MIL_ID ContextOrResultId, | //in |
MIL_INT Index, | //in |
MIL_INT64 InquireType, | //in |
void *UserVarPtr | //out |
This function allows you to inquire about the settings of a registration context itself, one (or all) of the registration elements contained therein (for correlation-stitching or photometric stereo registration contexts), or a registration result buffer.
Note that for a registration result buffer, this function only retrieves information about result buffer settings (set using MregAllocResult() or MregControl()). To retrieve results from the registration result buffer, use MregGetResult().
Specifies the identifier of the registration context or registration result buffer about which to inquire. The registration context must have been previously allocated on the required system using MregAlloc(). The registration result buffer must have been previously allocated on the required system using MregAllocResult().
Specifies that a registration context, an individual registration element (of a correlation-stitching or photometric stereo registration context), or a registration result buffer is inquired. Set this parameter to one of the following values:
For specifying a registration context, registration
element, or registration result buffer
Value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies the default value. If an M_STITCHING registration context is specified, this parameter inquires information about registration element 0. If an M_EXTENDED_DEPTH_OF_FIELD, M_DEPTH_FROM_FOCUS, M_HIGH_DYNAMIC_RANGE, or M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO registration context is specified, same as M_CONTEXT. If a registration result buffer is specified, same as M_GENERAL. (summarize)Specifies the default value. (more details...) |
Inquires information about a registration context, if one is specified. |
Inquires general information about the registration result buffer, if one is specified. |
Inquires information about a registration element, if you specify a correlation-stitching or a photometric stereo registration context. Set the Index parameter to the index of the required registration element. Note that this parameter is only available for M_STITCHING or M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO registration contexts. (summarize)Inquires information about a registration element, if you specify a correlation-stitching or a photometric stereo registration context. (more details...) |
Specifies the setting about which to inquire.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be specified.
Specifies the address in which to write the requested information. Since the MregInquire() function also returns the requested information, you can set this parameter to M_NULL.
See the Parameter associations section for possible values that can be returned.
The tables below list possible values for the InquireType parameter and possible values returned to the UserVarPtr parameter.
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify a registration context or result buffer. The Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT or M_GENERAL, for a registration context or result buffer respectively.
For inquiring general settings of a registration
context or result buffer
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the number of registration elements in the registration context or the number of registration result elements in the result buffer. Note that this inquire is only available for an M_STITCHING or M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO registration context, or a M_STITCHING_RESULT or M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO_RESULT result buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires the number of registration elements in the registration context or the number of registration result elements in the result buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value. INFO |
2 <= Value < 8192 |
Specifies the number of registration elements for a correlation-stitching registration context. |
Value > 3 |
Specifies the number of registration elements for a photometric stereo registration context. |
Inquires the identifier of the system on which the specified registration context or registration result buffer was allocated. SET SET (summarize)Inquires the identifier of the system on which the specified registration context or registration result buffer was allocated. SET SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_DOUBLE
Data type info: Data
type: address of a MIL_DOUBLE
Specifies the default Host system of the current MIL application. |
MIL system identifier |
Specifies a valid system identifier, previously allocated using MsysAlloc(). |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_STITCHING registration context. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT.
For inquiring correlation context
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the accuracy of the registration calculation. SET (summarize)Inquires the accuracy of the registration calculation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Same as M_HIGH. |
Specifies high accuracy. INFO |
Specifies low accuracy. INFO |
Inquires the maximum displacement that will be applied to any pixel in the image during registration, relative to its initial location. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum displacement that will be applied to any pixel in the image during registration, relative to its initial location. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 5 %. |
0.0 < Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the maximum displacement as a percentage. INFO |
Inquires the minimum overlap that should exist between an image and its reference image so that the registration calculation can optimize the match in their overlapping region. SET (summarize)Inquires the minimum overlap that should exist between an image and its reference image so that the registration calculation can optimize the match in their overlapping region. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 20.0 %. |
0.0 < Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the minimum overlap as a percentage. INFO |
Inquires the type of score calculated during registration. This calculated score can be retrieved after registration using MregGetResult() with M_SCORE. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of score calculated during registration. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies to calculate the score based on the normalized grayscale correlation in the overlapped region. |
Specifies that no score is calculated; it is set to 100%. |
Inquires the type of transformation that the registration calculation will use to optimize the match in the images' overlapping regions. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of transformation that the registration calculation will use to optimize the match in the images' overlapping regions. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that a perspective warping can be performed to optimize the match in the overlapping regions. |
Specifies that a translation can be performed to optimize the match in the overlapping regions. |
Specifies that a translation and a rotation can be performed to optimize the match in the overlapping regions. |
Specifies that a translation, a rotation, and a scale operation can be performed to optimize the match in the overlapping regions. |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_STITCHING registration context or a M_STITCHING_RESULT registration result buffer. In this case the Index parameter must be set to a specific element of the registration context or registration result buffer.
For registration elements of correlation-stitching
contexts and correlation-stitching result buffers
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether the optimization step of the registration calculation will be performed. SET (summarize)Inquires whether the optimization step of the registration calculation will be performed. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Same as M_ENABLE. |
Specifies not to perform the optimization calculation. |
Specifies to perform the optimization calculation. |
Inquires the X-coordinate of the origin of the image's pixel coordinate system. SET (summarize)Inquires the X-coordinate of the origin of the image's pixel coordinate system. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that the default X-coordinate of the origin will be used. INFO |
Specifies the X-coordinate of the origin to be at the center of the image. |
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinate of the origin, in pixels. INFO |
Inquires the Y-coordinate of the origin of the image's pixel coordinate system. SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-coordinate of the origin of the image's pixel coordinate system. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Data type info: Data
type: address of a
Specifies that the default Y-coordinate of the origin will be used. INFO |
Specifies the Y-coordinate of the origin to be at the center of the image. |
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinate of the origin, in pixels. INFO |
Inquires the first attribute of the transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. If the first attribute was set to a MIL identifier, this identifier cannot be returned; M_NULL is returned instead. This is the case when the rough location was set using MregSetLocation() with, for example, M_COPY_REG_CONTEXT or M_COPY_REG_RESULT. SET (summarize)Inquires the first attribute of the transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the first attribute was set to a MIL identifier. |
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinate. |
Inquires the second attribute of the transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (summarize)Inquires the second attribute of the transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default index. INFO |
0 <= Value < Number of source elements |
This value can have multiple meanings, as indicated below. (summarize)This value can have multiple meanings, as indicated below. (more details...) |
Specifies the registration element's index. |
Specifies the registration result element's index. |
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinate. |
Inquires the third attribute of the transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (summarize)Inquires the third attribute of the transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the target registration result element's index is the same as the one that is specified in the Target parameter. |
Specifies that the target registration result element's reference is the global pixel coordinate system. |
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the angle of the image in its reference coordinate system. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the target registration result element's index. |
Inquires the type of transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of transformation used to set the rough location of the registration element's image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies that the rough locations are copied from another registration context. |
Specifies that the transformation between two registration result elements is copied. |
Specifies the coordinates of the origin of the registration element's image in the coordinate system of its reference. INFO |
Specifies the coordinates of the origin and the angle of the registration element's image in the coordinate system of its reference. INFO |
Specifies the transformation that transforms an arbitrary quadrilateral in the current image's pixel coordinate system into a rectangle in its reference coordinate system. INFO |
Specifies the transformation that transforms a rectangle in the current image's pixel coordinate system into an arbitrary quadrilateral in its reference coordinate system. INFO |
Specifies the transformation matrix that transforms points in the reference coordinate system into points in the current image's pixel coordinate system. |
Inquires the reference of the registration element's image. SET (summarize)Inquires the reference of the registration element's image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_PREVIOUS. |
Specifies the reference to be the image associated with the registration element whose index follows the specified registration element's index. INFO |
Specifies the reference to be the image associated with the registration element whose index precedes the specified registration element's index. INFO |
Specifies that the reference is the global pixel coordinate system. |
0 <= Value < Number of source elements |
Specifies the index of the registration element of the reference image. |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_STITCHING_RESULT result buffer. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_GENERAL.
For correlation-stitching result
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires which image's pixel values to use when composing the mosaic and two or more images overlap. SET (summarize)Inquires which image's pixel values to use when composing the mosaic and two or more images overlap. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_LAST_IMAGE. |
Specifies to use the average value of the images' pixels in the overlapping region. |
Specifies to use the pixels of the image associated with the registration result element with the lowest index. |
Specifies to fuse the images by progressively blending overlapping pixels. INFO |
Specifies to use the pixels of the image associated with the registration result element with the highest index. |
Specifies to use a super-resolution algorithm to create the mosaic. INFO |
Inquires the X-offset between the origin of the coordinate system used to compose the mosaic and the left side of the destination image buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires the X-offset between the origin of the coordinate system used to compose the mosaic and the left side of the destination image buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_ALIGN_LEFT. |
Specifies that the X-offset (in pixels) will be calculated such that the left-most part of the mosaic will be aligned with the left side of the destination image buffer. |
Value |
Specifies the X-offset, in pixels. |
Inquires the Y-offset between the origin of the coordinate system used to compose the mosaic and the top of the destination image buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires the Y-offset between the origin of the coordinate system used to compose the mosaic and the top of the destination image buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_ALIGN_TOP. |
Specifies that the Y-offset (in pixels) will be calculated such that the top-most part of the mosaic will be aligned with the top of the destination image buffer. |
Value |
Specifies the Y-offset, in pixels. |
Inquires the scaling factor used on images while creating the mosaic. SET (summarize)Inquires the scaling factor used on images while creating the mosaic. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
0.0 < Value <= 10.0 |
Specifies the scale factor. |
Inquires the element whose coordinate system is used when generating the mosaic. If the coordinate system of one of the images is used, the index of its corresponding registration element is returned. If the coordinate system which minimizes changes to the images or the global pixel coordinate system is used, M_ALL or M_REGISTRATION_GLOBAL will be returned, respectively. SET (summarize)Inquires the element whose coordinate system is used when generating the mosaic. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value. INFO |
Specifies that the coordinate system will be chosen such that the minimum change is done on all images during the mosaic composition. INFO |
Specifies that the mosaic will be composed with respect to the global pixel coordinate system. |
0 <= Value < NumberOfElements |
Specifies the index of the registration result element whose image's pixel coordinate system will be used as the reference coordinate system. |
Inquires the radius of the M_CIRCULAR or M_GAUSSIAN point-spread functions (PSF). For M_GAUSSIAN, the radius corresponds to the standard deviation. SET (summarize)Inquires the radius of the M_CIRCULAR or M_GAUSSIAN point-spread functions (PSF). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.5 pixels. |
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the radius of the PSF, in pixel units at the scale of the source images. |
Inquires the type of point-spread function (PSF) to use during super-resolution calculations to model the blurring in source images. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of point-spread function (PSF) to use during super-resolution calculations to model the blurring in source images. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_GAUSSIAN. |
Specifies to assume a PSF that models blurring of single points of light into uniform circles in the image. |
Specifies that no PSF should be assumed during super-resolution calculations. |
Specifies to assume a PSF that models blurring of single points of light into radially symmetric gaussian functions in the image. |
Specifies to assume a PSF that models blurring of single points of light into symmetric square functions in the image. |
Inquires the smoothness value used during super-resolution calculations. SET (summarize)Inquires the smoothness value used during super-resolution calculations. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the smoothness value. |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO_RESULT result buffer. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT.
For operation settings of M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO
registration contexts
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the type of image to draw when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires the type of image to draw when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies to draw the albedo image into the image buffer when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. INFO |
Specifies to draw the Gaussian curvature image into the image buffer when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. INFO |
Specifies to draw the local contrast image into the image buffer when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. INFO |
Specifies to draw the local shape image into the image buffer when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. INFO |
Specifies to draw the mean curvature image into the image buffer when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. INFO |
Specifies to draw the texture image into the image buffer when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to an image buffer. INFO |
Inquires whether the Gaussian curvature image is computed when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires whether the Gaussian curvature image is computed when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies not to compute the Gaussian curvature image. INFO |
Specifies to compute the Gaussian curvature image. |
Inquires whether to compute the local contrast image when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to compute the local contrast image when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies not to compute the local contrast image. INFO |
Specifies to compute the local contrast image. |
Inquires whether to compute the local shape image when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to compute the local shape image when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies not to compute the local shape image. INFO |
Specifies to compute the local shape image. |
Inquires whether the mean curvature image is computed when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires whether the mean curvature image is computed when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies not to compute the mean curvature image. INFO |
Specifies to compute the mean curvature image. |
Inquires whether to compute a correction for non-uniform illumination on the input image. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to compute a correction for non-uniform illumination on the input image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies to compute a correction for non-uniform illumination on the input image. INFO |
Specifies not to compute a correction for non-uniform illumination on the input image. |
Inquires the number of iterations to perform when M_LOCAL_CONTRAST or M_DRAW_LOCAL_CONTRAST_IMAGE is enabled. SET (summarize)Inquires the number of iterations to perform when M_LOCAL_CONTRAST or M_DRAW_LOCAL_CONTRAST_IMAGE is enabled. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1. |
Value >= 0 |
Specifies the number of iterations of morphological operations to perform. INFO |
Inquires whether shape normalization is performed when computing a local shape image (M_LOCAL_SHAPE or M_DRAW_WITH_NO_RESULT set to M_DRAW_LOCAL_SHAPE_IMAGE). SET (summarize)Inquires whether shape normalization is performed when computing a local shape image (M_LOCAL_SHAPE or M_DRAW_WITH_NO_RESULT set to M_DRAW_LOCAL_SHAPE_IMAGE). SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_ENABLE. |
Specifies not to normalize the shape information during local shape computation. |
Specifies to normalize the shape information during local shape computation. |
Inquires whether to compute the texture image when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to compute the texture image when using MregCalculate() with RegResultOrImageId set to a result buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies not to compute the texture image. INFO |
Specifies to compute the texture image. |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO_RESULT result buffer. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_GENERAL.
For operation settings of M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO
registration result buffers
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires whether to automatically calculate the remap factor, or to use a user-defined value. The remap factor is the factor needed to remap the result of an M_DRAW_GAUSSIAN_CURVATURE_IMAGE, M_DRAW_LOCAL_SHAPE_IMAGE, or M_DRAW_MEAN_CURVATURE_IMAGE operation when the destination is not a 32-bit floating-point image buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires whether to automatically calculate the remap factor, or to use a user-defined value. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_AUTO. |
Specifies to automatically calculate the remap factor so that the entire range of the drawn image is represented. |
Specifies to use the remap factor set with M_DRAW_REMAP_FACTOR_VALUE. |
Inquires the remap factor value when M_DRAW_REMAP_FACTOR_MODE is set to M_USER_DEFINED and the destination is not a 32-bit floating-point image buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires the remap factor value when M_DRAW_REMAP_FACTOR_MODE is set to M_USER_DEFINED and the destination is not a 32-bit floating-point image buffer. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.0. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the remap factor. |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO_RESULT result buffer. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT or a specific value.
For registration settings of an M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO
registration context
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the first component of the light vector. When M_LIGHT_VECTOR_TYPE is set to M_SPHERICAL, this component is the polar (zenith) angle. When M_LIGHT_VECTOR_TYPE is set to M_CARTESIAN, this component is the vector's X-coordinate. SET (summarize)Inquires the first component of the light vector. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
0.0 <= Value <= 90.0 |
Specifies the polar (zenith) angle, in degrees, if the light mode is set to the spherical coordinate system. INFO |
Value |
Specifies the X-coordinate of the light vector, if the light mode is set to the Cartesian coordinate system. INFO |
Inquires the second component of the light vector. When M_LIGHT_VECTOR_TYPE is set to M_SPHERICAL, this component is the azimuth angle. When M_LIGHT_VECTOR_TYPE is set to M_CARTESIAN, this component is the vector's Y-coordinate. SET (summarize)Inquires the second component of the light vector. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
0.0 <= Value <= 360.0 |
Specifies the azimuth angle, in degrees, if the light mode is set to the spherical coordinate system. INFO |
Value |
Specifies the Y-coordinate of the light vector, if the light mode is set to the Cartesian coordinate system. INFO |
Inquires the third component of the light vector. When M_LIGHT_VECTOR_TYPE is set to M_SPHERICAL, this component is the relative intensity of the light source. When M_LIGHT_VECTOR_TYPE is set to M_CARTESIAN, this component is the vector's Z-coordinate. SET (summarize)Inquires the third component of the light vector. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Value >= 0.0 |
Specifies the value of the third component. |
Inquires the coordinate system in which the input light vector is represented. SET (summarize)Inquires the coordinate system in which the input light vector is represented. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_SPHERICAL. |
Specifies that the light vector is defined in the Cartesian coordinate system. INFO |
Specifies that the light vector is defined in the spherical coordinate system. INFO |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_EXTENDED_DEPTH_OF_FIELD registration context. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT.
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the radius of the maximum circle of confusion (blurring circle), among the input images. SET (summarize)Inquires the radius of the maximum circle of confusion (blurring circle), among the input images. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 8 pixels. |
1 <= Value <= 256 |
Specifies the maximum radius of the circle of confusion (blurring circle) in pixels. |
M_MODE + |
Inquires the computation mode of the registration operation. SET (summarize)Inquires the computation mode of the registration operation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies a faster computation mode. INFO |
Specifies a computation mode that favors the quality of the extended depth of field (EDoF) image. INFO |
Inquires the maximum distance between a point of an object that is in focus in one image, and the same point in an image in which the object is out of focus, in pixels, among the input images. SET (summarize)Inquires the maximum distance between a point of an object that is in focus in one image, and the same point in an image in which the object is out of focus, in pixels, among the input images. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1 pixel. |
1 <= Value <= 4 |
Specifies the maximum translation distance of a point between two images, in pixels. |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_DEPTH_FROM_FOCUS registration context. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT.
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the adaptive intensity delta. The adaptive intensity delta is the difference between the maximum and minimum intensity values for an object in an image. SET (summarize)Inquires the adaptive intensity delta. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 50.0. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies the maximum difference of intensities. |
Inquires the size of the neighborhood on which to apply the adaptive smoothing. SET (summarize)Inquires the size of the neighborhood on which to apply the adaptive smoothing. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 3.0 pixels. |
Value > 0.0 |
Specifies a distance, in pixels, from the pixel being evaluated. INFO |
Inquires whether the confidence map is computed. SET (summarize)Inquires whether the confidence map is computed. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the confidence map is not computed. |
Specifies that the confidence map is computed. |
Inquires the focus depth size. The focus depth size is the number of images for an object in the image to go from out of focus, to in focus, to out of focus again. SET (summarize)Inquires the focus depth size. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 3 images. |
Value > 1 |
Specifies the number of images. |
Inquires whether the intensity map is computed. SET (summarize)Inquires whether the intensity map is computed. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_DISABLE. |
Specifies that the intensity map is not computed. |
Specifies that the intensity map is computed. |
Inquires the mode of regularization used to adjust the coherency of neighboring pixels in the index map. SET (summarize)Inquires the mode of regularization used to adjust the coherency of neighboring pixels in the index map. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Same as M_AVERAGE. |
Specifies that the regularization takes into account the local geometry and the change in intensity of the content in the source image. INFO |
Specifies that the regularization takes into account the average dominance of neighboring pixels. |
Specifies that the regularization is based on the raw pixel values and that no post-processing is done to ensure the coherency of neighboring pixels. |
Inquires the neighborhood size when regulation is used. This should typically not be larger than the smallest object's dimension in the image. SET (summarize)Inquires the neighborhood size when regulation is used. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 5 pixels. |
Value >= 3 |
Specifies the size of the neighborhood, in pixels. INFO |
For the following inquire types, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify an M_HIGH_DYNAMIC_RANGE registration context. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT.
For inquiring about the operation settings of an
M_HIGH_DYNAMIC_RANGE registration context
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the required coverage ratio for a successful merge of each source image into the intermediate, working HDR image. The specified value is the ratio between the number of selected pixels and the total number of usable pixels. SET (summarize)Inquires the required coverage ratio for a successful merge of each source image into the intermediate, working HDR image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.05. |
0.0 <= Value <= 1.0 |
Specifies the fusion coverage ratio. |
Inquires the threshold to filter out the saturated pixels (that is, the near maximum values) of the image. Specify the threshold as a percentage of the current working range of pixel values, which widens with each source image that is merged into the intermediate, working HDR image. SET (summarize)Inquires the threshold to filter out the saturated pixels (that is, the near maximum values) of the image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 95.0 %. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the fusion high threshold, as a percentage. |
Inquires the threshold to filter out the underexposed pixels (that is, the near 0 values) of the image. Specify the threshold as a percentage of the current working range of pixel values, which widens with each source image that is merged into the intermediate, working HDR image. SET (summarize)Inquires the threshold to filter out the underexposed pixels (that is, the near 0 values) of the image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 5.0 %. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the fusion low threshold, as a percentage. |
Inquires the criteria by which source image pixels are selected for contribution to the HDR image calculation. Saturated and underexposed pixels are excluded, and the remaining pixels are then used to calculate the gain to apply to the source image to successfully merge it with the intermediate, working HDR image. SET (summarize)Inquires the criteria by which source image pixels are selected for contribution to the HDR image calculation. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is M_PERCENTILE_VALUE + M_IN_RANGE. |
Specifies to eliminate from the calculation those pixels whose values exceed or fall short of the limits set with M_FUSION_HIGH_THRESHOLD and M_FUSION_LOW_THRESHOLD, respectively. This value is combined with a value from the following table: Specifies to eliminate from the calculation those pixels whose values exceed or fall short of the limits set with M_FUSION_HIGH_THRESHOLD and M_FUSION_LOW_THRESHOLD, respectively. (more details...) |
Inquires the tone mapping coefficient when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. SET (summarize)Inquires the tone mapping coefficient when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 0.5. |
0.0 <= Value <= 1.0 |
Specifies the tone mapping coefficient. |
Inquires the tone mapping high threshold to use when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. Specify the threshold as a percentage of the source image's pixel intensity levels. This removes unnecessary pixel intensity levels at the saturated end, and allows more intensity distribution elsewhere in the image. SET (summarize)Inquires the tone mapping high threshold to use when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 99.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the tone mapping high threshold, as a percentage. |
Inquires the tone mapping low threshold to use when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. Specify the threshold as a percentage of the source image's pixel intensity levels. This removes unnecessary pixel intensity levels at the near-zero end, and allows more intensity distribution elsewhere in the image. SET (summarize)Inquires the tone mapping low threshold to use when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 1.0. |
0.0 <= Value <= 100.0 |
Specifies the tone mapping low threshold, as a percentage. |
Inquires the tone mapping mode to use when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. Tone mapping distributes pixel intensity values within the specified range. You can also specify to disable tone mapping (M_DISABLE), in which case the raw HDR image is drawn into the destination buffer. SET (summarize)Inquires the tone mapping mode to use when calculating the tone-mapped HDR image. SET (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is M_PERCENTILE_VALUE + M_IN_RANGE. |
Specifies not to use a tone mapping mode. |
Specifies to apply tone mapping to source image pixels whose intensity levels fall within the limits set with M_TONE_MAPPING_HIGH_THRESHOLD and M_TONE_MAPPING_LOW_THRESHOLD, respectively. INFO This value is combined with a value from the following table: Specifies to apply tone mapping to source image pixels whose intensity levels fall within the limits set with M_TONE_MAPPING_HIGH_THRESHOLD and M_TONE_MAPPING_LOW_THRESHOLD, respectively. INFO (more details...) |
The following value is combined with the above-mentioned values to specify a threshold condition.
For specifying a threshold condition
Combination value | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies to apply the fusion or tone mapping to pixels within a specified range. INFO |
For the following inquire type, the ContextOrResultId parameter must specify a M_DEPTH_FROM_FOCUS, M_EXTENDED_DEPTH_OF_FIELD, M_HIGH_DYNAMIC_RANGE, M_PHOTOMETRIC_STEREO, or M_STITCHING registration context. In this case, the Index parameter must be set to M_CONTEXT.
For inquiring the timeout value for any registration
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Inquires the timeout value for MregCalculate(). (summarize)Inquires the timeout value for MregCalculate(). (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Specifies the default value; the default value is 2000.0 msec. |
Specifies that there is no timeout value. |
Value |
Specifies the timeout value, in msec. |
You can add one of the following values to the above-mentioned values to cast the requested information to a required data type.
For specifying the data type
InquireType | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UserVarPtr - Possible values returned |
Casts the requested information to a MIL_DOUBLE. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_DOUBLE. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_ID. Note that M_TYPE_MIL_ID should only be used with M_OWNER_SYSTEM. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_ID. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT32. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT32. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT64. (summarize)Casts the requested information to a MIL_INT64. (more details...) |
UserVarPtr extra info |
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Data type info:
Data type: address of a
Header | Include mil.h. |
Library | Use mil.lib; milreg.lib. |
DLL | Requires mil.dll; milreg.dll. |