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Graphics list

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Available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

A graphics list is an internal container for MIL graphics, which allows you to temporarily store graphics in vector (mathematical) form for later drawing or for defining the geometry of another MIL object (for example, the ROI of an image buffer).

When annotating an image buffer without a graphics list, the graphic is drawn destructively in that image, and is raster-based. That is, the drawing changes the image's pixel values along the specified graphic. Once graphics are drawn in this way, they can only be modified on a pixel-by-pixel basis. However, if you draw a graphic in a graphics list, the graphic is added to the list in vector (mathematical) form.

Although drawing graphics destructively into an image buffer with a graphics function (such as MgraLine()) can seem faster, in certain cases, it can be preferable to first add the graphics to a list, and then draw them, using MgraDraw(). By doing so, you can:

  • Permit the graphic to be zoomed without pixelization effects and changes in line thickness when rendered on a display that is being zoomed.

  • Have more efficient code by adding all the graphics to a memory efficient object (graphics list), and then using those graphics to annotate numerous images. If required, you can use MgraControlList() to modify the graphics before each call to MgraDraw().

  • Add the graphics to the list once, using world units, and then annotate numerous images, each with their own calibration context. For example, if two cameras have taken an image in the same absolute coordinate system, and you wish to annotate both images at the same world position, you can define the graphics in world units and the graphics will be mapped, using the calibration context of each image, to the correct area in the pixel coordinate system.

  • Add the graphics to the list in world units before you have the calibrated image.

  • Create an M_VECTOR region of interest (ROI) for an image buffer, which is then used by some processing functions (for example, McodeRead()).

  • Interactively create and modify graphics from a display.

To allocate a graphics list, use MgraAllocList(). To add graphics to the list, use one of the Mgra...() graphics functions (for example, MgraDot()) or use the M...Draw() function of a processing or analysis module; however, pass the graphics list identifier instead of an image buffer identifier.

You define the graphic itself as if it were being drawn in an image. For example, a dot is always defined with an X- and Y-position, regardless of whether you are drawing it in an image or adding it to a graphics list.

/* Draw a dot directly in an image. */
MgraDot(GraphicsContextId, ImageId, 100, 120);

/* Add a dot graphic in a graphics list. */
MgraDot(GraphicsContextId, GraphicsListId, 100, 120);

For more information about how graphics are defined, see the Drawing graphics section earlier in this chapter.

Some draw operations of M...Draw() functions cannot draw in a graphics list or have restrictions when drawing in a graphics list. For more information, see the relevant M...Draw() function in the MIL Reference.

If required, you can also use MgraDraw() to draw the graphics, contained in a list, destructively in an image all at once.

/* Add a line in the graphics list and draw this graphics list in an image. */
MgraLine(GraphicsContextId, GraphicsListId, 100, 100, 200, 200);
MgraDraw(GraphicsListId, ImageId, M_DEFAULT);
/* This has the same effect as doing
   MgraLine(GraphicsContextId, ImageId, 100, 100, 200, 200);

When you add graphics to the list, the graphics inherit the current settings of the specified graphics context; however, there is no link between the graphics list and the graphics context. Graphics already in the list are not affected by changes made to the context. For example, if you have a graphics list that contains blue graphics, but you change the graphics context so that graphics can have a red color, the graphics already in the list will retain their blue color, and only graphics added after the change to the context will be red.

Graphics can be accessed from the graphics list using either an index or label value. Both values are attributed to the graphic when it is added to the list. In the case of the index value, it refers to the graphic's position in the graphics list, and can change if graphics are moved or deleted. In the case of the label value, it is a label given to the graphic when added to the list and will not change, even if the order of the graphics in the list changes due to graphics being deleted or moved. You can retrieve a graphic's label using MgraInquireList() with M_LAST_LABEL immediately after adding the graphic to the list. Note that when using multiple threads, M_LAST_LABEL will return the label of the last graphic added to the list for the thread on which MgraInquireList() is called.

To adjust the settings of graphics in the list, use MgraControlList(). To inquire current graphics list settings, use MgraInquireList(). To remove graphics from the list, use MgraClear() or MgraControlList() with M_DELETE. To copy graphics from one graphics list to another, use MgraCopy(). To move graphics in a graphics list, use MgraCopy() with M_MOVE.

The following example demonstrates how to add graphics to a graphics list, and how to change its settings.

/* Add a first dot in a graphics list, with color blue. */
MgraControl(GraphicsContextId, M_COLOR, M_COLOR_BLUE);
MgraDot(GraphicsContextId, GraphicsListId, 100, 120);
MgraInquireList(GraphicsListId, M_LIST, M_DEFAULT, M_LAST_LABEL, &BlueDotLabel);

/* Add a second dot in a graphics list, with color red. */
MgraControl(GraphicsContextId, M_COLOR, M_COLOR_RED);
MgraDot(GraphicsContextId, GraphicsListId, 100, 130);
MgraInquireList(GraphicsListId, M_LIST, M_DEFAULT, M_LAST_LABEL, &RedDotLabel);
/* (Note that the first dot remains blue). */

/* ... */

/* Change the position of the blue dot in the list. */
MgraInquireList(GraphicsListId, M_GRAPHIC_LABEL(BlueDotLabel), M_DEFAULT,
                M_POSITION_X, &PositionX);
PositionX *= 2.0;
MgraControlList(GraphicsListId, M_GRAPHIC_LABEL(BlueDotLabel), M_DEFAULT,
                M_POSITION_X, PositionX);

Annotating the display with a graphics list

Typically, the graphics in a graphics list are used to annotate the display non-destructively, using MdispControl() with M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID; this associates the display with the graphics list. By default, modifications to the graphics within the list are immediately reflected in the non-destructive annotation of the display (refresh not required). To change this behavior, use MdispControl() with M_UPDATE_GRAPHIC_LIST.

Only one graphics list can be associated with a display. If you associate a graphics list with a display that already has been associated with one, the previous graphics list is disassociated from the display and the new one is associated.

Since the graphics in the list are in vector form, the zooming behavior of a display with graphics list annotations will be different than if you had drawn graphics destructively in the image selected to the display. For example, when zooming a display with graphics list annotations, there is no loss of clarity, missing graphic elements, or changes in line thickness (which, as previously mentioned, is always one pixel). The following example shows how a graphics list is used to annotate the display.

/* Add a line in the graphics list. */
MgraLine(GraphicsContextId, GraphicsListId, 100, 100, 200, 200);

/* Annotate a display using the graphics list. */
MdispControl(DisplayId, M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID, GraphicsListId);

/* Zoom the display. The line's thickness does not change; it remains at one pixel. */
MdispZoom(DisplayId, 2.0, 2.0);

/* Change the color of the line in the graphics list. This will automatically update
   the display. */

For more information, see the Using a graphics list subsection of the Annotating the displayed image non-destructively section of Chapter 21: Displaying an image.