MIL_ID ContextOrResultBlobId, | //in |
MIL_INT64 ControlType, | //in |
MIL_DOUBLE ControlValue | //in |
This function allows you to control a setting of the specified Blob Analysis context or result buffer.
For Blob Analysis contexts, these settings control the execution of MblobCalculate(), and which blob features are enabled for calculation. For Blob Analysis result buffers, these settings control the post-manipulation of results. If MblobControl() is not called, default processing controls and values are used in calculations.
You can inquire about most of these settings using MblobInquire().
Changing certain control type settings will cause MblobCalculate() to discard all results currently in your result buffer prior to calculation. If this is the case, it will be mentioned in the preamble to the table containing these control types.
Specifies the setting to change.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the setting's new value.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
The tables below list possible values for the ControlType and ControlValue parameters.
For the following global processing setting control types, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis context.
Changing the value of the following control types between calls to MblobCalculate() will cause all the results currently in your Blob analysis result buffer to be discarded upon the next call to MblobCalculate().
For global processing settings of a Blob Analysis
context that cause results to be recalculated
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate features for each blob, or to treat groups of blobs as single blobs and calculate the features of these blobs as if they were one blob. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate features for each blob, or to treat groups of blobs as single blobs and calculate the features of these blobs as if they were one blob. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies that all blobs are measured individually. |
Specifies that blobs with the same label are grouped together, and that touching blobs with different labels are also grouped together. The foreground value of the blob identifier image will be used as the label value of the blob; therefore, when using M_LABELED, the M_FOREGROUND_VALUE control type cannot be set to M_ZERO, and the identifier image cannot be binary (1-bit). M_LABELED is not supported for merge operations using MblobMerge(). (summarize)Specifies that blobs with the same label are grouped together, and that touching blobs with different labels are also grouped together. (more details...) |
Specifies that blobs with the same label are grouped together, and that touching blobs with different labels are measured individually. The foreground value of the blob identifier image will be used as the label value of the blob; therefore, when using M_LABELED_TOUCHING, the M_FOREGROUND_VALUE control type cannot be set to M_ZERO. In addition, the blob identifier image cannot be binary (1-bit). M_LABELED_TOUCHING is not supported with the following:
Specifies that blobs with the same label are grouped together, and that touching blobs with different labels are measured individually. (more details...) |
Specifies that all blobs are grouped together. If the blob identifier image is already binarized (for example, pixel values for an 8-bit image are either 0 or 0xff), you can set M_IDENTIFIER_TYPE to M_BINARY to calculate features faster. (summarize)Specifies that all blobs are grouped together. (more details...) |
Sets the image lattice for blob analysis. INQ (summarize)Sets the image lattice for blob analysis. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_8_CONNECTED. |
Specifies that each pixel has 4 neighbors. |
Specifies that each pixel has 8 neighbors. |
Sets the upper limit of the angular search range in which to search for the maximum (M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER) or minimum (M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER) Feret diameters. Note that MblobCalculate() only searches through the specified range when calculating Feret features. Better results for the features can exist outside of this search range. INQ (summarize)Sets the upper limit of the angular search range in which to search for the maximum (M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER) or minimum (M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER) Feret diameters. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 180. |
0 <= Value <= 180 |
Specifies the upper limit of the angular search range. The end value must be greater than the start value. (summarize)Specifies the upper limit of the angular search range. (more details...) |
Sets the lower limit of the angular search range in which to search for the maximum (M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER) or minimum (M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER) Feret diameters. Note that MblobCalculate() only searches through the specified range when calculating Feret features. Better results for the features can exist outside of this search range. INQ (summarize)Sets the lower limit of the angular search range in which to search for the maximum (M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER) or minimum (M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER) Feret diameters. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0. |
0 <= Value <= 180 |
Specifies the lower limit of the angular search range. The start value must be less than the end value. (summarize)Specifies the lower limit of the angular search range. (more details...) |
Sets which pixel values are considered to be in the foreground. INQ (summarize)Sets which pixel values are considered to be in the foreground. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_NONZERO. |
Specifies the blobs consisting of non-zero pixels. |
Specifies the blobs consisting of zero pixels. |
Sets the number of Feret angles to use when calculating a Feret feature (M_FERET_...) or a feature based on Ferets (that is, M_RECTANGULARITY, M_ROUGHNESS, or M_CONVEX_PERIMETER). INQ (summarize)Sets the number of Feret angles to use when calculating a Feret feature (M_FERET_...) or a feature based on Ferets (that is, M_RECTANGULARITY, M_ROUGHNESS, or M_CONVEX_PERIMETER). INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 8. |
Specifies the use of a high precision algorithm to accurately calculate Feret features (and features based on Feret features). The M_FERET_DIAMETERS result type is not supported when you use this setting. (summarize)Specifies the use of a high precision algorithm to accurately calculate Feret features (and features based on Feret features). (more details...) |
Specifies the minimum number of Feret angles. The minimum number of Feret angles is 2. (summarize)Specifies the minimum number of Feret angles. (more details...) |
Value > M_MIN_FERETS |
Specifies the number of Feret angles. The first Feret angle used is always 0°, and the difference between successive angles is 180° / number of Ferets. (summarize)Specifies the number of Feret angles. (more details...) |
For the following global processing setting control types, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis context. These control types do not cause any results currently in the result buffer to be discarded when MblobCalculate() is called.
For global processing settings of a Blob Analysis
context that do not cause results to be recalculated
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate Feret contact points for features that support it (for example, M_FERET_AT_PRINCIPAL_AXIS_ANGLE) if the feature has been enabled for calculation. This enables the use of the M_FERET_CONTACT_POINTS_... combination constants in MblobGetResult(). INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate Feret contact points for features that support it (for example, M_FERET_AT_PRINCIPAL_AXIS_ANGLE) if the feature has been enabled for calculation. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the Feret contact points for supported features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that the Feret contact points for supported features will be calculated. |
Sets the angle to use when calculating M_FERET_GENERAL. INQ (summarize)Sets the angle to use when calculating M_FERET_GENERAL. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.0. |
-360.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the angle, in degrees. |
Sets the values that non-zero pixels in the blob identifier image can have. If the blob identifier image is already binarized (for example, pixel values for an 8-bit image are either 0 or 0xff), you can set this control type to M_BINARY to calculate features faster. INQ (summarize)Sets the values that non-zero pixels in the blob identifier image can have. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_GRAYSCALE. |
Specifies that non-zero pixels must have the maximum value of the buffer (for example, 0xff for an 8-bit image). |
Specifies that non-zero pixels can have any value. |
Sets the maximum number of blobs to process. If this number is reached, processing is stopped, and results available in the result buffer become invalid and are discarded unless M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS is enabled. INQ (summarize)Sets the maximum number of blobs to process. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that there is no limit on the maximum number of blobs. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the maximum number of blobs. |
Sets the type of moment to calculate when calculating a user-specified moment (M_MOMENT_GENERAL). INQ (summarize)Sets the type of moment to calculate when calculating a user-specified moment (M_MOMENT_GENERAL). INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_ORDINARY. |
Specifies a central moment. A central moment is defined as , where i runs from 1 to the number of pixels in the blob, pi = value of a pixel (always 1 for binary moments), xi = its X-coordinate, yi = its Y-coordinate, = the weighted mean of xi , = the weighted mean of yi , q and r are the order of the moment in X and Y respectively. The weighted mean is the first order ordinary moment divided by the sum of the pixel values (M_SUM_PIXEL for grayscale definitions, M_AREA for binary definitions). Central moments use coordinates relative to each blob's center of gravity, and are therefore independent of a blob's position within an image. (summarize)Specifies a central moment. (more details...) |
Specifies an ordinary moment. An ordinary moment is defined as , where i runs from 1 to the number of pixels in the blob, pi = value of a pixel (always 1 for binary moments), xi = its X-coordinate, yi = its Y-coordinate, and (q + r) are the order of the moment in X and Y respectively. Ordinary moments are affected by the blob position because they use coordinates relative to the image origin (top-left corner). (summarize)Specifies an ordinary moment. (more details...) |
Sets the order of the X-component of the user-specified moment. Use this control type when calculating a user-specified moment (M_MOMENT_GENERAL). INQ (summarize)Sets the order of the X-component of the user-specified moment. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the X-order of the moment. |
Sets the order of the Y-component of the user-specified moment. Use this control type when calculating a user-specified moment (M_MOMENT_GENERAL). INQ (summarize)Sets the order of the Y-component of the user-specified moment. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the Y-order of the moment. |
Sets the pixel aspect ratio of the image(s). This is only useful if the image has a uniform pixel aspect ratio with different X- and Y-scales. For non-uniform distortion, you can use McalGrid() or McalList() to calibrate the image, and McalTransformImage() to physically correct the image. All results returned by MblobGetResult() are affected by M_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, including those that are simply positions within the image. For more information, see the Pixel aspect ratio subsection of the Adjusting blob analysis processing controls section of Chapter 6: Blob analysis. INQ (summarize)Sets the pixel aspect ratio of the image(s). INQ (more details...) |
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.0. |
Value > 0 |
Specifies the pixel width/pixel height. |
Sets whether results from partially scanned images will be available after a stop condition is met. The three stop conditions are:
When a stop condition is met, the image is only partially scanned and results about blobs found in the partially scanned image are discarded. When M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS is set to M_ENABLE, you can access the results of those blobs that are completely defined (those blobs whose entire perimeter was scanned) in the partially scanned image. Note that when using multi-processing (MappControlMp() with M_MP_USE set to M_ENABLE) and this control type is enabled, it is possible that the number of blobs returned can exceed the number set using M_MAX_BLOBS. This is because multi-processing might divide the image into pieces and process each piece independently; in this case, there is no global number of blobs counted for the entire image until everything is processed. When a stop condition is met in one of the image pieces, processing is stopped everywhere. The total number of blobs is then combined and returned, which can be greater than M_MAX_BLOBS. INQ (summarize)Sets whether results from partially scanned images will be available after a stop condition is met. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies to discard results of partially scanned images when processing is interrupted. |
Specifies to make results of partially scanned images available when processing is interrupted. |
Sets whether to save run information when calling MblobCalculate(). INQ (summarize)Sets whether to save run information when calling MblobCalculate(). INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_ENABLE. |
Specifies not to save run information. Disabling saves time when performing the first call to MblobCalculate() and reduces the memory requirements for the result buffer. However, you cannot use MblobLabel(), or MblobGetLabel(), and certain draw operations are disabled. See MblobDraw() for more information on which draw operations require run information to be saved. In addition, using MblobControl(), you cannot enable for calculation the chained pixels features (M_CHAINS), the convex hull features (M_CONVEX_HULL), M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS when it is set to M_INFINITE, and the Feret features (M_FERETS). (summarize)Specifies not to save run information. (more details...) |
Specifies to save run information. Calls to MblobCalculate() will save run information from the blob identifier image in the result buffer. (summarize)Specifies to save run information. (more details...) |
Sets the feature to use as the n th sorting key for results, where n stands for an integer between 1 and 3. Changes to this control type take effect upon the next call to MblobCalculate(). If you select a feature as a sorting key that is not enabled, an error will occur on the next call to MblobCalculate(). INQ (summarize)Sets the feature to use as the n th sorting key for results, where n stands for an integer between 1 and 3. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_NO_SORT. |
Specifies to sort by the number of foreground pixels in each blob (holes are not counted). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the angle, in degrees, at which each blob has the least moment of inertia. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the angle perpendicular to M_AXIS_PRINCIPAL_ANGLE of each blob, in degrees. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the difference between the maximum and minimum pixel values of a blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by whether each blob is touching the borders of the image. |
Specifies to sort by the area covered by the image-axis-aligned bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the ratio between the horizontal size and the vertical size of the image-axis-aligned bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the ratio between the area of the blob and the area of the image-axis-aligned bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme right X-coordinate of each blob, of the image-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme left X-coordinate of each blob, of the image-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme bottom Y-coordinate of each blob, of the image-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme top Y-coordinate of each blob, of the image-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the breadth of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-position of the center of gravity of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-position of the center of gravity of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the compactness of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the area of the convex hull of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-component of the center of gravity of the convex hull of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-component of the center of gravity of the convex hull of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the ratio between the blob's area and the area of its convex hull. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the perimeter of the convex hull of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by an approximation of the perimeter of the convex hull of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by a value that is equal to M_LENGTH / M_BREADTH of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the number of blobs minus the number of holes (number of blobs - number of holes). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Feret diameter at the principal axis of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Feret diameter at the secondary axis of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the measure of the shape of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Feret diameter at the user-specified angle (set using MblobControl() with M_FERET_GENERAL_ANGLE). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the angle, in degrees, at which the maximum Feret diameter is found for each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the largest Feret diameter found after checking a certain number of angles. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the ratio between the maximum Feret diameter of each blob and its perpendicular Feret diameter. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the average of the Feret diameters at the angles checked for each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the angle, in degrees, at which the minimum Feret diameter is found for each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the minimum Feret diameter found after checking a certain number of angles. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the ratio between the minimum Feret diameter of each blob and its perpendicular Feret diameter. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Feret diameter that is perpendicular to the maximum Feret diameter of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Feret diameter that is perpendicular to the minimum Feret diameter of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the ratio between the Feret diameter at the principal axis and the Feret diameter at the secondary axis of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the dimension of the image-axis-aligned minimum bounding box of each blob, along the X-axis of the pixel coordinate system (that is, M_BOX_X_MAX - M_BOX_X_MIN + 1). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the dimension of the image-axis-aligned minimum bounding box of each blob, along the Y-axis of the pixel coordinate system (that is, M_BOX_Y_MAX - M_BOX_Y_MIN + 1). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-coordinate of a unique point (along with M_FIRST_POINT_Y) for each blob, that is on the perimeter of the blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-coordinate of a unique point (along with M_FIRST_POINT_X) for each blob, that is on the perimeter of the blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the number of times a transition from background to foreground (not vice versa) occurs in the horizontal direction for the entire blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the number of times that the neighborhood configuration occurs in a blob, where F is a foreground pixel, B is a background pixel, and a dot can be any pixel value. INFO (summarize)Specifies to sort by the number of times that the neighborhood configuration occurs in a blob, where F is a foreground pixel, B is a background pixel, and a dot can be any pixel value. INFO (more details...) |
Specifies to sort by the number of times that the neighborhood configuration occurs in a blob. INFO (summarize)Specifies to sort by the number of times that the neighborhood configuration occurs in a blob. INFO (more details...) |
Specifies to sort by the number of times that the neighborhood configuration occurs in a blob. INFO (summarize)Specifies to sort by the number of times that the neighborhood configuration occurs in a blob. INFO (more details...) |
Specifies to sort by the label value of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the length of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the maximum pixel value found in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the mean pixel value in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the angle of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the area of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-coordinate of the center of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-coordinate of the center of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the height (shortest side) of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the perimeter of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the width (longest side) of the minimum-area bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the angle of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the area of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-coordinate of the center of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-coordinate of the center of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the height (shortest side) of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the perimeter of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the width (longest side) of the minimum-perimeter bounding box of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the minimum pixel value found in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the central moment of each blob where the order of X equals 0 and the order of Y equals 2. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the central moment of each blob where the order of X equals 1 and the order of Y equals 1. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the central moment of each blob where the order of X equals 2 and the order of Y equals 0. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the moment calculation, based on the settings specified using MblobControl() with M_MOMENT_GENERAL_MODE, M_MOMENT_GENERAL_ORDER_X, and M_MOMENT_GENERAL_ORDER_Y. INFO |
M_MOMENT_X0_Y1 + |
Specifies to sort by the ordinary moment of each blob where the order of X equals 0 and the order of Y equals 1. INFO |
M_MOMENT_X0_Y2 + |
Specifies to sort by the ordinary moment of each blob where the order of X equals 0 and the order of Y equals 2. INFO |
M_MOMENT_X1_Y0 + |
Specifies to sort by the ordinary moment of each blob where the order of X equals 1 and the order of Y equals 0. INFO |
M_MOMENT_X1_Y1 + |
Specifies to sort by the ordinary moment of each blob where the order of X equals 1 and the order of Y equals 1. INFO |
M_MOMENT_X2_Y0 + |
Specifies to sort by the ordinary moment of each blob where the order of X equals 2 and the order of Y equals 0. INFO |
Specifies to remove the sorting key. |
Specifies to sort by the number of chained pixels in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the number of points on the convex perimeter of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the number of holes in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the total number of runs in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the total length of edges in each blob (including the edges of any holes), whereby an allowance made for the staircase effect that is produced when diagonal edges are digitized (inside corners are counted as 1.414, rather than 2.0). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the degree to which each blob is similar to a rectangle. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the roughness and irregularity of a blob is, and is equal to M_PERIMETER / M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the standard deviation of pixel values in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the sum of all pixel values in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the sum of the squares of each pixel value in each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme right X-coordinate of the world-axis-aligned bounding box, of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme left X-coordinate of the world-axis-aligned bounding box, of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme bottom Y-coordinate of the world-axis-aligned bounding box, of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the extreme top Y-coordinate of the world-axis-aligned bounding box, of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the dimension of the world-axis-aligned minimum bounding box, along the X-axis of the relative coordinate system (that is, M_WORLD_BOX_X_MAX - M_WORLD_BOX_X_MIN + 1). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the dimension of the world-axis-aligned minimum bounding box, along the Y-axis of the relative coordinate system (that is, M_WORLD_BOX_Y_MAX - M_WORLD_BOX_Y_MIN + 1). INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-coordinate at the maximum Y-coordinate of each blob, of the world-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the X-coordinate at the minimum Y-coordinate of each blob, of the world-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-coordinate at the maximum X-coordinate of each blob, of the world-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the Y-coordinate at the minimum X-coordinate of each blob, of the world-axis-aligned bounding box. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the maximum X-coordinate at the maximum Y-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the maximum X-coordinate at the minimum Y-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the minimum X-coordinate at the maximum Y-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the minimum X-coordinate at the minimum Y-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the maximum Y-coordinate at the maximum X-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the maximum Y-coordinate at the minimum X-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the minimum Y-coordinate at the maximum X-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Specifies to sort by the minimum Y-coordinate at the minimum X-coordinate of each blob. INFO |
Sets the direction in which the n th sorting key is sorted, where n stands for an integer between 1 and 3. INQ (summarize)Sets the direction in which the n th sorting key is sorted, where n stands for an integer between 1 and 3. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_SORT_UP. |
Specifies the feature as being sorted in descending order. |
Specifies the feature as being sorted in ascending order. |
Sets the maximum processing time, in msec. If the timeout limit is exceeded, processing is stopped, and results already available in the result buffer become invalid and will be discarded, unless M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS is enabled. INQ (summarize)Sets the maximum processing time, in msec. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that there is no maximum processing time. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the maximum processing time, in msec. |
The following control type allows you to enable or disable all features for calculation using a single call. For the following control type, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis context.
For specifying to calculate all features in a single
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate all features. You can then selectively enable or disable specific features for calculation. (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all features. (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies to disable the calculation of all features, regardless of their previous setting. This can be used as a quick method to disable the calculation of all features. (summarize)Specifies to disable the calculation of all features, regardless of their previous setting. (more details...) |
Specifies that all of the features will be calculated, regardless of their previous setting. |
The following control types establish which of the blob features, that have only a binary definition, are calculated for each blob; these blob features are calculated using only the blob identifier image. For the following control types, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis context. Note that, unless otherwise stated, these features are calculated in pixel units; although you can retrieve them in world units using MblobGetResult() if calculated on a calibrated blob identifier image and M_RESULT_OUTPUT_UNITS is set to M_WORLD or M_ACCORDING_TO_CALIBRATION.
For specifying to calculate features with only a
binary definition
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate all image-axis-aligned bounding box features plus X- and Y-Ferets. The image-axis-aligned bounding box is the bounding box that is aligned with the pixel coordinate system's axes. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_BOX_X_MIN, M_BOX_Y_MIN, M_BOX_X_MAX, M_BOX_Y_MAX, M_BLOB_TOUCHING_IMAGE_BORDERS, M_BOX_AREA, M_BOX_ASPECT_RATIO, M_BOX_FILL_RATIO, M_FIRST_POINT_X, M_FIRST_POINT_Y, M_FERET_X, and M_FERET_Y. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all image-axis-aligned bounding box features plus X- and Y-Ferets. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the breadth of a blob. This feature has the same advantages and disadvantages as M_LENGTH; that is, this feature is more accurate for long thin blobs because it is derived from the perimeter (P) and area (A) assuming that P = 2(length + breadth) and A = length x breadth. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_BREADTH. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the breadth of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate all 4 chain features. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_CHAIN_X, M_CHAIN_Y, M_CHAIN_INDEX, M_NUMBER_OF_CHAINED_PIXELS, and M_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHAINED_PIXELS. Note that the chain code is computed depending on the lattice and foreground values set with M_CONNECTIVITY and M_FOREGROUND_VALUE, respectively. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all 4 chain features. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the compactness value of a blob. This is defined as the ratio between the area of a circle with the same perimeter as the blob in question, and the area of the blob itself. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_COMPACTNESS. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the compactness value of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the contact features of the image-axis-aligned bounding box. The image-axis-aligned bounding box is the bounding box that is aligned with the pixel coordinate system's axes. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_X_MIN_AT_Y_MIN, M_X_MAX_AT_Y_MIN, M_X_MAX_AT_Y_MAX, M_X_MIN_AT_Y_MAX, M_Y_MIN_AT_X_MAX, M_Y_MAX_AT_X_MAX, M_Y_MAX_AT_X_MIN, and M_Y_MIN_AT_X_MIN. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the contact features of the image-axis-aligned bounding box. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate all convex hull features. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_CONVEX_HULL_AREA, M_CONVEX_HULL_COG_X, M_CONVEX_HULL_COG_Y, M_CONVEX_HULL_FILL_RATIO, M_CONVEX_HULL_PERIMETER, M_CONVEX_HULL_X, M_CONVEX_HULL_XY_PACKED, M_CONVEX_HULL_Y, M_NUMBER_OF_CONVEX_HULL_POINTS, and M_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CONVEX_HULL_POINTS. For a quicker result, you can select to calculate M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all convex hull features. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the approximation of the perimeter of the convex hull of a blob. It is derived from several Feret diameters; so, a larger number of Ferets gives a more accurate result. You can use M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS to change the number of Ferets angles used when calculating this feature. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. For a more accurate result, you can select to calculate M_CONVEX_HULL_PERIMETER by enabling M_CONVEX_HULL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the approximation of the perimeter of the convex hull of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate a value that is equal to M_LENGTH / M_BREADTH. It is similar to M_FERET_ELONGATION, except that it should be used for long thin blobs. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_ELONGATION. INQ (summarize) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the number of blobs - number of holes. This value is more useful for M_WHOLE_IMAGE than for M_INDIVIDUAL processing mode. When using the M_WHOLE_IMAGE processing mode, each blob is treated individually, as opposed to grouping all of the blobs in an image together. When using the M_INDIVIDUAL processing mode, the number of blobs is effectively 1. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_EULER_NUMBER. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the number of blobs - number of holes. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate a Feret diameter at a user-specified angle specified using M_FERET_GENERAL_ANGLE. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_GENERAL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate a Feret diameter at a user-specified angle specified using M_FERET_GENERAL_ANGLE. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the ratio between the maximum Feret diameter and its perpendicular Feret diameter. Use the M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_... constants to control the angular range in which to find the maximum Feret diameter. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER_ELONGATION. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the ratio between the maximum Feret diameter and its perpendicular Feret diameter. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the ratio between the minimum Feret diameter and its perpendicular Feret diameter. Use the M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_... constants to control the angular range in which to find the minimum Feret diameter. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER_ELONGATION. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the ratio between the minimum Feret diameter and its perpendicular Feret diameter. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter that is perpendicular to the maximum Feret diameter. Use the M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_... constants to control the angular range in which to find the maximum Feret diameter. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_PERPENDICULAR_TO_MAX_DIAMETER. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter that is perpendicular to the maximum Feret diameter. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter that is perpendicular to the minimum Feret diameter. Use the M_FERET_ANGLE_SEARCH_... constants to control the angular range in which to find the minimum Feret diameter. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_PERPENDICULAR_TO_MIN_DIAMETER. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter that is perpendicular to the minimum Feret diameter. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Feret features. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_DIAMETERS, M_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_FERETS, M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS, M_FERET_ELONGATION, M_FERET_MAX_ANGLE, M_FERET_MIN_ANGLE, M_FERET_MAX_DIAMETER, M_FERET_MIN_DIAMETER, and M_FERET_MEAN_DIAMETER. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Feret features. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the intercept features. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_INTERCEPT_0, M_INTERCEPT_45, M_INTERCEPT_90, and M_INTERCEPT_135. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the intercept features. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the length of a blob. This feature is more accurate for long thin blobs because it is derived from the perimeter (P) and area (A) assuming that P = 2(length + breadth) and A = length x breadth. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_LENGTH. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the length of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate all the minimum-area bounding box features. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_MIN_AREA_BOX_AREA, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_ANGLE, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_CENTER_X, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_CENTER_Y, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_HEIGHT, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_PERIMETER, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_WIDTH, M_MIN_AREA_BOX_Xn, and M_MIN_AREA_BOX_Yn. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all the minimum-area bounding box features. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate all the minimum-perimeter bounding box features. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_AREA, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_ANGLE, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_CENTER_X, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_CENTER_Y, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_HEIGHT, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_PERIMETER, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_WIDTH, M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_Xn, and M_MIN_PERIMETER_BOX_Yn. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all the minimum-perimeter bounding box features. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the number of holes in a blob. Holes that intersect the edge of the image are not counted (they might not be holes). This value is equal to 1 - M_EULER_NUMBER and is therefore a true hole count only in M_INDIVIDUAL processing mode. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_NUMBER_OF_HOLES. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the number of holes in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the total length of edges in a blob (including the edges of any holes), with an allowance made for the staircase effect that is produced when diagonal edges are digitized (inside corners are counted as 1.414, rather than 2.0). A single pixel blob (area = 1) has a perimeter of 4.0. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_PERIMETER. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the total length of edges in a blob (including the edges of any holes), with an allowance made for the staircase effect that is produced when diagonal edges are digitized (inside corners are counted as 1.414, rather than 2.0). INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the degree to which a blob resembles a rectangle. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_RECTANGULARITY. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the degree to which a blob resembles a rectangle. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the roughness and irregularity of a blob, and is equal to M_PERIMETER / M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_ROUGHNESS. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the roughness and irregularity of a blob, and is equal to M_PERIMETER / M_CONVEX_PERIMETER. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the blob run-length encoding information. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_RUN_X, M_RUN_Y, M_RUN_LENGTH, M_NUMBER_OF_RUNS, and M_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_RUNS. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the blob run-length encoding information. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate all of the features related to the world-axis-aligned bounding box. The world-axis-aligned bounding box is the bounding box that is aligned with the relative coordinate system's axes. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_WORLD_FERET_X, M_WORLD_FERET_Y, M_WORLD_BOX_X_MIN, M_WORLD_BOX_Y_MIN, M_WORLD_BOX_X_MAX, M_WORLD_BOX_Y_MAX, M_WORLD_X_AT_Y_MAX, M_WORLD_X_AT_Y_MIN, M_WORLD_Y_AT_X_MAX, and M_WORLD_Y_AT_X_MIN. In a case where more than one X-coordinate touches the minimum Y-coordinate of a blob, it is not possible to predict which coordinate will be calculated and returned. This also applies to a Y-coordinate touching the minimum X-coordinate of a blob. These features are actually calculated in the world coordinate system. If enabled for calculation, you should pass MblobCalculate() a calibrated blob identifier image. If an uncalibrated image is passed to MblobCalculate(), these features are the equivalent of the M_BOX feature group. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate all of the features related to the world-axis-aligned bounding box. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
The following control types establish which of the features, that have only a grayscale definition, are calculated for each blob. These blob features can only be calculated if you pass MblobCalculate() both a blob identifier image and a grayscale image. For the following control types, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis context.
For specifying to calculate features with only a
grayscale definition
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum pixel values of a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_BLOB_CONTRAST. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum pixel values of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the maximum pixel value in a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_MAX_PIXEL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the maximum pixel value in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the mean pixel value in a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_MEAN_PIXEL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the mean pixel value in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the minimum pixel value in a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_MIN_PIXEL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the minimum pixel value in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the standard deviation of pixel values in a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_SIGMA_PIXEL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the standard deviation of pixel values in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the sum of all pixel values in a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_SUM_PIXEL. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the sum of all pixel values in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the sum of the squares of each pixel value in a blob. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_SUM_PIXEL_SQUARED. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the sum of the squares of each pixel value in a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
The following control types establish which of the features, that have both a binary and a grayscale definition, are calculated for each blob. The binary definition considers all pixels equal; the grayscale definition weighs pixels by their value in the grayscale image (the grayscale definition is much slower to calculate).
When you do not specify a combination value for the following control types, both versions of the feature (or groups of features) are enabled for calculation by default. If you do not provide a grayscale image to MblobCalculate(), only the binary version can be calculated. Specifying a combination value for the following control types will overwrite the settings that were set when no combination value was specified. If a combination value was initially specified for a control type, and a different setting was specified for the same control type without a combination value, it will also overwrite the previous setting. For example, if you specify M_MOMENT_GENERAL with M_ENABLE, both the binary and grayscale versions of the feature will be calculated. If you subsequently specify M_MOMENT_GENERAL + M_GRAYSCALE with M_DISABLE, only the binary version of the feature will be calculated.
For the following control types, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis context.
For specifying to calculate features with two
definitions (binary and grayscale)
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets whether to calculate both X- and Y-coordinates of the center of gravity. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_X, and M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_Y. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate both X- and Y-coordinates of the center of gravity. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter at the principal axis of a blob. Use the M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS control type to set the number of Feret angles that are evaluated. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_AT_PRINCIPAL_AXIS_ANGLE. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter at the principal axis of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter at the secondary axis of a blob. Use the M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS control type to set the number of Feret angles that are evaluated. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_AT_SECONDARY_AXIS_ANGLE. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the Feret diameter at the secondary axis of a blob. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the ratio between the Feret diameter at the principal axis and the Feret diameter at the secondary axis. Use the M_NUMBER_OF_FERETS control type to set the number of Feret angles that are evaluated. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_FERET_PRINCIPAL_AXIS_ELONGATION. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the ratio between the Feret diameter at the principal axis and the Feret diameter at the secondary axis. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the first-order moments where the order of either the X- or Y-component equals 0 and the order of the other component equals 1. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_MOMENT_X0_Y1, and M_MOMENT_X1_Y0. To calculate higher order moments, use M_MOMENT_SECOND_ORDER for predefined second order moments, or M_MOMENT_GENERAL for user-specified moments. Note that moment features are calculated faster when using M_MOMENT_FIRST_ORDER or M_MOMENT_SECOND_ORDER than when using M_MOMENT_GENERAL with the same order. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the first-order moments where the order of either the X- or Y-component equals 0 and the order of the other component equals 1. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate a user-specified moment. Use the M_MOMENT_GENERAL_MODE, M_MOMENT_GENERAL_ORDER_X, and M_MOMENT_GENERAL_ORDER_Y control types to specify the settings of the user-specified moment. You can retrieve results for this feature using MblobGetResult() with M_MOMENT_GENERAL. You could alternatively enable the calculation of M_MOMENT_FIRST_ORDER and/or M_MOMENT_SECOND_ORDER to calculate a set of first and second order moments respectively. These predefined moments are calculated faster than the user-specified moment. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate a user-specified moment. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that this feature will not be calculated. |
Specifies that this feature will be calculated. |
Sets whether to calculate the second-order moments. You can retrieve results for these features using MblobGetResult() with M_MOMENT_X0_Y2, M_MOMENT_X1_Y1, M_MOMENT_X2_Y0, M_MOMENT_CENTRAL_X0_Y2, M_MOMENT_CENTRAL_X1_Y1, M_MOMENT_CENTRAL_X2_Y0, M_AXIS_PRINCIPAL_ANGLE, and M_AXIS_SECONDARY_ANGLE. To calculate higher order moments, use M_MOMENT_GENERAL. Note that moment features are calculated faster when using M_MOMENT_FIRST_ORDER or M_MOMENT_SECOND_ORDER than when using M_MOMENT_GENERAL with the same order. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to calculate the second-order moments. INQ (more details...) |
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that these features will not be calculated. |
Specifies that these features will be calculated. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to set whether to enable, disable, or sort on only the binary or grayscale calculation of the feature. Note that this combination is essential for some values. Refer to the individual values to determine if this is the case.
For control values of the M_SORTn control type, this combination is essential (that is, you must add one of these combination values to the control value).
For feature parameters that have two
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Selects the binary definition of the selected feature. |
Selects the grayscale definition of the selected feature. |
For the following control types, you must set the ContextOrResultBlobId parameter to a Blob Analysis result buffer.
For a Blob Analysis result buffer
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ControlValue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sets which units to use with the CondLow and CondHigh parameters of the MblobSelect() function, when specifying the limit values of the blob selection condition. This essentially sets the input coordinate system to use. INQ (summarize)Sets which units to use with the CondLow and CondHigh parameters of the MblobSelect() function, when specifying the limit values of the blob selection condition. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies that the limit values passed to MblobSelect() be interpreted in pixel units, with respect to the pixel coordinate system. This is the default value. (summarize)Specifies that the limit values passed to MblobSelect() be interpreted in pixel units, with respect to the pixel coordinate system. (more details...) |
Specifies that the limit values passed to MblobSelect() be interpreted in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MblobSelect() generates an error if the specified result buffer is not associated with a camera calibration context. (summarize)Specifies that the limit values passed to MblobSelect() be interpreted in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. (more details...) |
Sets whether to return results in pixels or world units. This essentially sets the output coordinate system to use. The setting of this control type will only affect functions within this module which return positional results. This control type can be changed at any time to return results in the required output units. INQ (summarize)Sets whether to return results in pixels or world units. INQ (more details...) |
Specifies that results are returned in world units if the result was calculated on an image associated with a camera calibration context; otherwise, specifies that results are returned in pixel units. |
Specifies that results are returned in pixel units, with respect to the pixel coordinate system. |
Specifies that results are returned in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. If world units are specified, calling MblobGetResult() generates an error if the result was not calculated on a calibrated image. (summarize)Specifies that results are returned in world units, with respect to the relative coordinate system. (more details...) |
Stops the current blob analysis calculation. You must call MblobControl() with M_STOP_CALCULATE from another thread (typically of higher priority). Results already available in the result buffer become invalid and will be discarded, unless M_RETURN_PARTIAL_RESULTS is enabled. (summarize)Stops the current blob analysis calculation. (more details...) |
Specifies the default behavior. |
void MblobControlDouble
ContextOrResultBlobId, MIL_INT64 ControlType,
MIL_DOUBLE ControlValue)
ContextOrResultBlobId See ContextOrResultBlobId of the main function for a description. ControlType See ControlType of the main function for a description. ControlValue See ControlValue of the main function for a description. |
void MblobControlInt64
ContextOrResultBlobId, MIL_INT64 ControlType,
MIL_INT64 ControlValue)
ContextOrResultBlobId See ContextOrResultBlobId of the main function for a description. ControlType See ControlType of the main function for a description. ControlValue See ControlValue of the main function for a description. |
Header | Include mil.h. |
Library | Use mil.lib; milblob.lib. |
DLL | Requires mil.dll; milblob.dll. |