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Using Matrox Iris GT with MIL

See also

To use Matrox Iris GT, you must allocate it as a MIL Iris GT system (M_SYSTEM_IRIS_GT), using MsysAlloc(). This allocation opens communication with Matrox Iris GT and allows MIL to use its resources. Only one process (executable) on Matrox Iris GT can allocate a MIL Iris GT system; an error will occur if another process (or the same process) tries to allocate another.

To allocate the single digitizer (with one channel and one acquisition path), use MdigAlloc().

To set up grabbing with triggers, use MdigControl() with M_GRAB_TRIGGER.... Note that, when using an external trigger source to control both your external lighting source and your Matrox Iris GT's grab, if one out of x grabbed images is significantly darker (insufficiently lit), your external trigger source might be triggering faster than your Matrox Iris GT can grab, transfer the image, and prepare to grab again.

Refer to the Matrox Iris GT release notes for any additions/modifications to the MIL Hardware-specific Notes in this chapter and in the MIL Reference.

Performing Bayer color conversion with Matrox Iris GT

Matrox Iris GT color smart cameras use a sensor with a Bayer color filter (as specified by the DCF); the cameras then perform Bayer color conversion and white balancing before saving the images. The following table shows the difference between Matrox Iris GT performing Bayer color conversion in hardware as opposed to using MbufBayer().

In hardware


Performing gamma correction

Not available

Use MbufBayer()

Performing white balance correction automatically

MdigControl() with M_WHITE_BALANCE set to M_ENABLE


Performing white balance correction, providing a coefficients array


MbufPut1d() or MbufPut2d()

Applying the Bayer filter on the source image

MdigControl() with M_BAYER_CONVERSION set to M_ENABLE


For information on Bayer color conversion, refer to the Using images acquired with a Bayer color filter section of Chapter 19: Data buffers.

The M_BAYER... control types can only be used when grabbing from a color version of Matrox Iris GT; otherwise, an error will be generated.

Network displays

On Matrox Iris GT with CE, you can allocate network displays, using MdispAlloc() with M_NETWORK. Any image buffer selected to a network display can then be viewed from any remote computer on your network, without the need to install MIL, a MIL license, or a Distributed MIL server on that remote computer.

From a browser on a remote computer, access the View utility page of the Matrox Iris configuration portal website of Matrox Iris GT. The View utility page provides a utility to view images being selected to a network display. When a MIL application is running on your Matrox Iris GT, one display is added to the List of displays on the View utility page for each network display that your MIL application selects to output (using MdispSelect()). For more information about viewing images that your Matrox Iris GT selects to a network display and the Matrox Iris configuration portal website, refer to the Matrox Iris GT Installation and Technical Reference.