress trigger signal

The CoaXPress trigger signal is an embedded bidirectional signal from the physical transport layer connection of your camera. Typically, the CoaXPress trigger signal is reserved for trigger information and is sent with other control and data signals along the same cable.

To use this signal as the source of a trigger to grab an image, use MdigControl() with M_GRAB_TRIGGER_SOURCE set to M_TL_TRIGGER. Then, program your triggered grab according to your requirements. The grab will now be triggered based on the CoaXPress trigger signal of your digitizer. For more information on performing a triggered grab, see the Grabbing with triggers section of Chapter 23: Grabbing with your digitizer.

Performing on-board Bayer color conversion

Matrox Radient eV-CXP can grab color images from a video source with a Bayer color filter (as specified by the DCF), and then perform the Bayer color conversion and white balancing on-board. The following table shows the difference between performing Bayer color conversion off-board as opposed to on-board your Matrox Radient eV-CXP.



Performing gamma correction

Not available.

Use MbufBayer().

Performing white balance correction automatically

MdigControl() with M_WHITE_BALANCE set to M_ENABLE.


Performing white balance correction, providing a coefficients array.


MbufPut1d() or MbufPut2d().

Applying the Bayer conversion on the source image

MdigControl() with M_BAYER_CONVERSION set to M_ENABLE.


For information on Bayer color conversion, refer to the Using images acquired with a Bayer color filter section of Chapter 19: Data buffers.

The M_BAYER... control types can only be used when grabbing from a camera that has a Bayer color filter (as specified by the DCF); otherwise, an error will be generated.