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Steps to measure and validate expected features

See also
Not available in MIL-Lite

Available in MIL

The following steps provide a basic methodology for using the MIL Metrology module:

  • Allocate a metrology context to store the features and tolerances of your metrology template and to store global processing settings, using MmetAlloc(). When you allocate a metrology context, the global reference frame is automatically created.

  • Allocate a metrology result buffer to hold the results of your calculations, using MmetAllocResult().

  • Define the features of your metrology template. For each feature:

    • Add the feature to the template, using MmetAddFeature(). Typically, you should add physically measured features before constructed features.

    • For a physically measured feature, you must set the feature's metrology region in the template, using MmetSetRegion().

    • If necessary, adjust feature settings using successive calls to MmetControl().

  • Define the geometric tolerances of your metrology template. For each tolerance:

  • If necessary, specify your required global processing settings, using successive calls to MmetControl().

  • If necessary, reposition features (typically, a reference frame) in the template, depending on the location of the object in the target image, using MmetSetPosition().

  • Calculate features and validate geometric tolerances for the object in the target image, using MmetCalculate().

  • Retrieve the required results from the result buffer, using MmetGetResult().

  • If necessary, draw specific metrology result features and geometric tolerances in an image buffer, using MmetDraw().

  • If necessary, save your metrology context, using MmetSave().

  • Free your metrology context and result buffer, using MmetFree().