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Function Map
Add a 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer to a 3D graphics list.
MIL_INT64 M3dgraAdd(
MIL_ID List3dgraId, //in
MIL_INT64 ParentLabel, //in
MIL_ID ContainerOrImageBufId, //in
MIL_INT64 ControlFlag //in

This function takes a 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer with the M_DISP attribute and adds it to the specified 3D graphics list, allowing you to, for example, view the point cloud or depth map on a 3D display. Unlike M3ddispSelect(), this function allows you to position the point cloud or depth map relative to a parent graphic.

You must specify the label of the 3D graphic, in the 3D graphics list, to use as the parent of the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer. When the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer is added to the 3D graphics list's tree structure, it is added as a child under the specified parent. If the 3D graphics list is empty, the specified parent must be the root node.

Unlike other 3D graphics functions that create static 3D graphics, the 3D graphic created by M3dgraAdd() is linked to the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer and updates dynamically.

The 3D graphic created by M3dgraAdd() has its own coordinate system that represents the position and orientation of the 3D graphic with respect to its parent's coordinate system. Initially, the position and orientation of 3D graphic's coordinate system is the identity matrix. This means that the 3D graphic's position and orientation is the same as the position and orientation of its parent's coordinate system.

To modify or inquire 3D graphics list settings, use M3dgraControl() or M3dgraInquire(), respectively.

Unlike most other functions that modify a MIL object, you can call this function concurrently from multiple threads on the same MIL 3D graphics list (List3dgraId) without using an M_MUTEX object, as long as all the other parameters of the concurrent calls do not also share data.

Note that this function reference has not been updated for a MIL system added during a MIL update. Refer to the MIL system's release note to see if there is complementary information.
This function is not supported on the selected boards.

Specifies the identifier of the 3D graphics list in which to add the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer.


Specifies the label of the parent of the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer.

function map For specifying the parent label
Click to summarizeValue Description
Click to summarize M_DEFAULT

Same as M_ROOT_NODE.

Click to summarize M_ROOT_NODE

Specifies the top-most node of the 3D graphics list.

Click to summarize Value >= 0

Specifies the label of the parent of the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer in the 3D graphics list. Label 0 is the 3D graphics list's root node.


Specifies the identifier of the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer to add to the 3D graphics list.

function map For specifying the container identifier
Click to summarizeValue Description
Click to summarize MIL buffer ID

Specifies the MIL identifier of a fully corrected depth map image buffer with the M_DISP attribute. The image buffer must be a 1-band, 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit unsigned buffer and must be 3D-corrected (that is, if you call McalInquire() with M_DEPTH_MAP, the function returns M_TRUE).

Click to summarize MIL container identifier

Specifies the MIL identifier of a 3D-displayable point cloud container. You can inquire whether a point cloud container is 3D-displayable using MbufInquireContainer() with M_3D_DISPLAYABLE.


Reserved for future expansion. This parameter must be set to M_DEFAULT.

Return value
Returns the label of the 3D-displayable point cloud container or fully corrected depth map image buffer added to the 3D graphics list.
Compilation information
Header Include mil.h.
Library Use mil.lib; mil3d.lib.
DLL Requires mil.dll; mil3d.dll.