MIL_ID ContextOrResultBeadId, | //in |
MIL_INT LabelOrIndex, | //in |
MIL_INT64 InquireType, | //in |
void *UserVarPtr | //out |
This function inquires information about a specified bead context, a template contained within the context, or a bead result buffer. You can also use this function to inquire about operations performed with MbeadGetNeighbors(). Values are returned in the unit in which they were set (that is, either pixel or world units), using MbeadControl() and M_..._INPUT_UNITS.
If the inquired setting is set to M_DEFAULT (for example, in MbeadControl()), MbeadInquire() will return M_DEFAULT. To inquire the actual default value, add M_DEFAULT to the InquireType parameter.
Specifies the identifier of the bead context or the identifier of the bead result buffer about which to inquire. Both the bead context and result buffer must have been previously allocated on the required system using MbeadAlloc() or MbeadAllocResult(), respectively.
Specifies the bead template about which to inquire, or specifies that you are inquiring about a global setting of the bead context or result. Unless otherwise specified, the LabelOrIndex parameter values require that the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter specifies the identifier of a bead context.
This parameter can be set to one of the following values:
For specifying what to inquire about
Value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies the default. If ContextOrResultBeadId is set to a bead context, the default is the same as M_CONTEXT. If ContextOrResultBeadId is set to a bead result, the default is the same as M_GENERAL. (summarize)Specifies the default. (more details...) |
Specifies the index of an existing template about which to inquire. (summarize)Specifies the index of an existing template about which to inquire. (more details...) |
Parameters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies the index. The index must be greater than or equal to 0. |
Specifies the label of an existing template about which to inquire. (summarize)Specifies the label of an existing template about which to inquire. (more details...) |
Parameters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies the label. The label must be greater than 0. |
Inquires information about a global setting of a bead context. |
Inquires information about a setting of a bead result buffer. When using M_GENERAL, ContextOrResultBeadId must specify a bead result buffer. (summarize)Inquires information about a setting of a bead result buffer. (more details...) |
Specifies the type of setting about which to inquire.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the address in which to write the requested information. Since the MbeadInquire() function also returns the requested information, you can set this parameter to M_NULL.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be returned.
The tables below list possible values for the InquireType parameter and possible values returned to the UserVarPtr parameter.
To inquire about a bead template setting for the training phase, the InquireType parameter can be set to one of the following values. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to a specific template, using either M_TEMPLATE_INDEX() or M_TEMPLATE_LABEL().
To inquire about a bead template setting for the
training phase
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the specified width of the template at the position of each of its vertices. This value applies only to templates whose path follows a polyline. SET (summarize)Inquires the specified width of the template at the position of each of its vertices. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value |
Specifies the width. |
Inquires how to establish the nominal pixel intensity of the template. SET (summarize)Inquires how to establish the nominal pixel intensity of the template. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies to establish the nominal pixel intensity from the training image. |
Specifies that M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL_MODE has no effect. |
Specifies that you will explicitly set the pixel intensity, using M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL. |
Inquires the X-coordinates of the vertices in a template whose path follows a polyline. You can add, delete, or modify a template's vertices using MbeadTemplate(). SET SET (summarize)Inquires the X-coordinates of the vertices in a template whose path follows a polyline. SET SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinates of the template's vertices. |
Inquires the Y-coordinates of the vertices in a template whose path follows a polyline. You can add, delete, or modify a template's vertices using MbeadTemplate(). SET SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-coordinates of the vertices in a template whose path follows a polyline. SET SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info: Data
type: array of type MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++:
a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinates of the template's vertices. |
M_SIZE + |
Inquires the number of vertices in a template whose path follows a polyline. You can add, delete, or modify a template's vertices using MbeadTemplate(). SET SET (summarize)Inquires the number of vertices in a template whose path follows a polyline. SET SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the number of points. |
Inquires the X-coordinate of the center of a template whose path follows a circle. SET (summarize)Inquires the X-coordinate of the center of a template whose path follows a circle. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the center's X-coordinate, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the Y-coordinate of the center of a template whose path follows a circle. SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-coordinate of the center of a template whose path follows a circle. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the center's Y-coordinate, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the radius of a template whose path follows a circle. SET (summarize)Inquires the radius of a template whose path follows a circle. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the radius, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the units with which to interpret the M_CLOSEST_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE, M_FAIL_WARNING_OFFSET, M_GAP_MAX_LENGTH, M_OFFSET_MAX, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_CENTER_X, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_CENTER_Y, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_RADIUS, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_END_X, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_END_Y, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_START_X, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_START_Y, M_WIDTH_DELTA_NEG, M_WIDTH_DELTA_POS, and M_WIDTH_NOMINAL inquire types, as well as the units with which to interpret the template's position and dimension values specified using MbeadTemplate(). This essentially inquires the input coordinate system used. SET (summarize)Inquires the units with which to interpret the M_CLOSEST_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE, M_FAIL_WARNING_OFFSET, M_GAP_MAX_LENGTH, M_OFFSET_MAX, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_CENTER_X, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_CENTER_Y, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_RADIUS, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_END_X, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_END_Y, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_START_X, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_START_Y, M_WIDTH_DELTA_NEG, M_WIDTH_DELTA_POS, and M_WIDTH_NOMINAL inquire types, as well as the units with which to interpret the template's position and dimension values specified using MbeadTemplate(). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Same as M_PIXEL. |
Specifies to interpret the values in pixel units, with respect to the pixel coordinate system. |
Specifies to interpret the values in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. INFO |
Inquires the X-coordinate of the end of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (summarize)Inquires the X-coordinate of the end of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinate of the end of the segment, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the Y-coordinate of the end of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-coordinate of the end of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinate of the end of the segment, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the X-coordinate of the start of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (summarize)Inquires the X-coordinate of the start of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinate of the start of the segment, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the Y-coordinate of the start of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-coordinate of the start of a template whose path follows a segment. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinate of the start of the segment, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the height of the search boxes. SET (summarize)Inquires the height of the search boxes. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 10.0. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the height, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TRAINING_BOX_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the units with which to interpret the M_TRAINING_BOX_HEIGHT, M_TRAINING_BOX_WIDTH, M_TRAINING_BOX_SPACING, and M_TRAINING_WIDTH_NOMINAL inquire types. SET (summarize)Inquires the units with which to interpret the M_TRAINING_BOX_HEIGHT, M_TRAINING_BOX_WIDTH, M_TRAINING_BOX_SPACING, and M_TRAINING_WIDTH_NOMINAL inquire types. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_PIXEL. |
Specifies to interpret the values in pixel units, with respect to the pixel coordinate system. |
Specifies to interpret the values in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. INFO |
Inquires the distance between the search boxes. SET (summarize)Inquires the distance between the search boxes. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 10.0. |
Specifies that M_TRAINING_BOX_SPACING has no effect. INFO |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the spacing, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TRAINING_BOX_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the width of the search boxes. SET (summarize)Inquires the width of the search boxes. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 200.0. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the width, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TRAINING_BOX_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires how MIL establishes the path of the bead template. SET (summarize)Inquires how MIL establishes the path of the bead template. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the path of the bead template follows a fixed circle defined with M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_CENTER_X, M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_CENTER_Y, and M_TEMPLATE_CIRCLE_RADIUS. INFO |
Specifies that the path of the bead template follows a fixed polyline. INFO |
Specifies that the path of the bead template follows a polyline that is refined by the training image set with MbeadTrain(). INFO |
Specifies that the path of the bead template follows a fixed segment defined with M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_START_X, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_START_Y, M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_END_X, and M_TEMPLATE_SEGMENT_END_Y. INFO |
Inquires the width with which to validate the template's automatically established nominal width. SET (summarize)Inquires the width with which to validate the template's automatically established nominal width. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that M_TRAINING_WIDTH_NOMINAL has no effect. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the width, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TRAINING_BOX_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the scale factor by which to determine the upper limit (maximum permitted scale) of the bead width. SET (summarize)Inquires the scale factor by which to determine the upper limit (maximum permitted scale) of the bead width. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.2. |
Specifies that M_TRAINING_WIDTH_SCALE_MAX has no effect. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the maximum scale factor. INFO |
Inquires the scale factor by which to determine the lower limit (minimum permitted scale) of the bead width. SET (summarize)Inquires the scale factor by which to determine the lower limit (minimum permitted scale) of the bead width. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.8. |
Specifies that M_TRAINING_WIDTH_SCALE_MIN has no effect. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the minimum scale factor. INFO |
Inquires the nominal width to use, when it is explicitly defined. SET (summarize)Inquires the nominal width to use, when it is explicitly defined. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 10.0. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the nominal width, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires how to establish the nominal width of the bead template. SET (summarize)Inquires how to establish the nominal width of the bead template. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the bead's nominal width is automatically established with MbeadTrain(), where the corresponding width at each vertex in the template can have its own unique value. INFO |
Specifies that the bead's nominal width is automatically established with MbeadTrain(), where the corresponding width at all of the template's vertices must have the same value. INFO |
Specifies that you must explicitly set the bead's nominal width. INFO |
To inquire about a bead template setting for the training and verification phases, the InquireType parameter can be set to one of the following values. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to a specific template, using either M_TEMPLATE_INDEX() or M_TEMPLATE_LABEL().
To inquire about a bead template setting for the
training and verification phases
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether the foreground of the measured bead should be darker or lighter than the background. SET (summarize)Inquires whether the foreground of the measured bead should be darker or lighter than the background. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the foreground is darker than the background. INFO |
Specifies that the foreground is lighter than the background. INFO |
Inquires the degree of noise reduction that MIL uses when performing the edge extraction of the bead from an image. SET (summarize)Inquires the degree of noise reduction that MIL uses when performing the edge extraction of the bead from an image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the smoothness value. INFO |
Inquires how to establish the threshold that MIL must use when performing the edge extraction of the bead from an image. SET (summarize)Inquires how to establish the threshold that MIL must use when performing the edge extraction of the bead from an image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the threshold is explicitly defined with M_THRESHOLD_VALUE. |
Inquires the value beneath which a grayscale variation within the image is not considered an edge of the bead. SET (summarize)Inquires the value beneath which a grayscale variation within the image is not considered an edge of the bead. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 10.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the threshold value. INFO |
To inquire about a trained setting of a bead template, the InquireType parameter can be set to one of the following values. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to a specific template, using either M_TEMPLATE_INDEX() or M_TEMPLATE_LABEL().
MIL typically bases trained values on their related training values and modifies them accordingly when you call MbeadTrain(). For example, MIL adjusts the specified spacing for the search boxes (M_TRAINING_BOX_SPACING) to achieve an even distribution of search boxes along the template's path (M_TRAINED_BOX_SPACING). If you do not retrain the templates, the trained value represents the value MIL uses for verification.
To inquire about a trained setting of a bead
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the trained height of the search boxes. MIL bases this value on M_TRAINING_BOX_HEIGHT and internally modifies it during the training phase to achieve the best possible trained height. (summarize)Inquires the trained height of the search boxes. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the trained height of the search boxes. |
Inquires the trained distance between the search boxes in which to establish the trained points. MIL bases this value on M_TRAINING_BOX_SPACING and internally modifies it during the training phase to achieve an even distribution of trained search boxes. (summarize)Inquires the trained distance between the search boxes in which to establish the trained points. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the trained distance between the search boxes. |
Inquires the trained width of the search boxes. MIL bases this value on a variety of settings, such as M_TRAINING_BOX_WIDTH, to achieve the best possible trained width. (summarize)Inquires the trained width of the search boxes. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the trained width of the search boxes. |
Inquires the trained width of the template at the position of each individual trained point. MIL bases this value on a variety of settings, such as M_WIDTH_..., to achieve the best possible trained widths. (summarize)Inquires the trained width of the template at the position of each individual trained point. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value |
Specifies the trained width for each trained point. |
Inquires the trained X-position of the trained points. MIL bases this value on a variety of settings, such as M_TRAINING_PATH, to achieve the best possible trained positions. (summarize)Inquires the trained X-position of the trained points. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value > 0 |
Specifies the trained X-position for each trained point. |
Inquires the trained Y-position of the trained points. MIL bases this value on a variety of settings, such as M_TRAINING_PATH, to achieve the best possible trained positions. (summarize)Inquires the trained Y-position of the trained points. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Value > 0 |
Specifies the trained Y-position for each trained point. |
Inquires the number of trained points. MIL considers the number of trained points in a template to be its size. (summarize)Inquires the number of trained points. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value > 0 |
Specifies the number of trained points. |
Inquires the trained nominal width of the template. MIL bases this value on a variety of settings, such as M_WIDTH_NOMINAL_MODE, to achieve the best possible trained nominal width. (summarize)Inquires the trained nominal width of the template. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the trained nominal width of the bead. |
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine the required array size (number of elements) to store the returned values.
For determining the required array size (number of
elements) to store the returned values
InquireType combination value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Retrieves the required array size (number of elements) to store the returned values. (summarize)Retrieves the required array size (number of elements) to store the returned values. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
To inquire about a bead template setting for the verification phase, the InquireType parameter can be set to one of the following values. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to a specific template, using either M_TEMPLATE_INDEX() or M_TEMPLATE_LABEL().
To inquire about a bead template setting for the
verification phase
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the acceptance level for the score of the template's corresponding measured bead. SET (summarize)Inquires the acceptance level for the score of the template's corresponding measured bead. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 100.0 %. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the acceptance level, as a percentage. INFO |
Inquires the maximum angular deviation from the automatically established angle with which to verify the width of the template's measured bead. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum angular deviation from the automatically established angle with which to verify the width of the template's measured bead. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0 °. |
0.0 <= Value <= 180.0 |
Specifies the angular deviation, in degrees. INFO |
Inquires the additional width for the search boxes used to verify the template's measured bead. SET (summarize)Inquires the additional width for the search boxes used to verify the template's measured bead. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0 %. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the additional width used for verification, as a percentage. |
Inquires the additional width specified for the search box where a measured point can be found, but will have a failed status. SET (summarize)Inquires the additional width specified for the search box where a measured point can be found, but will have a failed status. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the width, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the maximum allowable length of one single gap, for the template's measured bead to have a passing status. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum allowable length of one single gap, for the template's measured bead to have a passing status. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Specifies that M_GAP_MAX_LENGTH has no effect. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the maximum gap length, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. INFO |
Inquires the percentage of the total allowable gaps (all gaps added together), for the template's measured bead to have a passing status. SET (summarize)Inquires the percentage of the total allowable gaps (all gaps added together), for the template's measured bead to have a passing status. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0 %. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the total allowable gaps, as a percentage. INFO |
Inquires the lowest pixel intensity that is considered valid for the template's measured bead, relative to M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL. SET (summarize)Inquires the lowest pixel intensity that is considered valid for the template's measured bead, relative to M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the lowest valid pixel intensity. |
Inquires the highest pixel intensity that is considered valid for the template's measured bead, relative to M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL. SET (summarize)Inquires the highest pixel intensity that is considered valid for the template's measured bead, relative to M_INTENSITY_NOMINAL. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the highest valid pixel intensity. |
Inquires the nominal pixel intensity of the template's measured bead. SET (summarize)Inquires the nominal pixel intensity of the template's measured bead. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
Value |
Specifies the nominal pixel intensity. |
Inquires the maximum allowable distance between the position of the trained points in the template, and the position of the measured points in the target, for the measured bead to have a passing status. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum allowable distance between the position of the trained points in the template, and the position of the measured points in the target, for the measured bead to have a passing status. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that M_OFFSET_MAX has no effect. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the allowable offset, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the valid delta negative tolerance between the width of the measured bead and the width of the template, for the measured bead to have a passing status. SET (summarize)Inquires the valid delta negative tolerance between the width of the measured bead and the width of the template, for the measured bead to have a passing status. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that M_WIDTH_DELTA_NEG has no effect. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the tolerance, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
Inquires the valid delta positive tolerance between the width of the measured bead and the width of the template, for the measured bead to have a passing status. SET (summarize)Inquires the valid delta positive tolerance between the width of the measured bead and the width of the template, for the measured bead to have a passing status. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that M_WIDTH_DELTA_POS has no effect. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the tolerance, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
To inquire about a global bead template setting, the InquireType parameter can be set to one of the following values. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to a specific template, using either M_TEMPLATE_INDEX() or M_TEMPLATE_LABEL(), unless otherwise specified.
To inquire about a global setting of a bead
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the type of the bead. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of the bead. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default type. INFO |
Specifies a bead template consisting of an edge. INFO |
Specifies a bead template consisting of a stripe. INFO |
Inquires the index associated with the template. In this case, you must set the LabelOrIndex parameter to the label of a template. (summarize)Inquires the index associated with the template. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the template label you specified is not valid (not associated with a template). |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the index value associated with the specified template label. |
Inquires the label that MIL automatically associated with the template when it was added to the context. In this case, you must set the LabelOrIndex parameter to the index of a template. (summarize)Inquires the label that MIL automatically associated with the template when it was added to the context. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value > 0 |
Specifies the label. |
To inquire about a global setting of a bead context, the InquireType parameter can be set to one of the following values. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to M_CONTEXT.
To inquire about a global setting of a bead
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the camera calibration context associated with the training image. SET (summarize)Inquires the camera calibration context associated with the training image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_NULL. |
Specifies that there is no camera calibration context that has been associated with the training image using M_ASSOCIATED_CALIBRATION. |
MIL Calibration context identifier |
Specifies the camera calibration context that is associated with the training image. |
Inquires the current value of the modification counter. The modification counter is increased by one each time settings for the context are modified. Although you cannot identify the modification counter's contents, you can compare them throughout your application to know if the context has been altered. If the modification counter has changed you can, for example, prompt the user to save before closing the application. (summarize)Inquires the current value of the modification counter. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the current value of the modification counter. |
Inquires the number of templates in the bead context. To add and remove templates, use MbeadTemplate(). (summarize)Inquires the number of templates in the bead context. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value |
Specifies the number of templates. |
Inquires the training status of the bead context. MIL establishes the status after the last call to MbeadTrain() (using the most current settings of the bead module). (summarize)Inquires the training status of the bead context. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the context is completely trained. This indicates that each template in the context is trained. (summarize)Specifies that the context is completely trained. (more details...) |
Specifies that the context is not completely trained. This indicates that there are one or more templates in the context that are not trained. (summarize)Specifies that the context is not completely trained. (more details...) |
Specifies that the context is partially trained. This indicates that all templates in the context are either partially trained, or both partially and completely trained. M_PARTIAL can also indicate that one or more sections of one or more templates were not found in the training image. (summarize)Specifies that the context is partially trained. (more details...) |
Inquires the width of the internally saved training image (MbeadTrain() with M_SAVE_TRAINING_IMAGE). (summarize)Inquires the width of the internally saved training image (MbeadTrain() with M_SAVE_TRAINING_IMAGE). (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
0 |
Specifies that there is no training image. |
Value |
Specifies the width of the training image. |
Inquires the height of the internally saved training image (MbeadTrain() with M_SAVE_TRAINING_IMAGE). (summarize)Inquires the height of the internally saved training image (MbeadTrain() with M_SAVE_TRAINING_IMAGE). (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
0 |
Specifies that there is no training image. |
Value |
Specifies the height of the training image. |
Inquires the data type and data depth of the internally saved training image (MbeadTrain() with M_SAVE_TRAINING_IMAGE). (summarize)Inquires the data type and data depth of the internally saved training image (MbeadTrain() with M_SAVE_TRAINING_IMAGE). (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that there is no training image. |
Specifies that the training image is 8-bit unsigned. |
To inquire about a global setting of a bead context or bead result buffer, the InquireType parameter can be set to the following value. When inquiring about a bead context, set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to M_CONTEXT. When inquiring about a bead result buffer, set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead result buffer, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to M_GENERAL.
To inquire about a global setting of a bead context
or bead result buffer
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the identifier of the system on which either the bead context or bead result buffer has been allocated. SET SET (summarize)Inquires the identifier of the system on which either the bead context or bead result buffer has been allocated. SET SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default Host system of the current MIL application. |
MIL system identifier |
Specifies a valid system identifier, previously allocated using MsysAlloc(). |
To inquire about settings for operations with MbeadGetNeighbors(), the InquireType parameter can be set to the following value. In this case, you must set the ContextOrResultBeadId parameter to the identifier of a bead context, and the LabelOrIndex parameter to M_CONTEXT.
To inquire about settings for operations with
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the maximum distance specified for the M_CLOSEST_... operations in MbeadGetNeighbors(). SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum distance specified for the M_CLOSEST_... operations in MbeadGetNeighbors(). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_INFINITE. |
Specifies that the maximum distance is infinite. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the maximum distance, relative to the input coordinate system specified using M_TEMPLATE_INPUT_UNITS. |
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine the default value of an inquire type, regardless of the current value of the inquire type.
To inquire about the default value of an inquire
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the default value of the specified inquire type. (summarize)Inquires the default value of the specified inquire type. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
You can add the following value to the above-mentioned values to determine whether an inquire type is supported.
To inquire whether an inquire type is
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether the specified inquire type is supported for the bead context. (summarize)Inquires whether the specified inquire type is supported for the bead context. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the inquire type is not supported. |
Value != 0 |
Specifies that the inquire type is supported. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to cast the requested information to a required data type.
Note: In C++, when using a standard vector (std::vector) instead of an array, the values listed in this combination table must not be used. If you need to use a specific data type, instantiate the vector with the necessary data type.
To specify the data type
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Casts the requested information to a MIL_DOUBLE. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_DOUBLE. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_DOUBLE | array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_DOUBLE | array of type
MIL_DOUBLE [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_DOUBLE>
Casts the requested information to a MIL_ID. Note that M_TYPE_MIL_ID should only be used with M_OWNER_SYSTEM. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_ID. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_ID | array of type
MIL_ID [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_ID>
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_ID | array of type
MIL_ID [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_ID>
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_INT | array of type
MIL_INT [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT>
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_INT | array of type
MIL_INT [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT>
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT32. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT32. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_INT32 | array of type
MIL_INT32 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT32>
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_INT32 | array of type
MIL_INT32 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT32>
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT64. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT64. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_INT64 | array of type
MIL_INT64 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT64>
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
MIL_INT64 | array of type
MIL_INT64 [optionally, in C++: a reference to a std::vector<MIL_INT64>
Header | Include mil.h. |
Library | Use mil.lib; milbead.lib. |
DLL | Requires mil.dll; milbead.dll. |